
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Portland Attacks Won’t Be Stopped by Smearing Conservatives as White Supremacists

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Men of good will can all agree with that sentiment. So how come men of ill will then turn around and conflate those who oppose their subversion as “haters”? (TriMet/Facebook)


“Attacks like Portland’s will keep happening unless we all fight white supremacy,” lawyer Arjun Singh Sethi writes in The Washington Post. He was referring to accounts of multiple stabbings by a violent racist that left two dead and one injured when they stepped in to intervene against harassment of two teenage girls, one reportedly a Muslim. And, as a wade through his opportunistic screed reveals, he’s dancing in the blood to reinforce cherry-picked numbers and advance the meme that “The greatest threat facing our country comes from homegrown white supremacists, not Muslims or refugees.”
It happened in “progressive” Portland on a train where knives with blades over 3½ inches are banned (law enforcement exempted, of course), and the stabbing victims appear to have all been white. But if you ignore law being ignored and the reality of who was actually injured, and just let Sethi control the narrative, it feeds the real idea being promulgated — that it’s Donald Trump’s fault:
“Hundreds of hate groups now champion white supremacy and draw inspiration from President Trump, whose rhetoric and policies have emboldened their nativism and prejudice.”
That, of course, means anyone who does not support open borders is a bigot and a xenophobe.
Much is made of the suspect’s Nazi sympathies, to further bolster the “right wing extremist” smears against Americans who reject “progressivism” and instead believe in government of limited powers as delegated and enumerated in the Constitution.  The glossed-over problem with that: The Nazis were “National Socialists.”  And while liars try to refute that by pointing out how Hitler was bitter enemies with communists, that struggle was over whose totalitarian vision and regime would prevail.
“It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of National Socialism was not hypocritical,” author George Watson documented in “Hitler and the Socialist Dream.” (By way of “credentials,” Watson was a “scholar, literary critic, historian, a fellow of St John’s College and professor of English at Cambridge University,” who, rather than being some “far right” apologist, was also, incidentally, “an active member of the Liberal Party [who] in his will … left £950,000 to the Liberal Democrats.”)
If political and media opportunists really want to play the game of blaming races and ideologies, plenty of counter-examples can be provided, including the inconvenient truth that the alleged killer appears to have been a Bernie Sanders supporter, and the only reason he’s glad Trump beat Hillary was “I take the fast poison over the slow any day.”

The reason for that blame game is obvious: A faction determined to culturally terraform the Republic wants to establish political control by using United States immigration policies to bring in foreigners who can be placed on a “pathway to citizenship.” That’s because all reliable indicators and experience shows that will give Democrats unchallengeable legislative majorities, allowing them to pass whatever edicts they like — and to appoint judges who will uphold them. And the best way to scare off or otherwise neuter critics of that policy of national suicide is to label and ostracize them as racists.
That tack effectively buries the argument that, as with everything else it is supposed to do, government’s immigration policies ought to be enacted to fulfill its purpose as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution, specifically:
“[T]o form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”
After seeing the examples of Europe, in recent years, allowing masses of foreign nationals into this country that cannot be properly vetted, and giving “sanctuary” to the illegal ones, hardly seems the best way to attain those goals. Nor does demonizing as haters American citizens committed to “guard with jealous attention the public liberty”…

UPDATE by Stewart Rhodes:   Video footage shows Trump supporters kicking Portland stabbing killer Jeremey Christian out of their free speech rally/march on April 29, 2017:

The lying leftist media is insisting that he was part of that April 29 pro-Trump free speech march, and therefore was a Trump supporter, when clearly the rally organizers and attendees wanted nothing to do with him and kicked him out of their march, with the assistance of the police (one officer literally pushes him away from the Trump people).   The police made the right call, as the event organizers and pro-Trump marchers had a right to freedom of association and speech (they shouldn’t  have to let someone else co-opt their event and their message).
He was still free to speak his nonsense, but not in their midst.   He could stand separate from them, and say whatever idiotic crap he wanted  – he was calling a white Antifa kid a “white nigger” and throwing Nazi salutes, aka “Roman salutes” while yelling “hail victory” and “Sieg Heil, “according to his own account of the day – but he had no right to force himself on the Trump supporters who were NOT racists and co-opt their event.   A good example of why event organizers need to be aware that infiltrators and nuts will try to worm their way in to co-opt their event and message, and have a plan for dealing with it.   And a good example of the police handling it in the right way, to protect both the right to freedom of speech and the right to freedom of association for everyone.  – Stewart

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