
Saturday, April 1, 2017

George W. Bush Trashes Trump Using Vulgarities…”That Was Some Weird S**T” [VIDEO]

Former President George W. Bush had a one sentence verdict on Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, according to a report from New York Magazine, citing three separate sources. 

“That was some weird shit,” Bush said after leaving the ceremony on Capitol Hill, where Trump blasted the political establishment.
From Breitbart
“For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost,” Trump said during his speech. “The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.”
Bush attended the ceremony with his wife Laura Bush as well as former president Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn, and former president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton.
But Trump thundered against the political elites in the audience, asserting that they had failed the American people.
“[T]oday we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People,” Trump said.
Trump also blasted past leadership for building and strengthening other countries at the expense of the American people. One of the lines of Trump’s speech alluded to Bush’s legacy of acting in the Middle East.
Read Full Story At Breitbart

Friday, March 31, 2017

Attention Storey County Nevada...Retain Sheriff Gerald Antinoro

The Committee to recall Gerald Antinoro is made up of Harper Valley Hypocrits to say the least...see:

Side note: Pat Whitten/County Manager and I go back a long way...we both relocated to Storey County in 1994 from Kawlifornia...he was the manager at the Virginia City RV park...then became owner...we both joined the Storey County Sheriffs office as reserve deputies...albeit I had previous LE experience...we both ran for SC Sheriff...his money and position placed him well ahead of me as a candidate for Storey County Sheriff..of course Pat won and I was not upset...However I was a lil upset when later down the road after his second election he bailed mid term and turned over the reins of Sheriff to Miller via appointment...who then went on to be elected...albeit he was by no means popular with the people!
I remember being at a Reserve Deputy party with Pat way back 95'...everyone was having a good time and the beer at any rate Pat told me how he was wrongfully accused of sexual harrassment while a manager at Bank of America in Tahoe...I believed Pat then as I believe Gerald Antinoro now...Lance Gilman is akin to Dirty Harry Reid and uses dirty politics for his personal gain...imho!
It's up to the electorate of Storey County to decide to retain or recall Gerald...I choose to retain !

Businessman: Lance Gilman, 68, says most voters didn't think twice about his ownership of the Mustang Ranch
I say recall Lance Gilman...Storey County Commissioner...we really don't need another Joe Conforte' /Progressive Dem... Harry Reid supporter!

I base my decision on this matter with the following:

Have a nice night and let your conscience be your guide when you vote!

Emails: Huma Abedin was Planning a Full Military Funeral for Hillary Clinton due to Health

by:MIchael DePinto
The mainstream media is never gushy when it comes to calling so-called “fake news,” or “conspiracy theorists,” but I’m not mistaken, those very same “conspiracy theorists,” have a pretty good batting average these days versus the mainstream media. On the issue of Hillary’s health, once again it looks like the “win” goes to Team Conspiracy.
In the following video, Right Wing News reviews shocking new details about planning for Hillary’s funeral that were made available via 1,184 pages of emails obtained by Judicial Watch as part of a lawsuit. Furthermore, Right Wing News explains why we haven’t seen the Trump administration moving forward with aggressively trying to prosecute Hillary Clinton…

Gateway Pundit Reports:
In recently leaked emails, it has been exposed that Hillary’s health and life expectancy was up for questioning as early as 2010. 
Capricia Marshall, the chief of protocol for the Clinton-run State Department during the Obama Administration, sent an email out to Huma Abedin, Doug Band, and Cheryl Mills on February 23rd of 2010. Capricia Marshall was concerned as, “every time someone significant passes, I am flooded with requests” about Hillary Clinton’s arrangements. Via NY Post:
“Planning is necessary and best done when they are still with us,” she wrote to top Clinton aide Abedin.

“As well, Huma, I would make the same suggestion to you — for her it will be a little different … And once affirmed it will be very hard for someone to deny the type of ceremony she wanted — as well I understand that the President can request certain arrangements for her that she/her rep cannot (ie if you want the motorcade to go through DC — stop somewhere),” Marshall wrote in one email.
She told the aides she needed to contact the military to prepare for the funerals — “as Protocol has a lot to do with planning, notification etc.” 

Another message from March 2010 shows the level of tension that existed among some Clinton advisers when Band asked Abedin to follow through with a request by Chelsea Clinton to set up a White House tour for a Haitian-American sailor from the USS Comfort.
“I don’t want to get cross wise with cdm [Cheryl Mills] on anything Haiti related,” Abedin replied.
Three minutes later she wrote again.
“Have you met Cheryl Mills,” Abedin asked in all caps about Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff when she was secretary of state. “You have no idea.”
Band replied, “Good point.”
“She will kill the tour if she find out i set it up …,” Abedin wrote back.
“Wow,” Band replied.

This is important because the #FakeNews liberal media is STILL covering for Hillary and denying she has any health issues.
Just last weekend “60 Minutes” host Scott Pelley attacked Trump supporter Mike Cernovichfor reporting on Hillary’s health during the campaign.
At one point Cernovich stumped “journalist” Scott Pelley. This came during their discussion on Sick Hillary. The media still claims Hillary was in tip-top form and was not sick when she collapsed at Ground Zero and had to be chucked in her Scooby van like a side of beef.
Mike Cernovich had an epic response:

Your News Wire Reports:
Hillary Clinton is dying and Huma Abedin is planning her funeral, according to emails between the former presidential candidate and her top aide made public by Judicial Watch on Wednesday. 
The emails also reveal that Hillary Clinton is demanding a full military funeral, involving a motorcade through Washington D.C. as part of a massive State-funded celebration of her life.
The previously unseen emails between Clinton, Abedin and other colleagues were published by Judicial Watch as part of a cache of 1,184 pages of State Department records obtained by the conservative watchdog.
In one notable email exchange, Capricia Marshall, ambassador and long-time friend to Hillary Clinton, sought to map out her – and Bill Clinton’s – funerals because “planning is best done when they are still with us.”

As well, Huma – I would make the same suggestion to you – for her it will be a little different … And once affirmed it will be very hard for someone to deny the type of ceremony she wanted — as well I understand that the President can request certain arrangements for her that she/her rep cannot (ie if you want the motorcade to go through DC — stop somewhere),” Marshall wrote.
(Notice the one reporter's face) 

Marshall also told Abedin that she had to involve the military in preparation for Hillary’s funeral — “as Protocol has a lot to do with planning, notification etc.
The news that Hillary Clinton is on her last legs corroborates reports that President Trump was told that Bill and Hillary Clinton are dying.
According to a White House insider who works closely with the president, a merciful Trump took pity on Bill and Hillary Clinton upon hearing of their ill-health. Not because he approves of pedophilia, corruption, or murder, but because he is a spiritual man who can see that karma has caught up with them and is about to pay them back by the bucket load.

Their fate in hell far exceeds any punishment we could impose on that pair. We must concentrate on the network of crooks, pedophiles and traffickers that exist right now and prosecute them with the full force of the law, Trump told the team in a closed-door meeting at the White House.

Trump also believes that the Clintons are a fading force in US politics. Bill’s career is well and truly over and Hillary is a thoroughly defeated figure, languishing at rock bottom in nationwide approval rating polls.

It is believed that a blockbuster Clinton trial would destabilize a country already racked by division, and a guilty verdict would transform the deeply unpopular duo from despised and rejected figures into undeserved martyrs.

President Trump, playing the long game, does not wish to give the DNC this gift.
According to the White House insider it is former president Obama, who has been ignoring the customary peaceful transferral of power, who is viewed as the greater threat to the Trump presidency.
The White House insider also explained that the leaks coming out of the White House would “soon dry up” as Obama-era holdovers were removed, and staff loyal to the president were appointed to key positions of trust.

oped: No Donald The Clinton's as well as Obama do not get a pass based on Kharma...justice must be served on all who break the law...know ands, ifs or buts about it  average citizens get a pass? Nope they don't...need I say more?

 Sure why not see:

Article posted with permission from The Last Great Stand

President Trump Wants to Know why Intelligence Committee isn't Looking into Clintons

by:Tim Brown
While Senators like Richard Burr (R-NC) are probing the Trump administration over alleged collusions with Russia with absolutely no evidence to do so, they have allowed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to walk free and even engage a presidential campaign for the White House with known and well-documented criminal activity.  Now, President Donald Trump is asking why they are looking into him and not the Clintons.
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) had commented that Trump had been under surveillance, a simple statement of known fact.  Yet, Democrats have been going after him in such a bitter frenzy that they can't see straight.
Following Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) calling on Nunes, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, to recuse himself of investigations into the allegations against Trump and others, Trump decided to put his two cents worth in the mix via Twitter.
"Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech... money to Bill, the Hillary Russian ‘reset,’ praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!” Trump tweeted on Monday evening.

Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017 to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017

I agree with Trump on this.  Why aren't they looking into the Clintons shady dealings here, which are a national security issue?  However, what I want to know is this: Why isn't Trump's Justice Department looking into the Clintons?

Isn't that what he promised during the campaign?  Why yes!  Yes, it is!
Remember this?

"I didn't think I was going to say this, but I'm going to say it, and I hate to say it, but if I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies, so much deception," Trump said to America in front of Hillary Clinton. "There has never been anything like it. We're going to have a special prosecutor."

OK, so where is the special prosecutor President Trump?  Why are you not using your own administration to look into it?

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Native People Ready for Obama’s EPA to Disappear Citing Massive Economic Impact


By Andrew West 

The democrats, led by the infamous Barack Obama, were responsible for some of the most detrimental economic/environmental policies in American history. 

For some reason, the political left in America has taken it upon themselves to be the guardians of all things in nature.  While it is true that some regulations are necessary in order to preserve the safety and sanctity of our beautiful and vibrant nation’s wild spaces, what the liberals have done goes far above and beyond that, and is solidly rooted in globalist thinking.
What the left did was absurd.  They latched onto faulty science, skewed for the sole purpose of instigating these exact reactions, and then legislated their way toward a new world order with policies being developed by the EPA poised to spread across the globe.  This, in turn, created the idea that a global authority should oversee all of the resources of our planet, effectively chipping away at the very idea of national sovereignty.

Luckily, with the introduction of Donald Trump and other conservative leaders around the world, some of these wild overreaches are finally being put to rest.
Take the EPA for example.  The agency was deep in the pockets of Obama and his liberal cronies for years, and created a great deal of skewed policy based solely on the ideas of that side of American politics.  As far as over-exertive government agencies go, perhaps only the TSA is more troubling.
So when Donald Trump announced his plans to reduce the scope of the oversized and under regulated EPA, liberals lost their minds.  There were overblown claims of mass destruction, extinctions, and total chaos that would certainly stem from the reorganization.  Social media was absolutely humming with ill-conceived doom and gloom predictions by armchair scientists who were most likely triggered by the idea of a smaller EPA.

One group not complaining, however, were First Nations People of the Navajo tribe.
“The Navajo Generating Station and the Kayenta Mine on Navajo land in Arizona has directly and indirectly provided 3,100 jobs and $180 million in annual income to workers and their families.
“The lease agreements, royalties, and other payments are tied to the plant and mine account for approximately 20 percent of Navajo Nation annual general fund revenue, with the money used to fund schools, emergency services, infrastructure, and public parks.
“And now, because regulations have driven up the cost of coal, the plant owners who lease the land have announced it will close in 2019, adding even more strain to a communitythat suffers from a 42 percent unemployment rate and 43 percent of its people living below the federal poverty line.
“Now, the Navajo Nation hopes that President Donald Trump and the Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will help resolve this crisis by working to keep the plant open for 10 years so that alternative income streams can be developed ahead of its closure.” 

Barack Obama, you see, was waging a full on war against the coal industry during his time in office.  When Hillary Clinton began campaigning in 2016, promising to be a surrogate third term for the disastrous president, she was not at all welcome in coal country.  Her campaign stops received massive vocal backlash in West Virginia, where she was considered “an enemy of coal”.
You see, the policies developed by the EPA in the last decade are not aimed at making American efficient with their resources.  The EPA’s purpose was to serve as ground zero for the total abandonment of resource mining in America and the world.  Much like Al Gore created a carbon credits company before touting global warming as an actual thing in order to profit, the EPA has been working a campaign of anti-fossil fuels for years.  This insider dealing would then allow liberals to work their investments to suit what they believed would be a renewable resource boom, effectively stacking the deck in their favor.

Now, if the Trump administration can follow through on their promise to repeal the Obama-era coal restrictions, these Navajo people will be able to live without the fear of economic collapse.

Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Russia et al...

dog and pony perform tricks on stage in a funny stock photo about ...   

Nothing more than the proverbial "Dog and Pony Show" to be blunt, let me say and you may quote me:
'Theory without fact is Hypothesis~ Fact without theory is Chaos'
What we have here is pure is not to solve the problem at hand but to create chaos... so both sides of the aisle can send out e-mails requesting/demanding donations to the party to fight the other side...pure and simple ~the proverbial Ponzi scheme! "A Never Ending Story"

Here is the cold hard point the finger at Russia and China is a oxymoron...all countries spy on each other and interfer with each others internal affairs and elections...the US being the biggest offender during the "Progressive" Obama administration!

Let me make this perfectly clear so even those with low IQ's can understand....Congress is not intended to be  a investigative is to make law...The DOJ and  FBI are tasked with this...therefore it would behoove congress to stay the hell out of it and request the DOJ/FBI to assign top level non partisan career employees with the task to open a comprehensive investigation and get to the bottom of all the corruption taking place in the halls and hollows of DC! It is more than a Swamp as Donald Trump calls it is a outright Sewer! 
Start here:

[Sound familiar? Gotta pass it to see it!]

As for the ObamaCare fiasco...let me make this clear also...We the People requested that it be repealed...not patched with duct tape...repealed means just that repealed... no ands, ifs or buts about it.
Congress has absolutely no business to be in the medical insurance business with the only exception being Medicare for seniors and Medicaid for the poor (Citizens only)...The whole 2000+ pages of this chaotic abomination needs to hit file 13 (the dead file) then cremated to make sure it never returns...then congress can get busy working on bills to solve the problem...start with bills addressing the gouging going on in hospitals and the Big Pharma companies as well as limiting the amount paid to tort/mal-practice claims against doctors. and hospitals.
Also reduce the amount of government backed student loans to a maximum of $25,000 for a 4 year degree and $10,000 for a 2 year community college work skill degree...this would cause the state/elite universities and community colleges to reduce their rates and promote useful degree programs vs rediculous useless degree programs and keep down student debt as well as government debt! New graduate Medical Doctors would not have to charge so much in order to pay off extreme debts aquired.

I can only give food for thought and plant the seed...bright and responsive representatives of We the People can take over now...carry on with God's speed and direction! 

Closing with:

There I said it and kept it short and sweet...unlike politicians who write extremely long and confusing bills padded with special interests agendas hidden within thousands of pages of gobbly gook!

Hillary Clinton Stirring the Pot of Discord at Speech in San Francisco

Hillary Clinton

As reported by the Hollywood reporter.
Hillary Clinton took on the Trump administration Tuesday in one of her first public speeches since she lost the presidential election, criticizing the country’s Republican leaders on everything from health care to the shortage of women appointees in top administration positions.
Cracking jokes about her November defeat and her months out of the limelight since, Clinton spoke to thousands of businesswomen in San Francisco, joking there was no place she’d rather be, “other than the White House.” 

Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, Clinton faulted the Republican presidential administration repeatedly, including calling its representation of women in top jobs “the lowest in a generation.”
Watch as she carries the flag for continuing the discord and divisiveness that lost her the election. 

Napolitano Standing By Statement that got him Knocked Off the Air

Judge Nap: Hillary 'Reeks of Secrecy, Scandal and Failure' | Fox News ...

As seen first on the Constitution.
Fox News analyst and pundit has been on a forced hiatus in recent days due to a shocking report he delivered on Fox News a couple of weeks ago.
This is what Napolitano said on Fox and Friends in mid-March:
Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice… He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA database. So by simply having two people go to them and say ‘President Obama needs transcripts  of conversations involving Candidate Trump, conversations involving President-Elect Trump,’ [Obama’s] able to get it, and there’s no American fingerprints on this.
The shocking report was denied by both British and American authorities and without further proof, Fox was forced to pull Napolitano off the air. He also discussed that sources stand by story on President Obama using British intelligence to spy on Trump.


Ugly Domestic Enemy Rage at Victims of Communism a Good Indicator of Their Intent for Living

Join Oath Keepers

“Evil is.” And being a useful idiot enabling it is no excuse."

A photo posted to Twitter by a self-styled “Black Bolshevik” should tell decent and sane Americans all they need to know about the character of the Marxists and their useful idiots trying to tear down the social order under the appropriated term of “anarchist.” Participants are circling the base of the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington DC and giving it the middle finger.
The inscriptions circling the pedestal of the statue read:
“To the more than one hundred million victims of communism and to those who love liberty [and] “To the freedom and independence of all captive nations and peoples.”
Victims there were. And while the Genocide Chart created by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership does not confine itself to murderous communist regimes, it’s undeniable that those, including the Soviet Union, Red China and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, were where the most monstrous crimes against humanity, with deaths in the tens of millions, were perpetrated.
Unsurprisingly, such totalitarian governments demanded a “monopoly of violence.” That they represented themselves as being for “the people” is but another Orwellian lie, as there can be no more egalitarian form of true power sharing than is secured through an armed populace.

It’s also unsurprising that the Antifa freaks and fake “anarchists” accuse principled conservatives and libertarians of being “Nazis” and “fascists,” while the truth of the matter is, whenever their kind assumes power, individual freedom, including of speech and worship, is  brutally suppressed.  It’s also no surprise that they are the ones screaming “Racist!” while flipping off the victims of their ideology, untold millions of whom were non-whites.
“Can there be no peace between our peoples?” is a question I routinely ask on my War on Guns blog, and the answer, of course, if you look at some of the examples at the link, is “No, of course not. They won’t allow it.” Not with demonic sociopaths who call “whiteness” a “genetic defect” to be “wiped out,” or are working to impose some of the other evil lunacy.
There’s a great and true line in an old movie, one of my favorites, “The List of Adrian Messenger,” spoken by the character played by Kirk Douglas:
“Evil is.”
That’s something many Oath Keepers have not just read examples of, but have seen up close and personal. We’re not talking about people who just have different political opinions; we’re talking about domestic enemies as the term was understood by the Founders. And what they want from us is aptly illustrated in a scene from another movie, “Independence Day.”

That’s not hyperbole, it’s the way Marxist rule historically works out for those who will not live as slaves.
You don’t even need to imagine what those giving the finger to victims of communist genocide would do if they ever gained power. “The lessons of history,” my friend and colleague Brian Puckett wrote in his landmark Memorandum on Arms and Freedom, “are numerous, clear and bloody.”
(If you’ve not read that before, take some time and do so now.)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Liz Wheeler blasts Joe Biden

I'm liking Liz Wheeler of the family~owned One America News Network...Here she eviscerates the anti-gun looney left and sends a few choice barbs in the direction of the well as Joe Biden who would be well advised to "Check his privilege"

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chuck Schumer’s screaming fit MELTDOWN

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer isn’t taking Donald Trump’s presidency very well.
Schumer, a senior lawmaker and Democratic leader, reportedly had a complete meltdown at an upscale New York City restaurant Sunday and threw a screaming hissy fit over a woman’s support of Trump.
While there were no reports of tears, witnesses described an embarrassing scene.
Schumer allegedly became unruly when dining with friends at Sette Mezzo in the Upper East Side. There, he ran into former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph A. Califano Jr., who served in former President Jimmy Carter’s administration, and began chatting with Califano’s wife, Hilary.

Witnesses told The New York Post that Schumer became enraged when he learned that Hilary had voted for Trump — and launched into a screaming fit.
Even worse, when the Califanos reportedly tried to remove themselves from the embarrassing scene, Schumer followed them outside and continued his tirade on the sidewalk!
So much for the “tolerant” left.
A witness claimed Schumer was screaming, “‘How could you vote for Trump!? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!'”
Hilary confirmed the witness’ description to The Post.
“Sen. Schumer was really rude… He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him,” she said. “Yes, I voted for Trump, Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”

It’s no surprise Schumer would get so worked up about Trump, of course. Schumer has been losing fight after fight against the majority of the new president’s policies and nominations.
Schumer called for the removal of the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. David Nunes Monday, joined other Democrats in saying he will filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, and was one of the main critics of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s failed healthcare bill.
It seems Schumer’s party isn’t the only thing in a meltdown. The Trump presidency is also apparently affecting Schumer’s mental health!
-The Horn News editorial team

Google & Facebook about to get a Taste of their Own Medicine

by:Tim Brown

Google and Facebook have been working to censor content for a while now, especially conservative content and content the mainstream media will not allow you to see or hear.  Now, it's looking like both companies, along with many others, might just face prosecution if they do not stop "extremist videos" from being seen on their sites.
The Telegraph reports:

Ministers are considering a new law which would mean Google – which owns YouTube – and other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can be prosecuted if they allow such videos to be disseminated.
Theresa May, the Prime Minister, made clear her displeasure at internet companies that publish extremist content on Friday, saying “the ball is in their court” over taking action.
Google publicly apologised this week after the growing scandal over extremist videos on YouTube led to a series of companies pulling their adverts from the internet giant.
Google, which owns the video sharing website YouTube, and other social media sites have an agreement to take down extremist content within 24 hours when they are alerted to it.
But ministers are worried that this still allows the videos to be viewed thousands of times before they are taken down.

Understand the magnitude of such censorship.  According to YouTube's Company Statistics, there are 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute!  With nearly 5 billion videos watched on YouTube every single day, if censorship is escalated, there is no doubt that it will be based on algorithms and will be a dragnet like the current system that snags videos that are not extremist in it.

Now, there are many things I'm concerned about here.  First, let's not become emotional about this ordeal.  I do think both Google and Facebook have been hypocrites in their censorship.  While their terms of service are riddled with things about "hate speech" and "violence" and "pornographic" content, they provide quite a bit of that in the ads they produce in their Adsense program.  In fact, many people do not understand that when we advertise on our site, we specifically censor certain ads with Google.  Yet, because all we have is a code, Google will let some ads through based on where the consumer has been on the internet that are risque, violent, sometimes actually hateful, and even pornographic.
So, now the companies are being targeted by government to do censoring, apparently on behalf of government.  While I would agree that threatening videos, such as those produced by Islamists would be criminal in nature and that they should be reported, the fact is that government should be targeting the evil doer (the one that uploaded the video) rather than those providing a platform to upload.

After all, most of us have been banned, put in the cyber space corner over things that did not violate terms of service for both YouTube and Facebook.  This was due to algorithms, and there was no one that would answer when we contested the ban.
On the one hand, I'm kind of glad to see these companies getting a taste of their own medicine.  On the other hand, the reality is that now we are allowing government to determine what is "extremist."  Islamists following in the footsteps of Muhammad and cutting people's heads off are not extremists, they are devout Islamists.  However, when a Christian says sodomy is a sin, is that considered extremist?  What about those who advocate for the life of the unborn against letting its mother and a hired hit man kill it for $200?  Will that be extremist?

Frankly, I wonder if some of the videos that have been released by Islamists are not opening people's eyes to the fact that Islam is not a religion of piece, but of pieces, terror and totalitarianism.
While I cannot speak for countries in Europe and throughout the world, in America, our Constitution is to protect free speech and does not allow Congress to write law that infringes upon that speech.  Yet, we have seen the central government and even state governments seek to violate the law and protections of the rights of the people to push a totalitarian agenda.  This is just the next move in the global chess game

Thousands Of Americans Are Fleeing The Big Cities In Preparation For The Coming American Apocalypse

by: Michael Snyder 
Why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S. cities?  Recently, I wrote about the mass exodus that is happening out of the state of California, but the truth is that what is happening there is just part of a national phenomenon.  The populations of some of our largest cities are steadily shrinking, and many experts are completely mystified by the seismic demographic shifts that we are now witnessing.  Of course, there are a whole host of reasons why people would want to move away from huge cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Cleveland.  For some families, it simply comes down to wanting a better life for their children.  But as you will see below, there are others that believe that things in this country are about to take an apocalyptic turn, and the big cities will not be a place that you want to be when economic collapse, rioting, looting, civil unrest and crime are all spiraling out of control. 
According to data just released by the U.S. Census Bureau, Chicago took the prize for the biggest population loss from 2015 to 2016, and it was followed by Detroit and Baltimore… 

The counties containing Chicago, Detroit and the independent city of Baltimore were the biggest population losers in the United States from 2015 to 2016, according to data released today by the Census Bureau.
Cook County, Ill., where Chicago is the county seat, had the largest population loss of any county in the country from 2015 and 2016.
Cook County alone had a “domestic migration” loss of more than 66,000 people.  That is a staggering number of people to lose in a single year.
Cleveland and Milwaukee were also very high on the list, and some are pointing out that all of these cities are in relatively colder climates and are all struggling economically.
So you certainly can’t blame people living in these cities for wanting to find somewhere warmer and more economically prosperous to live.

But others that are moving away from large cities are deeply concerned about where things are ultimately headed in this country.  It doesn’t take a genius to see that anger, frustration and hatred are rising all around us, and many believe that conditions are ripe for civil unrest and civil conflict.  In fact, best-selling author Doug Casey believes that we could soon see a “civil war” that is set off by a “financial collapse”…

Best-selling author Doug Casey wrote “Crisis Investing” at the time when the U.S. political landscape was transitioning from the Carter Administration to the Reagan Administration. Now, Casey sees a coming crisis that is equal or worse than the Civil War.  Casey explains, “In the U.S. right now, there seems to be so much antagonism it’s almost like pre-Civil War.  There is actually hatred in the U.S. at this point.  It used to be the Republicans and Democrats could disagree, but they could have a civil conversation about a difference of opinion.  Now, it’s active hatred between these two groups.  This is not going to end well.”

Casey thinks the coming financial collapse will be the trigger. Casey says, “It’s going to come down eventually.  I am worried about that, but we are in a situation where the country seem like it is just before a civil war.  It will be more serious than just a financial collapse, and it is likely to be set off by a financial collapse.”
Without a doubt, our financial system is certainly primed for a financial collapse, and when things get really, really bad in this country how will people respond?
Many have decided that they want to get away from the major population centers before we find out the answer to that question.
For example, not too long ago the Chicago Tribune ran a story about why so many preppers are moving to the Great Northwest.  One of the individuals profiled was an ex-resident of California named Trevor Treller who moved up to north Idaho prior to the recent election…

Trevor Treller, 44, who carries a small Smith & Wesson pistol on his hip, moved to north Idaho last year from Long Beach, California, and recently paid a little less than $400,000 for a defensible three-bedroom house on five wooded acres.
Treller, a sommelier at a local resort, said Obama was a key factor in his decision. He said the president has inflamed racial tensions in America, presided over a dangerous expansion of the national debt, been “hostile” to Second Amendment rights and failed to curtail the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran.
Treller said any one of those factors could lead to crippling chaos, so he and his wife have laid in food, weapons and ammunition and are installing an iron gate across their long gravel driveway.
Of course it isn’t just ordinary Americans such as Treller that are deeply concerned about what is coming.
Less than a week ago, CNN ran an article entitled “Billionaire bunkers: How the 1% are preparing for the apocalypse“…
Many of the world’s elite, including hedge fund managers, sports stars and tech executives (Bill Gates is rumored to have bunkers at all his properties) have chosen to design their own secret shelters to house their families and staff.
Gary Lynch, general manager of Texas-based Rising S Company, says 2016 sales for their custom high-end underground bunkers grew 700% compared to 2015, while overall sales have grown 300% since the November US presidential election alone.

So why are Bill Gates and his billionaire friends so interested in buying luxury survival bunkers if everything is going to be just fine?
Can someone explain that one to me?
Everywhere you look, retail stores are closing and economic warning signs are flashing red, but those that sell survival bunkers to the elite are making tremendous amounts of money.
And I certainly wish that I could afford one of these survival bunkers, because they sound quite appealing

One of those shelters, Vivos xPoint, is near the Black Hills of South Dakota, and consists of 575 military bunkers that served as an Army Munitions Depot until 1967.
Presently being converted into a facility that will accommodate about 5,000 people, the interiors of each bunker are outfitted by the owners at a cost of between $25,000 to $200,000 each. The price depends on whether they want a minimalist space or a home with high-end finishes.
The compound itself will be equipped with all the comforts of a small town, including a community theater, classrooms, hydroponic gardens, a medical clinic, a spa and a gym.

These elitists plan to ride out the coming American apocalypse in style while the world above them is literally going insane.
Meanwhile, most of the general population continues to be completely oblivious to what is about to happen to them, and so the events that are coming will close upon them suddenly like a trap and there will be no escape.
Article posted with permission from The Economic Collapse Blog


Mother’s Chilling Close Encounter With Child Abductors That People Can’t Stop Talking About

  external image stop-human-trafficking1.jpg

oped: Enough is enough MSM/Congress as well as the POTUS needs to address this issue on a extreme level...they worry and and spin their proverbial wheels on way too many shallow issues of the day...our children are our and ifs or buts about it! 

by:Michael Snyder

After reading this article, you will never be careless with your child in a public place ever again. There really are predators out there that make a lot of money abducting children. Some of the children that are abducted are abused, tortured or even killed inside the United States, but many others are quickly sent to the nearest port, shipped overseas, and ultimately used for some of the most horrific purposes that you can possibly imagine. So if your child is kidnapped by professional traffickers, there is a chance that your precious little one could end up on the other side of the planet.

I want to share with you something that was originally posted by Amanda Cropsey Florczykowski on Facebook. When people read the account of what almost happened to her two-year-old daughter, they can’t stop talking about it. This post has already been shared more than 169,000 times on Facebook, and my hope is that we can get that number to multiply by bringing as much exposure to this story as possible. Unless you have no emotional feeling left at all, what Amanda has shared about what almost happened to her daughter will send chills up your spine

My name is Amanda and I’m a Longview, Texas resident. I’m convinced that our two-year-old daughter was the victim of a potential sex-trafficking scam yesterday.
I got in the check-out line at a local store early afternoon. I took my daughter out of the cart and the couple ahead struck up the typical conversation about how “cute your daughter is” and then asked about her age, repeatedly. I initially was understanding of what I assumed was a cultural barrier, but I quickly became uncomfortable with the woman’s body language and close proximity to my cart/kids. I picked my daughter up only to have the woman ask if she could hold her.

The woman was so close at this point that my toddler reached her arms around the woman before I could really respond. In an instant her proximity finally changed and she backed away. I grabbed back on to my daughter as the woman was saying, “Say bye to mommy”—what an unusual comment to provoke a child to say. The woman resisted returning her when I physically pulled my daughter from her arms.

Know their conversation began immediately with me and this all took place over only a few moments. After this couple left, I was really shaken up but still noticed the man a few feet away in my peripheral vision, continuing to stand, by himself, with no groceries, in a closed check-out lane. He faced the opposite direction, but was looking over his shoulder at me; glaring would be an understatement. His eyes did not leave my every move and I confidently matched his stare to show I was aware of his presence. I loudly conversed with the cashier about their security staff and the odd couple that seemed predatory.Know their conversation began immediately with me and this all took place over only a few moments. After this couple left, I was really shaken up but still noticed the man a few feet away in my peripheral vision, continuing to stand, by himself, with no groceries, in a closed check-out lane. He faced the opposite direction, but was looking over his shoulder at me; glaring would be an understatement. His eyes did not leave my every move and I confidently matched his stare to show I was aware of his presence. I loudly conversed with the cashier about their security staff and the odd couple that seemed predatory.

I’m thankful to Jesus that He alone protected us! I was able to get out and home safely with my family.
I’ve since researched sex-trafficking and some details were precisely my experience. I want to recount those specifics to create awareness in hopes that you can protect your own children.
—Abductors often work in groups and position themselves throughout the store. Although it wouldn’t appear that these three individuals were shopping together, I am certain this man and couple were a team.
—This couple were of East Indian descent and the man was white and covered in tattoos—all were mid 30s. Beware no matter the color, appearance, age or sex.
—The couple checked out with two items of little value. Something they could easily abandon.

—The woman had alarming proximity to me at times and twice put her hand on my basket. She created one route for me to place my groceries, thus leaving my attention divided between my kids and my task. (I did not place anything on the belt until they left…FYI.)
—I20 is a prominent sex-trafficking route; Longview included.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Justice used the following cities to study sex-trafficking data. Notice the first three.

San Antonio, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Buffalo, NY
Baton Rouge and New Orleans, LA
Independence, MO
Las Vegas, NV
Clearwater, FL
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (U.S. Territory)
—Houston is a popular port where these children are sold overseas. 

—Abductors often follow you to your car and snatch the willing child they bonded with moments before; all while you put in groceries.
—Abductors can follow you home.
—The cashier remarked that she thought I knew these strangers. Their body language conveyed that to onlookers, which would make an exit convenient.
—I’ve heard this is happening at Target, Walmart and Kmart; often in the mornings/before lunch. Completely true of my experience, but it could happen anywhere.

—Moms shopping alone with kids are targeted. Also true of my experience.
—Although rumor says blonde, fair girls/teens are targets, I’ve yet to find that in my research & my daughter doesn’t fit that description.
—Additionally, little girls AND boys of any age are targets.
The thought of what could have happened is sickening. I’m just like you; a mom, and I hope my experience helps you to be, not fearful, but cautious!

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
My resources:
(LPD have been contacted with this report.)

Many people out there do not understand that this has become a silent epidemic in this country.
According to the NCIC, children were reported missing nearly half a million times last year alone…
When a child is reported missing to law enforcement, federal law requires that child be entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, also known as NCIC.
According to the FBI, in 2016 there were 465,676 NCIC entries for missing children.
 It’s estimated that there are 20 to 27 million people worldwide who ...

When we are talking about people that would take little children away from their parents and do unspeakably evil things to them, we are talking about wickedness on a level that defies description. Certainly there have always been child abductions, but today parents have to deal with things that parents a couple of generations ago never even would have thought about.

Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, my parents would allow me and my siblings to freely wander about our neighborhood and play wherever we wanted. But in 2017 that would be unthinkable.
We live at a time when predators are literally grabbing children right off of the streets. For instance, just consider what almost just happened in Oklahoma. The following is the text of a letter that was sent home to students at one school after one of the students was almost abducted

This letter is to make you aware of an incident that occurred last evening in the Twin Oaks addition near Washington Irving Elementary, but not far from some West Field subdivisions.
An Edmond student reported that at about 7 p.m. in the 1400 Block of NW 183rd St, a man in a dark colored SUV pulled up to her on the street and made a motion for her to get into the vehicle. The man did not get out of the SUV or make an attempt to touch the student, but because his motive was unclear we felt it important to bring to your attention. 

A report of the incident has been filed with Oklahoma City Police. Teachers have been made aware of this incident as well and have been asked to be extra vigilant and watchful on duty as always.
Please review safety procedures with your child (especially those who walk home or ride the bus), and if you see anything suspicious, report it to the Oklahoma City Police Department. 

Instead of endlessly talking about politics, the mainstream news should spend a lot more time focusing on things like this that really matter.
And we should push for laws that will ensure that predators and traffickers that victimize children get locked up permanently.
Having a child abducted is one of the most horrifying things that can ever happen to a parent, and my hope is that our national leaders will start to take this issue a lot more seriously.
Article posted with permission from End of the American Dream

Monday, March 27, 2017

Malia Obama caught in 21+ club (busted!)

Former President Barack Obama is going to be giving a lecture today — this time to his 18-year-old daughter Malia.
Conservative reporter and White House correspondent Lucian B. Wintrich claims he got in an argument with the underage Malia at a 21+ nightclub in New York late Saturday night.
Sponsored: Clinton Foundation now linked to thousands of senior deaths
Wintrich claims he was approached by Malia, who asked him to verify his identity before becoming visibly irritated and launching into a tirade — and having him escorted out.

He described the angry encounter in a series of tweets:
Wintrich claimed Malia said to him, “If you wanna have a real convo, let’s sit down and have one, don’t just smile!”

And when he expressed interest in her suggestion, she allegedly got even angrier.
He claimed management at the NYC Club, called Parlor, told him he needed to delete the image or he would be would be banned.
Although his proof only shows the shoulder of the former first daughter, Wintrich defended his story, tweeting:

Performance artist Martina Markota confirmed the encounter, tweeting that she and Wintrich were kicked out of the club:
Scandals of this sort are far from new for Malia.

She was once seen playing beer bong in a photograph while on a college visit to Brown University. She was also previously photographed smoking what appeared to be marijuana at a music festival.
The Obama’s have yet to comment on Wintrich’s alleged encounter with Malia.
-= The Horn News editorial team

You don’t need a CC permit in North Dakota anymore


By Alex Dobuzinskis
(Reuters) – North Dakotans will no longer need a permit to carry a concealed weapon after Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation lifting restrictions, a victory for gun rights advocates that came a week after South Dakota’s governor vetoed a similar bill.
The law, which takes effect on Aug. 1, mandates that gun owners only need a North Dakota driver’s license or state identification card for at least a year before they can carry a concealed firearm in public.

Under current regulations, applicants must take a test to obtain a permit which entails fees of more than $100.
The measure, signed late on Thursday, was approved by the
Republican-controlled legislature despite concerns over public safety if the state made it easier to carry hidden weapons. Advocates framed the issue in terms of the constitutional right to bear arms.
“North Dakota has a rich heritage of hunting and a culture of deep respect for firearm safety,” Burgum said. “As a hunter and gun owner myself, I strongly support gun rights for law-abiding citizens.”

The legislation makes North Dakota the 12th state to allow gun owners to carry their weapons without a concealed-carry permit, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which opposes the practice.
“There’s kind of a mythology around this idea that if you’re going armed in public, you’re going to be able to save the day, but actually it’s more likely you will get yourself hurt or hurt an innocent person,” said Laura Cutilletta, a managing attorney with the center.
Burgum said his state’s bill would not make it easier for criminals to obtain guns. Firearms dealers still must comply with federal background checks to ensure purchasers are not convicted felons, he said.

Last week, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard, a Republican, vetoed a measure to allow carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. He defended existing rules as reasonable, saying lawful gun owners have easily obtained concealed carry permits.
Last year, the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found the U.S. Constitution does not grant any fundamental right to carry a concealed firearm in public.
The ruling upheld the authority of officials to grant permits to those facing a specific danger but only applied to states in the western United States.
The U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 declined to accept a case that involved the issue of whether firearm owners have a constitutional right to carry concealed guns.
Thirty-one states have “open carry” laws, allowing handgun owners to carry weapons in full view without a license, according to the center.

Disturbing new report about top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner

Disturbing new report about top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner

A new report suggests Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner, a former congressman, are back together again and that their previous breakup was “more for optics” and done under “pressure from Hillary’s camp.”
According to a report in Sunday’s New York Post, a source close to the couple revealed, “Huma has been working hard on her relationship with Anthony. He has been spending 80 to 90 percent of his time at the [apartment] they share. … If there is a disagreement, he goes to his mother’s apartment in Brooklyn.”
Another source reportedly told the Post the breakup was “more for optics for the campaign and [under] pressure from Hillary’s camp.”

Weiner has been caught in numerous sex scandals while married to the high-profile Abedin, who is believed by many to be Clinton’s closest adviser.
In 2011, while serving in Congress, Weiner published a picture of his genitalia on Twitter. Weiner eventually said, after two weeks of denying his involvement, the post was a mistake and that he meant to send it to a college student. He then resigned from office after immense pressure.

In 2013, while he was in the middle of running for mayor of New York City, it was exposed Weiner had been using a pseudonym, Carlos Danger, to send nude pictures of himself to more women. Not surprisingly, Weiner, who refused to drop out of the contest, lost the race. Shockingly, he still received 4.9 percent of the vote.

[ oped: sigh..."A Never Ending Story" :  ]

In September 2016, it was revealed Weiner had sent more nude pictures of himself, this time to a 15-year-old girl. Weiner also asked the girl to engage in “rape fantasies” with Weiner, according to a report by the Daily Mail. 

It was at this time Abedin reportedly decided to leave Weiner, but this wasn’t the last we’d hear about him prior to the presidential election.
In November 2016, FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI had discovered new e-mails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department and that the e-mails were not duplicates of e-mails previously recovered from other investigations of Clinton’s use of her personal e-mail server to conduct State Department business. The e-mails had been discovered while officials were searching a laptop belonging to Weiner as part of their investigation of his alleged sexual relationship with a minor. 

Comey would later say, just two days before the election, the FBI found no evidence that warranted prosecuting Clinton. Clinton has said Comey’s announcement played a significant role in helping President Donald Trump capture the White House.
(H/T: Washington Examiner)

Ivanka’s DC neighbors are furious at her for ‘ruining’ the neighborhood — including a Fox News anchor

Ivanka’s DC neighbors are furious at her for ‘ruining’ the neighborhood — including a Fox News anchor
oped: *Shrugs* I wouldn't mind them living in my neighborhood ...however that would never neighborhood is way too downscale for the way why no outrage about Barry Barack Obama living in the neighborhood....hello he is disturbing and would ruin any neighborhood and i'm sure half the black SS SUV's are his detail! :

Ivanka Trump, daughter of President Donald Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, senior adviser to Trump, moved to Washington D.C., from Manhattan earlier this year after Trump was elected president last November.
They decided to move into a $5.5 million home in the ritzy neighborhood of Kalorama where former President Barack Obama now lives, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. The neighborhood is about 2 miles north of the White House

According to the Washington Post, Ivanka’s neighbors delivered her a handwritten note welcoming her family, which includes three small children, to the neighborhood when they moved in a few months back.
But when Secret Service SUVs began lining the streets taking precious parking spaces, the neighbors were a little less passive. In addition to the large security presence, neighbors have complained about trash lining the curb in front of the house and noisy Secret Service agents, who some say changed their shirts out in the open.

“Are you kidding me?” Robinson added in comments to the Post. “This is the adult child of the president. Sometimes there are 10 cars out here.”
At a recent neighborhood commission meeting, even Wallace showed up to complain about the parking situation, according to the AP.
“Maybe some of the upset has to do with politics a little. I couldn’t say for sure, but I know that people don’t seem to be upset about Tillerson’s situation. It’s much less intrusive,” Ellen Goldstein, an elected neighborhood commissioner, told the AP.
The problems prompted Robinson to write a letter to Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser, who responded by removing two of the four “No Parking” signs erected on the neighborhood street since Ivanka moved in. In that letter, Robinson said the problems have “truly ruined my peaceful enjoyment of my house.”

On Friday, neighbors met with city officials and Secret Service officials to address their concerns, Secret Service spokeswoman Nicole Mainor told the AP.
At any rate, Christopher Chapin — who serves as president of the neighborhood commission — is just happy for the spotlight his community is receiving.
“We are delighted to have political figures like the Obamas, the Kushners and the Tillersons living in our neighborhood,” he told the AP.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Did Trump Call for Paul Ryan to Resign? It Looks Like It...

Donald Trump sent out a curious tweet last night. As Newsmax notes:
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro on Saturday slammed House Speaker Paul Ryan for the healthcare replacement failure and questioned his agenda hours after President Donald Trump told his Twitter followers to tune in to her show.  

"Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House," she said in her opening statement. "The reason? He failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill. The one trumpeted to repeal and replace Obamacare." 

Later, Pirro said, "I want to be clear, this is not on President Trump. No one expected a businessman to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process. How would he know which individuals upon which he would be able to rely?"

This is not surprising. When Trump ran for president, he was light on specifics for repealing and replacing Obamacare. He assured voters that the replacement plan would be "something terrific."

Trump is certainly to blame, to some extent, but no one ever accused him of being a wonk. 

Perhaps Ryan was hamstrung by Trump's preference for some form of socialized healthcare, but it doesn't seem like Trump too tied to any particular plan. He would have, and did, support almost anything. The GOP, and specifically Ryan, who's long been considered a wonk,  had eight years to come up with an alternative to Obamacare that made healthcare better and more affordable and they didn't.

It's true that what Ryan could accomplish was tempered by the reconciliation process. But it's also true that he never made it clear to the American people. A disaster of a first draft was rolled out, and THEN Ryan and company scrambled to explain to voters that it was only phase one of a three phase process. 

This is signature Ryan. When it comes to the conservative issues the man clearly cares about, he's often silent. When it comes to pushing bailouts, bloated budgets, and whatever the chamber of commerce, crony capitalist wing of the GOP wants, there he is, ready to forge ahead.

We wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump, or his team, understood this, and that they acted in a manner that would ensure Ryan's humiliation, and eventual resignation.

Trump's Tweet makes us even more curious. 

 Source: American Action News

Al Gore: Trump Won’t Be Able to Stop the Environmental Movement

oped: Really Al ? wow...hmmm never mind I beg to differ...let's show the world the real picture: 

So Al did you bribe these alleged 10+ GOP Senators with a weekend trip to you and Bill's fav hangout "Lolita Island" ?  


Al Gore: I’ve Got 10 GOP Senators Ready To Fight Trump On Global Warming 

Former Vice President Al Gore claimed 10 Republican senators are ready to turn on President Donald Trump on global warming policy.
"There's a new development, there are now 30 Republican members of the House of Representatives who have changed sides on this issue and have become part of a group committed to solving the climate crisis," Gore told The Independent. "There are about 10 Republican senators who right now are considering changing sides, a couple already have."
Gore did not identify who these ready-to-defect Republican lawmakers are, but said with their help, "we are going to win this, there's no question about that," and that "[h]istory is on our side."
He made these remarks at an event in the United Kingdom, where he previewed his new film, "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power."

Gore also argued Trump wouldn't be able to stop the environmental movement.
"He [Trump] is seemingly determined to eliminate all of the Government programs that he can eliminate that would help the US reach its goals but the speed and force of this transformation underway in the West may lead to the achievement of the US goals regardless of what he does," Gore said.
Gore supported former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign, leading outreach for young voters who were thinking of voting for a third party.
After the elections, he met with Trump and his daughter Ivanka to talk about global warming policy.
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