oped: I felt it was time to rehash a older article dated June 22,2011..This is do in part to the lack of action by our Congress to Impeach Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama..I strongly urge Congress to start Impeachment hearings so those 'good' agents within the FBI can come forward with their findings..I believe they are being withheld as they would have to be reviewed by Obama's front man in the US Attorney's office his partner in crime Eric Holder>
If congress started Impeachment hearings on Barack Obama for Sedition and Treason...outright fraud and deception those agents could be subpoened directly by Congress bypassing Eric Holder et al! Now on to the article which proves Obama is in fact a Marxist/Islamist as are all 'Progressive' Democrats!

Cliff Kincaid
a front page story
about a major FBI terrorism investigation, The Washington Post has
reported that the targets include “Chicagoans who crossed paths with
Obama when he was a young state senator and some who have been active in
labor unions that supported his political rise.” The implication is
that the trail could lead to the White House.
This is an unusual investigation that does not primarily involve
Islamists. Instead, it is focused on elements of the old international
communist networks that many people mistakenly thought had faded away
with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Those under investigation are
suspected of providing support to foreign terrorist organizations such
as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the Middle East, a Marxist
group. The Post called them “Colombian and Palestinian groups designated
by the U.S. government as terrorists.”
The investigations came into public view last September when the FBI
raided the homes of several “activists,” as the Post called them. Some
lived in Chicago.
One of the targets, Tom Burke, was a union organizer for the Service
Employees International Union (SEIU). He was so confident he would get a
fair shake from the Post that he provided the paper with a photo of
himself shaking hands with Barack Obama. The other apparent intention
was to send a message to the President and Attorney General Eric Holder
that any investigation of Burke might lead to Obama.
The Post suggested that investigations of labor union activists might
jeopardize their support for Obama’s 2012 presidential run. Indeed, it
could therefore threaten his re-election bid, if investigations
determine that the activists did more than “cross paths” with the
Deep inside the article, in the 29
th paragraph, we find out that some of the “activists” are associated with a group known as the
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a Marxist-Leninist organization. Burke is a member of the FRSO, which the Post admitted was “far left.”
The obvious question is why Obama, as a state senator in Illinois,
would ever have “crossed paths” with such people. The answer goes beyond
just union support for the candidate. The “far-left” networks that
include the FRSO, the Communist Party USA, the New American Movement,
and the Democratic Socialists of America backed and even spawned Obama’s
political career. Don’t forget that Weather Underground leaders Bill
Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn hosted a fundraiser for his first run for
political office. The same networks also backed CIA Director Leon
Panetta’s career when he was a congressman from Santa Cruz, California.
This helps explain why Obama would pick Panetta, with no intelligence
background, to run the intelligence agency. They are cut from the same
Nevertheless, on Tuesday, the Senate voted 100-0 in favor of
Panetta’s nomination as Secretary of Defense. It was a classic case of
“head in the sand” politics, ignoring not only Panetta’s long-time
relationship with Communist Party member Hugh DeLacy but his record as a
congressman in undercutting then-President Reagan’s pro-defense
policies at every turn.
Obama and Panetta were players in the “progressive” community, which
since the days of Henry Wallace, presidential candidate of the
Progressive Party, has had a red tint. Obama had his own communist
mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party member under FBI
investigation for 19 years, while Panetta gave DeLacy, who had traveled
to China to meet with Soviet and Chinese intelligence agents, sensitive
reports on U.S. military matters. Any notion that Panetta had no
awareness of DeLacy’s Communist affiliation was obliterated when Panetta
in 1983 inserted a tribute to DeLacy into the Congressional Record,
praising his resistance to “McCarthyism.”
Former FBI agent Max Noel once told me that the Bureau used to
investigate candidates for federal employment by analyzing Character,
Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States. The first
letters in those words make up the acronym CARL. By the standard of
“A”—Associates—Panetta flunks. But so does Obama.
Another sensitive case involves Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton and wife of disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner.
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack have reported that Arab newspapers have
revealed that Huma Abedin’s mother is a member of the Muslim
Brotherhood, a group whose goal is to subvert Western civilization.
Jamie Glazov of Front Page Magazine asks
Robert Spencer, “There is a remote possibility that Abedin is actually
being deceptive in her marriage to Weiner to follow Muslim Brotherhood
instructions and to infiltrate the U.S. government, correct?” Spencer
replies, “Certainly. That is a very real possibility, and it should be
investigated. But the only ones who have the means to do so are
mainstream media journalists who are either clueless or complicit.”
It may also be the case that the FBI never investigated Abedin’s background.
As the FBI does not vet presidential candidates for national security
purposes, we know there would have been no FBI investigation into
Obama’s own background, associations, loyalty, and overall fitness for
office. The FBI only probes those being considered for some federal
positions under the president. They should have therefore investigated
Panetta. But there is no indication that he was ever properly vetted.
Now he is confirmed as Secretary of Defense because conservative
Republican Senators were apparently afraid of being accused of
McCarthyism for questioning his past associations.
On the other hand, the “progressives” are raising hell with Obama and
want him to rein in the FBI. They want to further emasculate the agency
charged with ferretting out subversives and terrorist support networks.
As the Post noted, “nine members of Congress have written letters to
the administration” complaining about the FBI probe of Burke and other
activists. The Post even noted that another one of the targets of the
investigation, a union organizer named Tracy Molm, managed to arrange a
meeting with Holder himself.
One of these congressional members is Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison, the
foremost critic of Rep. Peter King’s hearings into radical Islam in
America. “Shortly after the raids,”
Ellison said,
“I made inquiries to the FBI field office for more information. FBI
Special Agent Boelter confirmed that an investigation was ongoing. He
informed me that due to the pending nature of the investigation, he was
prohibited from sharing any further information. However he gave me
assurance that the purpose of the searches and service of subpoenas was
not to punish or to suppress protected First Amendment activity.”
Pro-Marxist activist Medea Benjamin has said she managed to have a
few words with Holder as well to complain about the probes. She is with
the Code Pink group that travels to Gaza to meet with the terrorist
group Hamas. She is also a staunch ally of Adam Kokesh, the “Russia
Today” TV star who openly admits that he functions as a paid Russian
agent of the Vladimir Putin regime.
Holder is receptive to this kind of appeal because of his friendship
with Obama and record as Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton
Administration for facilitating pardons and clemency for terrorists from
the Puerto Rican FALN and Weather Underground. It is this record that
puts the current investigations by the FBI in serious jeopardy.
The Post article has to be seen as a signal to Holder from those
around Obama that he must act quickly to close down these investigations
before they get too close for comfort to the Oval Office. First,
however, he has to make sure that the congressional investigations don’t
get too close to Holder himself. It won’t look good for the Attorney
General to be personally implicated in knowledge of the federal
gunrunning schemes now under Congressional investigation that provided
weapons to Mexican narco-terrorist cartels. The evidence already shows
that federal authorities let guns fall into the hands of known