John DeMayo

The destructive actions and agenda of President Obama and his
Executive Branch can no longer be tolerated by Americans. Obama has no
plans to respect our laws and founding principles. He only wishes to
weaken them and cripple what once was a country worthy of the title
World Superpower. A country that the planet could count on to lay down
our lives to defend good against aggression and shake compliance out of
the stupidly arrogant and dangerous.
Obama’s priority is to destroy his opposition and complete his dream
of transforming our Republic into a government controlled hell where
citizens obey the government—over our faith in God and morality—or he
will see us marginalized and subjugated. If he is allowed to advance his
un-American delusions the United States future is certain. We will all
be sacrificed to his world view.
Unlawful acts that rise to the level of treason and espionage cannot
be abided to accommodate a dishonest man’s claim of privilege. Lies do
not grant a criminal absolution for his mistakes nor his fabricated
victories. Political patronage is graft and Obama is the spawn of this
insidious illness that he has encouraged as President of our country.
Obama has no respect is devoid of a conscience and his dangerous
addiction to power and fame is destroying our nation.
Yesterday, I watched our Secretary of State refuse to answer to the
American people for her failures and the deaths of four Americans
serving our country. Incompetence is not an excuse Madam Secretary, it
is criminal when you run our State Department and you watch four of your
staff murdered and take political cover to protect your boss’s
re-election and your political future. You Madam are not an American and
you should be tried for your ineptitude and resolute betrayal of your
fellow countrymen.
Manufacturing crisis is a form of sedition and it is a crime in
America. Our President is fabricating carefully scripted crisis in order
to assault our Constitution. Arbitrary and meritless gun bans are
illegal in the United States of America. So is auctioning off sensitive
U.S. assets and technologies to foreign governments. The mere thought of
or plotting to undertake such a venture can carry the death sentence.
It’s called espionage. Both of these crimes are being committed by our
Executive Branch every day to satisfy their lust for deficit funding.
Our elections and our rights to vote for legitimate candidates openly
vetted have been compromised by foreign money laundered through shell
corporations, tax exempt charities, unions and lobbies. Not only does
Obama willingly except this corruption, but he is now moonlighting on
our time and dime for his campaign turned his tax free interest lobby.
Conflict of interests abound and laws are broken as the Chicago school
of machine politics rules the day and destroys what is left of a representative government
and free and open elections. This too is against the law in the United
States. This too is a crime.
Obama denies his Islamist loyalties. He strategically weakens U.S.
military threats to his global brethren and exploits U.S. taxpayer money
to provide terrorists camouflaged as Arab reformers with the equipment
and aid they require to flourish and strengthen their anti-American
offensive. Subterfuge is his ally, as he boldly claims victory where
none exists; all to allow Islamist ideology to advance on American
rights, laws and sovereignty. Access to the White House is now purchased
by Sheiks and their errand boys. This too is a crime.
The United States of America is not a social engineering project. No
President is ever elected to tinker with the inalienable rights that
provide the foundation of our freedom and liberty. They all swear an
oath to protect and defend these rights. Obama has proven to us he has
no respect for the oath he took 4 years ago and re-took 4 days ago. His
loyalties are un-American and he is no longer afraid to show his true
intent. Obama’s ultimate target, our countries fiscal and social
destruction, is no longer a secret. This is treason and it too is a
President Obama is the greatest domestic threat our nation faces.
This man possesses the power to soothe and heal our nation, yet he
arrogantly chooses the path of confrontation, corruption and denial
furthering the disintegration of our American way of life and our
Whatever heroes that still remain in our government and in our
communities must demand investigation into this administrations serial
corruption and willful disregard for their oaths and the breaking of our
nation’s laws. We must take the fight for our rights to the White
House. We must rid our nation of the sinister threat that has stolen the
high political high ground and doomed us to 4 more years of Obama’s
Amerika. Un-American activities can no longer be forgiven for they have
become the new norm and eventually they will take us all.