Bob Livingston

I think we can all agree that 2012 was an interesting year.
As it was a Presidential election year, headlines were dominated by
election news. But election politics was only part of what made 2012
interesting: There were wars and rumors of more wars, large storms and
the ongoing worldwide financial crisis. All of these played a part, in
one way or another, in the recent election.
But there were a lot of other newsworthy events as well: Sheriff Joe
Arpaio’s investigation into President Barack Obama’s birth certificate
(and the media’s disinterest), the imprisonment of Brandon Raub (and the
media’s disinterest) and a related issue, the passage of the National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the self-immolation of the Republican
Party and ongoing efforts by the elites to establish one world
government. To look at some of the big issues of the year, I’ve chosen
the 10 most commented upon of all my articles from the past 12 months.
In addition to providing a refresher on some of the year’s biggest
stories, this exercise may also serve to help educate our new readers
who may have missed some of these discussions and to rebut some
preconceived biases some have — as evidenced by their comments — when
they first arrive at
Personal Liberty Digest™.
So here they are, counting backward beginning with No. 10. I hope you enjoy the year in review.
Suspending All Logic
Believing without doubt the official birth narrative of President
Barack Obama — that he was born to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama
Sr. in a hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961 — requires a
complete suspension of logic.
Last month, I pointed out in
How Can Anyone Be A Birther?
a partial list of reasons to doubt the official story. Note that I say
it’s only a partial list. There is enough evidence to produce reasonable
doubt in the minds of reasonable people that Obama is not a
natural-born United States citizen as required in Article II, Section 1
of the U.S. Constitution.
Obama has for several years claimed he was born in Hawaii. He has
also claimed, through his official biography with a literary agent and
as a young man in Hawaii, that he was born in Kenya.
Both of those are not possible. Therefore, one is a lie. Obama is, among other things, a liar.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
So You Think You Are Free?
So you think you are free? After all, we have a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that “preserves” our freedoms.
So you think you’re free? Ask
Brandon Raub
what life in a free country is like. He was kidnapped from his home by
the FBI, Secret Service and local police over Facebook posts in which he
questioned 9/11 and accused the Bush family of committing crimes. He
was held for a week with no charges and had a psychiatrist threaten to
medicate and brainwash him.
not alone.
John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, who gained Raub’s release,
says calls coming into his organization reveal a pattern of abuse.
In fact, veterans of the perpetual Mideast wars are increasingly
being targeted by the state as needing psychological evaluation. That’s
because many of them come home and challenge the official line of the
wars’ results. The Department of Homeland Security has for years been
laying the groundwork
toward branding dissent as terrorism and naming veterans as possible
ring leaders. Using charges of psychosis or nuttery is one way the state
marginalizes dissenters.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
How Can Anyone Be A Birther?
“Birther” is a term the mainstream media have put on those who
question whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States
and is, therefore, eligible to hold the office of President. The MSM
mean it as a derisive term. After all, no higher authority than has validated Obama’s citizenship.
So how can anyone believe Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii?
It certainly can’t be because Obama’s
paternal step-grandmother once made the claim that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that she was present at the birth.
It certainly can’t be because a Kenyan newspaper, the
Sunday Standard, published an article in 2004 with the headline “Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate.”
It certainly can’t be because
The Nigerian Observer
published an article in November 2008 about how Kenyan-born Senator
Barack Obama was the favorite to win the U.S. Presidential race.
It certainly can’t be because there are a number of other
articles that say he is Kenyan-born.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
Republicans Form A Circular Firing Squad
We may be witnessing the death of the Republican Party. If so, good riddance!
The party apparatus has lied to its faithful for years: The party of
small government… the party of freedom… the party that supports the
Constitution… the party of the 2
nd Amendment… the party of
free enterprise. The rhetoric has never matched the performance, but the
faithful proles always held out hope that next time would be different.
They held their collective noses and voted for the candidate the elites
shoved down their throats.
Once again, the party elites have pre-determined the nominee. It’s Mitt Romney.
Romney has received endorsements from two of the party’s biggest
losers: Senator John McCain and former Senator Bob Dole. With friends
like those, no wonder the proles are looking elsewhere.
So the party has formed a circular firing squad.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
Loving Our Enemies
“We’re under attack because we love freedom, is why we’re under
attack. And our enemy hates freedom. They hate and we love. We differ
from our enemy because we love. We not only love our freedoms and love
our values, we love life itself. Our enemy hates innocent life.” — George W. Bush, addressing schoolchildren, Sept. 23, 2002
Any discussion of Ron Paul as a GOP Presidential candidate inevitably
begets rants from the paranoids about how Paul’s non-interventionist
foreign policy would make America vulnerable to attacks from Iran or
Islamic extremists from one Muslim nation or another.
Typical of the responses are irrational, fact-devoid screeds like these, taken from our comments section last week:
- “Ron Paul is truly a loose cannon , short sighted and ignorant of
world relations . On one hand he is correct , we should worry about
America . On the other , we MUST worry about the spread of nuclear
weapons in the hands of a militant regime who has no compunctions about
using them in order to advance their agenda . If this half senile old
fool thinks for one instance that Iran would be justified in closing
down the Straights to prevent sanctions he should not be seeking the
Presidency . Those who defend him should stop and think what it would
mean to listen to him an sit back ignoring this bunch of crazed Iranian
leaders as they lead us to a war no one will survive . You Have Been
Warned !”
- “Screw Ron Paul and Screw Iran. A vote for Paul will just Make it
easier for the A-hole to get back in and finish his job of destroying
the economy. As for Iran, they need to be taken out, NOW! They are a pus
filled infection on this planet.”
- “Is Ron Paul a Jimmy Carter replica? He needs to be sent off and
released on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. As a life long registered
Republican, I will vote for Obama if Ron Paul win the Republican
nomination. Puttin would make for a better President than Ron.
- Ron is a total loser, a Bolshevik !!!!! How low has the Republican
party gone, to have him a a presidential candidate. Disgraceful”
The truth is the U.S. policy of the past 50-plus years of meddling in
the affairs of other countries by covertly backing coups, propping up
friendly dictators and fighting proxy wars with Russia and China — using
billions of dollars stolen from the American people — have only made
the world a more dangerous place.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Tomorrow marks 11 years since the 21
st century’s “Pearl
Harbor,” the government’s attack on the U.S. Constitution, also known as
9/11, that launched the perpetual “War on Terror.”
Government, the mainstream media and an American populace blinded by
normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance or faux patriotism — whatever you
want to call it — and the powerful mainstream media propaganda machine
consider anyone who questions the official narrative of 9/11 a
“conspiracy theorist.” But the official narrative — that 19 hijackers,
funded by Osama bin Laden and armed only with box cutters and a couple
of flight lessons, commandeered four passenger jets and flew them into
three buildings and a Pennsylvania field while U.S. air defenses
dithered for almost an hour (in the case of the Pentagon) — is, as
former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and retired Marine Col.
Ronald D. Ray says, “the dog that doesn’t hunt.”
Examine the meaning of the words “conspiracy theory,” and you see
that the official narrative is a conspiracy theory. Merriam-Webster
defines “conspiracy theory” as “a theory that explains an event or set
of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful
To read the rest of this article, click here.
The Obama Thugocracy
With his
approval ratings
below 50 percent as an election looms, Congress gridlocked over his
economy-destroying budget proposal and the prospect that his signature
piece of legislation — Obamacare — is likely to get thrown out as
unConstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, President Barack Obama and
his minions have ratcheted up their tried and true modus operandi:
This has long been common practice for Obama. His career was launched
from the home of a convicted terrorist. His parents, friends and key
influencers were socialists and communists. It is who he is.
Obama was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Illinois only after he
and chief operative David Axelrod arranged to have the sealed divorce
records of Obama’s opponents unsealed: first Democrat primary opponent
Blair Hull’s, then Republican Jack Ryan’s.
Polls showed Hull enjoyed a healthy lead over Obama as late as one month before the primary. But then
The Chicago Tribune
— Alexrod’s former employer — began publishing stories accusing Hull of
violent behavior in his marriage and claiming that an ex-wife had
sought a protective order during their divorce. Finally, Hull and his
ex-wife agreed to have the records unsealed; and another ex-wife, their
children and a number of Hull’s acquaintances denied Hull was violent.
But Hull’s poll numbers began to tank and Obama won the primary.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
Is Mitt Fit?
The big bash called the Republican National Convention is set to kick
off. If all goes as the party elites have planned, Mitt Romney will be
nominated and acclaimed tomorrow (the roll call had been moved up to
today “because of concerns about supporters of libertarian Texas Rep.
Ron Paul” but Hurricane Isaac interfered) as the country’s salvation
from four years of the illegal Obamination that currently despoils the
people’s house.
Romney hardly qualifies as a savior — unless what you want to save is
big government, ever-growing debt and perpetual war. Beyond the facts
that Romney is a
natural-born citizen
(and there is no proof that the current occupant of the White House is)
and there are slight differences in their statist, big government
policies, there is little else to differentiate between Romney and the
White House usurper.
To wit: Both believe the government should bail out failing
industries; both believe in corporate and agricultural welfare; both
support off-shoring American jobs; both support unlimited money
printing; both support the notion that government can imprison people
without charges or trial; both support government assassinations of
Americans; both support weapons bans; both support socialized medicine;
both support abortion; both believe in man-caused global warming and
support cap-and-trade legislation; both have stated their undying
support of Israel; both have advocated pre-emptive war on Syria and Iran
and growing the American empire.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
The False Flag Gun Grab
With the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty negotiations ongoing (and going badly
for the gun grabbers and elite power brokers), a game-changer was
needed. It came in the form of James Holmes, “The Joker” who allegedly
shot up a Colorado movie theater July 20.
Holmes is almost certainly a patsy — a term used to describe those
used by government agents to pull off their hits or staged false flag
events. There are just too many questionable aspects to the whole story —
and Holmes himself — for the incident to have gone down as depicted by
government authorities.
The shooting has given President Barack Obama the cover he needs to
both go after guns and sign the treaty. He was receiving a lot of
pressure from his American gun-grabbing constituency to sign the treaty.
But he was also receiving a lot of pushback from Congress — no doubt
pressured by the powerful and much-feared National Rifle Association
lobby — and a growing number of Americans concerned about Obama’s
gun-grabbing proclivities.
To read the rest of this article, go here.
Hastening The March To A North American Union And Global Governance
The march toward a union of the United States, Canada and Mexico — and ultimately global government — continues apace.
The ultimate goal of the elites is to create a one world socialist
government. They have succeeded in combining most of Europe into a
European Union (though the economic disaster there caused by the
excessive corruption of the banksters, who overplayed their hands, may
cause it to fly apart and the euro to crash). But even now we hear of a
sinister plot
by a covert group of EU foreign ministers who want to gain sweeping
control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater
political and economic union.
The group holding the secret talks (excluding a representative from
Great Britain) is called the “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians and
is being led by the German foreign minister. Its goal, according to
opponents, is to create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor
envisioned by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of
Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey through 2012. Thank you for being a
Personal Liberty reader. Merry Christmas to you all.