
Saturday, May 16, 2015

ISIS Caliph: Islam the 'Religion of War'

The Clash Of Civilizations: Awaiting The Coming Crusade We Got It All – All About Webistes, Entertainment And Blogging


How many times have you heard that Islam is a "religion of peace," usually said shortly after something explodes?
Or the baloney about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria being neither Islamic nor a state? (One gets the impression that President Obama would like to add "Nor are they in Iraq or Syria" if he thought he could get away with it.)
Well, finally, a major political figure has come forward speaking the truth about modern Islam.
It's the Caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who lectured the world's Muslims in an online post: "O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war."

There you have it straight from the camel's mouth.
But there was more as the caliph urged Muslims to get off the bench.
"Where are you in relation to your prophet (peace be upon him) whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life … as a mujahid for the cause of Allah, fighting for his enemies?" al-Baghdadi wrote. "His lateral incisor tooth was broken in battle, his forehead was wounded, two rings from his chainmail cut his cheeks, his helmet was broken on his head and blood ran down his face."

Soon enough, though, al-Baghdadi reverted to more typical Muslim form, blaming all the violence of ISIS on Christians and Jews "waging war" against Muslims.
If only. We might actually want to try that sometime. It worked out pretty well during Jefferson's day in stopping the Barbary pirates.
Al-Baghdadi and his followers are a bunch of loathsome animals who have murdered, raped and pillaged their way across the Mideast, but they know the score.

This is war.
Not just against the United States, but against the entire Western World and, ultimately, civilization itself.
If our leaders don't wake up to that fact soon, the future of mankind may come to resemble its dark Stone Age past.  

Holy War or Funny Jihad photo

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