[Defense of Marriage Act Bill]
judiciaries, legislatures, and governors are entangled in a horrific
mess caused by the Supreme Court’s rulings striking down parts of the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and remanding California’s Proposition 8
back to the trial court.
The state of marriage and family law nationwide is in horrible confusion and has become a huge problem to state administrations. This devastation is what can be expected when pro-homosexual bullies force their will on society!
Americans who are concerned about the moral collapse in our nation are
rising up and taking action by standing for marriage and family! We need every concerned patriot possible to join this historic effort! Please see my very important message below – Mat.
battles to remove state laws protecting natural marriage are being
fought all across our nation. In fact, pro-homosexual strategists have
placed twelve states squarely in their crosshairs for “change” in 2014.
its part, the George Soros-funded Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has vowed
to make “gay marriage” legal in all 50 states within five years.
++State legal systems are in upheaval.
state law, for instance, defines marriage as a union between one man
and one woman and the Keystone State refuses to recognize same-sex
“marriages” performed in other states.
Tom Corbett has declared that he will enforce the state’s law until it
is duly changed by the Pennsylvania legislature. Attorney General
Kathleen Kane, on the other hand, does not endorse the state’s law and
this causes real confusion for Pennsylvania administrators.
On Valentine’s Day, an activist judge appointed by President Barack Obama ruled against a Virginia
law that affirms marriage as being reserved to the union of one man and
one woman. The target of the judge’s judicial activism was the
Virginia Marriage Amendment, passed by a plurality of that state’s
voters in 2006.
Liberty Counsel will file an amicus brief as the Virginia decision moves to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals!

Also last week, a judge in Kentucky ruled that the state must recognize same-sex “marriages” performed in other states.
scenarios of legal battles, some being won by natural marriage
proponents and others by pro-homosexual forces, are being fought all
across our nation.
Counsel will fight the disastrous pro-homosexual agenda in federal and
state legislatures, in federal and state courts, and in the court of
public opinion!
in 2014, the Liberty Counsel legal team is actively engaged in several
lawsuits in states in which natural marriage laws are being threatened
by organizations like the ACLU and Lambda Legal Defense Fund.
last week, Liberty Counsel filed two friend of the court briefs in the
Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, asking the court to uphold the
definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
In Nevada,
Liberty Counsel filed an amicus brief at the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals in the case of Sevcik v. Sandoval asking the court to uphold the
definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The state
attorney general, a Democrat, and its governor, a Republican, said they
would no longer defend their state's same-sex marriage ban.
Last month, “Equality Florida” challenged the Florida
Marriage Protection Amendment, which was passed by the state’s voters
and added to the State Constitution in 2008. Anita and I wrote the
language for the amendment, so you may rest assured that Liberty Counsel
is helping defend the law!
Also, last month in Utah,
a district court judge ruled that the state’s one man, one woman
definition of marriage was unconstitutional. The court stayed the ruling
pending appeal. Then, in a separate ruling last month, a federal judge
ruled that key parts of Utah’s polygamy laws are unconstitutional!
We have warned of this slippery slope for years.
marriage is deconstructed to include people of the same sex, there is
no logical or legal argument to ban polygamy or polyamory. Same-sex marriage is the abolition of marriage and will destroy the most basic foundation of family and civil society.
epidemic failure rate among American marriages and families stems from
the ongoing cultural, legal, and legislative attacks on family
++I promise you this… the Liberty Counsel legal team will never relent in the defense of natural marriage!
of us who believe that marriage is a God-ordained union of one man and
one woman, and who are willing to speak out and act on that belief, must
fight back!
you consider a special gift today to help Liberty Counsel in our
ongoing efforts to defend natural marriage and the family?
Go here now to support Liberty Counsel with a generous donation of any amount:
There can be no middle ground in this fight.
We have no choice but to win the battle in support of marriage and
family. Losing one of the most important cultural battles of our
lifetime is simply unthinkable!
Redefining marriage is a line we cannot and will not cross! We need every friend possible to join this effort!