by: Onan Coca
Is the President consciously trying to find ways to out-do himself each morning? It feels like he may be sitting in the Oval Office of the White House scheming about what new things he can say or do to make his Presidency even more of a failure.
Business Insider has broken a story from a new book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann called Double Down which is a follow up to their popular book from 2008 called Game Change. According to Double Down, which is a chronicle of the 2012 election, “President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s ‘really good at killing people’ while discussing drone strikes.”
Yeah, our President literally told the people who work for him that he is “really good at killing people.”
Look, the issue of using drones as assassin’s in the war on terror is a hot-button issue, and I realize a lot of good conservatives are for their use. (I am personally opposed to our use of drones – but I’m not arguing for or against them here.) The use of drones is not the problem with this little “joke” – the problem with the fact that the President of the United States would say something like this is that it illustrates for us the aloofness that is inherent in President Obama’s character.
War, death, killing… these should be topics for serious consideration and discussion.
The folks at pitch interactive have built an interactive timeline of the use of drones in Pakistan, and it is not pretty.

Continue Reading: http://eaglerising.com/2678/ghoulish-president-obama-says-hes-really-good-killing-people/
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