This pretty much sums up people who post non real character avatars in Twitter and Facebook..what are they hiding?...hummmm setting a trap for unsuspecting voyeurs or living out a fantasy dream and wanting attention...dunno you be the
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Has Obama Given His Okay To The Russians Lining Up With Syria And Iran Against Israel?
by: Jim Emerson
Russia is anticipating that Iran will be attacked this summer and has developed a contingency plan to mass troops along the Iranian border. On the surface, this move will be used by the Russians to justify the move to protect its interests in the region as well assist the Islamic regime if needed. Their plan doesn’t leave out the possibility of Russian forces to engage Israelis and Americans if Moscow feels its interests in Iran are threatened. The goal will be a show of force to stop any former Soviet states from providing military support to any country which attacks Iran and/or Syria.
Moscow’s involvement in Syria includes an upgrading of a Russian-maintained long-range radar surveillance station in Damascus. This will alert the Arab nation of any incoming NATO aerial attack and monitor the Air operations of Israel and other nearby countries. By mutual agreement with Russia and Iran, this station will provide early warning alerts of any Israeli Air operations. The Russians are certain that Israel will strike this summer; this may be based on the overheard conversation between Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last month.
The Russian plan is to prevent former Soviet countries from providing bases to the United States and Israel that may be used to strike targets in Iran. Russia has a historical paranoia of foreign armies near it border, and this plan reflects that perspective. Putin’s Russia will take advantage of the world’s obsession with Iran and invade the Georgia Republic Armenia and Azerbaijan with little attention and objections from the United States and the UN. This will be seen as a win-win situation for the Russians and their Iranian allies.
If attacked by any Western powers, Iran’s security depends on the intervention of China and Russia on its behalf. The Russians can always depend on their Asian friends to block any UN sanctions and will block any resolution involving military action. Iran will have no objection to the Russian military massing along it borders. In their view, it will provide a strong deterrence against Israel and the United States.
Obama sold out Poland to the Russians during the SALT talks; how much would he and the Secretary of State object to Putin’s plan to rebuild the former Soviet Empire? What else did Obama whisper to Medvedev? Time will tell.
Russia is anticipating that Iran will be attacked this summer and has developed a contingency plan to mass troops along the Iranian border. On the surface, this move will be used by the Russians to justify the move to protect its interests in the region as well assist the Islamic regime if needed. Their plan doesn’t leave out the possibility of Russian forces to engage Israelis and Americans if Moscow feels its interests in Iran are threatened. The goal will be a show of force to stop any former Soviet states from providing military support to any country which attacks Iran and/or Syria.
Moscow’s involvement in Syria includes an upgrading of a Russian-maintained long-range radar surveillance station in Damascus. This will alert the Arab nation of any incoming NATO aerial attack and monitor the Air operations of Israel and other nearby countries. By mutual agreement with Russia and Iran, this station will provide early warning alerts of any Israeli Air operations. The Russians are certain that Israel will strike this summer; this may be based on the overheard conversation between Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last month.
The Russian plan is to prevent former Soviet countries from providing bases to the United States and Israel that may be used to strike targets in Iran. Russia has a historical paranoia of foreign armies near it border, and this plan reflects that perspective. Putin’s Russia will take advantage of the world’s obsession with Iran and invade the Georgia Republic Armenia and Azerbaijan with little attention and objections from the United States and the UN. This will be seen as a win-win situation for the Russians and their Iranian allies.
If attacked by any Western powers, Iran’s security depends on the intervention of China and Russia on its behalf. The Russians can always depend on their Asian friends to block any UN sanctions and will block any resolution involving military action. Iran will have no objection to the Russian military massing along it borders. In their view, it will provide a strong deterrence against Israel and the United States.
Obama sold out Poland to the Russians during the SALT talks; how much would he and the Secretary of State object to Putin’s plan to rebuild the former Soviet Empire? What else did Obama whisper to Medvedev? Time will tell.
Can't a man get a drink in this town?
Where's Wyatt Earp when you need him?
by:Bob Unruh
Historic Western Town Fights Feds over very existence:
A new fight has developed in the American West over water, where
strategies to use the liquid gold routinely are litigated and
challenged. But in one case, according to a legal team, the result
literally could kill the historic town of Tombstone, Ariz.
The Goldwater Institute
today told WND it has filed a motion for a preliminary injunction that
would allow town officials to go into the Huachuca Mountains to repair
the collection system – pools, pipes and related equipment – that
provide the town with much-needed water in the desert climate.
The federal government has said no.
Nick Dranias, head of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the institute, said the issue is far larger than just a dispute over whether trucks and tractors can be used to repair city-owned property inside a federal land preserve.
“This is a case of egregious federal overreach,” an institute report on the conflict said. “If the Forest Service can effectively seize Tombstone’s 130-year-old water rights during a state of emergency – rights that the service recognized as valid in 1916 – no state or local government will be safe from the feds.”
In the arid West, most cities and towns, including Cheyenne, Wyo., and the Denver metropolitan area, draw at least some of their water from collection systems on federal lands. In other parts of the nation, municipalities have their wells and other critical infrastructure sometimes on federal properties.
“By denying Tombstone access to its water, the Forest Service is threatening to directly regulate Tombstone to death,” the institute said.
The shortage developed because of the Monument Fire in 2011, which denuded the hillsides of vegetation. After the fire, record-breaking monsoon rains hit the region, triggering huge mudslides that left boulders the size of cars tumbling down hillsides.
The slides crushed Tombstone’s mountain spring waterlines and destroyed reservoirs for the town’s main water supply network.
“In some areas, Tombstone’s pipeline is under 12 feet of mud, rocks and other debris, while in other places, it is hanging in mid-air due to the ground being washed out from under it,” the institute reported.
However, instead of allowing repairs as has happened in the past, “federal bureaucrats are refusing to allow Tombstone to unearth its springs and restore its waterlines unless [city officials] jump through a lengthy permitting process that will require the city to use horses and hand tools to remove boulders the size of Volkswagens.”
Dranias told WND the organization expects to hear a decision on its request for a preliminary injunction by the end of next month.
He called the skirmish just the “tip of the iceberg.”
He said there is evidence that the Forest Service under Barack Obama’s leadership is adopting a comprehensive plan “to clear federal lands of any private or non-federal uses.”
read more:
Seems a new gang of bullies is
terrorizing the good citizens of Tombstone, Ariz. -- cutting them off
from their primary source of drinking water ... stealing water rights
adjudicated nearly a century ago.
And the name of this gang of water rustlers? The U.S. Forest Unruh
Historic Western Town Fights Feds over very existence:

The federal government has said no.
Nick Dranias, head of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the institute, said the issue is far larger than just a dispute over whether trucks and tractors can be used to repair city-owned property inside a federal land preserve.
“This is a case of egregious federal overreach,” an institute report on the conflict said. “If the Forest Service can effectively seize Tombstone’s 130-year-old water rights during a state of emergency – rights that the service recognized as valid in 1916 – no state or local government will be safe from the feds.”
In the arid West, most cities and towns, including Cheyenne, Wyo., and the Denver metropolitan area, draw at least some of their water from collection systems on federal lands. In other parts of the nation, municipalities have their wells and other critical infrastructure sometimes on federal properties.
“By denying Tombstone access to its water, the Forest Service is threatening to directly regulate Tombstone to death,” the institute said.
The shortage developed because of the Monument Fire in 2011, which denuded the hillsides of vegetation. After the fire, record-breaking monsoon rains hit the region, triggering huge mudslides that left boulders the size of cars tumbling down hillsides.
The slides crushed Tombstone’s mountain spring waterlines and destroyed reservoirs for the town’s main water supply network.
“In some areas, Tombstone’s pipeline is under 12 feet of mud, rocks and other debris, while in other places, it is hanging in mid-air due to the ground being washed out from under it,” the institute reported.
However, instead of allowing repairs as has happened in the past, “federal bureaucrats are refusing to allow Tombstone to unearth its springs and restore its waterlines unless [city officials] jump through a lengthy permitting process that will require the city to use horses and hand tools to remove boulders the size of Volkswagens.”
Dranias told WND the organization expects to hear a decision on its request for a preliminary injunction by the end of next month.
He called the skirmish just the “tip of the iceberg.”
He said there is evidence that the Forest Service under Barack Obama’s leadership is adopting a comprehensive plan “to clear federal lands of any private or non-federal uses.”
read more:
Friday, April 13, 2012
Jo Biden's Evil Twin singing Obama Praises...!
I don't know about y'all but I am thinking Progressive Liberals are all clones from a Evil or their Mommas thru away the babies and kept the afterbirth..dunno for sure! Oh well enjoy the joke on them!
It's Official: Barack Obama Has Declared Himself De-facto Dictator Of The United States Of America.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the sick and repulsive "novelty item" to the right is now being flown by Obama's minions across the country. Even the see-no-evil-Obama-media has taken notice of people flying this desecration in various places across the country, including a Democratic Headquarters in Florida.
The fact that people would desecrate the flag in such a manner should make you angry, but it's also a symptom of a deep sickness. You would have expected to see such a cultish display in Mao Tse Tung's China or in Soviet Russia... but never here... never in the good ol' USA.
But it's flying here and that means that the cult of personality is alive and well in what used to pass for the United States of America. It can no longer be ignored.We are now being ruled by a tin-pot,de facto dictator and it's about time that someone ,other than Obama's minions who fly that desecration with pride in their hearts,who has the courage to admit it.
The Obama Regime is a full-grown malignancy... a horrendous disease afflicting this great nation; and the picture above proves it more than any words can ever express. And there is only one cure for what ails this great nation. The time for Congress to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA is upon us. It is now!
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Video: La Raza: Blacks, Hispanics Should Team Up “To Attack Common Enemies”
La Raza President Janet Murguia used Wednesday’s Al Sharpton radio show
to spew the latest round of racial hatred. Murgola called on blacks and
Hispanics to team up against the common enemy (white people). It’s more
of that hope-and-change we were promised.
Michelle Obama Loses Law License For Extortion!
#vettheprez #vetthefirstlady #vettheentireobamaadmin Enough is enough of this Corrupt POTUS and First lady et al
Michelle Obama Loses Law License
Did you know that our First Lady Michelle Obama lost her law license back in 1993? Oh sure I knew that, “NOT.” Sure, I saw this on the front page of the New York Times during the elections of 2008, “NOT.” I’ve listed below from the State of Illinois’s website of the court action against Michelle forcing her to give up her license. It’s understood that in the box attacked below under Malpractice Insurance – “No malpractice report required as attorney is under court order inactive status.”
In other words Michelle was under court order to give up her license and is not allowed to practice law in Illinois, period. I hate to use this word but its “rumored” that she was extorting clients. Again, it’s “rumored!” It’s also “rumored” that our President Barack Obama may have been disciplined for not divulging other names that he has used in the past. That really concerns me. He also has an inactive Illinois license to practice law (listed below).
This is so unfortunate for the Obama’s, after all they are our first family and he is the first black/white President of the United States but I can’t stop thinking that this guy and his wife are not who they say they are. They don’t seem to uphold the integrity of our past first families, yes, even Richard Nixon for all you lefties out there.
The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. My research is finding reputable sources disclosing many of their past discretion’s and questionable acquaintances.
Obamas background is questionable enough but do we now have to worry about his wife, also? My god do we have a den of thieves living in the White House?
If you want to check yourself, here is the link and just search under “Obama.” Bingo!
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Michelle Obama
Full Former name(s):
Michelle Lavaughn Robinson
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
May 12, 1989
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status.
Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings:
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Barack Hussein Obama
Full Former name(s):
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
December 17, 1991
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily retired and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is retired.
I wanted to include this comment taken from Atlas Shrugs blog site. It’s quite revealing. LINK…
In case readers are wondering….in 1992 Michelle Obama was still an active member of illinois bar but had left sidley austin law firm to go work for mayor daley YES that Mayor Daley in Chicago-she worked as Daleys “assistant” for a year and a half-(that term drives me nuts but that is how it is listed on her BIO–she was his “assistant…” thats a FACT!now what does a harvard trained ‘assistant” do for the most corrupt mayor and city gov in america…???after working in 1992 for Daley…in 1993 she assumed a role in some community organziing venture called PUBLIC ALLIES (another community organizer in the family?)my smell test tells me as Daleys assistant…she was not always doing something kosher…and in 1992 she was still member of the bar…perhaps after her dealings with him and for him…she was CAUGHT doing some shenigans…and was put on court ordered inactive status later in 1993–after the issue was brought to the ADRC attention.seriously, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to wonder if MO was working for Daley in 1992 and her license went on COURT ORDERED INACTIVE STATUS soon after her connection and work with him…that she is not guilty of SOMETHING unethical (which is all it needs) or worse…she did something illegal.
Michelle Obama Loses Law License
Did you know that our First Lady Michelle Obama lost her law license back in 1993? Oh sure I knew that, “NOT.” Sure, I saw this on the front page of the New York Times during the elections of 2008, “NOT.” I’ve listed below from the State of Illinois’s website of the court action against Michelle forcing her to give up her license. It’s understood that in the box attacked below under Malpractice Insurance – “No malpractice report required as attorney is under court order inactive status.”
In other words Michelle was under court order to give up her license and is not allowed to practice law in Illinois, period. I hate to use this word but its “rumored” that she was extorting clients. Again, it’s “rumored!” It’s also “rumored” that our President Barack Obama may have been disciplined for not divulging other names that he has used in the past. That really concerns me. He also has an inactive Illinois license to practice law (listed below).
This is so unfortunate for the Obama’s, after all they are our first family and he is the first black/white President of the United States but I can’t stop thinking that this guy and his wife are not who they say they are. They don’t seem to uphold the integrity of our past first families, yes, even Richard Nixon for all you lefties out there.
The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. My research is finding reputable sources disclosing many of their past discretion’s and questionable acquaintances.
Obamas background is questionable enough but do we now have to worry about his wife, also? My god do we have a den of thieves living in the White House?
If you want to check yourself, here is the link and just search under “Obama.” Bingo!
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Michelle Obama
Full Former name(s):
Michelle Lavaughn Robinson
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
May 12, 1989
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status.
Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings:
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Barack Hussein Obama
Full Former name(s):
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
December 17, 1991
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily retired and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is retired.
I wanted to include this comment taken from Atlas Shrugs blog site. It’s quite revealing. LINK…
In case readers are wondering….in 1992 Michelle Obama was still an active member of illinois bar but had left sidley austin law firm to go work for mayor daley YES that Mayor Daley in Chicago-she worked as Daleys “assistant” for a year and a half-(that term drives me nuts but that is how it is listed on her BIO–she was his “assistant…” thats a FACT!now what does a harvard trained ‘assistant” do for the most corrupt mayor and city gov in america…???after working in 1992 for Daley…in 1993 she assumed a role in some community organziing venture called PUBLIC ALLIES (another community organizer in the family?)my smell test tells me as Daleys assistant…she was not always doing something kosher…and in 1992 she was still member of the bar…perhaps after her dealings with him and for him…she was CAUGHT doing some shenigans…and was put on court ordered inactive status later in 1993–after the issue was brought to the ADRC attention.seriously, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to wonder if MO was working for Daley in 1992 and her license went on COURT ORDERED INACTIVE STATUS soon after her connection and work with him…that she is not guilty of SOMETHING unethical (which is all it needs) or worse…she did something illegal.
Liberal Website Upset that Allen West is Not a Slave to the Leftist Welfare Agenda
by: Gary DeMar
“Bossip” is a black celebrity gossip website. Rep. Allen West, a black Republican representing Florida’s 22nd congressional district, was called a “house slave” and an “Uncle Tom” by members of the staff. They don’t like the fact that the successful West isn’t a slave to the Leftist welfare agenda and that he is outspoken in opposition to President Obama and the Democrat Party. If any black opposes any black politician, unless he or she is a conservative Republican, he is an Oreo – black on the outside but white on the inside.
Here’s how the “Bossip” article begins:
As is typical of liberal news and commentary outlets, for example, the edited George Zimmerman 9-1-1 tape, “Bossip” didn’t quote all of West’s comments. West defined the group that he said were Communists. “It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” West went on to say.
The leadership and membership of the CPC is a “who’s who” of social and political radicalism — from Ron Dellums, who served in Congress from 1971 to 1989, and Peter DeFazio to Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders. Dellums served as the first openly Socialist Congressman since World War II. Bernie Sanders, the junior Senator from Vermont, is a self-described democratic socialist. He is the first U.S. Senator to identify as a socialist.
How accurate is West’s accusation? In October 2009, the Democratic Socialists of America released a newsletter that stated that 70 members of the U.S. Congress are members of the organization. The following is from the DSA website:
It’s the policies of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that have enslaved millions of blacks and whites in America. The true house slaves – black and white – are the real house slaves.
“Bossip” is a black celebrity gossip website. Rep. Allen West, a black Republican representing Florida’s 22nd congressional district, was called a “house slave” and an “Uncle Tom” by members of the staff. They don’t like the fact that the successful West isn’t a slave to the Leftist welfare agenda and that he is outspoken in opposition to President Obama and the Democrat Party. If any black opposes any black politician, unless he or she is a conservative Republican, he is an Oreo – black on the outside but white on the inside.
Here’s how the “Bossip” article begins:
Someone get this man a chair, hammock and a loveseat!
Resident house-slave
black Republican Allen West channeled his finest Joe McCarthy
impression in a town-hall meeting in Florida this past weekend. Allen,
claimed that as many as 80 House Democrats are communists and attacked
the President in front of a crowd of Tea Party and conservative members.
“Bossip” is hardly the place to go if you are looking for content
that is uplifting to blacks in general or women in particular. If you
want some idea what’s wrong with popular black culture today, spend some
time at “Bossip.” As is typical of liberal news and commentary outlets, for example, the edited George Zimmerman 9-1-1 tape, “Bossip” didn’t quote all of West’s comments. West defined the group that he said were Communists. “It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” West went on to say.
The leadership and membership of the CPC is a “who’s who” of social and political radicalism — from Ron Dellums, who served in Congress from 1971 to 1989, and Peter DeFazio to Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders. Dellums served as the first openly Socialist Congressman since World War II. Bernie Sanders, the junior Senator from Vermont, is a self-described democratic socialist. He is the first U.S. Senator to identify as a socialist.
How accurate is West’s accusation? In October 2009, the Democratic Socialists of America released a newsletter that stated that 70 members of the U.S. Congress are members of the organization. The following is from the DSA website:
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy
Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers
[Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler,
Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen,
Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the
Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of
the DSA].
“He stands by his words,” West spokesman Tim Edson said in statement. “But the words the media needs [sic]
to pay attention to are the words of the members of the Progressive
caucus. They speak for themselves. Call it what you may, but these House
members are clearly not proponents of capitalism, free markets or
individual economic freedom.”It’s the policies of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that have enslaved millions of blacks and whites in America. The true house slaves – black and white – are the real house slaves.
Obama Is No Ordinary Socialist
Allyn Root recently appeared on "The Daily Show" to prove that
President Barack Obama is the deadliest breed of socialist the United
States has ever faced: a stealth socialist who believes in achieving his
goals slowly and subtly, Root says in his latest video for Personal Liberty Digest™
Congress flooded with calls to probe Obama
Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he’s talked to members of his state’s
congressional delegation about his Cold Case Posse investigation that
suggests there was fraud in the creation of Barack Obama’s birth
documentation that was released by the White House in 2011.
The investigation also concluded that Obama’s Selective Service registration is the same – a forgery, leading to the obvious question of what happens if Obama legally cannot be president.But he’s seen no results.
Now, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people are going to see whether Congress ignores their concerns, too.
It’s because of a new petition that has been launched demanding that the 112th Congress begin a “full and impartial investigation into the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama.”
During the first day it was available, some 1,000 people signed up every hour. That means a patriotic American was adding his or her name to the list every … wait … there it is … few seconds.
Click on this link to read the petition and add your name (Please sign only once).
Arpaio recently told radio host Aaron Klein on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio that media and politicians alike are afraid to touch the issue.
“Why didn’t someone investigate this? I mean, where is everybody?” Arpaio asked Klein. “How come the federal agencies aren’t investigating? We’re dealing with federal issues here. So everybody’s hiding, and they’re still hiding.”
He said he had told lead investigator Mike Zullo to debunk the “birther” claims about Obama’s documents.
“My instructions were this: ‘I want you to clear the president. I want to get to the bottom of this and get it off the table forever,’” Arpaio told Klein. “Didn’t happen that way.”
Instead, Zullo and the Cold Case Posse only confirmed lingering questions about Obama’s documents.
As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse conducted an extensive examination of documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card, only to conclude there is probable cause the documents are actually forgeries.
And the sheriff concluded there is probable cause to believe there was fraud in the presentation of the birth document image as a genuine document.
read more:
The investigation also concluded that Obama’s Selective Service registration is the same – a forgery, leading to the obvious question of what happens if Obama legally cannot be president.But he’s seen no results.
Now, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people are going to see whether Congress ignores their concerns, too.
It’s because of a new petition that has been launched demanding that the 112th Congress begin a “full and impartial investigation into the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama.”
During the first day it was available, some 1,000 people signed up every hour. That means a patriotic American was adding his or her name to the list every … wait … there it is … few seconds.
Click on this link to read the petition and add your name (Please sign only once).
Arpaio recently told radio host Aaron Klein on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio that media and politicians alike are afraid to touch the issue.
“Why didn’t someone investigate this? I mean, where is everybody?” Arpaio asked Klein. “How come the federal agencies aren’t investigating? We’re dealing with federal issues here. So everybody’s hiding, and they’re still hiding.”
He said he had told lead investigator Mike Zullo to debunk the “birther” claims about Obama’s documents.
“My instructions were this: ‘I want you to clear the president. I want to get to the bottom of this and get it off the table forever,’” Arpaio told Klein. “Didn’t happen that way.”
Instead, Zullo and the Cold Case Posse only confirmed lingering questions about Obama’s documents.
As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse conducted an extensive examination of documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card, only to conclude there is probable cause the documents are actually forgeries.
And the sheriff concluded there is probable cause to believe there was fraud in the presentation of the birth document image as a genuine document.
read more:
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Rush: Obama intentionally stoking racial chaos
by: Joe Kovacs
Radio host Rush Limbaugh says President Obama and officials in his administration are intentionally stoking racial chaos in America in connection with the Trayvon Martin case.
“There’s no question that the White House wants this kind of chaos and unrest in the culture,” Limbaugh said this afternoon.
His comments came moments before the Washington Post reported Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey planned to announce she is charging neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting of Martin.
Limbaugh said the situation is “a powder keg waiting to go off,” and that “nobody that I see is doing anything to try to make sure that powder keg doesn’t explode.”
He added: “If in the White House they wanted to cool this down, which they should do, they could do it. All it would take … would be Obama addressing the nation to calm this down, and then speaking about it in genuine American terms, not racial terms. If they wanted to do that, they could. Other presidents have. It’s not happening here.”
Limbaugh says the White House has determined “it is helpful for Obama’s re-election because they believe that they can tie all of this to the existence of Republicans and conservatives, that the racial problems exist because of never-ending racism of the right, never-ending racism of Republicans. And that’s why George Zimmerman in the New York Times is called a white Hispanic. There are people in the race industry who became excited that this event took place because it allowed them to carry forward with their template, that we still are a nation, essentially, with slaves. You couple that with what I think is a chip on Obama’s shoulder about the founding of the country, the engrained discrimination, his anger over it, his opportunity now here to finally make it right.”
Martin, 17 and unarmed, was shot and killed Feb. 26 by Zimmerman, who said he was acting in self-defense after getting his head bashed by Martin. Police in Sanford, Fla., where the shooting took place, initially did not charge Zimmerman, based on the state’s “stand your ground” law.
Radio host Rush Limbaugh says President Obama and officials in his administration are intentionally stoking racial chaos in America in connection with the Trayvon Martin case.
“There’s no question that the White House wants this kind of chaos and unrest in the culture,” Limbaugh said this afternoon.
His comments came moments before the Washington Post reported Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey planned to announce she is charging neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting of Martin.
Limbaugh said the situation is “a powder keg waiting to go off,” and that “nobody that I see is doing anything to try to make sure that powder keg doesn’t explode.”
He added: “If in the White House they wanted to cool this down, which they should do, they could do it. All it would take … would be Obama addressing the nation to calm this down, and then speaking about it in genuine American terms, not racial terms. If they wanted to do that, they could. Other presidents have. It’s not happening here.”
Limbaugh says the White House has determined “it is helpful for Obama’s re-election because they believe that they can tie all of this to the existence of Republicans and conservatives, that the racial problems exist because of never-ending racism of the right, never-ending racism of Republicans. And that’s why George Zimmerman in the New York Times is called a white Hispanic. There are people in the race industry who became excited that this event took place because it allowed them to carry forward with their template, that we still are a nation, essentially, with slaves. You couple that with what I think is a chip on Obama’s shoulder about the founding of the country, the engrained discrimination, his anger over it, his opportunity now here to finally make it right.”
Martin, 17 and unarmed, was shot and killed Feb. 26 by Zimmerman, who said he was acting in self-defense after getting his head bashed by Martin. Police in Sanford, Fla., where the shooting took place, initially did not charge Zimmerman, based on the state’s “stand your ground” law.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Your turn: Tell Congress to probe eligibility
A formal law enforcement investigation into Barack Obama’s birth
certificate and other eligibility documents has affirmed what half the
nation, according to numerous polls, already knew: that the paperwork
doesn’t match up with what would be genuine.
So what is Congress doing about what has been described as a “monumental and unprecedented constitutional issue”? So far, nothing.
But here’s your chance to tell your senators and representatives what needs to be done, as their jobs, after all, are to represent the interests of the American public.
A new petition has been launched demanding that the 112th Congress begin a “full and impartial investigation into the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama.”
Click on this link to read the petition and add your name.
The dispute has been around since before Obama was elected in 2008. In fact, there were cases in the court system at that point challenging his eligibility, based on a long list of missing documents or absent verifications.
Many do not believe he was born in Hawaii as he claimed, thus raising doubts about his ability to meet the U.S. Constitution’s demand that a president be a “natural born citizen.” Others say that doesn’t even matter, as his father was a foreign national and the Founders’ understanding of “natural born” would have meant the offspring of two citizens of the nation.
What question does every candidate for Congress need to face this year? Here it is.
A multitude of court cases have come and gone, some being rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court where one justice admitted the panel was avoiding the issue.
In recent weeks a new round of court challenges has arisen, where citizens utilize state laws allowing challenges to candidate eligibility. They simply are asking Obama to document his eligibility.
Judges in those cases so far have been in concert in refusing voters permission to pursue their questions under state law.
The petition specifically cites Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s documentation. Those professional law enforcement investigators spent six months looking at the evidence, and concluded there is probable cause to believe there was forgery in the creation of the birth certificate image Obama released at the White House.
Read More:
So what is Congress doing about what has been described as a “monumental and unprecedented constitutional issue”? So far, nothing.
But here’s your chance to tell your senators and representatives what needs to be done, as their jobs, after all, are to represent the interests of the American public.
A new petition has been launched demanding that the 112th Congress begin a “full and impartial investigation into the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama.”
Click on this link to read the petition and add your name.
The dispute has been around since before Obama was elected in 2008. In fact, there were cases in the court system at that point challenging his eligibility, based on a long list of missing documents or absent verifications.
Many do not believe he was born in Hawaii as he claimed, thus raising doubts about his ability to meet the U.S. Constitution’s demand that a president be a “natural born citizen.” Others say that doesn’t even matter, as his father was a foreign national and the Founders’ understanding of “natural born” would have meant the offspring of two citizens of the nation.
What question does every candidate for Congress need to face this year? Here it is.
A multitude of court cases have come and gone, some being rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court where one justice admitted the panel was avoiding the issue.
In recent weeks a new round of court challenges has arisen, where citizens utilize state laws allowing challenges to candidate eligibility. They simply are asking Obama to document his eligibility.
Judges in those cases so far have been in concert in refusing voters permission to pursue their questions under state law.
The petition specifically cites Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s documentation. Those professional law enforcement investigators spent six months looking at the evidence, and concluded there is probable cause to believe there was forgery in the creation of the birth certificate image Obama released at the White House.
Read More:
Supreme Court streambed decision protects landowners
Farmers and ranchers prevailed this week when the U.S. Supreme Court
unanimously ruled in favor of landowner property rights in the case of
PPL v. Montana. This decision puts ownership of streambeds and stream
banks in the hands of their rightful owners.
“This decision also helps ensure that farmers and ranchers will not have to pay government for the use of land or water from streambeds that run alongside or through their property. This week’s decision is a win for Farm Bureau members, farmers and ranchers nationwide and all private property owners.”
The American Farm Bureau Federation filed a friend-of-the-court brief along with the Montana Farm Bureau in the case. Colorado Farm Bureau and Utah Farm Bureau also filed briefs in the case in support of the petitioning landowners.
“This decision also helps ensure that farmers and ranchers will not have to pay government for the use of land or water from streambeds that run alongside or through their property. This week’s decision is a win for Farm Bureau members, farmers and ranchers nationwide and all private property owners.”
The American Farm Bureau Federation filed a friend-of-the-court brief along with the Montana Farm Bureau in the case. Colorado Farm Bureau and Utah Farm Bureau also filed briefs in the case in support of the petitioning landowners.
Senator appears to call Obama ‘stupid’ over health care
To funny using the internet to rub it back in #Obama 's face!
A Republican senator appears to have called President Obama “stupid” over his recent comments on the Supreme Court’s heath care case.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, employing the unique writing style he uses on Twitter, sent out this message yesterday: “Constituents askd why i am not outraged at PresO attack on supreme court independence. Bcause Am ppl r not stupid as this x prof of con law.”
That last line translated: “Because American people are not stupid as this ex-professor of constitutional law.”
A Republican senator appears to have called President Obama “stupid” over his recent comments on the Supreme Court’s heath care case.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, employing the unique writing style he uses on Twitter, sent out this message yesterday: “Constituents askd why i am not outraged at PresO attack on supreme court independence. Bcause Am ppl r not stupid as this x prof of con law.”
That last line translated: “Because American people are not stupid as this ex-professor of constitutional law.”
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Obama Thugocracy
by: Bob Livingston
With his approval ratings below 50 percent as an election looms, Congress gridlocked over his economy-destroying budget proposal and the prospect that his signature piece of legislation — Obamacare — is likely to get thrown out as unConstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, President Barack Obama and his minions have ratcheted up their tried and true modus operandi: thuggery.
This has long been common practice for Obama. His career was launched from the home of a convicted terrorist. His parents, friends and key influencers were socialists and communists. It is who he is.
Obama was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Illinois only after he and chief operative David Axelrod arranged to have the sealed divorce records of Obama’s opponents unsealed: first Democrat primary opponent Blair Hull’s, then Republican Jack Ryan’s.
Polls showed Hull enjoyed a healthy lead over Obama as late as one month before the primary. But then The Chicago Tribune — Alexrod’s former employer — began publishing stories accusing Hull of violent behavior in his marriage and claiming that an ex-wife had sought a protective order during their divorce. Finally, Hull and his ex-wife agreed to have the records unsealed; and another ex-wife, their children and a number of Hull’s acquaintances denied Hull was violent. But Hull’s poll numbers began to tank and Obama won the primary.
In the general election Obama faced Jack Ryan, husband of actress Jeri Ryan. During a child custody dispute some years prior to the election, Jeri Ryan had claimed that Jack Ryan made her accompany him to swingers clubs in New York and Paris. Axelrod obtained “leaked” copies of the couple’s Chicago divorce records and then The Tribune sent lawyers to California to request the sealed child custody case records be unsealed. Over the objections of both Ryans, the judge released the records. Shortly thereafter, Jack Ryan withdrew from the race.
During the 2008 Democrat Presidential primary, Obama operatives intimidated Hillary Clinton supporters and engaged in improper and possibly illegal activities to win the nomination, according to a former Clinton campaign worker. Michelle Thomas told WND that she received death threats and was called a racist for opposing Obama. She also accused the Obama campaign of stealing caucuses by throwing away votes and intimidating people trying to enter the caucus locations.
Thomas also believes the Obama campaign is behind the death of Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney, who was shot in his office days before the Democratic National Convention by Timothy D. Johnson, who was then killed by police after a car chase. The day before he was shot, Gwatney and Thomas had agreed that Gwatney would find a superdelegate from the Arkansas delegation to introduce a petition to have Clinton’s name placed in nomination for President.
Another Clinton supporter Thomas met with about introducing the petition, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, died mysteriously the next week.
“We found it quite a coincidence that Bill Gwatney was killed the day after we talked with him,” Thomas told WND. “And just a few days later that Tubbs Jones died suddenly of an aneurysm, after she had agreed to introduce our petition.”
Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano told WND that she heard Bill Clinton say on a conference call during the 2008 primary that he believed Obama was ineligible to be President, and that he was prepared to go public with the information until Gwatney was murdered.
According to Viviano, a campaign staffer who was close to Hillary Clinton said Bill Clinton received a message after Gwatney’s death: “Shut up, Bill, or you’re next.” But Clinton, who was a friend of Gwatney’s, intended to speak out anyway until he received another message: “OK, it’s your daughter, now, we’ll go after.”
After receiving the threats directed toward Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton never said anything else about it, Viviano told WND.
The Obama Administration used thuggery to defeat a Texas bill that would have kicked the Transportation Security Administration out of the State’s airports, ignored a judge’s order over offshore oil drilling permits and used intimidation to call the media off the story regarding Obama’s forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
The Obama Justice Department is also reportedly set to sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. Arpaio is investigating whether Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration are forgeries and is also trying to find other missing Obama documents that would prove whether Obama is a U.S. citizen.
Obama’s comments on the Trayvon Martin shooting were designed to inflame an already volatile incident that already had race hucksters stoking a racial fire. His comments had the intended effect. Since then, there have been several incidents reported of blacks attacking whites in the name of Martin.
Now, with his freedom- and America-destroying Marxist agenda getting pushback from an awakening American populace, Obama is at it again. He’s taking on the Supreme Court.
During a press conference last week at the White House, Obama said:
We are confident that this will be over – that this will be upheld. I’m confident this will be upheld because it should be upheld. Again, that’s not just my opinion. That’s the opinion of a whole lot of constitutional law professors, academics and judges… Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress. I guess I would remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench is judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint. For an unelected group of people to somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law is a good example of that, and I’m pretty sure this court will recognize that and not take that step… With respect to health care, I actually continue to be confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the law. The reason is, in accordance to precedent out there, it’s constitutional.
Obama is channeling his inner FDR. As President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought — with some success — to intimidate the Supreme Court after it began striking down sections of the New Deal by threatening to pack the court with more justices who would be favorable to New Deal legislation.
New Deal proponents accused the court of being obstructionist and political. That’s essentially Obama’s argument. He may also be laying the groundwork to ignore the court’s order. It wouldn’t be first time the Obama Administration had ignored a court’s order, and it wouldn’t be the first time a President had done so.
In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln ignored an opinion by Chief Justice Roger Taney that Lincoln had no lawful power to suspend habeas corpus. So if Obama does ignore the Supreme Court, he’ll be channeling his inner Lincoln.
But even more troubling is that in saying that the Supreme Court’s striking down of Obamacare would be unprecedented, Obama is just lying. It’s a wonder his pants aren’t on fire.
As a so-called “Constitutional scholar,” Obama has to know that the court has overturned laws passed by “a democratically elected Congress” 165 times (click here and see page 201). And it doesn’t matter whether the law was passed “by a strong majority” (although only in Obama’s mind is 219-212 partisan vote a strong majority), that doesn’t exempt it from judicial review.
“That the Supreme Court would declare as unconstitutional congressional ‘laws’ which illegally violated the Constitution was one of the benefits of the Constitution, which the Constitution’s advocates used to help convince the People to ratify the Constitution,” writes David Kopel in The Volokh Conspiracy. “In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton explained why unconstitutional actions of Congress are not real laws, and why the judiciary has a duty to say so… Because Hamilton was the foremost ‘big government’ advocate of his time, it is especially notable that he was a leading advocate for judicial review of whether any part of the federal government had exceeded its delegated powers.”
Obama’s actions make clear the reasons the Founding Fathers inserted the phrase “natural-born citizen” into the Constitutional requirements for President. They wanted a President who was loyal to “these United States” and the Constitution.
But Obama sees the Constitution and the rule of law as impediments to his Marxist, America-destroying agenda. He rose to the office like a Mafioso don. His political career was born in the home of convicted terrorist Bill Ayers (Obama’s mentor who also wrote Obama’s “biography” and says he wakes up every morning thinking he’s going to end capitalism and goes to bed every evening disappointed that he didn’t). Obama was fed from the pulpit of the racist preacher Jeremiah Wright. And rose to prominence with the help of a complicit — even sycophantic — mainstream media, with which he now enjoys a carrot-and-stick relationship.
If he came to power like a don, it should come as no surprise he is governing (or ruling, according to Valerie Jarrett) like one as well.
With his approval ratings below 50 percent as an election looms, Congress gridlocked over his economy-destroying budget proposal and the prospect that his signature piece of legislation — Obamacare — is likely to get thrown out as unConstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, President Barack Obama and his minions have ratcheted up their tried and true modus operandi: thuggery.
This has long been common practice for Obama. His career was launched from the home of a convicted terrorist. His parents, friends and key influencers were socialists and communists. It is who he is.
Obama was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Illinois only after he and chief operative David Axelrod arranged to have the sealed divorce records of Obama’s opponents unsealed: first Democrat primary opponent Blair Hull’s, then Republican Jack Ryan’s.
Polls showed Hull enjoyed a healthy lead over Obama as late as one month before the primary. But then The Chicago Tribune — Alexrod’s former employer — began publishing stories accusing Hull of violent behavior in his marriage and claiming that an ex-wife had sought a protective order during their divorce. Finally, Hull and his ex-wife agreed to have the records unsealed; and another ex-wife, their children and a number of Hull’s acquaintances denied Hull was violent. But Hull’s poll numbers began to tank and Obama won the primary.
In the general election Obama faced Jack Ryan, husband of actress Jeri Ryan. During a child custody dispute some years prior to the election, Jeri Ryan had claimed that Jack Ryan made her accompany him to swingers clubs in New York and Paris. Axelrod obtained “leaked” copies of the couple’s Chicago divorce records and then The Tribune sent lawyers to California to request the sealed child custody case records be unsealed. Over the objections of both Ryans, the judge released the records. Shortly thereafter, Jack Ryan withdrew from the race.
During the 2008 Democrat Presidential primary, Obama operatives intimidated Hillary Clinton supporters and engaged in improper and possibly illegal activities to win the nomination, according to a former Clinton campaign worker. Michelle Thomas told WND that she received death threats and was called a racist for opposing Obama. She also accused the Obama campaign of stealing caucuses by throwing away votes and intimidating people trying to enter the caucus locations.
Thomas also believes the Obama campaign is behind the death of Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney, who was shot in his office days before the Democratic National Convention by Timothy D. Johnson, who was then killed by police after a car chase. The day before he was shot, Gwatney and Thomas had agreed that Gwatney would find a superdelegate from the Arkansas delegation to introduce a petition to have Clinton’s name placed in nomination for President.
Another Clinton supporter Thomas met with about introducing the petition, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, died mysteriously the next week.
“We found it quite a coincidence that Bill Gwatney was killed the day after we talked with him,” Thomas told WND. “And just a few days later that Tubbs Jones died suddenly of an aneurysm, after she had agreed to introduce our petition.”
Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano told WND that she heard Bill Clinton say on a conference call during the 2008 primary that he believed Obama was ineligible to be President, and that he was prepared to go public with the information until Gwatney was murdered.
According to Viviano, a campaign staffer who was close to Hillary Clinton said Bill Clinton received a message after Gwatney’s death: “Shut up, Bill, or you’re next.” But Clinton, who was a friend of Gwatney’s, intended to speak out anyway until he received another message: “OK, it’s your daughter, now, we’ll go after.”
After receiving the threats directed toward Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton never said anything else about it, Viviano told WND.
The Obama Administration used thuggery to defeat a Texas bill that would have kicked the Transportation Security Administration out of the State’s airports, ignored a judge’s order over offshore oil drilling permits and used intimidation to call the media off the story regarding Obama’s forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
The Obama Justice Department is also reportedly set to sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. Arpaio is investigating whether Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration are forgeries and is also trying to find other missing Obama documents that would prove whether Obama is a U.S. citizen.
Obama’s comments on the Trayvon Martin shooting were designed to inflame an already volatile incident that already had race hucksters stoking a racial fire. His comments had the intended effect. Since then, there have been several incidents reported of blacks attacking whites in the name of Martin.
Now, with his freedom- and America-destroying Marxist agenda getting pushback from an awakening American populace, Obama is at it again. He’s taking on the Supreme Court.
During a press conference last week at the White House, Obama said:
We are confident that this will be over – that this will be upheld. I’m confident this will be upheld because it should be upheld. Again, that’s not just my opinion. That’s the opinion of a whole lot of constitutional law professors, academics and judges… Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress. I guess I would remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench is judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint. For an unelected group of people to somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law is a good example of that, and I’m pretty sure this court will recognize that and not take that step… With respect to health care, I actually continue to be confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the law. The reason is, in accordance to precedent out there, it’s constitutional.
Obama is channeling his inner FDR. As President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought — with some success — to intimidate the Supreme Court after it began striking down sections of the New Deal by threatening to pack the court with more justices who would be favorable to New Deal legislation.
New Deal proponents accused the court of being obstructionist and political. That’s essentially Obama’s argument. He may also be laying the groundwork to ignore the court’s order. It wouldn’t be first time the Obama Administration had ignored a court’s order, and it wouldn’t be the first time a President had done so.
In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln ignored an opinion by Chief Justice Roger Taney that Lincoln had no lawful power to suspend habeas corpus. So if Obama does ignore the Supreme Court, he’ll be channeling his inner Lincoln.
But even more troubling is that in saying that the Supreme Court’s striking down of Obamacare would be unprecedented, Obama is just lying. It’s a wonder his pants aren’t on fire.
As a so-called “Constitutional scholar,” Obama has to know that the court has overturned laws passed by “a democratically elected Congress” 165 times (click here and see page 201). And it doesn’t matter whether the law was passed “by a strong majority” (although only in Obama’s mind is 219-212 partisan vote a strong majority), that doesn’t exempt it from judicial review.
“That the Supreme Court would declare as unconstitutional congressional ‘laws’ which illegally violated the Constitution was one of the benefits of the Constitution, which the Constitution’s advocates used to help convince the People to ratify the Constitution,” writes David Kopel in The Volokh Conspiracy. “In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton explained why unconstitutional actions of Congress are not real laws, and why the judiciary has a duty to say so… Because Hamilton was the foremost ‘big government’ advocate of his time, it is especially notable that he was a leading advocate for judicial review of whether any part of the federal government had exceeded its delegated powers.”
Obama’s actions make clear the reasons the Founding Fathers inserted the phrase “natural-born citizen” into the Constitutional requirements for President. They wanted a President who was loyal to “these United States” and the Constitution.
But Obama sees the Constitution and the rule of law as impediments to his Marxist, America-destroying agenda. He rose to the office like a Mafioso don. His political career was born in the home of convicted terrorist Bill Ayers (Obama’s mentor who also wrote Obama’s “biography” and says he wakes up every morning thinking he’s going to end capitalism and goes to bed every evening disappointed that he didn’t). Obama was fed from the pulpit of the racist preacher Jeremiah Wright. And rose to prominence with the help of a complicit — even sycophantic — mainstream media, with which he now enjoys a carrot-and-stick relationship.
If he came to power like a don, it should come as no surprise he is governing (or ruling, according to Valerie Jarrett) like one as well.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Obama now haunted by his ex-political mentor
by: Jerome R.Corsi
Alice Palmer, the avowed communist who helped launch Barack Obama’s career, continues to haunt Obama even today.
In 2008, Palmer showed up at the Democratic National Convention in Denver as a Hillary Clinton supporter, still resentful toward Obama for knocking her and three other candidates off the ballot for an Illinois state Senate seat some 13 years earlier by challenging voter signatures.
“The Democratic primary, what I witnessed, was one of the most appalling, disgusting things I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Hollywood-based digital photographer Michele Thomas told WND in a joint interview with Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano.
Thomas began as a volunteer for the 2008 Clinton campaign then launched a petition drive when she learned the Democratic National Committee was not going to allow delegates to cast their votes for Clinton at the convention.
“I just felt like the entire process was being eviscerated and rules were being changed all along to ensure that no matter what, Barack Obama was the nominee,” Thomas said.
“And I felt compelled to take a stand to have the process in which we decide who our candidates are that we vote for be upheld,” she said. “And that the peoples’ votes are held up from the ballot box to the convention where the delegates bring those votes forward.”
Thomas said she received death threats as she gathered the 300 signed and notarized petitions required by Democratic National Convention rules to prompt a count of votes for Hillary Clinton on the first ballot.
Knowing how Obama had defeated Palmer in his first election campaign in 1996, Thomas required the delegates who signed the petition to notarize their signatures on two copies. One copy was sent to a Post Office box and the other brought to the convention in Denver.
Thomas said she did it “so there was no way the DNC or the Obama campaign, his lawyers, could knock my signatures off this petition.”
Thomas took three months off work to conduct the petition drive, foregoing considerable income.
She explained why she did it and why she is speaking out about it now.
“I’m a little scared right now, there’s no doubt about it,” she admitted, “but at some point in your life, if you are fortunate enough, you are faced with the decision of doing something bigger than yourself.”
As WND reported, the charges of Thomas, Viviano and others connected to the 2008 campaign are now being investigated by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which is probing Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 ballot.
‘Bare-knuckle’ politics
In 1995, Obama saw his opening to run for elected office when Palmer decided to give up her state Senate seat and run for Congress in a special election.
In 1986, as editor of the Black Press Review, Palmer was the only African-American to cover the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow.
She went out of her way to make Obama her handpicked successor.
To get Obama’s state Senate race off to a good start, Palmer arranged a function to be held for a few influential liberals in the district at the Hyde Park home of Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
It’s not likely Palmer would have selected Obama to be her successor in the Illinois Legislature or have introduced him to the Hyde Park political community at the Ayers-Dohrn home unless she saw an affinity between Ayers and Dorhn’s radical SDS Weather Underground history and her own history of openly professed communism and Obama.
After Palmer stepped aside for Obama to take her seat, she suffered an unexpected electoral defeat in the November 1995 Democratic Party primary. She came in a distant third, behind Jesse Jackson and Emil Jones Jr., a power-wielder who would become Obama’s mentor after Obama was elected to fill Palmer’s seat.
After losing the special congressional election, Palmer reversed her decision and decided she wanted her Illinois Senate seat back.
Palmer supporters asked Obama to step aside, but he refused and decided to challenge Palmer’s eligibility for the ballot using what the Chicago Tribune described as the “bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics.”
Obama hired a fellow Harvard Law School alumnus to challenge the legitimacy of the signatures Palmer received on petitions to qualify for the ballot.
Once he set on the strategy, Obama kept challenging petitions, until he succeeded in getting all four of his Democratic primary rivals forced off the ballot, enabling him to run unchallenged.
Viviano described Obama’s strategy in defeating Palmer in 1995 as a betrayal.
“Alice Palmer was his mentor who had asked Bill Ayers to throw that coming-out party for Obama,” she explained.
Thomas said she met Palmer in person at the 2008 convention in Denver.
“I actually had my petitions in my backpack,” Thomas remembered. “I walked right up to her and I said, ‘Alice Palmer, you have no idea how you have affected my life and what I’ve just done.’”
Thomas explained to Palmer how she designed her petition to make sure Obama could not get lawyers to disqualify her signatures.
“I had every single one of these petitions notarized because I know what happened to you,” Thomas told Palmer upon meeting her in Denver. “I have them in my backpack right now. Do you want to see them?”
Palmer said yes.
“She started going through them, and she got tears in her eyes when she saw that they were notarized,” Thomas recalled. “She said, ‘Oh my God, This is what I should have done, this is what I should have done.”
Thomas told Palmer that the only reason she got her signatures individually notarized was to prevent the Democratic National Committee or the Obama campaign from throwing out her signatures to disqualify the petition.
“This was all because of what [Obama] did to all of his challengers,” Viviano stressed. “It just was outrageous to disqualify these people that way. This is how moral and ethical our so-called president is. His own mentor, who went out of her way to support him in his career – he turned around with a knife and put it in her back and had her challenged off the ballot in a way that was so amoral and unethical, and she became a Hillary supporter.”
Thomas remembered that Palmer pulled her aside at the Denver presidential nominating convention and told Thomas that she wanted to tell her a story.
Palmer explained to Thomas that after Obama’s lawyers disqualified her signatures in 1996, she spent the next few months walking door-to-door making sure her signatures were valid.
“She said every single one of them was correct, and they should have not been knocked off,” Thomas said.
Thomas recalled that Palmer wanted to have dinner with her that night. But the person who introduced her to Palmer later called and said that the dinner was off because Palmer had been threatened.
Viviano shared Thomas’ outrage.
“America doesn’t do scared like that,” she insisted. “This is a First Amendment country, freedom of speech and now, all of a sudden, there are people cowering in the corner that are afraid to tell the truth about things.
“This is like living under Chavez or Castro,” she said. “It’s ridiculous.”
Alice Palmer, the avowed communist who helped launch Barack Obama’s career, continues to haunt Obama even today.
In 2008, Palmer showed up at the Democratic National Convention in Denver as a Hillary Clinton supporter, still resentful toward Obama for knocking her and three other candidates off the ballot for an Illinois state Senate seat some 13 years earlier by challenging voter signatures.
“The Democratic primary, what I witnessed, was one of the most appalling, disgusting things I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Hollywood-based digital photographer Michele Thomas told WND in a joint interview with Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano.
Thomas began as a volunteer for the 2008 Clinton campaign then launched a petition drive when she learned the Democratic National Committee was not going to allow delegates to cast their votes for Clinton at the convention.
“I just felt like the entire process was being eviscerated and rules were being changed all along to ensure that no matter what, Barack Obama was the nominee,” Thomas said.
“And I felt compelled to take a stand to have the process in which we decide who our candidates are that we vote for be upheld,” she said. “And that the peoples’ votes are held up from the ballot box to the convention where the delegates bring those votes forward.”
Thomas said she received death threats as she gathered the 300 signed and notarized petitions required by Democratic National Convention rules to prompt a count of votes for Hillary Clinton on the first ballot.
Knowing how Obama had defeated Palmer in his first election campaign in 1996, Thomas required the delegates who signed the petition to notarize their signatures on two copies. One copy was sent to a Post Office box and the other brought to the convention in Denver.
Thomas said she did it “so there was no way the DNC or the Obama campaign, his lawyers, could knock my signatures off this petition.”
Thomas took three months off work to conduct the petition drive, foregoing considerable income.
She explained why she did it and why she is speaking out about it now.
“I’m a little scared right now, there’s no doubt about it,” she admitted, “but at some point in your life, if you are fortunate enough, you are faced with the decision of doing something bigger than yourself.”
As WND reported, the charges of Thomas, Viviano and others connected to the 2008 campaign are now being investigated by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which is probing Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 ballot.
‘Bare-knuckle’ politics
In 1995, Obama saw his opening to run for elected office when Palmer decided to give up her state Senate seat and run for Congress in a special election.
In 1986, as editor of the Black Press Review, Palmer was the only African-American to cover the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow.
She went out of her way to make Obama her handpicked successor.
To get Obama’s state Senate race off to a good start, Palmer arranged a function to be held for a few influential liberals in the district at the Hyde Park home of Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
It’s not likely Palmer would have selected Obama to be her successor in the Illinois Legislature or have introduced him to the Hyde Park political community at the Ayers-Dohrn home unless she saw an affinity between Ayers and Dorhn’s radical SDS Weather Underground history and her own history of openly professed communism and Obama.
After Palmer stepped aside for Obama to take her seat, she suffered an unexpected electoral defeat in the November 1995 Democratic Party primary. She came in a distant third, behind Jesse Jackson and Emil Jones Jr., a power-wielder who would become Obama’s mentor after Obama was elected to fill Palmer’s seat.
After losing the special congressional election, Palmer reversed her decision and decided she wanted her Illinois Senate seat back.
Palmer supporters asked Obama to step aside, but he refused and decided to challenge Palmer’s eligibility for the ballot using what the Chicago Tribune described as the “bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics.”
Obama hired a fellow Harvard Law School alumnus to challenge the legitimacy of the signatures Palmer received on petitions to qualify for the ballot.
Once he set on the strategy, Obama kept challenging petitions, until he succeeded in getting all four of his Democratic primary rivals forced off the ballot, enabling him to run unchallenged.
Viviano described Obama’s strategy in defeating Palmer in 1995 as a betrayal.
“Alice Palmer was his mentor who had asked Bill Ayers to throw that coming-out party for Obama,” she explained.
Thomas said she met Palmer in person at the 2008 convention in Denver.
“I actually had my petitions in my backpack,” Thomas remembered. “I walked right up to her and I said, ‘Alice Palmer, you have no idea how you have affected my life and what I’ve just done.’”
Thomas explained to Palmer how she designed her petition to make sure Obama could not get lawyers to disqualify her signatures.
“I had every single one of these petitions notarized because I know what happened to you,” Thomas told Palmer upon meeting her in Denver. “I have them in my backpack right now. Do you want to see them?”
Palmer said yes.
“She started going through them, and she got tears in her eyes when she saw that they were notarized,” Thomas recalled. “She said, ‘Oh my God, This is what I should have done, this is what I should have done.”
Thomas told Palmer that the only reason she got her signatures individually notarized was to prevent the Democratic National Committee or the Obama campaign from throwing out her signatures to disqualify the petition.
“This was all because of what [Obama] did to all of his challengers,” Viviano stressed. “It just was outrageous to disqualify these people that way. This is how moral and ethical our so-called president is. His own mentor, who went out of her way to support him in his career – he turned around with a knife and put it in her back and had her challenged off the ballot in a way that was so amoral and unethical, and she became a Hillary supporter.”
Thomas remembered that Palmer pulled her aside at the Denver presidential nominating convention and told Thomas that she wanted to tell her a story.
Palmer explained to Thomas that after Obama’s lawyers disqualified her signatures in 1996, she spent the next few months walking door-to-door making sure her signatures were valid.
“She said every single one of them was correct, and they should have not been knocked off,” Thomas said.
Thomas recalled that Palmer wanted to have dinner with her that night. But the person who introduced her to Palmer later called and said that the dinner was off because Palmer had been threatened.
Viviano shared Thomas’ outrage.
“America doesn’t do scared like that,” she insisted. “This is a First Amendment country, freedom of speech and now, all of a sudden, there are people cowering in the corner that are afraid to tell the truth about things.
“This is like living under Chavez or Castro,” she said. “It’s ridiculous.”
Arpaio: GOP candidates 'hiding' from eligibility
by: Drew Zahn
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told a radio host today he’s met with Republicans – including every one of the GOP presidential candidates – and has come to the conclusion they’re as guilty as Democrats of “hiding” questions about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president.
As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse conducted an extensive examination of documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card, only to conclude there is probable cause the documents are actually forgeries.
Yet despite his findings, Arpaio told “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio that media and politicians alike are afraid to touch the issue.
“Why didn’t someone investigate this? I mean, where is everybody?” Arpaio asked Klein. “How come the federal agencies aren’t investigating? We’re dealing with federal issues here. So everybody’s hiding, and they’re still hiding.”
Join the billboard campaign that seeks the answer to “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?”
Klein told the sheriff he had hired his own forensic experts to analyze Obama’s purported birth certificate, but Arpaio insisted his posse’s examination went even further.
“This takes it to a different level, because we are a law enforcement agency,” said Arpaio, “it gives it a little different type of credibility.”
The sheriff also preempted charges of politics affecting his investigation, explaining he had told lead investigator Mike Zullo to debunk the “birther” claims about Obama’s documents.
“My instructions were this: ‘I want you to clear the president. I want to get to the bottom of this and get it off the table forever,’” Arpaio told Klein. “Didn’t happen that way.”
Instead, Zullo and the Cold Case Posse only confirmed lingering questions about Obama’s documents.
Klein asked Arpaio if he’d heard from Republicans since the announcement of the investigation’s findings.
“I haven’t heard from any,” Arpaio said, “especially the congressional delegation from Arizona.”
But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried to get Republicans to recognize the issue.
“I’ve had presidential candidates visit me in my office. I’ve talked to every one of them,” Arpaio said. “I don’t see anybody talking about this. I don’t see any senators talking about it. … How come everybody’s hiding this?”
“Maybe with your help and other media outlets,” Arpaio told Klein, “maybe the public will start becoming angry at this and insist that there be a congressional inquiry and that something be done about it and not just a little ol’ sheriff of Maricopa County.”
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told a radio host today he’s met with Republicans – including every one of the GOP presidential candidates – and has come to the conclusion they’re as guilty as Democrats of “hiding” questions about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president.
As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse conducted an extensive examination of documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card, only to conclude there is probable cause the documents are actually forgeries.
Yet despite his findings, Arpaio told “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio that media and politicians alike are afraid to touch the issue.
“Why didn’t someone investigate this? I mean, where is everybody?” Arpaio asked Klein. “How come the federal agencies aren’t investigating? We’re dealing with federal issues here. So everybody’s hiding, and they’re still hiding.”
Join the billboard campaign that seeks the answer to “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?”
Klein told the sheriff he had hired his own forensic experts to analyze Obama’s purported birth certificate, but Arpaio insisted his posse’s examination went even further.
“This takes it to a different level, because we are a law enforcement agency,” said Arpaio, “it gives it a little different type of credibility.”
The sheriff also preempted charges of politics affecting his investigation, explaining he had told lead investigator Mike Zullo to debunk the “birther” claims about Obama’s documents.
“My instructions were this: ‘I want you to clear the president. I want to get to the bottom of this and get it off the table forever,’” Arpaio told Klein. “Didn’t happen that way.”
Instead, Zullo and the Cold Case Posse only confirmed lingering questions about Obama’s documents.
Klein asked Arpaio if he’d heard from Republicans since the announcement of the investigation’s findings.
“I haven’t heard from any,” Arpaio said, “especially the congressional delegation from Arizona.”
But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried to get Republicans to recognize the issue.
“I’ve had presidential candidates visit me in my office. I’ve talked to every one of them,” Arpaio said. “I don’t see anybody talking about this. I don’t see any senators talking about it. … How come everybody’s hiding this?”
“Maybe with your help and other media outlets,” Arpaio told Klein, “maybe the public will start becoming angry at this and insist that there be a congressional inquiry and that something be done about it and not just a little ol’ sheriff of Maricopa County.”
Russia expecting attack on Iran by summer
WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur
on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian
troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on
the Islamic republic, informed Russian sources say in a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.
Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.
“Iran is our neighbor,” Rogozin said. “If Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.” Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia’s defense sector.
Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn’t believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.
Russia’s purpose in moving its troops would be not only to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces or both.
Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of “unpredictable consequences” in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military would intervene because its vital interests in region would be threatened.
The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran “causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.”
This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.
Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.
Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.
“Military Base 102 is a key point, Russia’s outpost in the South Caucasus,” a Russian military source told the newspaper. “It occupies a very important geopolitical position, but the Kremlin fears lest it should lose this situation.”
Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.
Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.
Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.
“Iran is our neighbor,” Rogozin said. “If Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.” Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia’s defense sector.
Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn’t believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.
Russia’s purpose in moving its troops would be not only to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces or both.
Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of “unpredictable consequences” in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military would intervene because its vital interests in region would be threatened.
The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran “causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.”
This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.
Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.
Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.
“Military Base 102 is a key point, Russia’s outpost in the South Caucasus,” a Russian military source told the newspaper. “It occupies a very important geopolitical position, but the Kremlin fears lest it should lose this situation.”
Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.
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