Dave Merrick
I recently wrote an article entitled “
Islam: Dirty Work At The Crossroads.”
I compared the current Islamization of America to a huge, out of
control train. In that analogy, our nation is a stalled car at a
railroad crossing – where Obama has parked us – and the coal train
(Islam) is bearing down hard and fast toward our destruction. It was not
an optimistic picture because my comparison is not an exaggeration.
I talked about the ‘malevolent spirit’ that drives that terroristic train. That got some attention.
The afternoon of its release, Arab World News picked up my story from
Western Journalism. It was their lead feature for a while and stayed on
their front page for the balance of the day.
It remains in their archives. They chose my most provocative statement and ran THAT beneath the accompanying photograph.
I have since made stronger statements about the deception and danger
of Islam. The world needs to be awakened to the realities of this
“religion of peace” that will mow down anything in its path that is
contrary to it.
On a Christian church marquis, a pastor recently put up the words “We
don’t have to agree on ANYTHING, to be kind to one another.” Militant
Islamists haven’t a nodding aquaintence with the concept of amicable
disagreement. They kill people who disagree with them. Americans,
however, are not obliged to cower before their tantrums.
Christians have been martyred for simply remaining faithful to God.
Islam’s ‘martyrs’ include vaporized clones who have packed their own
wives and children with explosives. Only the devil sees his prisoners as
being so cheaply disposable.
I have to write about all this because I’m a Christian. The Bible
calls it ‘exposing the works of darkness’ – an effort all Christians are
supposed to take part in. While I have the right and opportunity here
in America to openly speak the truth (and I don’t see that lasting much
longer), I am obligated to expose devilish error – which Islam is.
(Ephesians 5:11, Acts 4:12, etc.)
I’m not retracting anything I wrote – but one very important point
should be added and emphasized. I pray that many of those who read my
criticism of Islam will read this:
While America can still be considered a predominantly ‘Christian’
nation, we are generally no longer behaving as such. Nevertheless, I
feel safe in saying that the remnant of ‘Christian America’ (and that
includes this author) bears NO HATRED toward the PEOPLE of Islam.
Islam’s arrogant and paranoid ruling infrastructure has convinced
their followers that Christianity opposes and hates the individual
Muslim. And that simply isn’t so.
The One who made us all, THE TRUE GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
(and the same One who may now be tapping on the door of your heart [John
16:7-8]) has commanded, indeed BEGS, His children to love all who don’t
know Him personally. Far from hating Islamic people (as Islam HATES
those who oppose it), we hate what Islam does to people and what we see
it doing to our nation and the world.
I have known some Muslims, personally. Most have been friends and
easy to love. Beneath the heavyhanded demands of Islam, Muslims are
simply imperfect people, like the rest of us. The crucial difference
between Muslims and Christians is that real Christians possess the
forgiveness of God–and they KNOW it. They live and rest in it. Muslims,
and others outside of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, only know the hard
LABOR of trying (in vain) to earn God’s acceptance.
The prophet Amos once asked: “Can two walk together (in the same
direction) unless they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) The obvious answer is
“No.” And that’s why true Christians can’t be politically correct. Even
the threat of Islamic violence (and there is plenty of that) ultimately
cannot force a Christian to pretend that God is in any way involved with
that false religion.
Again, believing Christians are NOT haters of THE Muslim PEOPLE. We
only despise the false religion that will wind them up in hell. And
Islam is just that.
All the Bible-prophesied insanity happening around us confirms the
spiritual battle underway for the souls of mankind. Fighting that
battle, for the true Christian, is never a contest of ‘my god against
your god,’ but rather the sincere presentation of the Word of God given
in prayerful love. The crux of the battle centers entirely upon the
light of God’s simple, verifiable truth exposing and vanquishing
deceitful treachery.
The dark ayatollahs and imams of Islam keep followers in blinded
obedience by the intimidating cruelty found in the Quran. Yet the love
of God in Christ can easily break that spell. The might of God’s love is
infinitely more powerful than the threat of the Islamic god’s
vengeance. And people will obey, out of sheer gratitude, the promptings
of God’s love, while legalistic fear will only produce compliant slaves.
The bottom line, Muslims, is that Jesus of the Bible died and
conquered death (which your Quran denies). He put together the perfect
covenant as a GIFT and told his children to help Him pursue the souls of
lost mankind.
His enemy, the prince of darkness (who disguises himself as an angel
of light [2 Corinthians 11:14]), will not relinquish his prisoners
voluntarily. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2
Corinthians 3:17) For the Muslim, there is no liberty–only law and
judgment enforced by the fear of severe punishment and even death.
Islam’s undeniably carnal ‘heaven’ is eternal sex for the men and a
vaguely described breather for the women who have obediently waited upon
The Christian’s heaven is simply being in the presence of God,
available to all God’s born-again children, man or woman! Until you have
tasted of His pure love and peace, you can’t even imagine what I’m
talking about.
Certainly not all Americans are Christian. So don’t expect godly
treatment from America, per se (especially under the leadership of our
current president). But from real Christians, worldwide, our heart’s
message to you is: “We love and pray for you. But the time remaining in
this life, this time of decision, is short and soon to cease.”
Recognize the ungodly brutality of Islam for what it is, and repent.
Say a silent prayer to that still, small voice in your heart which
confirms His love for you! Call upon Jesus and be saved. It’s that
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts
“And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:11)
This post originally appeared on
Western Journalism – Equipping You With The Truth