UpDate: I have the perfect one for the leader of the pack *Olive Garden* Rebekah Kennedy...she is spunky lil one..talented as well as funny and down to earth...even if ya don't like my story idea...she would be a great addition to your cast of characters:) . Another one who should be considered would be Stacey Dash...she's not clueless either...:)
Addendum: well Stacey is running for congress now...she may be busy: https://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2018/03/stacey-dash-announces-run-for-congress.html
Being that I really enjoy the Walking Dead series...I would like to see it go to a new positive direction...I have a story line that would make the series more pro-active and not so dark and dismal.
The cast stumbles onto a small group who have a olive tree farm...they find out that no one who dies or is bitten by the walkers becomes a walker ! After asking the group what they do to avoid the plague they confess they are naturalist who adhere to natural medicine...they state Olives and olive leaf extract is a known Biblical cure for all forms of virus as well as bacteria infections...they are crazy wild about cooking with olive oil...eating the fruit and concocted olive leaf extract in it's purest form [oleuropein] to ward off infections.
This gives the cast a new direction on saving the world...they begin eating the fruit, cook with olive oil and begin concocting liquid olive leaf extract as well as searching out holistic natural food stores for a catch of liquid olive leaf extract products to be used in Veternarian darts to seek out and stop the virus spread among the Walkers! When hit by the darts they drop in their tracks some even begin to revert back to walking alive again...ha depending on the condition and severity of their injuries prior to being infected.
If ya like my idea feel free to use it...I'm not asking for money...I just love to share ideas:) Just like I do in my blog...free info!
Olive leaf extract
Bible refers to the olive tree as the “tree of life.” Olives, the ripe
fruit of the tree, yield healthy monounsaturated fats and phytochemicals
that act as potent antioxidants. Research on the benefits of olive oil
abounds in scientific literature. Yet, people are still not aware of the
amazing healing powers of another component of the olive tree, the
olive tree, botanically designated as Olea europaea, brings to us a
promising herbal product known as olive leaf extract. The ancient
Egyptians regarded olive leaf as a symbol of heavenly power, and in
keeping with that belief, they extracted its oil and used it to mummify
their kings. The healing powers of olive leaf were realized as early as
the 1880s when it was utilized to counteract malaria. According to the
1854 Pharmaceutical Journal of Provincial Transactions (pp.
363-354), Hanbury stated that a “decoction of the leaves” of the olive
tree had been found to be extremely effective in reducing fevers due to a
severe and otherwise often-fatal disease that swept the island of
Mytilene in 1843. The olive leaf extract was reported subsequently to be
more effective in its fever-lowering properties than quinine. Hanbury
recalled that similar observations had been made in France and Spain
between 1811 and 1828. It appears that in the early 19th century,
Spanish physicians sometimes prescribed olive leaves as a “febrifuge,”
and often used them to treat cases of intermittent fever (2). Hanbury
concluded that the properties of the tree Olea europaea deserved more
extensive investigation.
- See more at: http://drhoffman.com/article/olive-leaf-extract-2/#sthash.Fb8X3Coy.dpuf

- See more at: http://drhoffman.com/article/olive-leaf-extract-2/#sthash.Fb8X3Coy.dpuf
Olive leaf extract
Olive leaf extract
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