
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Congress~The House and Senate are enabling a Dictator...!

Obama only wants military leaders who 'will fire on U.S. citizens'
Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name is~is taking his Progressive Party down the same road Adolf Hitler took with his National Socialist Party {NAZI) as a matter of fact if one reads the history of the rise of the NAZI party one will see Obama is following step by step in exact concert with Hitlers game plan..!

SEE: Hitler and Germany: 1928-35 

Hitler Named Chancellor : 

Not to forget the sick side of the Progressive/Nazi Party :  

Also #Obamacare:

If congress fails to act and Impeach,arrest and prosecute Barack Hussein Obama for sedition and treason against the United States of America, it stands to reason that the people will revolt as intended by Obama giving him the power to declare Martial Law and suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights giving himself total Dictorial Power...this is his intention as he has been under advisement/control by none other than George warned congress your failure to act will become blood on your hands and this blood will apply to you as well, as the Dictator disbands the Congress and places all those who were not with him into concentration camps!


After he became Chancellor in January 1933, Hitler transformed his democratic position into dictatorial power.   Calling an election - and taking advantage of the Reichstag fire - he got the Reichstag to pass the Enabling Act.   Then, using the power this gave him to make his own laws, he set up the Gestapo, banned Trade Unions and opposition parties and (on the Night of the Long Knives, July 1934) removed even the opposition within the Nazi Party.   
       When Hindenburg died, Hitler declared himself Fuhrer. 

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