
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Can a President Defy an Unconstitutional Supreme Court Ruling?

Obama doesn’t think he has any limits.
Check it out:
Dr. Ben Carson, to his everlasting credit, has raised the issue of whether or not a president can refuse to enforce an unconstitutional ruling of the Supreme Court. 

In my opinion, and speaking just for myself, the answer to this question is, “Of course.” In fact, when circumstances require it, it may be that he must, or he will be betraying his oath of office.
Such presidential courage may in the end be the only way to preserve our Constitutional Republic.
No president of the United States EVER takes an oath to uphold the rulings of the Supreme Court. His oath is to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to see that the laws passed by Congress are faithfully executed.
The Supreme Court, isn’t.
That is, it is not the supreme branch of government. It is one of three co-equal branches of government, none superior to the others.
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