
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Andrea Tantaros surfaces in interview: Fox host mysterious ousting baffles fans

      Image result for sexy pics andrea tantaros    Image result for sexy pics andrea tantaros

oped: lol gimmee a break Andrea hasn't been anymore vocal in her support of Donald Trump than Sean Hannity has...she has all the moves/looks.... nice tattas,tush etc so whats really going on here? Me thinks holding out for more money? Most likely scenario the question becomes is she worth it ? Dunno y'all be the judge I'm just a old fart what do I know? #Nuttin ha  

Andrea Tantaros mystery ousting from Fox News still the buzz, but it looks as though she may be back! 

Andrea Tantaros mystery ousting from Fox News still the buzz, but it looks as though she may be back!
Andrea Tantaros and her mysterious disappearance from the Fox News show "Outnumbered" has been the online buzz for about a month now. The fans of Tantaros are still wondering what is going on as there has been no official word that she is gone for good. While Tantaros hasn't been on Fox in the past month, her bios still indicate that she is still a host on "Outnumbered," both on her own websites and her social media sites. Her name also still appears on the Fox show "Outnumbered" as a host.
Tantaros surfaced this week in an interview on Political Punks radio show and the podcast is posted online. She is promoting her new book "Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What We Wanted Made Women Miserable." She is best known for her work on Fox's news shows "Outnumbered" and "The Five," leaving the latter of the two back in February.

While this latest interview has Tantaros sounding great, she never mentioned her "vacation" from Fox. She did however engage in chit chat about the green room and the hallways of the Fox News station. Fox offered a statement about Tantaros sudden departure from the network back in April making it sound only temporary.
Fox released a statement that was short and brief to TV Newser about Tantaros disappearance from in front of the camera. They said: “Issues have arisen regarding Andrea’s contract, and Fox News Channel has determined it best that she take some time off. She is still under contract with the network.”
This statement didn't do much to calm her fans, who are a bit peeved that if Fox were to get rid of anyone on the show, the last person it should be is Tantaros. She is seen by many as a breath of fresh air when it comes to talking about the truth in the news. Fox never divulged any more information about the contract issues with the journalist, so it could be any one of a number of things keeping her off the air.

Many of her fans believe that Fox had a problem with Tantaros around her strong support of Donald Trump and that is what got her ousted. From all indications today, she's not ousted, just out on leave for a bit, but those bios can come down tomorrow. You just never know because what you are privy to hearing isn't always what is going on behind the scenes.
The Fox "Outnumbered" website still has Tantaros listed as a host for the show, with her picture front and center as one of the three permanent hosts of the noontime venue. Tantaros' Facebook bio also lists that she is a host of "Outnumbered," which seems to indicate they didn't part ways.

Attn: .@WalkingDead_AMC Ok gonna be blunt here WTFU!

Image result for walking dead

I went to school when they taught us to think not react...protest... and make an ass out of oneself.
Let's get real here scripts are written at the HS everyone can understand...taking this into consideration...who do y'all think watches your stories/entertainment?...then buys products related to the same?
It sure as hell isn't the looney left who gains monetary income from welfare programs (*Free Stuff*)...not hard work!   Image result for walking dead
Yup it is us *conservatives* who work hard and play hard....need I really say more?
I suppose so ..once again I submit my idea :

Based on real time life experience ha:  

At least give me a thumbs up for originality not BS!...Thanks in advance... maybe we can help each other in this quest for the truth... as Sgt Friday said on the old 1950's TV series #Dragnet "Just the facts Maam"


BLM Land Grab Isn’t About Patriots or Cows, It’s About Uranium

oped: Indeed and Senator Harry Reid has his head so far up Hillary and Obama's a** even a snorkle won't help him breath..he needs a full out re-breather of the Seal Team kind! 

Here a never ending story on and on it goes:

By Tim Brown 

Political prisoner and free press reporter Pete Santilli has once again spoken the truth from jail and outed the DC central government’s refusal to admit that their land grab, using the Bureau of Land Management, is all about Uranium.
Santilli claims there is circumstantial evidence that Hillary Clinton is involved in the sale of Uranium to Russia. This is nothing new as we have pointed out that the Russians paid the Clintons millions of dollars to obtain Uranium, which they then supplied to Iran. We also noted that some of that money has been used to fund the Clinton presidential campaign.

Pete made reference to Jon Rappaport’s article on the issue:
“In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide (‘yellowcake’) mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Oregon Energy is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a mill for processing. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the ‘New U’ uranium claims.
On May 7, 2012, Oregon Energy LLC made a presentation to the BLM outlining its plans for development for the mine. 

The Vale District has agreed to work with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on mitigation for the ‘New U’ uranium claims, which are located in core sage grouse habitat. Although the lands encompassing the claims have been designated core, the area is frequented by rockhounds and hunters, and has a crisscrossing of off-highway vehicle (OHV) roads and other significant land disturbance from the defunct Bretz Mercury Mine, abandoned in the 1960s.”

Santilli claims to have actual documentation that will be revealed during his trial, along with the historical information that we reported on earlier about Clark County being land that is part of the State of Nevada, not the central government.

As Freedom Outpost’s Ed Wood wrote shortly before his passing:
This week, the New York Times revealed that leaders of the US-Canadian mining industry, major donors to the Clinton Foundation, sold to the Russians a company known as Uranium One, giving the Russians control of one fifth of all the uranium mined in the US. A headline in Pravda boasted, “Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.”

Not too surprisingly, to expedite the deal, Uranium One’schairman made four donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had with the Obama White House to publicly identify all Clinton Foundation donors. In addition, shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank that was promoting Uranium One stock. 

But all that was peanuts compared to the donation just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized when the Clinton Foundation received another windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Uranium One shareholder, Frank Giustra—a gift that had remained secret until just last month. And Mr. Giustra has more recently pledged an additional $100 million. So important is Mr. Giustra to the Clinton Foundation that a separate financial entity, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, has been established. 

Maybe now we can better understand why presidential candidate Clinton has announced that the Clinton Foundation would continue to receive foreign donations during her candidacy, and–if elected—probably through her presidency, as well!

But back to uranium. We have now sold Russia one fifth of our uranium mining capacity. But, to use a time honored phrase, “What possible difference can it make?” We can’t process our own uranium anyhow. The Obama Administration closed down our only uranium enrichment plant in June of 2013.

So where do we now get our supply of enriched uranium? You guessed it. We buy it from Russia!

This gets to the heart of why the Hammond land was at stake in the Oregon fiasco. As I reported in January, the Hammond’s Ranch is rich in Uranium and other minerals. In fact, it’s worth billions!

I invite you to listen to the information in this 20 minute interview below from jail with Pete. If you wish to help Pete with his legal defense and encourage him, you can do so by clicking here, and also writing to him at the following address:
Pete Santilli SWIS #795071
Inverness Jail
11540 Inverness Dr.
Portland Oregon 97220

Wife Finds Disabled Vet in Tears, Then Sees Shocking Thing Neighbor Did to Him

Veteran Shocked By Note In His Yard After Neighbor Had Been Watching Him
A U.S. Army specialist had deployed to Afghanistan with the 10th Mountain Division when he suffered a grievous wound that brought his military career to an end.
Former combat engineer Christopher Garrett had been shot in the gut while taking part in a night mission, ultimately earning a medical retirement and 100 percent disabled rating. Despite the nagging pain from the injury, the disabled veteran still did his best to maintain his home, including mowing his yard once or twice a week with an old-fashioned push mower.

According to Independent Journal, Garrett’s wife Brittany recently found him outside crying, and after determining that nothing was wrong, was absolutely blown away by what was actually right.

In a post to social media, she described how an anonymous neighbor of theirs had witnessed Garrett struggling with the old push mower and decided to bless him and his family with a brand new John Deere riding lawn mower.

A note with the new mower read: “I hope this saves time for the things that matter most in your life. Thank you for your service and for my freedom. Sincerely, A grateful American”

Brittany and her husband were overjoyed by the generous gift that will no doubt save him plenty of time and pain, allowing him to instead focus on more important things, such as spending more time being a father to his children.
This is just awesome, and is an incredible display of gratitude and selflessness from an unknown neighbor, who is most definitely a great American.
H/T Mad World News

Friday, May 27, 2016

Brain-Damaged Bill Clinton Faces Sexual Abuse Charges

oped: Dunno about y'all but I'm thinking this old school flat head V-8 is firing on 4 cylinders now...long overdue for Billy Bob to retire and fade off into the sunset with Hillary in tow! After serving time for all the crimes they committed!

Hillary Clinton is seeing her presidential campaign melting down again as former Prez Bill Clinton went off-message in California! The troubled Democrat has been trying to downplay the Republican candidacy of Donald Trump — even saying that she was "not gonna be responding" to the Republican candidate bringing up charges of sexual assault against her husband! Bill, however, alarmed insiders again by declaring in California  that he's "not interested in" going after the presumed Republican nominee. The confused candidate then brought up Trump three times! 

It was the latest bizarre gaffe from Bill, and happened just days after a renewed scandal over an alleged mistress. Bill had also just caused international turmoil by going into a rant where he declared that Poland and Hungary felt that “democracy is too much trouble.” The aspiring First Husband even accused the countries of seeking out “Putin-like leadership.” The bizarre statements even had Jarosław Kaczyński — Poland's most powerful political leader — declaring: “If someone feels that there is no democracy in Poland, they should be medically examined.”

"This is the moment that the Hillary campaign has been dreading," said an insider. "Bill's already seemed dazed and confused on the campaign trail. Now he has to take on Donald Trump, who's finally bringing up the sexual assault charges against Bill — just as Hillary's top people warned her was going to happen! She needs him to raise money and get people excited, but poor Bill is panicking. It could be a real disaster if he keeps trying to go after Trump!" 

The National ENQUIRER first reported in February that Hillary's campaign feared an outspoken opponent that would shred Bill's credibility over multiple sex scandals! Television host and pundit Joe Scarborough said: “I will tell you who is horrified right now. Bill Clinton is horrified at the prospect of every time Hillary Clinton bringing up women’s issues, Donald Trump puts out an Instagram ad — and by the end of the campaign, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are synonymous!"

Shocked political insiders were already talking about a different Bill Clinton on the campaign trail this year — with cranky Clinton (already embattled by new charges of cocaine use) telling a former Marine to "shut up and listen!" "Sometimes he seems dazed," said a veteran journalist following the campaign. "Sometimes he just seems tired, and sometimes you get the feeling he wants Hillary to lose the nomination so this whole thing can be over!" 

Insiders agree that these combined pressures — plus Bill's failing health — might explain the lack of enthusiasm that he's shown on the campaign trail. "Bill's clearly tired," said a party member, "and he didn't anticipate that he'd have to worry about Bernie Sanders as a Democratic opponent — let alone a fearless Republican candidate who's ready to remind the public that Hillary's husband has been accused of all kinds of sexual assault!" 

Longtime fans of Bill were shocked to see the former President looking dazed and confused at a Tucson, Ariz. appearance during a Hillary Clinton campaign rally. The formerly vigorous campaigner wandered around a stage while former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, addressed the crowd."Bill seemed totally lost," said a veteran political reporter who witnessed the event. "He'd drift from side to side, and was aimlessly working his mouth like someone with dementia!" 

A "dazed" Bill also ruined his wife's Super Tuesday victories by possibly violating election laws! Workers at polling places for the presidential primaries had to be alerted that Hillary's husband was wandering to election sites and making personal appearances — despite rules in every state that dictate politicians have to campaign a set distance from where voting takes place! 

“We had to remind some of our poll workers that even a president can’t go inside and work a polling place,” said William F. Galvin, the Massachusetts secretary of state. That was after Bill had already made two very questionable campaign appearances in Massachusetts. 

The ENQUIRER revealed in September 2009 that Clinton was fighting Parkinson’s disease — a brain illness highlighted by worsening tremors of the arms, legs, jaws and face. Some sources have told The ENQUIRER that they're now wondering if Bill can even survive campaigning in an unexpectedly tight election! 

“Bill is clearly not the same person he was a year ago, or even six months ago,” a political spy told The ENQUIRER at the start of the year. "He is much slower physically, and he suffers periodic mental lapses" — adding: "It’s just devastating to see him like this!" 

BOOM: This Beauty Has Been KILLING Terrorists, What She Says About ISIS Is HILARIOUS

Please forward this to Obama so we can finally put boots on the ground and wipe out the joke that is ISIS. What this young woman who was fighting ISIS said about the terror group is hilarious and not very surprising.
A young Danish woman who fled her homeland to fight jihadis on the frontline has revealed ISIS soldiers are ‘very easy to kill’ compared to President Assad’s ‘specialist killing machines.’ 

Joanna Palani, 23, who is now back in Copenhagen studying politics and philosophy, went to fight for the Kurds in Syria ‘for human rights for all people’.
During her year in the war-torn region she recalled the horrors she witnessed first-hand.
On her first night on the front line her comrade – a Swedish fighter – was killed by a sniper who shot him between the eyes after seeing smoke from his cigarette.
She also described the sickening moment she found a large group of children being held for sexual abuse by ISIS terrorists after liberating a village near Mosul. 

After leaving Denmark in November 2014, Miss Palani first joined the YPG (People’s Protection Unit) and then the Peshmerga, the Western-trained and backed army of the Kurdish Regional Government.
The 23-year-old, of Kurdish descent, said at the time: ‘The Kurds are fighting for democracy and Western values. If I get captured or killed, I will be proud of why I was killed.’
While in Syria she fought both ISIS militants and Assad’s troops, who have been known to attack with chlorine gas, barrel bombs and vacuum bombs – all banned under international law.
Comparing the two, she said: ‘ISIS fighters are very easy to kill. ISIS fighters are very good at sacrificing their own lives, but Assad’s soldiers are very well trained and they are specialist killing machines.’
Read more: Daily Mail

Egypt: Elderly Christian Woman Stripped Naked, Beaten by Muslim Mob

A relative of one of the Egyptian Coptic Christians purportedly murdered by Islamic State (IS) group militants in Libya reacts after hearing the news on February 16, 2015 in the village of Al-Awar in Egypt's southern province of Minya.

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D 
In southern Egypt a 70-year-old Christian woman was stripped, beaten and marched naked through the streets by an armed mob of some 300 Muslim men, in punishment for being the mother of a Christian man suspected of carrying on a relationship with a Muslim woman. 

In retaliation for the allegedly blasphemous, inter-religious affair, the mob also torched seven homes belonging to Christian families in the village of Karam in the Minya province, burning them to the ground. The Muslim mob chanted “We must drive out the infidels” as they moved from house to house, which they “attacked, burned, looted and destroyed,” according to reports.
Egyptian Christians represent only about 10% of the nation’s population, which is overwhelmingly Muslim. In 2013, following the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood from power, mobs similarly set fire to dozens of Christian churches and institutions.
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has demanded justice for the crime and ordered the military to restore the damaged property at no cost to the owners. So far police have arrested six men suspected of taking part in the violence and are looking for 12 more, according to local security officials.

The attack reportedly began at around 8:00pm on May 20, though it took the police two hours to respond and officers arrived only after the mob had already dispersed, according to an indignant statement circulated by the local Orthodox Coptic church.
In a television interview on Wednesday night, Anba Makarios, the most senior cleric of the Minya diocese, complained that police had been warned of threats against the Christian family, but still gave the mob “ample time” to carry out the violence.
Nonetheless, Church members have said they are convinced that state authorities will be true to their word and “will spare no effort to arrest the assailants.”  During the presidency of el-Sissi the government has been seen as much more supportive of the Coptic Church than under the Muslim Brotherhood or during the 30 years of the Hosni Mubarak regime. In fact, a year ago 71 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were sentenced to life imprisonment for burning a Coptic church to the ground in the neighborhood of Cairo.

The Coptic Pope Tawadros II has called for calm after the incident, noting that authorities have assured him that they “will hunt down those responsible and deliver them to justice.”
The local governor of the Minya province, Tarek Nasser, played down the incident, suggesting it wasn’t as bad as it appeared and insisting that the matter was being resolved.

Congress Must Censure President Obama over Hiroshima Speech

Obama in Hiroshima (Kimimasa Mayama / AFP / Getty)

SHOCK: Obama Calls WWII Vets “Evil” on Eve of Memorial Day
oped: I will take it a step further...Obama should be Impeached for sedition bordering on treason...imo he will go down in history as the most corrupt,abusive,embarrassing,perverted,moronic,mentally ill POTUS ever!

by Joel B. Pollak 

President Barack Obama told the world on Friday in Hiroshima that the American decision to drop nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945 arose from humanity’s worst instincts, including “nationalist fervor or religious zeal.”

The war that ended in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he said, “grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes, an old pattern amplified by new capabilities and without new constraints.”
The speech — delivered on the eve of Memorial Day weekend — was billed by the White House as anything but an apology, but Obama’s words betrayed his true sentiments.

Obama, a native of Honolulu who grew up near Pearl Harbor, said nothing about the fact that Japan started the war; nothing about the fact that the Japanese were responsible for the slaughter of millions of civilians throughout Asia and the Pacific; nothing about the fact that the Japanese refused to surrender after hundreds of thousands had already been killed in conventional bombing.
Obama implied that Americans had not yet considered the human cost of the atomic bomb: we had to “force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell” and “force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see,” he said.
He described the moral dilemmas of nuclear warfare as if no president, and no American, had considered them before. But he left out the moral case for ending the war, and the hundreds of thousands of deaths avoided because of Hiroshima.

The contrast to President Harry S. Truman could not have been clearer.
Reflecting on the decision to bomb Japan years later, Truman declared: “That bomb caused the Japanese to surrender, and it stopped the war. I don’t care what the crybabies say now, because they didn’t have to make the decision.”
As he has done before, Obama cast a moral equivalence between different civilizations, implying that Americans were just as bad as the Imperial Japanese, or anyone else.
But he went further, casting doubt on the American effort in World War II itself: “Nations arise telling a story that binds people together in sacrifice and cooperation, allowing for remarkable feats. But those same stories have so often been used to oppress and dehumanize those who are different.”

There is really only one response to Obama’s gesture, and it goes beyond media disputation and moral condemnation.
It must be made clear that at Hiroshima, Obama represented no one but himself — not the Greatest Generation who fought the war, and not the generations of Americans who have grown up enjoying the freedom that victory over Japan secured.
The U.S. Congress declared war on Japan the day after Pearl Harbor. Millions of Americans fought to save the country, and civilization. Hundreds of thousands died, often in brutal hand-to-hand combat against a fanatically determined Japanese enemy.
It is the inescapable duty of the Congress of the United States today to censure President Barack Obama for casting doubt on the sacrifices and motivations of the Americans who fought the Second World War — on the eve of Memorial Day, no less.

Obama declares War on Normal...GOP surrenders again!


Fellow Conservative,
Obama’s eight-year War on Normal is nothing new, but last night the Congress hit an all-time low.

Last night the House actually voted to forbid Jewish and Christian companies from doing business with the federal government because of their moral beliefs in matters of human sexuality!   

And they did it with the Vichy votes of dozens of limp-wristed, turncoat RINOs, Republicans In Name Only.  Another sickening, immoral surrender by a Congress supposedly controlled by REPUBLICANS.

So now the enormous, trillion-dollar federal contract pie is officially limited to only those companies willing to put their Christian beliefs aside and grant special rights to homosexuals and transgenderrhoids.   If your company does not have the politically correct toilet setup for men who wear panties, you are now forbidden from seeking or being awarded any contracts with YOUR federal government.

Let me tell you where I stand.

The Holy Bible tells us that homosexuality is moral perversion.  God said it, and I believe it. 
Homosexuals have a right to live and believe differently.  They have the right for their businesses to contract with the federal government. What they DO NOT have is the right to demand that I give up my Christian beliefs and accept theirs in order to do business with my own federal government.

You won’t find “gender fluidity” in the Bible.   It tells us that God created mankind male and female.  I believe that, too.  Silly me.  New York City recognizes 31 genders (I kid you not), and Facebook gives you 58 to choose from.  Cis- this, and pan- that, and on and on.  That’s fluidity stupidity. 

Folks, there are three kinds of people: male, female, and the mentally ill.  You cannot choose your gender.  You cannot change your gender by changing your panties, or popping pills.  Carrying a purse and wearing garish makeup will not change your DNA or flip your chromosomes.  

Yes, some few people are tragically confused about this.  I do not hate these people.  I love them, I pray for them, and I have great sympathy for them.  But medical science tells us very plainly that failing to confront mental illness is to accede to the patient’s delusions.   

ESPN rushed to the front of the politically correct mob to give Bruce Jenner something it called “The Courage Award.”  Bruce Jenner is not courageous.  Bruce Jenner is mentally ill, and the best thing we can do for him is NOT to let him or countless deviants shower naked with my daughter in public facilities.  It is to get him the help he needs.

And the first pervert who follows my daughter into the toilet won’t need surgery. 

We have a Congress full of political eunuchs, led by eunuchs.  I’m doing my part to change that, but time is short.  Do your part to help.  Help fund the effort.
Folks, I’m the real deal.  I’ve been endorsed by everybody who matters.  Sean Hannity.  Mark Levin.  Dr. James Dobson.  Gun Owners of America.  Operation Rescue.  Tea Party Forward.  Citizens United.  Citizens for the Republic.  Numerous anti-amnesty groups, and on and on. 

You think they’re just all stupid and I have them fooled?  I’m solid.  Help send me to Congress so I can poke a stick in the eye of the liberals every single day for two glorious years.

Or just let our values slip away quietly into that long, dark night.

In Liberty,

Kay Daly 

P.S.  I hate to be blunt, but NOBODY gets a pass.  If you’re not running for Congress, you gotta step up and help those who are.  It’s that simple.  If you don’t, I will lose, but at least one of us will have done his part.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

HUGE Structure Found On The Moon In Google Earth

This structure is massive. What is curious about the location is that at a distance it holds the form of a pyramid. As you get closer you can see it has perfect form and edges.
Make sure to check out full video on Finding UFO’s Channel and Make sure to subscribe!! Eyes to the Skies! Learn More:

Nevada not suing Obama? Fix this now Nevadians ! Update:

Image result for funny pictures governor brian sandoval and family nevada
[Gov Sandoval get on board for your family as well as all Nevadians!] 
(Update as of this afternoon 103,015 sigs have been accomplished:)

Attn: Nevada residents
It's happening. State leaders are rising up in opposition to Obama's outrageous bathroom edict. Yesterday, 11 states joined together in a lawsuit against the Obama Administration.

The suit states that the Obama edict 
“has no basis in law" and will cause "seismic changes" in public school education. The 11 states went on to say that the edict amounts to Obama re-writing federal law by "executive fiat."

Sadly, Nevada was not one of the states participating in the lawsuit! That leaves Nevada schoolchildren at risk, and no voice in your state in opposition to Obama's unconstitutional edict!

Earlier this week, we set a goal of delivering 5,000 petitions to the Nevada governor. But as of this morning we are still short of our petition goal for Nevada to trigger delivery.
Will you take action right now to sign this important petition to Protect Our Wives, Mothers and Daughters? 


Please go here to sign petition:

Again, we are still short of our petition goal for Nevada. Please take action now and then alert your friends.


Obama’s National Security Chief Makes SICK Statement About White Men… This Is Infuriating

Image result for funny pictures susan rice

This whole “diversity” thing has gone way too far — and National Security Advisor Susan Rice just took it to the next level, leaving an entire race out in the cold.
“Too often, our national security workforce has been what former Florida Sen. Bob Graham called ‘white, male, and Yale,’” Rice said, delivering a commencement speech at Florida International University. “In the halls of power, in the faces of our national security leaders, America is still not fully reflected.”
“White, male, and Yale”? Oh, goodness.

“I’m not talking about a human resources issue,” Rice stressed. “I’m highlighting a national security imperative.”

You know what else is a national security imperative? Liberalism — it’s the art of dividing people, encouraging minority rule and advocating for a non-existent Utopian system under which the government doles out everyone’s “fair share.”

“By now, we should all know the dangers of ‘group think,’ where folks who are alike often think alike,” Rice told the graduates. “By contrast, groups comprised of different people tend to question one another’s assumptions, draw on divergent perspectives and experiences, and yield better outcomes.”
It’s rather humorous because Rice has the same end goal that many people want from a president’s national security team — a team that’s experienced, objective and results-oriented. Honestly, is that not what we all want? A competent set of individuals advising the president on the pressing issues of our time?
But the Obama administration is anything but. The president has surrounded himself with people who think just like he does — badly, if at all.

Moreover, the proposed manner by which Rice is suggesting that team be selecting was completely wrong. If a white male can deliver the goods and check off all the boxes, then he should be hired — and the same goes for every person, regardless of race, color, religion, etc.
Individuals should be employed based on the value that they bring — this should be the default practice in governments, non-profits and businesses alike.
Rice duplicitously speaks of objectivity, encouraging that the best person be hired for the job, but tells the students at FIU that the color of their skin should play a part in deciding whether or not they are that “best person.”
Welcome to Liberal Logic 101.
H/T BizPac Review
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