The left is still in denial that they’re rapid radicalization is affecting the safety of American conservatives, even after the dastardly actions of James T. Hodgkinson in Virginia on Wednesday morning.
Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer whose social media profile reads like an exercise in bigotry and hatred drawn on political party lines, opened fire on a practicing squad of baseball-playing GOP congressmen early on Wednesday morning. The assailant, who openly called for violence against Donald Trump and the republicans via Facebook, squeezed off dozens upon dozen of rounds from a rifle before brave, pistol-armed Capitol Police were able to incapacitate him.
During the incident, several officials were injured, including Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise, who remains in critical condition on Thursday awaiting more possible surgeries after being struck in the hip by one of Hodgkinson’s rounds.
Many in the conservative media have easily traced this heinous attack back to the radical leftist rhetoric that has been permeating our society in recent weeks, emboldened by the actions of has-been celebrities such as Kathy Griffin and her Trump-beheading publicity stunt. Unfortunately, the actions of this liberal madman were not completely unpredictable, as evidenced by radio host Michael Savage’s comments merely a day ahead of the tragic incident.
“Less than 24 hours before a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders fired at Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice, seriously injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others before U.S. Capitol Police took down the assailant, talk-radio host and author Michael Savage warned of violence by “marginal” people who are set to explode and ‘kill somebody.’
“Savage, the host of the nationally syndicated ‘The Savage Nation,’ was commenting on recent developments that have escalated the anti-Trump ‘resistance,’ such as comedian Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-style photo shoot of the decapitated likeness of Trump and the ‘Julius Caesar’ play in Central Park featuring the assassination of a Trump-like figure.
“’I don’t know how much more of this the country can take,’ Savage said.
“’We are at a boiling point. There’s going to be a civil war,’ he told his listeners Tuesday.”
Savage’s warning, however, fell on mostly deaf ears, as leftists and their cronies continue to plot ways to overthrow the republican government in secret this week.
These attacks on the conservative American way of life are a dangerous reminder of the vitriol that exists on the left side of U.S. politics. The violence and radical extremism that democrats and their progressive pawns have demonstrated is a cause for concern, not only for the authorities tasked with snuffing out the perpetrators early in their preparations, but also for conservatives themselves who have now found themselves in the crosshairs of the radical left.
Worst yet, social media was nearly void of bipartisan sympathy for the victims of this attempted massacre, or for the critically wounded Scalise. Where Facebook personalities were tripping over themselves to condemn the terror attacks in England over the course of the last few weeks, and to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump, there are now crickets chirping. The left’s silent approval of the message of James T. Hodgkinson is viscerally disturbing, and will be remembered when the time comes to remind the left where they went astray.