Bob Livingston
As I explained
last month,
benevolent totalitarianism is the concept of government control by and
through deception. For more than 100 years, America has operated as a
benevolent totalitarianism. But what happens when totalitarianism ceases
to be benevolent?
If benevolent totalitarianism is subtle, outright totalitarianism is
open warfare on the people. That is what is beginning in America. We now
find ourselves in the opening phase of outright attacks on the people
as government exerts greater control in order to suppress dissent over
the natural transition from benevolent to non-benevolent
That America is a fascist Nation is no longer deniable. Fascism, as
described by Benito Mussolini, is the merger of state and corporate
power. All significant legislation passed in recent years has been
designed to either increase the power of the state to control the
people, to increase the power and wealth of corporations or to
strengthen their symbiotic relationship. As legislation that
accomplishes these things is detrimental to the best interests of the
people, it can be described only as salvos being fired against the
people and in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
America was designed as a representative republic, with
Representatives elected by the people to represent their interests when
laws are passed. Senators were to be selected by the States to represent
the interests of their States. Neither the Congress nor the President
is answerable to the people or the States today. They answer only to
their corporate sugar daddies and NGOs (non-governmental organizations)
that operate behind the scenes. These NGOs, dominated by monied
interests, include, but are not limited to, the Federal Reserve, The
Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and various and
sundry “think tanks” propped up by the same corporate sugar daddies
lining the pockets of Congress.
The names of the people running and funding these NGOs are mostly
familiar and pop up from time to time in various ways in government and
out: appearing in Presidential cabinets, heading alphabet soup
government agencies, sitting on the boards of corporations, running the
World Bank, etc. Theirs are the corporations that receive the contracts
for government business as it makes war on other countries, move in to
rape and pillage the natural resources of Third World countries (see
The Secret History of American Empire and
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, both by John Perkins) or fulfill the mandates of legislation (insurance, Big Pharma, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, etc.).
In 2008, against the wishes of the majority of America, George W.
Bush pushed through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a $700
billion boondoggle of largess to bail out the banksters and their
criminal co-conspirators on Wall Street. To sell it, Bush employed
classic Orwellian doublethink saying, “I’ve abandoned free market
principles to save the free market system.”
Opposition to this criminal transfer of wealth from the middle class
to the wealthy bankster criminals — whose illegal activity combined with
Federal Reserve money printing caused the collapse — spawned the Tea
Party movement. And Bush’s legacy, such as it was, was swept into the
dustbin filled with 20
th century progressive/socialist
Presidents like Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt,
Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
The tragically misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
was likewise passed against the wishes of the American people.
Then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi mockingly told us we would have
to wait until it was passed to find out what’s in it. As bad as the
Obamacare deathcare system looked then, it looks even worse now that
we’re on the cusp of its implementation.
Obamacare is more doublethink. Passed under the guise of providing
healthcare insurance for everyone, it served only to benefit and profit
Big Insurance and Big Pharma to the detriment of small business and the
American worker. A majority of Americans remain opposed to it, and
opposition continues to grow; yet there is no move by unaccountable
Congress to remove the blight of Obamacare. Meanwhile, Health and Human
Services Secretary Kathleen Sebilius is strong-arming companies that
will benefit from the Obamacare deathcare trap into contributing to the
marketing of the byzantine boondoggle.
Now we know that the Internal Revenue Service, which is nothing more
than a blunt instrument used to cudgel American workers and small
businesses as it transfers wealth and creates dossiers on all
“taxpayers,” is targeting Americans based on their opposition to big
government. And this monstrosity will have full access to the supposedly
private medical records of all Americans.
Revelations of the hyper-Orwellian spying system reveal even more
government/business symbiosis. Government and Big Business are sharing
the electronic data of Americans so that nothing is private: not phone
calls, not text messages, not emails, not associations. But the spying
is not limited to the hoi polloi. A warrant, which at least gave the
face of legitimacy to this unConstitutional activity, is no longer even
needed. Judges are giving wide latitude to the data collectors.
Whistle-blowers now claim the spying extends to judges (including
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges who approve the
warrants), Supreme Court justices, the elected class, military brass and
high-ranking government functionaries. The data collected is such that
the intelligence community could essentially blackmail everyone in
government. It’s coup in the making.
The Senate Gang of Thugs is pushing a bill to give amnesty to 11
million or more illegal aliens. This, too, goes against the wishes of a
majority of Americans. Yet those elected to “represent” Americans are
again ignoring the will of the people. The amnesty bill has nothing to
do with helping the illegals gain legal status. It is a bill designed to
provide to businesses millions of workers content with slave wages and
to provide unions millions of prospective dues-paying slaves. The fact
that it will turn America into a Third World backwater, drive up
unemployment — particularly among blacks and the poor — and drive down
wages across the board is irrelevant to the psychopathic criminal class
inhabiting the Nation’s cesspool.
There is a crackdown on what’s left of the free press and anyone who
would consider blowing the whistle on government corruption. The Edward
Snowden narrative doesn’t pass the smell test, so there is something
deeper going on than the story we’re given.
Yet the message to potential whistle-blowers is clear: Reveal
anything and your life is over. You will be branded a traitor or worse.
Your family will suffer. And, members of the press: You, too, will be
called traitors simply because you did your job and reported on
government corruption. Your 1
st Amendment rights have been
stripped away. And get too close to the truth and there are serious
consequences, as Michael Hastings learned.
Hastings, the reporter whose stories brought down Gen. Stanley
McChrystal, died in a suspicious fiery one-car accident last week. When
he died, he was reportedly working on a story about the CIA and had told
WikiLeaks that he was being investigated by the FBI.
History shows that as regimes begin to fail they become more onerous,
more aggressive and finally more violent toward their own citizens. The
American system is in a state of collapse. The signs are obvious to
those who are aware. I hope you are prepared.