oped: To be honest I really do not believe that Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama ever attended classes at Columbia. I believe he was covered on the books by Marxist professors and administrators at Columbia for the time period needed to receive his degree, most likely falsified credit and completion and then enrolled at Harvard under the same circumstances.
IMO I believe Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama was groomed off campus to be the mouthpiece for the Marxist movement..They had it all figured out, make Barry respectable with degrees from elite Universities change his name to make him appear as a minority with a humble past and connected to a African country which in their opinion would make it difficult for any entity to question Obama as everything could be turned into racism and scare off any intervention or investigations into his true identity and past!
Their plan worked quite well as a nobody from nowhere unknown to anyone outside of Chicago achieved the highest position of power within the United States of America and he became the puppet head of the Marxist movement which is in fact committing
Treason as described within the US Constitution!
Some may go off on me and accuse me of
Racism or a so called
Birther for attacking the chosen one...however this all could be put to rest by having Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama [or whatever his real name is] release all of his college records with transcripts attached,his Long Form Hawaii birth certificate,adoption records and name change records,Social Security number records as well as his Draft Card records...also his passport records dating back to his childhood forward and his conversion '
Baptism Records' from Muslim to Christian.
Until his records are released... calling me names and dodging the request only proves Barry has something to hide...you be the judge!
On to the article:
Wayne Allyn Root
Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for
Personal Liberty. Here’s a
story every American patriot needs to hear. What’s happening to America
is not a coincidence. It’s not a mistake. It’s not fate. And President
Barack Obama isn’t dumb or incompetent. He’s brilliant, and this is all a
purposeful plan. I’m a witness.
Remember when Geraldo Rivera opened Al Capone’s vault live on
national TV? Well, I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to
break “the Obama code.” I’m about to tell you everything about the way
Obama, and the people around him, really think. I’m about to rip open
the true Obama plan to destroy our country, because I was there when the
plan was hatched.
How do I know all this? Because I was Obama’s college classmate at
Columbia University, class of ’83. I was easy to recognize: the lone
outspoken conservative in a class of 700 students. I knew I was in
trouble when my first political science class at Columbia was “Communism
101″ taught by Professor Trotsky in the Fidel Castro Building, at the
corner of Marx Boulevard and Lenin Drive. I’m only half-kidding. My
experiences at Columbia were not far off.
Everyone needs to hear my story, because what Obama and I learned at Columbia explains
exactly what Obama is doing to America today.
The economy in deep decline; the disappearance of jobs; the
annihilation of the middle class; the demonization of business owners;
the destruction of small business with onerous regulations and taxes;
the overwhelming debt and spending of out-of-control government; the
millions of Americans losing their health insurance; and the
unimaginable increase in dependency through welfare, food stamps,
unemployment, disability and now free healthcare: It’s all easily
explained when you hear what Obama and I learned at Columbia.
I predicted all of this for five long years. Every prediction about
what Obama would do and how jobs would be killed and what would happen
to the economy has come true. It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched
at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism,
Judeo-Christian values and the American dream.
I never met Obama at Columbia. We were both political science majors,
both pre-law. We graduated on the same day. There were perhaps 100 to
150 of us in the political science department. And I thought I knew all
of them. As the token big-mouthed conservative patriot, I know they all
knew me — but not Obama. I never met him, saw him or even heard of him.
Not one of my friends at Columbia ever met him either. At our 30th class
reunion last May, I could not find a single classmate who had ever met
him. Strange story, but I digress.
What matters is what Obama learned and experienced at Columbia. My
classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day “taking the
system down.” They blamed America for “unfairness, racism, inequality
and lack of social justice.” Recognize those words?
My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists and
Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or
perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business
owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be
dismantled, business owners bankrupted and capitalism
destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on “social justice.”
Sound like the policies of anyone you recognize in the White
House? Does “We have to spread the wealth around” ring a bell? How about
“If you own a business, you didn’t build that”?
How about Obama’s hatred of Republicans and refusal to negotiate with
Congress? It’s clear he thinks he’s “morally superior” to
conservatives. That attitude was born at Columbia, too. In 1981, when a
student burst through the doors to our political science class and
screamed, “The President has been shot. They’ve assassinated Reagan,” my
classmates yelled, hugged, high-fived and jumped up and down cheering
the death of a Republican. Today, most of my classmates are either in
government with Obama or controlling the mainstream media. They talk
about “moderation and compromise,” but always remember 30 years ago they
cheered for the death of a Republican.
But there’s more. We were all taught a simple, but brilliant plan. My
classmates discussed it 24/7. It was their “American dream.” It was
called “Cloward-Piven,” after former Columbia professors Richard Cloward
and Frances Piven. To bring down America and our capitalist system,
they were taught to overwhelm the system with massive spending,
entitlements and debt. That would cause the economy to collapse, wipe
out the middle class and bring Americans to their knees, begging
government to save them. It’s the exact plan Obama has been
implementing. The centerpiece is Obamacare.
Obamacare isn’t about healthcare. It’s about bankrupting the middle
class and addicting it to government dependency. It’s about
redistributing wealth from the middle class and small business to
Obama’s voters (the poor and unions). Its goal is to wipe out the last
vestiges of middle-class America, creating a two-class society: the
super rich and the poor (both beholden to Obama). Obama learned well;
it’s working to perfection.
So that explains the plan. But how do you implement it? We were
taught that at Columbia, too. A key component of the plan involved
fooling the voters by calling yourself “moderate” and a “uniter,” even
though you are a radical Marxist. We were taught to never admit what you
really believe in. It involved demonizing your opponents, calling them
“evil, greedy, extreme, radical and terrorist.” Look in the mirror and
call your opponents the very things you are. Obama learned well.
The plan taught us to hide your true intensions. (In other words,
lie, misrepresent, commit fraud.) So Obamacare is about “saving the
uninsured,” as opposed to income redistribution. Government regulations
are to “protect us from global warming,” as opposed to wiping out small
business. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is about “fairness,” as opposed
to creating 12 million new Democratic voters. High taxes are to “create
equality,” as opposed to starving Obama’s political opposition. Obscene
spending is always about “helping widows and orphans,” as opposed to
bribing Obama’s voters. Higher teacher salaries to reward terrible
performance are “for the kids,” as opposed to enriching teachers unions
so they can funnel hundreds of millions to Democratic politicians.
Bailing out GM was to “save jobs,” as opposed to saving bloated auto
union pensions.
It’s always about lying to cover up the Marxist agenda of destroying
the middle class, redistributing wealth and putting big government in
control of our every move. Why the lies? We were taught at Columbia that
“It’s for the greater good” and “We know what’s best for those people”
and “The ends justify the means.” Obama learned well.
But the key to it all is to “boil the frog slowly.” We learned at
Columbia to set the fire low, so the frog wouldn’t complain. By the time
he realized what was happening, he’d be cooked. That’s why every Obama
speech starts and ends with “I’m here to save the middle class,” while
his actions are annihilating them. He’s boiling the frog slowly. By the
time the middle class realizes he’s the killer and they’re the prey,
they’ll already be dead.
The root (excuse the pun) of every Obama policy, everything Obama
does and everything happening to the U.S. economy, all started at
Columbia. The entire Obama agenda to overwhelm the system, wipe out the
middle class, bankrupt small business and destroy capitalism was hatched
at Columbia.
Obama may not have attended class, but he learned well. He should
have received Columbia’s Karl Marx Award for “Student Most Likely to
Destroy America.” We never needed to fear terrorists, or Russia, or
China. We’re being destroyed from within, and the orders emanate direct
from our own White House. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for
Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America.