Saturday, November 9, 2013
Massacred Christians Left In 2 Mass Graves By Obama Armed Syrian Rebels ~> Full Sickening Report

Syrian/Al-Qaeda rebels funded and armed by Obama did this. That makes Obama guilty of war crimes and mass murder.
The bodies of 30 Christian civilians, including women and
children, killed by Islamist militias, have been found in two separate
mass graves, in the city of Sadad. The number of Christian civilians
confirmed dead in this small town halfway between Homs and Damascus has
reached 45. Many are injured and several are missing.According to eyewitnesses, many of the civilians were killed by militia gangs of ‘Al- Nusra Front’ and ‘Daash’. The city has been completely destroyed and looted. Some of the militants who invaded the city were holed up in the Syriac Orthodox Church of St Theodore, which was profaned. Sadad is an ancient Syriac village which dates back to 2000 BC located in the region of Qalamoon, north of Damascus. It had 14 churches, a monastery, temples, historic landmarks and archaeological sites.
Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh said: “What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two and a half years… 45 innocent civilians were martyred for no reason, and among them several women and children, many thrown into mass graves. Other civilians were threatened and terrorized. 30 were wounded and 10 are still missing.
Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation
This Veteran's Day donate to Degage Ministries to help other homeless veterans:
Directed and Produced by Rob Bliss Creative:
Big thanks to these groups who volunteered to make this video possible:
Anna Walt of Design 1 Salon & Spa:
Kevin Budzynski of Whiskey Neat:
John Boros:
Green Frog Photo:
Media and business contact:
Song: "Take Me To A Place" -
Our message: We are in no way saying that this is the finish line for Jim. This is just the first corner turned. We'd be crazy to think a makeover video would undo decades of poverty and addiction. But it could be the start of something, and we're working hard to help walk him down this path. For everyone else, we hope to give a hesitation to those that we tune out, a reminder of the potential that even our most down and out citizens will always carry with them.
Friday, November 8, 2013
WW II Hero Days Away from Losing the Home He Built ...The True Obamanation!
You know, I'm just going to say it. The way we treat our elderly in
this country sucks. Most people fail to realize the fountain of wisdom
that many of this country's senior citizens possess, the man in the
video below being one great example. While mistreating anyone is wrong,
when it happens to a living war hero it seems especially heinous. The
living war hero that I speak of is named, Ren Bodeker. In summary, Ren
built his home, paid for it in full, and buried his late wife on the
grounds. Court action for a bankruptcy filing was taken against him
while he recovered from cancer, as a result he was given 5 days to
vacate his home. All of this while lying in a hospital bed. Ren left
his home to fully recover and plan his next course of action. Once he
felt better, Ren had enough and went back to his home, in defiance of
the court order, where he still resides today.
Harry Reid Calls Obamacare Criticisms ‘Jokes’
oped: LOL Harry Reid...ya right we will listen to this fraud...he equals Obama in Fraud and deception: Oh so many stories Harry is the Joke in Nevada:
This one takes the cake:

by Todd Cefaratti
There is a certain dignity in admitting one’s situation. The Democrats still reside in the ridiculous mindset that the debacle surrounding Obamacare can be turned around, that by saying the right things and refocusing the discussion, they can somehow make this colossal failure into a modest victory.
I don’t know if it’s merely outright denial or a stubbornness that borders on insanity; either way, the tone-deaf talking heads of the Democrat Party are making their situation worse by the minute.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined in on Thursday and insisted that criticisms concerning the atrociously unpopular healthcare overhaul are “jokes.”
Still pretending as if the massive Obamacare failures are but minor hiccups, Reid laughably claimed,
Reid may call these criticisms “jokes,” but Americans aren’t laughing. This flippant attitude is exactly why the President’s approval rating is nosediving. America is tired of being lied to and people are tired of Democrats pretending like Obamacare can be saved.
This one takes the cake:

by Todd Cefaratti
There is a certain dignity in admitting one’s situation. The Democrats still reside in the ridiculous mindset that the debacle surrounding Obamacare can be turned around, that by saying the right things and refocusing the discussion, they can somehow make this colossal failure into a modest victory.
I don’t know if it’s merely outright denial or a stubbornness that borders on insanity; either way, the tone-deaf talking heads of the Democrat Party are making their situation worse by the minute.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined in on Thursday and insisted that criticisms concerning the atrociously unpopular healthcare overhaul are “jokes.”
Sen. Reid stated that that Republicans, in order to save time, just “number their one through 50 criticisms of Obamacare” and yell out a number when they want to reference a specific complaint.” “We’ve heard things so many times, we would immediately laugh because basically they’re jokes,” Reid said.It’s amazing how Democrats continually tout Obamacare as the “law of the land,” despite the fact the president continues to change the law whenever he darn well feels like it. Further, it needs to be noted that immigration laws and the Defense of Marriage Act were laws of the land as well, but the Obama Administration has continued to disregard and torpedo “laws of the land” with which they disagree. Laws have no meaning if the King can just change them or disregard them at will.
“It’s too bad that the Republican leader and many of his colleagues want to keep fighting an old fight. Four years ago we passed the health reform bill, four years ago. The president signed it, the Supreme Court upheld it. It is the law of the land,” Reid continued.
Still pretending as if the massive Obamacare failures are but minor hiccups, Reid laughably claimed,
“Of course, we want to make it better, and certainly with what’s going on with the rollout of the web site, we need to do that. I wish our Republican colleagues would stop trying to scare people out of participating in this program.”Neither the Republicans nor the Tea Party are doing anything to scare anybody; Obamacare is a disaster of epic proportions and though the media has worked very hard to keep that truth from the people, the American people have realized that the with the lies, the millions of cancellation letters, the website debacle and the sticker shock from the price increases, Obamacare is just a bad deal for everybody. It would be a much simpler task for Reid and others to lay the blame at the GOP’s feet, but nobody’s buying Obamacare because the whole program is fatally flawed at every level.
Reid may call these criticisms “jokes,” but Americans aren’t laughing. This flippant attitude is exactly why the President’s approval rating is nosediving. America is tired of being lied to and people are tired of Democrats pretending like Obamacare can be saved.
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Show, Don’t Tell: Obama Uses Words, Not Action, To Say He’s Sorry For Obamacare
by Ben Bullard
If President Barack Obama were “sorry” for lying to everybody about his healthcare law’s destructive effect on existing insurance policies – the policies he pledged everyone could keep if they liked – he wouldn’t be getting on TV with Chuck Todd to say “I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me.”
He wouldn’t chase a heartfelt mea culpa with an increasingly feeble self-acquittal of how great his plan really will be, one day, when people finally realize he knew what was best for them at a dark time, when everyone lacked faith that there was room for equivocation and nuance in his oft-repeated words: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away from you, no matter what.”
He’d be going to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), urging the Democratic leadership in Congress to modify or repeal the law. He’d call Attorney General Eric Holder off a defense of Obamacare in a legal challenge from Oklahoma’s attorney general. He’d reach out to Congressional Republicans attempting to ameliorate the effect of millions of Americans’ policy cancelations by urging bipartisan support for the Keep Your Health Plan Act, which aims to keep current policies active – if only for another year.
Action, not words.
Here’s a great piece from Time magazine’s “Swampland” blog on Obama’s talking-point reversals as the President has cast about for a defensible Obamacare narrative in the wake of his favorite law’s disastrous launch.
At this point, it almost seems as though Obama isn’t interested in salvaging anything about Obamacare itself. Rather, he seems to be trying to salvage his credibility and the damage he’s done to Democrats, who are staring down a mob of angry constituents as 2014 approaches.
If President Barack Obama were “sorry” for lying to everybody about his healthcare law’s destructive effect on existing insurance policies – the policies he pledged everyone could keep if they liked – he wouldn’t be getting on TV with Chuck Todd to say “I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me.”
He wouldn’t chase a heartfelt mea culpa with an increasingly feeble self-acquittal of how great his plan really will be, one day, when people finally realize he knew what was best for them at a dark time, when everyone lacked faith that there was room for equivocation and nuance in his oft-repeated words: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away from you, no matter what.”
He’d be going to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), urging the Democratic leadership in Congress to modify or repeal the law. He’d call Attorney General Eric Holder off a defense of Obamacare in a legal challenge from Oklahoma’s attorney general. He’d reach out to Congressional Republicans attempting to ameliorate the effect of millions of Americans’ policy cancelations by urging bipartisan support for the Keep Your Health Plan Act, which aims to keep current policies active – if only for another year.
Action, not words.
Here’s a great piece from Time magazine’s “Swampland” blog on Obama’s talking-point reversals as the President has cast about for a defensible Obamacare narrative in the wake of his favorite law’s disastrous launch.
At this point, it almost seems as though Obama isn’t interested in salvaging anything about Obamacare itself. Rather, he seems to be trying to salvage his credibility and the damage he’s done to Democrats, who are staring down a mob of angry constituents as 2014 approaches.
Friday Fun: A Roundup Of This Weeks’s Political Cartoons

by Personal Liberty News Desk
Over and over and over again, President Barack Obama vowed: “If you like your insurance, you will keep it.” This week, he was forced to eat those words.

Climate Change Blitzkrieg Coming As Obama’s Other Policy Initiatives Fall Apart

oped: Here we go again with the nut case Al Gore and the Obama administration trying to rewrite history and science...hello climate warming /cooling way predates mans control of fossil fuels etc...
Snakes the size of school buses? Horses the size of house cats? It happened before and could happen again...oh
by Sam Rolley
As the Obama Administration comes to terms with its failings in implementing stricter gun control, reaching economic agreements with Republicans, passing broad immigration reform and successfully rolling out Obamacare, some watchers suggest that an executive order blitzkrieg on climate change may be President Barack Obama’s last ditch effort to produce a legacy in his second term.Late last month, Obama issued an executive order to create new Federal measures to prepare the Nation’s infrastructure to withstand weather-related natural disasters. The President called for the implementation of “engaged and strong partnerships and information sharing at all levels of government” and “risk-informed decisionmaking and the tools to facilitate it” in the fight against climate change.
“The impacts of climate change — including an increase in prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase in wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost thawing, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise — are already affecting communities, natural resources, ecosystems, economies, and public health across the nation,” said Obama in issuing the order.
On Friday, The Hill reported: “[T]here’s one thing that’s going right for Obama: Executive action on climate change is moving full-speed ahead at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told the newspaper that the President is likely to continue his climate change crusade because his executive order authority, coupled with the EPA’s wide-reaching authority to implement new rules, eliminates many hurdles to the President’s agenda on the issue.
So far, Obama’s biggest climate change directive has been changing carbon emission standards for power plants throughout the Nation. Last month’s executive order called for the creation of a bevy of new bureaucratic entities with names like the Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience and the State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience which will be directed to come up with ideas for halting climate change.
The White House also announced the appointment of longtime Washington insider Dan Utech to be the President’s new advisor on energy and climate change this week.
“For the last three and a half years, Dan has been a key player in developing and implementing every aspect of the President’s clean energy and climate agenda,” a White House official said Friday.
Utech previously worked on the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee and served as Hilary Clinton’s top adviser on energy and environment issues for five years while she was in the Senate.
CBS' Lara Logan Apologizes For Faulty 60 Minutes Benghazi Report:
“60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday for what CBS News is now acknowledging was a flawed report last month about the Benghazi attacks.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday for their report about the Benghazi attacks. (Image source: CBS News)
CBS and “60 Minutes” came under fire after their Oct. 27 report with security contractor Dylan Davies, who recalled dramatic details about the attacks in Libya last September that left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Davies, who appeared using the
pseudonym Morgan Jones, “worked for the State Department in Libya, he
was the manager of the local guard force at the Benghazi special mission
compound, and he described for us his actions that night, saying he had
entered the compound and he had a confrontation with one of the
attackers, and he also said that he’d seen the body of Ambassador Chris
Stevens in a local hospital,” Logan said Friday.
Read More:
60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan admitted on Friday that a person who
claimed to have been witness to the deadly September 11, 2012 attack on
an American consulate in Benghazi and who served as the centerpiece of a
recent report on that attack may have misled her. In late October, 60 Minutes ran a report
featuring the account of British security expert Dylan Davies — though
he called himself Morgan Jones — who recounted in detail his actions in
the early morning hours during the Benghazi attack. It was later
revealed that Davies told the FBI he did not visit the American
diplomatic compound on the night of the attack and had not, as he
claimed, seen the body of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Bar Fight with a Bully...Mitch McConnell
Fellow Conservatives:
Last week, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported that U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has decided to declare "war" on the conservative groups that disagree with him.
He is specifically targeting the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), Heritage Action, Madison Project, and FreedomWorks in a misguided attempt to destroy the Tea Party.
But that's not all...
McConnell's operatives told the New York Times on Friday that he has ordered the Republican Party to stop doing business with private companies that provide services to SCF and to oppose candidates endorsed by SCF.
Their offense? They're associated with us and we support Matt Bevin, McConnell's conservative primary challenger.
Mitch McConnell can't hurt us directly so he has instructed the party to punish our vendors and our candidates.
Not only has McConnell forced his party to support bailouts, debt limit increases, tax hikes, and funding for Obamacare, he's now going to force it to abandon the free market and even the freedom of speech.
Here's what his Chief of Staff, Josh Holmes, told the New York Times:
“S.C.F. has been wandering around the country destroying the Republican Party like a drunk who tears up every bar they walk into. The difference this cycle is that they strolled into Mitch McConnell’s bar and he doesn’t throw you out, he locks the door.”
McConnell's aide was alluding to the bar fight scene in A Bronx Tale where mobsters beat up a biker gang. He's wrong about SCF being drunks, but he got the description of his boss right when he compared him to a mobster.
Mitch McConnell can't defend his record so he's using threats to intimidate those who disagree with him.
Conservative blogger Dan Riehl described it this way:
"Yet, here we see a DC GOP establishment on display at its worst. In effect saying -- If you engage in a form of commerce we don’t like, we will try to destroy you! If you attempt to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech to say something with which we disagree, we will try to destroy you?"
Unfortunately, this is how Mitch McConnell operates. He doesn't lead. He doesn't inspire. He just intimidates. He can't beat Matt Bevin in a debate on the issues so he's smearing him and threatening everyone who supports him.
Fight Back ~ Support Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate
many of you, Mitch McConnell's hostility toward conservatives is not
news. But this the first time he has been open about it. In the past, he
only attacked conservatives in private meetings or through disconnected
Now, he's admitting something that he's tried to keep quiet for years: he doesn't like conservatives.
You see, Mitch McConnell is a Democratic dealmaker and he doesn't like conservatives getting in his way. It's why he has lashed out and called conservatives "fringe", "traitors", ... and now "drunks."
Erick Erickson at described how McConnell's war on conservatives is hurting people in Kentucky and across the nation:
"It’s all the sadder still in that McConnell worked against Ted Cruz’s effort to defund Obamacare. 280,000 Kentuckians are losing their insurance. But McConnell would rather drive a private enterprise out of business than fight for those Kentuckians losing their health insurance. If only McConnell had put as much energy into stopping Obamacare as he has stopping a business that does work with the Senate Conservatives Fund."
McConnell says conservatives hurt the Republican Party, but what truly hurts the party is a leader who doesn't listen to or even like his own voters.
What hurts the party is a leader who refuses to stand up for conservative principles and helps the Democrats enact their liberal agenda.
What hurts the party is an incumbent who ignores his unpopularity at home and selfishly chooses to run for another term rather than retiring and helping the party hold his seat and save money to win others.
Take Action ~ Retire Mitch McConnell
The Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization driven by freedom-loving Americans across the country. We're not controlled by special interests in Washington, we're not controlled by a small group of big donors in New York City, and we're not controlled by the Republican Party.
We listen to the grassroots and do everything we can to help them bring about real change in Washington.
we endorsed Matt Bevin in Kentucky, we polled our members to get their
views. Out of 70,000 ballots cast, 98% disapproved of Mitch McConnell's
On the question of whether we should endorse Matt Bevin, 90% said we should while 8% were undecided and only 2% opposed.
We listened to the grassroots and answered the call to help Matt Bevin win this important Senate race. Now, we're in a bar fight with a bully. He has locked the door and he's trying to kill us.
We aren't intimidated.
Sure, the odds aren't in our favor. Matt Bevin is an underdog. He doesn't have McConnell's money or his power. But he has you, and the support of thousands of others like you, and that's more than enough to win.
The grassroots in Kentucky are rising up and need our help. Here's what the United Kentucky Tea Party said over the weekend:
"We have the next U.S. Senator from Kentucky in Matt Bevin and we intend to roll out a grassroots campaign in Kentucky -- the likes of which Mitch McConnell has never faced. Kentucky will lead the way in this national fight against out-of-control big government Republicans. This is a historical moment in the future of America. Will we continue to be a government ‘Of, by and for the People?’ If so, average Americans must engage in the fight.”
Will you join the fight? Will you help us defend liberty? Will you do it for your kids and grandkids and for generations to come? Will you help us elect true conservative leaders like Matt Bevin, even if it means standing up to powerful bullies like Mitch McConnell?
We can win if we all work together.
The most powerful thing you can do to help is make a donation to Matt Bevin's U.S. Senate campaign.
If everyone receiving this email gives something -- even just $5 -- we can collectively raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for him.
If you can't donate, please spread the word by forwarding this email to your family and friends and by following Matt Bevin on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for your support and your willingness to fight for freedom.
Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

He is specifically targeting the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), Heritage Action, Madison Project, and FreedomWorks in a misguided attempt to destroy the Tea Party.
But that's not all...
McConnell's operatives told the New York Times on Friday that he has ordered the Republican Party to stop doing business with private companies that provide services to SCF and to oppose candidates endorsed by SCF.
Their offense? They're associated with us and we support Matt Bevin, McConnell's conservative primary challenger.
Mitch McConnell can't hurt us directly so he has instructed the party to punish our vendors and our candidates.
Not only has McConnell forced his party to support bailouts, debt limit increases, tax hikes, and funding for Obamacare, he's now going to force it to abandon the free market and even the freedom of speech.
Here's what his Chief of Staff, Josh Holmes, told the New York Times:
“S.C.F. has been wandering around the country destroying the Republican Party like a drunk who tears up every bar they walk into. The difference this cycle is that they strolled into Mitch McConnell’s bar and he doesn’t throw you out, he locks the door.”
McConnell's aide was alluding to the bar fight scene in A Bronx Tale where mobsters beat up a biker gang. He's wrong about SCF being drunks, but he got the description of his boss right when he compared him to a mobster.
Mitch McConnell can't defend his record so he's using threats to intimidate those who disagree with him.
Conservative blogger Dan Riehl described it this way:
"Yet, here we see a DC GOP establishment on display at its worst. In effect saying -- If you engage in a form of commerce we don’t like, we will try to destroy you! If you attempt to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech to say something with which we disagree, we will try to destroy you?"
Unfortunately, this is how Mitch McConnell operates. He doesn't lead. He doesn't inspire. He just intimidates. He can't beat Matt Bevin in a debate on the issues so he's smearing him and threatening everyone who supports him.
Fight Back ~ Support Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate

Now, he's admitting something that he's tried to keep quiet for years: he doesn't like conservatives.
You see, Mitch McConnell is a Democratic dealmaker and he doesn't like conservatives getting in his way. It's why he has lashed out and called conservatives "fringe", "traitors", ... and now "drunks."
Erick Erickson at described how McConnell's war on conservatives is hurting people in Kentucky and across the nation:
"It’s all the sadder still in that McConnell worked against Ted Cruz’s effort to defund Obamacare. 280,000 Kentuckians are losing their insurance. But McConnell would rather drive a private enterprise out of business than fight for those Kentuckians losing their health insurance. If only McConnell had put as much energy into stopping Obamacare as he has stopping a business that does work with the Senate Conservatives Fund."
McConnell says conservatives hurt the Republican Party, but what truly hurts the party is a leader who doesn't listen to or even like his own voters.
What hurts the party is a leader who refuses to stand up for conservative principles and helps the Democrats enact their liberal agenda.
What hurts the party is an incumbent who ignores his unpopularity at home and selfishly chooses to run for another term rather than retiring and helping the party hold his seat and save money to win others.
Take Action ~ Retire Mitch McConnell
The Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization driven by freedom-loving Americans across the country. We're not controlled by special interests in Washington, we're not controlled by a small group of big donors in New York City, and we're not controlled by the Republican Party.
We listen to the grassroots and do everything we can to help them bring about real change in Washington.

On the question of whether we should endorse Matt Bevin, 90% said we should while 8% were undecided and only 2% opposed.
We listened to the grassroots and answered the call to help Matt Bevin win this important Senate race. Now, we're in a bar fight with a bully. He has locked the door and he's trying to kill us.
We aren't intimidated.
Sure, the odds aren't in our favor. Matt Bevin is an underdog. He doesn't have McConnell's money or his power. But he has you, and the support of thousands of others like you, and that's more than enough to win.
The grassroots in Kentucky are rising up and need our help. Here's what the United Kentucky Tea Party said over the weekend:
"We have the next U.S. Senator from Kentucky in Matt Bevin and we intend to roll out a grassroots campaign in Kentucky -- the likes of which Mitch McConnell has never faced. Kentucky will lead the way in this national fight against out-of-control big government Republicans. This is a historical moment in the future of America. Will we continue to be a government ‘Of, by and for the People?’ If so, average Americans must engage in the fight.”
Will you join the fight? Will you help us defend liberty? Will you do it for your kids and grandkids and for generations to come? Will you help us elect true conservative leaders like Matt Bevin, even if it means standing up to powerful bullies like Mitch McConnell?
We can win if we all work together.
The most powerful thing you can do to help is make a donation to Matt Bevin's U.S. Senate campaign.
If everyone receiving this email gives something -- even just $5 -- we can collectively raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for him.
If you can't donate, please spread the word by forwarding this email to your family and friends and by following Matt Bevin on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for your support and your willingness to fight for freedom.
Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
Top Hospitals Won’t Treat Obamacare Patients

by Doug Book
In July, we reported that the Affordable Care Act saw to it that the nation’s best, doctor-owned hospitals would be forced to close. And now it appears that the favor is being returned as most of the nation’s top commercial hospitals will either refuse to accept ObamaCare patients, or “…accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.”
It seems Kathleen Sebelius’ Health and Human Services Department went too strong in demanding that insurance companies participating in ObamaCare cap their premiums. After all, prospective insureds must be able to afford premiums on the policies Obamacare is forcing them to buy.
Well, that has not come to pass, as the many stories of “sticker shock” have made clear. And in its attempts to intimidate insurance providers into quoting lower prices, the HHS has succeeded only in causing them to create policies that will pay “…top-tier doctors and hospitals far less cash for services rendered.” In short, something has to give if the Aetnas and Cignas are to remain profitable while cutting premiums on the many cadillac policies demanded by ObamaCare. And that something will be the fee for services paid to doctors and hospitals.
But not to worry. For should Democrats have their way, hospitals may be forced into treating ALL patients, regardless of their insurance coverage.
Kathleen Murray, a Democrat running for the Virginia House of Delegates, believes that doctors should be FORCED to treat Medicare and Medicaid patients. “Forced by Government Decree” that is, even if the pittance paid by the federal government does not cover the cost of the doctor’s time and services. And if doctors are to be made slaves to the State, will hospitals or clinics be far behind?
Thank you, Mr. Obama, for a Marxist plan guaranteed to force doctors into retirement (if it is permitted) as the demands of an ever-increasing number of patients are ignored.
Could it be that this was the principle purpose of the ObamaCare scheme all along? That is, cause such panic on the part of Americans that they will accept ANY “cure” offered by Big Brother (single payer, for instance)?!!
Photo Credit: Mr. Ducke (Creative Commons)
Amnesty Activists Storm GOP Headquarters

by B. Christopher Agee
A protest erupted at the Washington state Republican Party Headquarters in Bellevue Thursday.
According to reports, approximately 100 women in favor of immigration reform showed up at the offices, with about 40 protesters forcing their way inside the building.
The demonstration was part of what activists said would be multiple acts of civil disobedience across the U.S. Their purpose in gathering at the GOP offices was to bring attention to an immigration reform bill House Republicans have been reluctant to support.
When the crowd refused to disperse upon requests from the owner, authorities began rounding up demonstrators and placing them under arrest.
The activists involved came from all walks of life. According to reports, even Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn’s wife was present for the impromptu rally.
The issue of immigration was on Barack Obama’s agenda Thursday, too, as he met with Arizona Sen. John McCain to discuss a path forward on that and other topics. Both men support the overhaul bill currently waiting for action in the House.
Millions of Americans, however, stand in opposition to the sweeping reform proposals. As U.S. citizens continue to struggle in a beleaguered economy, many see that legitimizing those who flout our immigration laws to come to this nation should not be rewarded with de facto citizenship.
Somehow, Republicans who dare to reflect this prevailing sentiment within the party are viciously derided by those who support blanket amnesty for illegals. When the party’s state headquarters are overrun by such radical protesters, their disdain for our rule of law is painfully obvious.
Even though leftist legislators want to ignore the blatant lawlessness of those who cross our border illegally, conservatives have not engaged in similar disruptive tactics.
When they cannot win an argument based on facts, though, it is common for the left to engage in outrageous behavior – a la the “Occupy” movement – in order to gain attention.
Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead

by: Neetzan Zimmerman
father's attempt to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without
permission ended in tragedy Monday after a local police officer shot
the teenager dead.
James Comstock told the Des Moines Register
he called the police on his son Tyler after the latter took the
former's truck in retaliation for refusing to buy him cigarettes.
Ames Police Officer Adam McPherson reportedly spotted the lawn care company vehicle and pursued it onto the Iowa State University campus, where a brief standoff ensued after Tyler allegedly refused orders to turn off the engine.
McPherson eventually fired six shots into the truck, two of which struck Tyler who was later pronounced dead.
The official report claims the action was necessary in order "to stop the ongoing threat to the public and the officers."
Tyler's dad says he was unarmed at the time.
"So he didn't shut the damn truck off, so let's fire six rounds at him?" exclaimed Gary Shepley, Tyler's step-grandfather. "We're confused, and we don't understand."
James said
his son had his fair share of minor troubles with the law, and was
distraught over a recent breakup with his girlfriend, but was in the
process of turning his life around, and was working on obtaining his GED
at Des Moines Area Community College.
"He was a smart kid. He made his own computers. He was interested in IT," James told the Register.
family's demands for answers got even louder following the revelation
that a member of the Ames police department suggested twice that
officers call off the chase.
"He took off with my truck. I call the police, and they kill him," James said. ""It was over a damn pack of cigarettes."
McPherson is currently on paid leave pending the results of his department's investigation.
At a fundraiser, Obama makes a chilling admission about the courts
by Twitchy Staff
I missed this line from Obama last night at DSCC fundraiser: "We are remaking the courts."
Josh Lederman (@joshledermanAP) November 07, 2013
Yep, at a fundraiser in Texas last night, President Obama said his administration is “remaking the courts.”Here’s the full quote for context via a transcript:
We were able to reform our financial system so that the likelihood of taxpayer-funded bailouts is a lot less than it was. We were able to expand funding for young people going to college. We were able to expand national service for young people who want to serve. We fought long and hard for consumer protections that weren’t there before.Many found this statement disturbing, albeit perhaps not very surprising:
As Lisa mentioned, we are remaking the courts. I know that we’ve got some lawyers here, and here in Texas sometimes people feel a little frustrated about the pace of appointments here in Texas. But you should know that in addition to the Supreme Court, we’ve been able to nominate and confirm judges of extraordinary quality all across the country on federal benches. We’re actually, when it comes to the district court, matching the pace of previous Presidents. When it comes to the appellate court, we’re just a little bit behind, and we’re just going to keep on focused on it.
Well that's terrifying RT @joshledermanAP: I missed this line from Obama last night at DSCC fundraiser: "We are remaking the courts."—
S.M (@redsteeze) November 07, 2013
#FORWARD RT @joshledermanAP: I missed this line from Obama last night at DSCC fundraiser: "We are remaking the courts."—
(@CounterMoonbat) November 07, 2013
@joshledermanAP @LibMuncher
Is there no end to Obama's destructive behavior?—
Certo (@Certo_1) November 07, 2013
@CounterMoonbat @joshledermanAP If Obama gets his claws deeply into the Judicial system, this country is doomed, for sure.—
Al Q. Holic (@Johnnywhales) November 07, 2013
This will keep me up tonight. RT @joshledermanAP I missed this line from Obama last night at DSCC fundraiser: "We are remaking the courts."—Where does it all lead?
Order 227 (@Order227blog) November 07, 2013
Obama remaking courts,courts remaking law ,law remaking family,family done for!.—Forward!
richard mackey (@richardmackey1) November 07, 2013
‘Judgment Call’: Cops Use Stun Gun On Man Attempting To Rescue His Toddler From Burning Home
by Sam Rolley
Family members of a 3-year-old boy killed in a northern Missouri house fire last week say that the boy may have had a chance to survive had police not used a stun gun on the boy’s stepfather as he frantically tried to re-enter the burning home to save the child.
According to a report KHQA, Ryan and Cathy Miller, the boy’s parents, awoke in the early morning hours of Oct. 31 to find that their home was engulfed in flames. Unable to reach the child’s bedroom because of the fire that had broken out in a recreation room in the rear of the home, the couple exited through the back door. As police and firefighters were just arriving on the scene, according to reports, Ryan Miller was kicking in the front door of the home in an effort to re-enter the burning building and save the child.
Police forbade Miller to re-enter the home, telling him it was too dangerous to attempt to save the child’s life. When, as any parent would, Miller decided that the officers’ commands and his safety were far less important than the innocent child’s well-being, the officers forcefully restrained and then fired on him with a stun gun.
Miller was then arrested and later released from the city jail without being charged with a crime.
“He tried to get back in the house to get the baby,” Lori Miller, Ryan Miller’s mother, told local media. “They took my son to jail because he tried to save his son.”
Lori Miller said that she witnesses two officers use the stun gun on the man a total of three times.
The man’s sister-in-law called the officers’ actions heartless and inappropriate.
“It’s just heartless. How could they be so heartless? And while they all just stood around and waited for the fire department, what kind of police officer wouldn’t try and save a 3-year-old burning in a house?” said Emily Miller. “We’ve been going through pictures and he’s just smiling in every picture. He was just a happy, go-lucky kid.”
A city official called the police officers’ actions a “judgment call.”
Local officials say that there was no reasonable possibility that Ryan Miller would have been successful in his efforts to retrieve the toddler from the burning home, claiming that a firefighter who later arrived on the scene was unable to stand the heat in full gear.
The toddler’s remains were reportedly found near a bedroom doorway leading to the living area in the front of the home.
Retired General: Some in military want to ‘take out’ Obama from presidency

by: Kevin Whiteman
A retired three star Flag Officer recently stated he knows of certain unnamed individuals within the Armed Forces of having at least considered the possibility of an armed coup d’état aimed directly at of Barack Obama, as reported by the on-line news portal Government Executive on Nov. 4, 2013.
Retired Army Lt. General William G. “Jerry” Boykin states he’s personally spoken to service members who would:
Like to see the Armed Forces ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president.’However, Boykin also correctly stated that:
Our Constitution puts a civilian in charge of the military and as a result a coup would not be constitutional."The retired three-star again went on to correctly state that those in uniform realize that even if their take on the US Constitution is different by certain civilians in positions of power, those in service keep their opinions to themselves until the leave the military.
You’re not going to see a coup in the military.
I talk to a lot of folks who don’t support where Obama is taking the military, but in the military they can’t say anything.Another retired Flag Officer, Lt. Gen. Patrick Brady, US Army (Retired) Congressional Medal of Honor, was more straightforward than his former comrade-in-arms.
Brady unleashed his anger at today’s crop of officers as nothing more than:
Girly-men leadership [and] medals for not shooting and operating a computer."
Questions Remain of Dumped Marine Four Star…
Fox News reported during January 2013 that there have been whisperings in military circles that the former Supreme Commander of CentCom (Central Command) General James Mattis, US Marine Corps (Retired) was forced to retire by Obama administration earlier this year.
As reported by Fox, General Mattis was relieved of his über-powerful post do to the self-admitted "bar brawler “increasingly making the White House nervous while butting heads with National Security Adviser Tom Donilon over Iran.”
Nicknamed “Mad Dog” and “Chaos” by his Marines, the General is known for his Chesterton-esque quips, such as: (self censored)
- “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all.”
- “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
- “Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
- “It is mostly a matter of wills. Whose will is going to break first? Ours or the enemy’s?”
- “Be the hunter, not the hunted: Never allow your unit to be caught with its guard down.”
- “In a country with millions of people; cars going everywhere, the enemy is going to get a car bomb out there once in a while.”
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Netanyahu Slams Obama Agreement As ‘Deal Of The Century’ – For Iran
by Ben Bullard
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly doesn’t agree with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney that there’s “no daylight between Israel and the United States” on presenting a united front to Iran in ratcheting down Iran’s developing nuclear weapons program.
In a statement today on his official website, Netanyahu called an expected deal that would roll back sanctions against Iran in exchange for an end in the country’s nuclear weapons program a “grievous historic error” that sets back a longstanding foreign policy comity between the U.S. and Israel.
“If the news that I am receiving of the impending proposal by the P5+1 is true, this is the deal of the century, for Iran. Because Iran is essentially giving nothing and it’s getting all the air taken out, the air begins to be taken out of the pressure cooker that it took years to build in the sanctions regime,” wrote Netanyahu.
“What we’re having today is a situation that Iran is giving up, at best, a few days of enrichment time, but the whole international regime’s sanctions policy has the air taken out of it. That’s a big mistake, it will relieve all the pressure inside Iran, it is a historic mistake, a grievous historic error.”
The P5+1 represents the five permanent member nations of the UN – the U.S., U.K., France, Russia and China, plus Germany.
Netanyahu effectively laid bare the buffoonery of the Obama Administration’s insistence that Israel and the U.S. now see eye to eye on walking back their lockstep partnership in approaching Iranian weapons development over the decades.
Here’s how POLITICO framed Carney’s characterization of the dysfunction between the U.S. and Israel:
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed Thursday that the U.S. is proposing a limited and “easily reversible” easing of some economic sanctions, if Iran agrees to freeze its nuclear efforts. A senior U.S. official who briefed reporters Wednesday as talks got underway again on the issue in Geneva, said the countries negotiating with Iran are also hoping to get Iran to agree to unwind some aspects of its program during an initial period that could last six months and would be intended to allow for more in-depth discussions to resolve the standoff.
Asked about Netanyahu’s sharp denunciation of the U.S.-backed plan, Carney breezed past the significant tactical disagreement and instead emphasized what he said was agreement between the U.S. and Israel on the goal of ending what both countries see as Iran’s effort to develop a nuclear weapons capability.
“There is no daylight between Israel and the United States, between the president and the prime minister, when it comes to the objective of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Carney said. “And all options remain on the table to achieve this objective.”
Compare and contrast Carney’s words with Netanyahu’s. Regardless of your take on the Obama Administration’s conciliatory stance toward Iran, it’s an outright lie to claim there isn’t a chasm separating the U.S. and Israel right now.
Confusion: Book Claims Obama Can’t Stand Congressional Black Caucus; ‘Professional Blacks’
by Personal Liberty News Desk
We don’t know what to make of this, so we’re just passing it along and letting you make of it what you will. A new book co-authored by Mark Halperin (Time, MSNBC) and John Heilemann (New York magazine, MSNBC) claims that President Barack Obama hates the Congressional Black Caucus almost as much as the Tea Party.
The new book, Double Down: Game Change 2012 was released earlier this week as a follow-up campaign chronicle to the authors’ 2010 look-see into the 2008 Presidential race: Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime.
This time, Halperin and Heilemann reference sources who claim that Obama “had little patience for the ‘professional left,’ and vanishingly close to zero tolerance for what one of his senior African American aides, Michael Strautmanis, referred to as ‘professional blacks’ (as opposed black professionals).”
That euphemism evidently includes people like Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) – both CBC members – as well as progressive professor Cornel West, pulpit racist Al Sharpton and lifelong race hypocrite Jesse Jackson.
Of course, all that alleged disdain stems not from Obama’s dismissal of these people as divisive race careerists, but from his frustration that they frequently have called him out for not being progressive enough.
“Apart from Georgia congressman John Lewis and Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, Obama had nearly as much contempt for the CBC as he did for the Tea Party Caucus,” the book states.
Well, I guess that puts Obama right back in the political center, then. Was that the authors’ intent? Who knows.
Clear things up for us with your thoughts in the comments.
H/T: Breitbart
It’s Time For Obama To Take The ‘Perp Walk’
by Wayne Allyn Root
Forget impeachment; it’s time for criminal prosecution. Obamacare isn’t about incompetence, and it isn’t about political disagreement. It’s about a trillion-dollar fraud carried out by the President of the United States.
Let’s say a TV pitchman (you know, like the Ginsu knife guy) promised free health insurance. Let’s say he promised: “If you don’t like mine, you can keep your current health insurance. Period.” Then millions of Americans, thinking they had nothing to lose, took him up on it. And then, because of this con man’s lies, fraud and misrepresentations, they found the policies they liked and their families depended on canceled. When they went to his website for help to try to save themselves, they found it not only defective, but deceptive as well.
The few who could get on found they had to enter their personal information, even if all they wanted to do was compare plans and prices. And once they did this, they were trapped. Their personal information would be used to extort them. They were warned that if they didn’t buy, they’d be fined.
Can you imagine the outrage and criminal accusations coming from consumer protection advocates? Can you imagine how quickly the Federal government would shut down the business? Can you imagine how quickly a grand jury would be convened to indict the CEO? Can you imagine how quickly FBI agents, accompanied by SWAT teams with assault weapons, would swoop down on this CEO’s offices with guns drawn and remove cabinets and computers with the media watching, with cameras rolling, with flashbulbs popping? Can you picture the CEO and his top executives being “perp walked” in handcuffs in front of the waiting TV news cameras?
The government would throw the book at these executives. For ripping off millions of consumers, including the elderly and innocent young children, the CEO would get life in prison.
Think of the personal stories, the tragedies caused by this purposeful lie, by this fraud. The small businesses forced to close. The middle-class taxpayers hit with dramatic price increases, left with a choice of paying the mortgage or the health insurance. How about the people whose policies were canceled and, because they couldn’t afford this con man’s “better plan” or because of a defective website, went without insurance for a time — and during that time, had a car accident, leaving them unable to work and bankrupt with medical bills.
All of these tragedies were set in motion because a CEO lied and misrepresented. If this happened to one single American family, that CEO would go to prison.
Well it’s happening to millions of Americans. And that CEO con man is Barack Obama.
A grand jury should be convened right now to indict the President of the United States for fraud on a massive scale. The FBI and SWAT teams should be surrounding the White House this week. Obama should be “perp walked” out of the people’s house in handcuffs, with cameras rolling, with flashbulbs popping. He lied to us all. His fraud will cost each of us dearly.
This wasn’t the usual politician’s “little white lie.” This was a gigantic, purposeful lie that might cost 16 million (or more) Americans our health insurance. This lie will cost a typical family $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 more per year for a new expensive policy none of us can afford or want.
Worst of all, this lie will strip millions of proud middle-class families of their independence, self-reliance and self-esteem, by forcing them into government dependence for the first time in their lives.
But then, that was the real point of Obamacare from Day 1: government dependence and income redistribution on a massive Marxist scale.
We’ve been conned. A gigantic fraud has been sold to the American people. Our lives, finances, jobs and healthcare system are being destroyed. Our income is being stolen (Obama calls it “redistributed”) based on a fraud. Who benefits? Obama’s voters, Obama’s donors and, of course, the biggest health insurance companies in the country. That was the bribe to get them to go along with this fraudulent, Marxist scheme.
Obama makes Bernie Madoff look like a piker. This is the first trillion-dollar fraud in world history, and someone should go to prison. What CEO in the private sector would be allowed to walk? Not one.
Let’s sum up the crimes:
- We were promised no one would lose their health insurance. Lie.
- We were promised you could keep your present policy, if you liked it. Lie.
- We were promised costs were going down. Lie.
- We were promised this would be easy. Lie.
- We were promised that the middle class would not pay higher taxes. Lie.
What if a private-sector CEO spent more than $600 million to build a website and happened to give the no-bid contract to his college classmate? What if after overspending hundreds of millions of dollars, the site didn’t work? That CEO would be in handcuffs in a New York minute. And if his wife arranged the deal, she’d be behind bars, too.
Well don’t look now, but it happened. The most expensive website in history does not work. Obama spent $600 million of taxpayer money. The “fix” will bring the cost to more than $1 billion of your money. It was a no-bid contract. The top exec at the company that built the site is the Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama. They are members of the Princeton Black Alumni Association. She just happened to get a no-bid contract.
How could someone spend that much money… and fail? It’s just a website. Did millions of dollars go to Cayman Island bank accounts? Were bribes paid for Michelle’s favor?
Obama knew millions of Americans would lose their insurance. He knew rates would skyrocket. And someone stole hundreds of millions of dollars building a defective website. It’s past time for impeachment; it’s time for the CEO to pay for the fraud he’s perpetrated.
It’s time for Obama to take the infamous “perp walk.”
Obama’s Pathology Goes All The Way Back To Childhood
by Bob Livingston
One of the more curious (for me) aspects of the life story of the undocumented White House usurper is the dearth of former friends and acquaintances from Barack Obama’s early life who have come forward to talk about his formative years.
Certainly, part of that is because he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia. But that doesn’t completely explain how most of his life was spent completely under the radar. Perhaps we now know.
A woman named Mia Marie Pope has come forward who claims to have known Barry, as she knew him, when they were teenagers. She says he was a pathological liar even then, and much of his time was spent apparently prostituting himself with other men to acquire drugs.
Watch the video.
Obamacare is also now effecting Auto Insurance premiums..!
[My insurance Company!]
When you think it can't get any worse it does...'Murphys Law' is now in effect and you can expect all insurance companies to jump on the band wagon and increase their rates...I just received my 6 month billing for my auto insurance increased $100.00...I was a tad upset to say the I called my insurance agent and was, may I add quite upset...I asked him why my rate has increased as I have not had a claim nor tickets in over 19 years...he explained that all insurance companies were raising their rates...he claimed they were paying out $1.05 for every $1.00 payed on premiums so they needed to raise their rates to remain solvent.
I then asked if this had anything to do with the Obamacare fiasco...he declined to answer and just restated they needed to increase their rates to remain ya all be the judge...I have already made up my mind as to why! Brace yourselves for rate increases from all insurance policies coming down the pike...pucker up and bend over the Obama administration will continue the screw job and don't expect the perv to be gentle!
Christie: Chris Matthews’ Newest Crush
oped: Well folks this is as good as any reason for not voting for the RINO Chris Christie...need I really say more?

by B. Christopher Agee
MSNBC host and leftist windbag Chris Matthews made headlines in 2008 in describing his over-the-top love affair with then-candidate Barack Obama.
“I felt this thrill going up my leg,” he said in response to Obama’s ability to speak. “I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
Though it might be rare, it seems another political heavyweight has captured Matthews’ affection. Following Tuesday’s elections, the host took to his network’s “Morning Joe” program to sing the praises of reelected New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Lauding his ability to attract “Reagan Democrats,” Matthews said that residents of the state “want real people with blood in them,” adding that Christie’s attitude has paved the way for his political success.
“People love that stuff in New Jersey,” he said. “It’s real.”
The program featured several other glowing recommendations from similarly progressive talking heads – most notably Charlie Cook, publisher of the Cook Political Report.
Citing “testosterone coming out of every pore of his body,” he gushed over the Republican’s ability to irritate conservatives.
Cook said he “can’t wait to see in Iowa and New Hampshire some Tea Party type calling him a liberal,” noting he hopes to witness “Christie reaching down the guy’s throat and pulling his lungs out.
“I can’t wait to see that,” he added. “I will pay money to see that.”
It is obvious from a cursory review of election returns that Christie enjoys widespread popularity in his home state. Though his ability to reach across party lines to attract Democrat votes has served him well in the deep blue state of New Jersey, such moderation can easily be a detriment as his political aspirations widen.
The support of radical leftists like Chris Matthews and his ilk on MSNBC will only make the task of winning over conservatives that much more difficult.

by B. Christopher Agee
MSNBC host and leftist windbag Chris Matthews made headlines in 2008 in describing his over-the-top love affair with then-candidate Barack Obama.
“I felt this thrill going up my leg,” he said in response to Obama’s ability to speak. “I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
Though it might be rare, it seems another political heavyweight has captured Matthews’ affection. Following Tuesday’s elections, the host took to his network’s “Morning Joe” program to sing the praises of reelected New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Lauding his ability to attract “Reagan Democrats,” Matthews said that residents of the state “want real people with blood in them,” adding that Christie’s attitude has paved the way for his political success.
“People love that stuff in New Jersey,” he said. “It’s real.”
The program featured several other glowing recommendations from similarly progressive talking heads – most notably Charlie Cook, publisher of the Cook Political Report.
Citing “testosterone coming out of every pore of his body,” he gushed over the Republican’s ability to irritate conservatives.
Cook said he “can’t wait to see in Iowa and New Hampshire some Tea Party type calling him a liberal,” noting he hopes to witness “Christie reaching down the guy’s throat and pulling his lungs out.
“I can’t wait to see that,” he added. “I will pay money to see that.”
It is obvious from a cursory review of election returns that Christie enjoys widespread popularity in his home state. Though his ability to reach across party lines to attract Democrat votes has served him well in the deep blue state of New Jersey, such moderation can easily be a detriment as his political aspirations widen.
The support of radical leftists like Chris Matthews and his ilk on MSNBC will only make the task of winning over conservatives that much more difficult.
Resolution to Impeach Holder Being Drafted, Yoho Says

By Emma Dumain
Some House Republicans are talking impeachment these days, but not of President Barack Obama. The scalp they’re looking for is that of Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.
From Operation Fast and Furious to the wiretapping of Associated Press phone calls, Holder has been under fire from Republicans for some time. The House voted last year to hold him in contempt of Congress.
Now, Omar Raschid, a spokesman for Florida Republican Rep. Ted Yoho, has confirmed to CQ Roll Call that a formal resolution calling for Holder’s impeachment is in the works.
It won’t be coming through Yoho’s office, Raschid said, but the Florida Republican will surely be a leader in the effort. Raschid declined to name the member who is taking the lead out of respect for that office’s rollout of the resolution.
On Tuesday evening, Yoho appeared at a town hall meeting with constituents in Chiefland, Fla., where he said he and his colleagues would attempt to launch impeachment proceedings against Holder in the weeks ahead.
“It will be before the end of the year,” Yoho said, according to local news reports. “It will probably be when we get back. … It will be before the end of the year. This will go to the speaker and the speaker will decide if it comes up or not.”
The press office of Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, declined to comment, and the offices of several members who have been Holder’s major critics on Capitol Hill did not respond to queries as to whether they knew about the resolution or were behind the effort.
But the list of House Republicans who want Holder out of office is a lengthy one. The House voted to hold him in contempt of Congress last June for refusing to provide the Oversight and Government Reform Committee with key documents related to the botched gun-running program known as Fast and Furious. Since then, in addition to the heat Holder received over the AP wiretaps, he has been criticized by Republicans for intervening in the implementation of a Louisiana school voucher program and in voting rights laws in Texas.
The list of lawmakers who would actually support an impeachment resolution, however, is sure to be a shorter one. And it would likely need establishment heft in order to make leadership — and Judiciary Chairman Robert W. Goodlatte of Virginia — pay attention.
The Republican Establishment Lost Virginia
[Ken Cuccinelli should have won in Virginia. ]
By: Jason Johnson
[Jason Johnson is Chief Political Strategist to Senator Ted Cruz. — Erick ]
ink is being spilled concerning the elections yesterday. In my view,
the spin being offered by Democrats and much of the media misses what
really happened.
Several observations on the elections:
Chris Christie should be congratulated. He won a big victory in a
state that is historically very tough for Republicans. And his blunt,
brash style is a refreshing change from the timidity of many Washington
(2) Ken Cuccinelli should have won in Virginia.
Despite weeks of polling showing him down by double-digits, the race
was decided by just 2 percentage points, to the astonishment of the
pundit class.
(b) The Washington Establishment bears the majority of the blame for this loss.
- At the urging of the Establishment, far too many national Republican donors declined to support Cuccinelli. He was outspent by nearly $15 million. You cannot win if you lack the resources to be heard. Because many donors—unfortunately, listening to the DC consultants who talk endlessly about the need to “win”—chose not to support his campaign, Cuccinelli was forced to go dark in the DC media market the final two weeks of the campaign. By contrast, liberal billionaires nationally poured millions of dollars into attacking him, and the GOP Establishment refused to do anything to help.
- When Cuccinelli’s “moderate” Republican rival for the nomination, the state’s former Lt. Governor, publicly attacked Cuccinelli and privately urged donors not to support him, the DC Establishment said nothing. Had a conservative done the same to a moderate Republican—taken his marbles and gone home when he did not win the primary—the uproar would have been deafening.
The Democrats actually play to win. Cuccinelli likely would have won,
if the so-called “Libertarian” candidate had not taken 7 percent of the
vote. McAuliffe garnered 54,520 more votes than Cuccinelli. The
Democrat’s “Libertarian” took 145,759 votes and was in the race because
one of President Obama’s biggest bundlers largely funded the petition
drive to put him on the ballot.
In 1993, Republican victories in New Jersey and Virginia set the stage
for the Republican sweep in 1994. In 2009, Republican victories in New
Jersey and Virginia set the stage for the Republican sweep in 2010.
Democrats understood that, are rightly concerned about 2014, and devoted
millions to winning Virginia. The D.C. Republican Establishment did
not demonstrate the same seriousness of purpose.
Much of the Democratic money that flowed into Virginia was prompted by
the awareness that, in 2016, Virginia will likely be a swing state in
the presidential election. Terry McAuliffe, one of the Clintons’
strongest supporters for decades, can be expected to use the full force
of the governorship to try to swing the state for Hillary Clinton. DC
Republicans, who profess to be concerned about winning elections in 2014
and 2016, all but ceded the state to the Democrats.
The government shutdown did not cause the loss. According to CNN,
Virginia voters were nearly evenly divided (48 percent to 45 percent) on
who was to blame for the shutdown, Republicans or President Obama.
Critically, according to exit polls conducted by CNN and Fox News, Cuccinelli won independents by 9 points.
reason he lost was simple: Republicans did not show up on Election
Day. Thirty-seven percent of the voters were Democrats; only 32 percent
were Republicans. Had the D.C. Establishment not abandoned Cuccinelli,
leaving him with no money and attacking him themselves, more
Republicans would have shown up and Cuccinelli would likely have won.
Obamacare is profoundly unpopular, its damage growing by the day.
According to published news reports, more than 3.5 million Americans
have already lost their health insurance because of Obamacare—despite
the President’s promise that “if you like your plan, you can keep it.”
Exit polls show 54 percent of Virginia voters disapprove of the
President’s job performance.
Democrats have every reason to be concerned come 2014.
Obama High School Friend: Barry ‘Portrayed Himself As a Foreigner, Crack-Smoking Homosexual’
Excerpted from FREEDOM OUTPOST: James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.
Ms. Pope was born in 1962, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.
Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro “always portrayed himself as a foreign student.”
While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn’t always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he “very much was in sort of the ‘gay community,’” which she says that even back then was “thriving.”
“We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager….as a young girl… was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men,” Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn’t get along, largely in part to the fact that he was “a pathological liar, even back then.”
Keep Reading
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Snakes the size of school buses? Horses the size of house cats? It happened before and could happen again

[Digital reconstruction of a Titanoboa skeleton (Smithsonian Channel) ]
By Jay Busbee
Sleeping well, lately? This will cure that: Imagine a snake the length of a school bus, with a mouth that opens wider than you can spread your arms. Not only could such a snake exist, it did exist ... and may exist again in the future as temperatures warm.
That's among the findings reported this week at the ScienceWriters2013 conference in Gainesville, Florida. During a period of time known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, high temperatures favored larger reptiles ... and, in turn, smaller mammals. Imagine, for instance, a horse the size of a house cat.
The Paleocene Epoch lasted about 9 million years, starting with the fall of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Jonathan Bloch, a paleontologist at the Florida Museum of Natural History, discovered gargantuan turtle fossils and a snake known as Titanoboa from that period.
That's right. Titanoboa. Beat that, Sharknado.
On the other end of the spectrum, mammals were much smaller in warmer climes. Consider the horse, which, during certain periods in earlier epochs, looked as if it would make a perfect little pet.

When temperatures spiked twice at about 55 million and 53 million years ago, mammals shrunk in size, according to a new study published by the University of Michigan. The changes come about when temperatures rise into the mid-90s for a sustained period of time; the thought is that larger mammals have a harder time regulating body temperatures and finding nutrition.
"Developing a better understanding of the relationship between mammalian body size change and greenhouse gas-induced global warming during the geological past may help us predict ecological changes that may occur in response to current changes in Earth's climate," said Will Clyde of the University of New Hampshire.
As terrifying as the thought of a gigantic snake might be, or as precious as the thought of a football-size horse might be, don't go looking for them any time soon. These changes take centuries, not years. But you might want to leave your great-great-grandchildren a heads-up note, just in case.
Liar In Thief

by Bob Livingston
Politicians lie. It’s their stock in trade. They have to if they are to be elected.
If they told you that once elected they would vote to continue stealing your money and stealing your liberty, that they would openly and unashamedly take political graft, that their primary aim would be to enrich themselves and their sugar daddies, that they would support laws that select societal winners and losers — and the people would always be the losers — they would never be elected.
So it is certainly no surprise that the undocumented White House usurper whose very life is a fraud would unapologetically tell you for three years that “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period,” and then turn around and brazenly say that he never said that. And not only say it, but say it with all the aplomb that comes from believing that video and audio recorders don’t exist.
President Barack Obama is a gifted politician. His gift is his psychopathy, which runs so deep and is so entrenched that even the most sensitive polygraph machine would be unable to detect an autonomic reaction during one of his Obamacare lie-fests.
He counts on the ignorance of the people. He counts on their short memories. He counts on a sycophantic, fawning media that functions as his propaganda machine.
But Obamacare is finally hitting Americans in the pocketbook. Free healthcare is being revealed as anything but free. That lie has been unmasked.
You can keep your healthcare plan only if Obama deems it adequate. Whether it is adequate for you is not something you can determine. Obama and his Marxist/fascist co-conspirators don’t believe you are smart enough for that. It is adequate under Obamacare only if it falls into a one-size-fits-all parameter established by a cabal of leftist control freak nanny-staters and do-gooders. That’s life in the collective.
It’s good for you because the state says so. And because it’s so good for you, you have to be coerced to participate under threat of penalty and at gunpoint.
Obamacare is a lie, and it is stealing your healthcare choices. You shouldn’t be surprised. I have been telling you the truth about it since it first saw the light of day. It’s only the psychopathic elected class, led by the liar in thief, that has been telling you different.
The Liar King
by John Myers
“So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era… in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future!” — Scar, the usurper in the 2004 Disney classic, “The Lion King”
My late mother used to say, “You can trust a thief, but you can’t trust a liar.” If President Barack Obama has proven anything over these five years of his insufferable Presidency, it is that he is a liar. Given the regal regard that he has for himself and his court (Administration), Obama is the Liar King. He was probably born in Africa, just as the character Scar. And like him, Obama has evil intentions on remaking the land he governs.
Recently, two of Obama’s biggest and boldest lies have fallen under a spotlight.
The Benghazi Attack
We know now more than ever that Obama lied about this attack after the Oct. 27 “60 Minutes” program. Interviewer Lara Logan sat down with insiders who confirmed that the bloody attack on the U.S. Consulate was a carefully planned al-Qaida terrorist operation — not a spontaneous event triggered by a YouTube video, as the Obama Administration had claimed. Chris Farrell, a member of Judicial Watch, which is suing for records of the Benghazi, Libya, attack, told OneNewsNow: “This 60 Minutes segment really stripped away all the doubletalk and outright lies, It completely disassembles the Obama administration’s cover story, their lie about what they were doing.”Obamacare
On this one, the President cannot hide behind the pantsuit of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or spread the blame as he has done with Benghazi. On this, the President let his titanic ego outweigh political caution.On June 15, 2009, Obama said:
That means that no matter how we reform healthcare, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period. No one will take it away, no matter what.
Obama knew then that he was flat-out lying. He was lying to a Nation coming out of an economic collapse. He was lying to a tired and worried people, telling them that he was Santa Claus and that he would provide all the medical coverage they needed while cutting the national debt at the same time. Both were flat-out lies, and he knew it.
Of course he had a special reason to lie to the American public. It made him look good, and it would give him the progressive legacy that his ego so demands.
“If Obama could succeed where Truman, Johnson, Clinton and both Roosevelts failed, some officials contended he would have a historic legacy. He would accomplish a goal that the progressives had dreamed of, debated for, and demanded for more than a century. He would be the greatest progressive in American history. He would forever be the one who got it done,” wrote Richard Minter in his book, Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him.
To accomplish this, he had to become an adroit liar. It seems to come naturally to Obama — lying about his birthplace, lying to get into the best collages, lying to win the Presidency and even lying about his religious faith.
Last week, Bob Barr condensed Obama’s lies for Townhall under the headline, “Barack Obama: America’s Commander-in-Deceit”:
"Obama lied about Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia. He lied about his Administration’s role in “Operation Fast and Furious.” He lied about using the Department of Justice to intimidate journalists. He lied about NSA wiretapping. He lied about using drone strikes to kill American citizens overseas."Then there is one of my favorites because it was so easy to spot. While in Africa in June, Obama said that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was not a priority in his mind and that he wouldn’t be “wheeling and dealing” to get Snowden extradited back to the United States.
When I heard Obama say that on the nightly news, I turned to my wife and said, “He’s lying!” Sure enough, in early August, Obama was so outraged that Snowden was granted asylum in Russia that he canceled a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
By The Time America Wakes Up To The Truth, It May Be Too Late
Bob Woodward, the greatest reporter of his generation and the man that helped bring down Republican President Richard Nixon understands politicians and their lies. According to Woodward, who has been accused of being a “liberal icon,” the White House is a nest of lies and the apex of the Obama Administration’s “secret world” operates with impunity and outside the rule of law. Woodward, who has spent more than six years covering candidate and President Obama, concludes that Obama has created a cabal whose authority comes from “concealment and lies.”So far, I’ve touched on only the lies we know. Yet if experience tells us that if a person will lie about some things, he will probably lie about a great many things — especially if it has been so rewarding to do so.
I believe this to be the truth: Obama is a fraud born in Kenya and protected by progressives and the mainstream media because he is the first black President. I believe Obama is determined to inject Islam and its Marxist tenants into America the way Adolf Hitler infected Germany with National Socialism. I believe Obama will use further lies to accomplish his egomaniacal goals, which may include remaining President beyond 2016.
If I sound deranged, read history. Some of the best and brightest of the 1930s, men like Joseph Kennedy and Charles Lindbergh, were convinced Hitler was an ideal leader for a new and progressive Germany. What hundreds of millions of people did not realize was the evil inherent in a dictator who was first democratically elected.
America is going through a tragedy right now, the kind that Shakespeare wrote. I could have referenced one of his plays, “Macbeth” perhaps. Yet I have always found Shakespeare too highbrow for my taste. What makes Disney stupendous at storytelling is the way it distills Shakespeare to an easy essence and then gives it a happy ending. I write to you today also wanting a happy ending for a great people who deserve it: Americans who have been deceived by this president, by this Liar King.
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