
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Breaking news: Rebels admit gas attack result of mishandling chemical weapons

by:  Joseph Parker

In a report that is sure to be considered blockbuster news, the rebels told Dale Gavlak, a reporter who has written for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC, they are responsible for the chemical attack last week.
Gavlak is a Middle Eastern journalist who filed the report about the rebels claiming responsibility on the Mint Press News website, which is affiliated with AP.
In that report allegedly the rebels told him the chemical attack was a result of mishandling chemical weapons.
This news should deflate the accusations, against the Assad regime, coming from the U.S., Britain, France and the Arab League.
Since the chemical attacks last week, the Assad government was immediately blamed. On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry said: That Assad’s guilt was “a judgment already clear to the world," according to
As a result of Assad's government being blamed for the chemical attacks, five U.S. warships are now stationed off Syria's coast. These destroyers are poised to deliver cruise missiles in a strike that is due to begin any time now. According to the report on Mint Press there have been several interviews conducted with people in Damascus and Ghouta, a suburb of the Syrian capital.

The interviews conducted of residents, rebels and their families in Damascus and Ghouta are painting a different picture of what actually happened. Many believe that rebels received chemical weapons provided through the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. It's being reported that these weapons are responsible for last week's gas attack.
The father of a rebel who was killed in what's now being called an accident by many in Ghouta and Damascus said: "My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim. The father said at least 12 rebels including his son were killed by the chemical weapons.
Allegedly they were killed in the tunnel that was used to store the chemicals. These were provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha. He is said to be leading a fighting battalion in the effort to unseat Assad. The weapon was described as a "tube-like structure" by Abdel-Moneim.
Gavlak reports he was told by rebels that the gas "attack" was the result of rebels mishandling the chemical weapons they acquired from the Saudis. He says in the Mint Press report the following:

"They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K.’ “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”
When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she warned. She, like other Syrians, do not want to use their full names for fear of retribution."
Gavlak continues in his report: "A well-known rebel leader in Ghouta named ‘J’ agreed. “Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground. They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material.
We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions, ‘J’ said."
The humanitarian agency, Doctors Without Borders, reported that around 355 people had died from what was believed to be a neurotoxic agent. They reportedly treated 3,600 people with symptoms of, frothing at the mouth, respiratory distress, convulsions and blurry vision.

According to the report dozens of rebels said they were receiving salaries from the Saudis.
It's said that Bandar was educated in the U.S. both military and collegiate. He is also said to have "served as a highly influential Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., and the CIA totally loves this guy."
Prince Bandar's intelligence agency is said to have been the first to bring allegations that Assad's regime used Sarin gas in Feb.
DCE commentary
What kind of person gives someone chemical weapons and doesn't tell them? As a result of the Saudis giving the rebels chemical weapons hundreds of innocent people died. Not mention the fact that evil men here in the U.S. and elsewhere are trying to draw us into a war we have no business being involved in.
Isn't there enough heartache, strife, sickness, poverty, injustice and a host of other ills in this world? These evil men just added more heartache into the world by giving the rebels these chemical weapons. The hearts of the men responsible for this are black and they only care about one thing, destroying nations.

This kind of evil happens because of sin and mankind's rebellion to God's word. Little do these men realize is that nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account, Hebrews 4:13.
Rest assured that God has seen this vile act, and every person involved will have to answer for their crimes against humanity on judgment day. Hopefully, this breaking news will be enough to keep the United States from going to war. The result of bombing Syria will be a match that will light the fuse to an all-out war in the Middle East.
Please note that if you have trouble accessing the Mint Press News article be patient and keep trying. This report is said to have generated a lot of traffic to their site.
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In a report that is sure to be considered blockbuster news, the rebels told Dale Gavlak, a reporter who has written for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC, they are responsible for the chemical attack last week. Gavlak is a Middle Eastern journalist who filed the report about the rebels claiming responsibility on the Mint Press News website, which is affiliated with AP. In that report allegedly the rebels told him the chemical attack was a result of mishandling chemical weapons. This news should deflate the accusations, against the Assad regime, coming from the U.S., Britain, France and the Arab League. Since the chemical attacks last week, the Assad government was immediately blamed. On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry said: That Assad’s guilt was “a judgment already clear to the world,” according to

Biblical doom of Damascus 'right before our eyes'

by: Drew Zahn 

With U.S. warships looming offshore, reports of chemical weapons and saber-rattling from Iran about the coming of Armageddon, the nation of Syria and its capital, Damascus, are at the epicenter of what some suggest may become a prophesied battle of biblical proportions.
“Many students of the Word of God see a major alignment of ancient prophecies regarding the end times being fulfilled right before our eyes,” asserts Carl Gallups, pastor, radio host and author of “The Magic Man in the Sky: Effectively Defending the Christian Faith.” “More importantly, we are the first generation in history to see such dramatic and striking alignments.”
Gallups points to the biblical passage of Psalm 83 – which tells of the nations surrounding Israel conspiring against it – and especially to Isaiah 17, which tells of a day when Damascus, often cited as the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, will be utterly destroyed.
“Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap,” states the ancient prophet Isaiah. “The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.”

“I also want to note,” adds author of “The 9/11 Prophecy,” James F. Fitzgerald, “that the prophecy of the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17 is directly connected in its context to the fall of Ephraim and the Northern Kingdom of Israel as Isaiah previously warned in chapter 9:10. That is the same prophecy messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written about in ‘The Harbinger’ and in ‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment’ documentary, where he’s applied the specific pattern of judgment there to the remarkable events that have transpired here in America after 9/11.”
Get “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” DVD now together at one incredible, low price!
Certainly, Damascus has become the center of international attention and fears of war.
As WND has reported, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has publicly made the case for an American strike on Syria over the nation’s alleged use of chemical weapons on rebel forces among its own people, even as U.S. warships loom offshore.
Meanwhile, Syria ally Iran has threatened to launch “thousands of missiles” on Israel if President Obama follows through on the proposed attack, and Iran’s politicians have claimed the conflict could prompt “the end of times and the coming of the last Islamic messiah,” including an Armageddon-like battle for worldwide Islamic governance.

The result is an international powder keg that could easily explode beyond Syria’s borders, and President Obama is holding the match.
“The ancient Hebrew prophecy contained in Isaiah 17 is presently poised to find final fulfillment, and it could easily be provoked by a poorly calculated political move by America,” claims Bill Salus, author of “Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed.” “Current contemplations of the Obama administration to strategically strike Syria to punish the Assad regime for using chemical weapons on his Syrian countrymen could be the spark that sets the entire Mideast ablaze. President Assad has threatened to attack Tel Aviv on several occasions during the Syrian revolution, and his latest threats have prompted Israelis to scramble for gas masks.
“In tandem a prophecy in Psalm 83 predicts that a climactic concluding Arab-Israeli war is coming, and Syria and Israel are listed among the participants,” Salus told WND. “It is reasonable to presume that we are living in the days of Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83, and that a single U.S. missile landing anywhere in Syria could provoke the ‘Mother of All Mideast Wars’ that is predicted in the Scriptures!”

Watch the prophecies explained and unfold in “Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed” on DVD from the WND Superstore!
Fitzgerald explains there may indeed be something greater than politics pushing Obama’s current actions.
“We have no vital national interest to be served in Syria by involving ourselves in their civil war,” Fitzgerald told WND, “except to see that Syria doesn’t fall into the hands of al-Qaida and the radical Islamists. Yet it seems the Obama administration is now planning to take sides in this internal struggle with the rebels that include terrorists like al-Qaida, and they’re doing so even with the help of Republicans like John McCain and Lindsay Graham.
“But if we’re being pulled into this war, against our own vital national interests, it’s because we have a ‘hook in our mouth’ that is drawing us to further national judgment,” he continued. “As I spell out in my book with lots of evidence, post-9/11 America is a nation under judgment. In that regard, I show exactly how the next major end-time prophecy to do with our nation is the imminent coming of World War III. That war will reduce us once and for all from our superpower status – as we know must happen from the book of Revelation. That’s why there is no doubt in my mind that getting involved in Syria’s civil war – even in the face of Russia’s strong warnings – is going to contribute to the future coming of a world war with Russia and Iran.”

Evidence revealed
But could these events really be the foretold culmination of biblical prophecy?
It appears the jury is still out on definitively saying yes.
“With all of the chaos in Syria continually growing more and more unstable, it is certainly understandable that many students of Scripture are looking to Isaiah 17 and asking if its fulfillment could be imminent,” states Joel Richardson, author of “Mideast Beast” and “The Islamic Antichrist”, in a WND commentary.
But Richardson warns some are trying too hard to make the events line up, like predicting Israel will use a nuclear bomb to fulfill Isaiah 17′s destruction of Damascus.
“For those sensationalists who are predisposed to believe that Israel is about to hit Damascus with a nuclear bomb,” Richardson writes, “the question must be asked: How wise would it be to drop a nuclear bomb on a city that lies less than 50 miles from your own border?”
Richardson asserts the context of Scripture points instead to the destruction of Damascus only in the end times.

“If one examines this larger portion of Isaiah’s prophecy in its proper context, rather pulling out a single verse here or there, then it is clear that its ultimate context is the Day of the LORD, the judgment against the nations and the return of Jesus,” Richardson asserts. “On this point, I find myself in full agreement with Dr. Tommy Ice: ‘It appears to be an event that will occur at the end of the seven-year tribulation as the Lord not only judges and destroy Damascus, but all of Israel’s historic enemies that surround her. If one examines the broader context of Isaiah 17 and takes account of the section where it is located, it becomes clear that it is a section in which the Lord prophesizes (sic) judgment upon all the Gentile nations that have opposed Israel. This will all happen at the end of the tribulation in conjunction with the second coming of Christ to the earth.’”
Yet even Richardson admits the belief that the events of Isaiah 17, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 could be happening right here, right now, is becoming an “emerging popular view.”
Gallups explains, “Respected teachers of end-time prophecies have devised several scenarios of interpretation regarding these prophetic alignments. Some prophecy experts are quite adamant that they have discovered the correct and exact layout and timeline. I will not be so bold as to declare an exact timeline, but understanding that prophetic Scripture almost always has an historical context and fulfillment in the day in which it was written as well as a message for the future, let me make a few biblically sound observations.

“Isaiah 17 is one important part of the larger prophecy that Isaiah sets forth in Chapters 13-23, which tell of judgments not only against Israel, but against all of the surrounding Gentile (mostly Muslim) nations,” he continues. “Isaiah 17 tells us Damascus will be leveled and in ruin, Aram will fade away as well (the southern region of Syria), Aroer (the northern region of Jordan) will be greatly affected, entire regions of northern Israel will become virtually desolate, the entire nation of Israel will be greatly and adversely affected for a long period of time. Given the massive and devastating armament capabilities of Israel and the chemical weapons cache of Syria, one can easily see how today’s escalating conflict can fulfill these prophecies.
“In Psalm 83, the Arab (Muslim) nations surrounding Israel will attack her in her perceived weakness, yet Israel will prevail,” Gallups continues, “and in Ezekiel 38-39, another alliance of more outlying nations (mostly Muslim) attacks Israel, again perceiving vulnerability on Israel’s part. God intervenes supernaturally, and Israel is spared.”
Walid Shoebat, who co-authored “God’s War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible” with Richardson, has also found what he believes may already be fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

“We can sense the beginning signs for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17′s destruction of Damascus when we witness the influx of refugees from Syria to Jordan as predicted by the prophet Amos: ‘I will break also the bar of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, and him that holdeth the sceptre from the house of Eden: and the people of Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir, saith the LORD’ (Amos 1:5),” Shoebat told WND. “It is here that we find the amazing precision of Bible prophecy: Aven is Damascus today, and Damascus is also literally mentioned here by name. Syrians are leaving by the droves into Jordan and precisely ‘unto Kir,’ which is Kir-Moab (Isaiah 15:1). Today that region is called Kerak. When we review both the ancient map and the statistics of the recent influx of Syrian refugees into Jordan, we find that over a half million Syrians already fled to ‘the borders of the land of Moab now called Kerrek [Kerak].”
Whether these things are all happening now or are set to happen in the future, however, there’s one point at which the prophecy students agree: “The apparent context of all these passages,” states Gallups, “is that their fulfillment is found in the very last days – shortly before the biblical Day of the LORD, and the return of Jesus.”
Gallups concludes, “Given the headlines of today’s news and the current Middle East upheaval, as well as Syria being at the epicenter of a major war in the region, I fail to see how any serious student of the Word could not see that these, indeed, are very prophetic times in which we are living.”

Is Obama Trying To Purposely Start World War III? 


Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Two things are happening right now under President Barack Obama that are unprecedented.
First, Obama is about to go to war in Syria and risk your sons’ and daughters’ lives on behalf of our enemy, al-Qaida. Second, he is about to risk starting World War III.
Are you on board?
And then there’s Obama’s “red line.” Obama’s defenders say, “Syria passed the red line. We have no choice.” Really? So we now call extremist Muslims killing other extremist Muslims a “red line” that demands U.S. intervention. But extremist Muslims in Egypt burning more than 70 churches to the ground and killing Christians is not a “red line?” In one place (Syria), we want to go to war. In the other (Egypt), we continue to send billions of dollars in foreign aid as a reward for killing Christians.
Do you support Obama’s definition of a “red line?” I know I don’t.
So why the rush to war? Could it be because America’s unemployment problem under Obama is unfixable? Ninety million working-age Americans are not working. The labor force participation rate is the lowest for men since 1947 (since measurement began). Obama has no way out.
The same holds true for our partners in the European Union like the United Kingdom and France. Unemployment for the EU region is 12.1 percent, the worst in history. Almost 20 million Europeans are unemployed. Youth unemployment in the EU is just below 25 percent.
How do you solve such a human psychological disaster? You go to war.
Voilà. Suddenly, young people with no job prospects have a job — in the military. They have a check, a place to live, something to do. They no longer have time to commit crimes or riot in the streets.

America got out of the last Great Depression with the help of World War II. How convenient that Obama lit the fuse for the Arab Spring, helped to topple dictators friendly to U.S. interests and took the side of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, it’s all coming home to roost.
We fomented instability, supported the radicals who hate America and Israel, and now we’re feigning shock that the Mideast is in flames? Remember that line from the police captain in the movie “Casablanca”: “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”
What a funny coincidence that a war would solve Obama’s worst problems all at once:
A) War would stir patriotism and force Americans to rally around the President.
B) Obamacare is a nightmare for Obama and his party. It’s so unpopular even Democrats and unions are running away from it. Congress has passed a law to exempt themselves. Obama himself is postponing major aspects of Obamacare for fear it will lead to a GOP landslide in 2014. Going to war is the perfect distraction, at the perfect time.
C) Obama couldn’t create a job if it hit him in the face. He can’t spell J-O-B. War will create instant jobs. And, hey, if thousands of young men die, that, too, will reduce the ranks of the unemployed for years to come.
“Nonsense,” Obama’s supporters will protest. You know, those same people that marched in the streets protesting our involvement in Iraq, those same people who questioned CIA intelligence about “weapons of mass distraction” yet who now readily accept the CIA’s claims about Syria’s using chemical weapons, those same people who called Bush a murderer yet now accept Obama’s bombing and killing citizens in Syria. Syria is the new Iraq.

The key to life (and politics) is to choose your friends carefully. In Egypt Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same group that supported the Nazis during World War II. Their leader, Muhammed Morsi, said in speech last year: “The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal.”
In Syria our new friends are worse than the Muslim Brotherhood (if that’s possible). The rebels fighting the Syrian government are al-Qaida. These are the murderous terrorists who are the sworn enemies of America and Israel. This is who Obama is asking our sons and daughters to die for? Not my sons, not my daughters. How about yours?
Have we learned nothing from Iraq? I was gung ho about Iraq. I thought it was a noble cause to set the Iraqi people free from a tyrant. You know what I found out? We meant well, but it was a disaster. It was none of our business. It was not worth the cost — in dollars or human life. The Iraqi people we heroically risked and sacrificed for don’t thank us; they hate us. Why would we want to do it again? Our Mideast interventions cause more hatred, more terrorism, more death.
Let’s not forget that our intervention in Libya put weapons in the hands of radical Muslims who, it now appears, used those weapons to attack our own Libyan Embassy and murder our U.S. Ambassador and three brave Navy SEALs. You know, that’s the tragedy that was covered up by Obama and Hillary Clinton by blaming it on a movie. Who killed our brave men in that Libyan embassy? Al-Qaida, the people Obama now wants to partner with.
Have we not learned that our Mideast interventions always work out badly? Now, we are going to do it again. Except this time, it’s far worse. This time, Russia and China and Iran are on Syria’s side. This time, it could lead to World War III. Have we lost our minds?

I have obvious questions.
First, was this Obama’s plan from the start? Foment anger and instability in the Mideast, topple the friends of America and wait for war? Is this his only way out to save the U.S. economy from collapse? Is war the perfect distraction from the economic carnage caused by his policies?
Second, would you send your son or daughter to die to support al-Qaida? I know I wouldn’t.
This is a new level of insanity — even for Obama. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America.

Sexual Jihad And Spreading Crabs In The Name Of Muhammad
In Islamic law, fatwa is a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leader known as mufti. While the dictates issued in a particular fatwa are not necessarily binding, extremists have been known to act on the orders, often with devastating results.
One of the most infamous and widely-known fatwas was issued in 1989 when a novel penned by British Indian novelist and essayist Salman Rushdie irritated Iran’s then-supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  More than two decades later, The Satanic Verses author still lives with the threat that “good Muslims” on a mission to assassinate him could show up at any time.
In the Middle East, fatwas abound, but are often so absurd that they get little attention from Western media. But, with heightened interest in the current struggle between Muslim fundamentalist rebels in the Free Syrian Army and that nation’s lawful government— and the looming prospect of U.S. intervention on the rebels’ behalf— it is worth taking a look at some recent Islamic fatwas.
In June, while the Muslim Brotherhood shill Mohamed Morsi was still in control of Egypt, the country’s fatwa council issued a directive banning Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell.

According to Jihad Watch, “the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s ‘croaking is praise [to Allah].’ Accordingly, ‘a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that “that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.”’”
Other animal-related fatwas in the past have ordered radical Muslims to kill Mickey Mouse and to kill all black dogs, among some animal rights decrees.
Later in June, a fatwa was issued in the Syrian city of Aleppo to punish people who dare to eat croissants.
From a previous Personal Liberty post:
According to an interview at China’s English-language Sina news website, one man who’s frustrated with the growing post-revolutionary power of Islamist extremists in Syria explains how fundamentalists are tightening their grip on local rule to an absurd extent.
“Al-Nusra Front fighters come up every day with a new unimaginable fatwa, or religious edict,” such as the fatwa against croissants, said the Syrian, identified only as “Ahmed.” The fundamentalists claim croissants are particularly relished by European infidels as a celebratory food (because of their “symbolic” crescent shape), which they allegedly tear into with gusto to commemorate historic victories over the Muslims.
Syrians originally inspired by a revolution they hoped would ensure stability and expanded freedoms are now taking to the internet to criticize al-Nusra’s growing intolerance of behaviors that fall outside various factions’ interpretations of sharia law. Other recent fatwas have involved women drivers, unveiled young girls, smoking and even listening to music.

Two—dare I note, unfortunately timed—fatwas surfaced in media more recently.
According to Ahlulbayt News, an English-language Shia Islamic television channel, the Free Syrian Army issued a fatwa prohibiting the killing of lice in the Muslim beard or else “be punished with 50 lashes by Sharia.”
A translation of the order from the Sharia Authority in Aleppo explains:
The Sharia Authority in Aleppo has prohibited the killing of lice that appears in the Muslim beard, as some of the Muslim brothers who have released [grown] their beards in accordance with prophet Muhammad PBuH Sunnah [prophet's doctrine], blessed lice has appeared in their beards, and that’s because of their lack of bathing due to the water non-availability all the time on the Jihad [holy war] fronts, and they have limited to ablution before their prayers (may God accept it), thus their beards became moist and thick, which made of it (in God’s will) a natural place for lice to live in.
The Sharia Authority in Aleppo recommends the Mujahideen [holy fighters] brothers to dye their beards with Henna, like our prophet Muhammad PBuH, the thing that would reduce the itching caused by the lice, and to maintain this lice that would have not appeared in those blessed beards, if it was not from God’s Muslim believing creatures.
If the jihadists are to run around and be mercilessly shelled by the Syrian government all while having itchy beards, at least their sexual appetites will be satiated long before they reach Muhammad and all of those celestial virgins. That is thanks to a separate fatwa becoming popular in some Middle Eastern regions which calls on the widows of al-Qaida commanders and fighters to join the effort through “Sexual Jihad.”
The Assyrian International News Agency reported late last month:
Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-’Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.
Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices–their chastity, their dignity–in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria…
… On the basis of this fatwa, several young Tunisian Muslim girls traveled to Syria to be “sex-jihadis.” Video interviews of distraught parents bemoaning their daughters’ fates are on the Internet, including one of a father and mother holding a picture of their daughter: “She’s only 16–she’s only 16! They brainwashed her!” pleads the father…
..While all these sex-fatwas may seem bizarre, they highlight two important (though little known in the West) points. First, that jihad is the “pinnacle” of Islam–for it makes Islam supreme; and second, the idea that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.”
And the sex jihad is becoming increasingly popular throughout the Middle Eastern region, which is indicative of a big problem for the U.S. (a problem that has been evident to those paying attention for years) if the President decides to entangle the country in another war to help Syria’s rebels: al Qaida and various other groups of Muslim extremists are running the show in any area that the Western powers help to destabilize.
Via Alsumaria, an independent Iraqi Satellite TV Network:
A local official in Diyala province revealed that Al Qaeda Organization has asked the widows of its commanders and fighters to abide by “Sexual Jihad Fatwa” as a means of support to its guerillas; considering that such a Fatwa is transnational.
“Intelligence cells commissioned with monitoring Al Qaeda’s activities within Diyala’s borders have reported that the highly-ranked officials in the organization urged the widows of the commanders and members to abide by the sexual Jihad Fatwa. This Fatwa allows Al Qaeda’s women to have sexual intercourse with members of the organization to lift their morale”, said Al Khalis district’s administrative official, Oday Al Khadran in a statement to Alsumaria.
“The attempt to implement the Sexual Jihad Fatwa issued by clergymen that support the armed groups in Syria proves that such laws are transnational. This also points out that Al Qaeda’s course of action in Syria or in any other country is closely related to the events that are taking place in Iraq”, he added.
The President of the United States will to contend that the Nation is on some great humanitarian mission when it becomes clear that a Syrian war (to, no doubt, be followed by an Iranian conflict) is imminent— but it certainly will be a lie. In reality, the U.S. will jump headfirst into a holy war in support of the very jihadists who, we are to believe, attempted to bring us to our knees just under a decade and a half ago.
Do you want your tax dollars used in aid of people taking orders from men who advocate such barbarism as forced copulation and the proliferation of pubic lice?

Video: What If It Were A “Limited Strike” On The US?

Turnabout is fair play, as they say. But it feels a bit different when you’re the target.
As the world knows, Obama is poised to wage a “limited strike” against Syria.
What if some other nation were to say they are going to wage a limited strike against the United States?
…for mistreating their conservatives.
They could argue that the IRS is a terrorist organization that crossed the Red Line.
They mistreated a sector of their people known as Constitutional Conservatives.
And  they persecuted those freedom fighting Tea Party members by refusing to grant them tax exempt status.
Or they could target us for aborting 60 million pre-born Americans or for unjust taxation.
Or even for the less than stellar living conditions of our Native Americans.
Oh, but it would only be a “limited strike,” just three days of cruise missiles on New York and Washington, DC.
Oh, but they would limit their strikes to politcal, military, and business targets to minimize civilian loss.
Like  maybe just the Pentagon, The White House, and the New York Stock Exchange.
How would we like that? Would we cry foul?

Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama In Prison 

In early 2012, Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi pranced around Egypt proclaiming “Jihad is our path,” and thought there was nothing better than to die in the cause of Allah—that is, the exact language used by terrorists!
Despite this, Barack Obama gushed on national television after Morsi was elected President of Egypt. And oddly—or not so oddly—Obama continued to gush over Morsi while reports surfaced that the Muslim Brotherhood were setting up torture chambers for their political enemies, not to mention openly crucifying Christians!
One such document is a list of Muslim Brotherhood officials receiving secret bribes in U.S. currency, paid out by the U.S. consulate, amounting to millions of dollars.
Investigative journalist Jerome Corsi has obtained a copy of the document held by the Egyptian military, proving the Obama regime sent millions of dollars in bribes to the Muslim Brotherhood.

But who was managing all of this money? Did the Muslim Brotherhood walk around with hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pockets?
Enter Malik Obama, Obama’s half brother. According to Egyptian television, citing the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt:
The President’s brother…is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.
We’re not just talking about the bribes the Muslim Brotherhood received in Egypt, but the entire Muslim Brotherhood finances—worldwide—that more than likely included an astounding $8 billion dollar bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood made by the Obama regime. The bribe was payment to guarantee that the huge tract of Egyptian land, the Sinai Peninsula, be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood sister group Hamas, undoubtably to put Israel in an indefensible position. The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas mince no words about their goals for Israel: total annihilation.
According to Egypt Daily News, a document exists showing the eight billion dollar  “holocaust” agreement with the Obama administration that was signed by former Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi and his second in command Khairat Al-Shater, both under arrest by the Egyptian military for murder and treason.

Does this document really exist, showing the $8 billion dollar bribe signed by Obama or one of his representatives?
According to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, prior to being arrested by the Egyptian military, his father was in possession of information linking Obama with the Muslim Brotherhood that he says would put Obama in prison.
As reported by a multitude of Arabic news sources:
In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.
If the Egyptian military releases this document, it would no doubt spell the end of the Obama presidency, bringing impeachment, a long prison term, and perhaps even the death penalty.

Syrians Vow To “burn America’s Skies” On Obama’s Facebook

Syria SC Syrians vow to “burn America’s skies” on Obama’s Facebook
As the U.S. marches toward war with Syria, thousands of Assad-sympathizers bombarded President Obama’s Facebook page with threats of retaliation.
Comments from seemingly original profiles represented Syrians from the cities of Homs, Tartus, Damascus and Aleppo and more. Warnings of counter-attacks on U.S. soil and against Israel were not confined to one photograph or post, but the most disturbing were observed on today’s picture honoring Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
“We will burn the cities of the United States if it attacked Syria, and will remove Israel from the map.” Others referenced burning America’s skies and called for immediate jihad retaliation should America strike “another Muslim land”.
The second most common remarks were also in English or Arabic and translated by Facebook:

Read more at The Washington Times. By Tiffany Madison.

SHOCKING Graphic Video Surfaces of Execution of Truck Drivers for Non-Muslim Ties -

*Warning very Graphic*

Syrian Islamist Rebels Execute three Truck Drivers who they stopped in a highway because they are not Muslim Sunnis. They asked them questions specific about prayers which they answered wrongly. They shot them on the spot. They all were shouting Allah Akbar while killing them. This is Islam, but then when "Educated" Muslims speak to the Western public they deny that this has anything to do with Islam, and accuse the doers as not applying true Islam.
Who do you think is worse "Bashar al-Assad" or "The Syrian Islamist Rebels"!?

A new video has surfaced on YouTube portraying what is said to be Sunni Muslims executing 3 Syrian truck drivers. The Al Qaeda linked terrorists are waving over the drivers and questioning them about their religious affiliations to ascertain whether they be Muslim or not.  Upon finding them to be non-Muslim, the men are lined up and shot execution style. Their bodies then appearing to be posthumously shot multiple times.
NOTE: This video contains extremely graphic material.
- See more at:
A new video has surfaced on YouTube portraying what is said to be Sunni Muslims executing 3 Syrian truck drivers. The Al Qaeda linked terrorists are waving over the drivers and questioning them about their religious affiliations to ascertain whether they be Muslim or not.  Upon finding them to be non-Muslim, the men are lined up and shot execution style. Their bodies then appearing to be posthumously shot multiple times.
NOTE: This video contains extremely graphic material.
- See more at:

Military speaking out against Obamas Syrian War plans!

A picture is worth 1000 words:

Al Jazeera America: For People Who Hate America But Can’t Stand MSNBC


Don’t mess with Texas!
A Texas father walked in on his five-year-old daughter being molested and wasted no time in beating the man to death. The grand jury found the dad not guilty due to a state law that allows deadly force to be used to stop an aggravated sexual assault.
The incident occurred June 9th near Shiner, Texas. Someone spotted a farmhand, Jesus Flores carrying the girl into a secluded area and alerted the girl’s father. The concerned parent ran towards his daughters screams and found them both with their underwear off.  He flew into a rage and beat Flores into unconsciousness. When he was sure the man was no longer a threat, he called 911 to report on the incident. ”Come on! This guy is going to die on me! I don’t know what to do.” he yelled.
The event was treated as a homicide but the father did not go to jail and will not be charged with a crime.
h/t: Andrea Pisani

Read more here at

A Texas rancher who beat his daughter’s accused molester to death moments after he discovered the man raping the 5-year-old girl, will not be charged with his homicide, officials said, as they released chilling 911 tapes of the father calling for help as the other man died. A grand jury Tuesday decided not to indict the 24-year-old father who beat ranch hand Jesus Mora Flores to death with his bare hands, after finding the man abusing his daughter behind a barn.

Exclusive: Obama Refused to Send Gas Masks to Syrian Opposition for Over a Year

The residents of the Qaboun neighborhood were forced to make primitive gas masks using household items. (Syrian opposition sources)

The Obama administration has refused to send gas masks and other chemical-weapons protection gear to Syrian opposition groups, despite numerous requests dating back more than a year and until the reported chemical-weapons attack that struck the Damascus suburbs August 21.

Following the harrowing attack that left more than 1,300 dead and more than 3,000 injured in East Ghouta and other Damascus suburbs, the Obama administration is contemplating a strike on the regime of Bashar al-Assad. But Syrian civilians are still trying to cope with the tragedy and treat the wounded, who include scores of children caught sleeping when the gas was dispersed. The attack zone has a fatal shortage of gas masks, chemical-weapons protection gear, and the nerve agent antidote atropine; civilians and activists have been forced to resort to crafting makeshift masks out of everyday household items.
More chemical-weapons attacks could come, and there is now an urgent demand in rebel-held areas for gas masks and other gear. But there is also anger and frustration among opposition leaders that despite more than a year of requests to the U.S. government, the Obama administration did not send any gas masks or chemical-weapons protection gear to opposition-controlled areas.
“Almost three months ago, we received intelligence information that the regime forces may use chemical weapons in Homs,” said Abo Saleem, the directing commission secretary of the Council of Homs Province and a member of the political bureau of the Revolutionary Council of Homs, in an interview with The Daily Beast. “I forward the information to the State Department telling them we are afraid of the use of chemical weapons by the regime and we need gas masks and some training to prepare for such an attack. I got no response. Two weeks after that, the regime used chemical weapons in the old city of Homs, as we were expecting. We sent the State Department reports, but nothing happened.”

In a June email to several administration officials, viewed by The Daily Beast, Saleem begged the U.S. to provide gas masks in advance of further chemical-weapons attacks and warned that without them, the civil war in Syria would only result in more casualties.
“The repeated use of chemical weapons by the Assad army is preventing achieving any balance on the ground, and as such, it is one of the factors that is preventing reaching a fair political solution,” Saleem wrote. “The international community’s quick intervention and with all possible methods to prevent Assad from using chemical weapons against his people is an ethical and legal duty. This is not possible until there is will by the international community, and therefore, there should be no more delays in providing means of preventing its effects.”
Other activists on the ground in Syria told The Daily Beast that their requests to the Obama administration for gas masks date back more than a year and have been ignored or rejected at every turn.
One former Obama-administration official said the national-security staff reviewed a list of nonlethal humanitarian and medical aid that the U.S. could provide to opposition groups more than a year ago and ruled out providing gas masks, though thousands sit in Defense Department warehouses all over the region, left over from the war in Iraq.
“There are a lot of gas-mask kits in excess supply. It was not an issue of availability,” the former official said. “In the early days of the Syria conflict, even the smallest amount of aid to the Free Syrian Army was viewed with great concern. It was a lack of foresight by administration bureaucrats. Unfortunately, now we’re seeing the consequences.”
A senior Obama administration official confirmed to The Daily Beast on Wednesday that the White House did review the issue last year and determined it wouldn’t provide any gas masks or other chemical-weapons protective gear to the Syria opposition because of fears the equipment could get into the wrong hands.
“The provision of protective gear for the opposition sounds like an easy idea, but we need consider the potential for misuse as well,” the official said. “Such equipment requires proper training to be effective, and we need to be careful about how and to whom we provide it.”
That explanation is unlikely to satisfy several Capitol Hill offices that have been informally pressing the administration to provide the Syrian opposition with gas masks for several months. Regime-controlled areas have plenty of gas masks and are being resupplied from their allies, aides pointed out.

“This is a disgrace,” said one senior GOP Senate aide. “Even North Korea is willing to send gas masks to the side they are backing. Meanwhile, innocent civilians requesting U.S. assistance are turned away and told to face Assad’s chemical-weapons attacks on their own, defenseless. Does the administration truly believe that if al Nusra wanted to obtain gas masks for some nefarious purpose, they wouldn’t have the resources or connections to do so?”
To date, the administration has provided only one tranche of nonlethal military supplies to the Free Syrian Army, a convoy of medical kits and Meals Ready to Eat in May that were set to expire shortly after delivery. Despite indicating in June that the U.S. would provide increased military assistance to the FSA to respond to previous chemical-weapons attacks, little or no military aid from the U.S. has reached the rebels.

‘There are a lot of gas-mask kits in excess supply. It was not an issue of availability.’
Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, told The Daily Beast that decisions on assistance are based on what the administration believes is the best use of U.S. funding, take into account the priorities of the Syrian opposition, and are coordinated with international partners.
“We also provide significant resources to humanitarian and medical workers in Syria who have to protect themselves, respond safely, and provide care in the event of a chemical attack,” she said. “In fact, many of those exposed on August 21 have been treated in clinics that have been trained by and are using supplies from the United States.”
Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the administration’s position on not providing gas masks was becoming more and more untenable given the potential of further chemical attacks.
“The main line units wanted gas masks, but we didn’t provide them. The people in the U.S. government are going to have to answer about these programs,” he said.

Chris Matthews: Hitler never used chemical weapons

by: Chelsea Schilling 

In an appearance on the “Morning Joe” show Tuesday, MSNBC host Chris Matthews declared confidently that Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons in World War II.
Matthews compared the dictator of Nazi Germany to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, stating (emphasis added):
The problem is, I don’t like it, first of all I’m rather dovish, I don’t like what I’m going to say but it’s true. If you basically put down a red line and say don’t use chemical weapons, and it’s been enforced in the Western community, around the world – international community for decades – don’t use chemical weapons. We didn’t use them in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them, we don’t use chemical weapons, that’s no deal. Although we do know that Assad’s father did. And then he goes ahead and does it. It makes you wonder what the mullahs will do if they have a couple of nuclear weapons, just a couple. Are they capable of not using them? And that, of course, you know, I think that everybody talking this morning is projecting toward that, which is if you can’t use deterrents the normal way – mutually assured destruction – you can’t say, if you do this, we’re blowing you up. If that doesn’t work, what does work? And that’s the problem.

 Responding to Matthew’s comment, Jewish Telegraph Agency Managing Editor Uriel Heilman set the record straight: “For the record, the U.S. used nuclear weapons in World War II, which arguably are worse than chemical weapons. And, of course, Hitler used chemical weapons – gassing defenseless Jews in the concentration camps.”
Hitler used hydrogen cyanide gas, known as Zyklon B, and carbon monoxide inside concentration camp gas chambers in his effort to annihilate the Jewish people, killing an estimated 6 million Jews.
The Jewish Virtual Library explains the scientific breakdown of Zyklon B:
Hydrogen cyanide HCN, prussic acid, is a chemical compound in the form of a powerfully poisonous, volatile colorless liquid with the odor of bitter almonds. Prussic acid is considered a battlefield poison agent. Its action depends on the restraint of cellular respiration as a result of neutralizing the respiratory enzymes. Prussic acid passes through the mucous membranes and the skin, but principally through the lungs, into the blood. It blocks the process by which oxygen is released from red blood corpuscles and the result is a sort of internal asphyxiation. This is accompanied by symptoms of injury to the respiratory system, combined with a feeling of fear, dizziness and vomiting.

Shhh! Teen mob that raped 2 women ... was black

by: Colin Flaherty 

The original news story from local sources and linked on the Drudge Report said 12 teens raped two women, aged 32 and 24, Thursday evening in Wilmington, Del., and police were looking for help in finding the suspects.
The local Wilmington paper dutifully said the police were searching for “teens” of unspecified race.
Only later was it reported the teens – all believed by police to be between age 12 and 17 – were also black.
Local readers noticed the omission.
“Maybe they could get some help finding these youths if they would give a description,” said Michael Harmon in the News Journal web site. “They already know the ages somehow. Whenever they got the ages of these idiots, maybe someone could give them the race.”

Another commenter, representative of the many people who used to live in the city but now live in the suburbs, said, “The once great city of Wilmington has become just another urban jungle … overrun and in many ways taken over by savages.”
The local CBS affiliate in nearby Philadelphia made more than one jaw drop by finally listing details from the police report that were omitted from local stories: The alleged perps were black.
“They didn’t (list the race) at first,” said one reader of the CBS coverage. “They got called out in the comments and about 400 posts later, they silently updated without saying ‘update.’”
Get the book that documents what the media won’t tell you: hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims. 

As horrific as the crime was, few are surprised it could happen in that neighborhood or that city. Last year, Parenting magazine named Wilmington the most dangerous city in America: “Wilmington managed to snag the number one spot on our list for highest rate of violent crimes per 100,000 people. And while the overall state of Delaware ranked moderately well in the peace index (which looked at factors such as police per capita, percentage of population behind bars and access to small arms), Wilmington came in the top spot for sex offenders per capita.”
The park where the assault took place is located in the Hedgeville neighborhood of Wilmington. This used to be the center of the city’s Polish community in the 1960s, but today it is largely a black neighborhood, with a smattering of Hispanics and white urban pioneers.
Violent crime is an everyday fact of life in and around that neighborhood. Local political officials are often found at crime scenes, promising to end the violence that regularly racks this city of 70,000.

Despite the periodic outbursts to the contrary, city leaders are surprisingly tolerant of violent crime.
At a recent meeting, the Wilmington City Council voted unanimously to remove the box that convicted felons have to check on city employment forms. In the two-hour discussion of repatriating violent felons back to Wilmington after they serve their sentences, not one council member mentioned in any way the thousands of victims of violent crime in the city.
Neither did one councilperson refer to the 80-percent rate of recidivism that local felons experience after they are released from state prison.
Loretta Walsh, a longtime member of the city council who only recently gave up her committee chairmanship overseeing the police department, recently said she was “furious” at a local police officer for telling a victim of crime she lived in a dangerous neighborhood.
Several cases of black mob violence in Wilmington were documented in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.”
Last year, shooting broke out at a soccer game a mile from this rape. One person died, and police found shell casings from 14 guns at the scene.
Earlier in August, Wilmington police responded to a crime scene where 100 black people had been fighting in the streets. Four people were shot. None died.

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Race Riots to America” 

See the Big List of black mob violence.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Scant foreign support for US strikes on Syria

Little foreign support for U.S. strikes on Syria (Matt Slocum/AP)


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is poised to become the first U.S. leader in three decades to attack a foreign nation without mustering broad international support or acting in direct defense of Americans.
Not since 1983, when President Ronald Reagan ordered an invasion of the Caribbean island of Grenada, has the U.S. been so alone in pursing major lethal military action beyond a few attacks responding to strikes or threats against its citizens.
It's a policy turnabout for Obama, a Democrat who took office promising to limit U.S. military intervention and, as a candidate, said the president "does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."
But over the last year Obama has warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that his government's use of chemical weapons in its two-year civil war would be a "red line" that would provoke a strong U.S. response.

So far, only France has indicated it would join a U.S. strike on Syria.
Without widespread backing from allies, "the nature of the threat to the American national security has to be very, very clear," said retired Army Brig. Gen. Charles Brower, an international studies professor at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va.
"It's the urgency of that threat that would justify the exploitation of that power as commander in chief — you have to make a very, very strong case for the clear and gathering danger argument to be able to go so aggressively," Brower said Friday.
Obama is expected to launch what officials have described as a limited strike — probably with Tomahawk cruise missiles — against Assad's forces.

Two days after the suspected chemicals weapons attack in Damascus suburbs, Obama told CNN, "If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it; do we have the coalition to make it work?" He said: "Those are considerations that we have to take into account."
Lawmakers briefed on the plans have indicated an attack is all but certain. And Obama advisers said the president was prepared to strike unilaterally, though France has said it is ready to commit forces to an operation in Syria because the use of chemical weapons cannot go unpunished.
The U.S. does not have United Nations support to strike Syria, and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged restraint. "Diplomacy should be given a chance and peace given a chance," he said Thursday.
Expected support from Britain, a key ally, evaporated as Parliament rejected a vote Thursday endorsing military action in Syria. And diplomats with the 22-nation Arab League said the organization does not support military action without U.N. consent, an action that Russia would almost certainly block. The diplomats spoke anonymously because of rules preventing them from being identified.

"Presidents always need to be prepared to go at it alone," said Rudy deLeon, who was a senior Defense Department official in the Clinton administration.
"The uninhibited use of the chemical weapons is out there, and that's a real problem," said deLeon, now senior vice president of security and international policy at the liberal-leaning Center for American Progress in Washington. "It can't be ignored, and it certainly creates a dilemma. I think (Obama) had to make the red-line comment, and so Syria has acted in a very irresponsible way."
The nearly nine-year war in Iraq that began in 2003, which Obama termed "dumb" because it was based on false intelligence, has encouraged global skittishness about Western military intervention in the Mideast. "There's no doubt that the intelligence on Iraq is still on everybody's mind," deLeon said.
Both Republican George H.W. Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton had U.N. approval for nearly all of their attacks on Iraq years earlier. Even in the 2003 invasion, which was ordered by Republican George W. Bush, 48 nations supported the military campaign as a so-called coalition of the willing. Four nations — the U.S., Britain, Australia and Poland — participated in the invasion.
The U.S. has relied on NATO at least three times to give it broad foreign support for military missions: in bombarding Bosnia in 1994 and 1995, attacking Kosovo with airstrikes in 1999 and invading Afghanistan in 2001.
Only a few times has the U.S. acted unilaterally — and only then to respond to attacks or direct threats against Americans.

In 1986, Reagan joined ordered airstrikes on Libya to punish then-leader Moammar Gadhafi for the bombing of a Berlin dance club that killed two U.S soldiers and wounded 79 other Americans.
Three years later, George H.W. Bush invaded Panama after dictator Manuel Noriega declared war on the U.S. when his drug-trafficking regime was slapped with crippling American sanctions. The invasion began four days after a U.S. Marine was killed in a shooting in Panama City.
Clinton ordered a missile strike against Iraq in 1993 as payback for an assassination against the elder Bush. And in 1998, Clinton attacked al-Qaida bases in Sudan and Afghanistan to retaliate against U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania that killed more than 200 people.
Obama approved the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, who had been considered a threat potentially going back to the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S. troops living there. Additionally, the U.S. has launched hundreds of deadly drone strikes on suspected al-Qaida havens, mostly in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen during the presidencies of Obama and George W. Bush.

All other major U.S. military attacks since the 1983 Grenada invasion have been sanctioned by the United Nations. That includes the 2011 missile strikes that Obama ordered against Libya as part of a coalition to protect that nation's citizens by enforcing a no-fly zone against Gadhafi forces.
Even the Grenada invasion had some international support. Six Caribbean island countries asked for U.S. intervention, which the Reagan administration said was legal under the charter of the Organization of American States. But the invasion was roundly criticized by Britain, Canada and the U.N.
Making the case Friday for the strikes, Secretary of State John Kerry noted that Turkey, France and Australia have condemned the suspected chemical attacks and said "we are not alone in our will to do something about it and to act."
"As previous storms in history have gathered, when unspeakable crimes were within our power to stop them, we have been warned against the temptations of looking the other way," Kerry said. "History is full of leaders who have warned against inaction, indifference and especially against silence when it mattered most."
He added: "It matters here if nothing is done. It matters if the world speaks out in condemnation and then nothing happens."
Some lawmakers in Obama's party hedged in supporting an attack with little foreign backup.

"The impact of such a strike would be weakened if it does not have the participation and support of a large number of nations, including Arab nations," Senate Armed Services chairman Carl Levin, a Democrat, said Friday.

German Police storm homeschool class, take children by force

oped: It appears as if Germany has not learned from histories lessons...they are going down the same path that Adolph Hitler took in the 1920's1930's1940's once again...they started by indoctrinating school age children in government operated schools! German Law Enforcement have become a embarrassment to all other Law Enforcement agencies world wide...what a sad state of affairs!
See: n

 [The Wunderlich family, with Michael Farris of the HSLDA.]
by: Bob Unruh 
Four children, ages 7 to 14, have been forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they won’t see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling, according to a stunning new report from the Home School Legal Defense Association.
HSLDA, the world’s premiere advocate for homeschoolers, said the family of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich has battled for several years Germany’s World War II-era requirement that all children submit to the indoctrination programs in the nation’s public schools.
The shocking raid was made solely because the parents were providing their children’s education, HSLDA said. The organization noted the paperwork that authorized police officers and social workers to use force on the children contained no claims of mistreatment.
“The children were taken to unknown locations,” HSLDA said. “Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children anytime soon.”
The raid, which took place Thursday at 8 a.m. as the children were beginning their day’s classes, has been described by observers as “brutal and vicious.”

A team of 20 social workers, police and special agents stormed the family’s home. HSLDA reported a Judge Koenig, who is assigned to the Darmstadt family court, signed an order authorizing the immediate seizure of the children by force.
“Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate ‘with the authorities to send the children to school,’ the judge also authorized the use of force ‘against the children’ … reasoning that such force might be required because the children had ‘adopted the parents’ opinions’ regarding homeschooling and that ‘no cooperation could be expected’ from either the parents or the children,” HSLDA said.
Dirk Wunderlich told the homeschool group: “I looked through a side window and saw many people, police and special agents, all armed. They told me they wanted to come in to speak with me. I tried to ask questions, but within seconds, three police officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in, so I opened it.”
Join the battle over Germany’s homeschooling ban.
His narration continued: “The police shoved me into a chair and wouldn’t let me even make a phone call at first. It was chaotic as they told me they had an order to take the children. At my slightest movement the agents would grab me, as if I were a terrorist. You would never expect anything like this to happen in our calm, peaceful village. It was like a scene out of a science fiction movie. Our neighbors and children have been traumatized by this invasion.”

Human rights violations
Michael Farris, HSLDA founder, said in a report the actions violated a number of established European precedents, including provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights.
“The right to homeschool is a human right,” he said, “and so is the right to freely move and to leave a country. Germany has grossly violated these rights of this family.
“This latest act of seizing these four beautiful innocent children is an outrageous act of a rogue nation.”
Farris said the U.S. Constitution is “not alone in upholding the right of parents to decide how to educate their children.”
“Germany is a party to numerous human rights treaties that recognize the right of parents to provide an education distinct from the public schools so that children can be educated according to the parents’ religious convictions,” he said.
“Germany has simply not met its obligations under these treaties or as a liberal democracy. HSLDA and I will do whatever we can to help this family regain custody of their children and ensure that they are safe from this persecution. This case demonstrates conclusively why the Romeike asylum case is so important. Families in Germany need a safe place where they can educate their children in peace.”
As WND reported, the Romeike case has been submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2010, an immigration judge granted asylum in the U.S. to the family, which fled Germany because their children were forced to go to public schools.

The Obama administration, unhappy with the outcome, appealed and obtained an order from a higher court that the family must return to Germany. The Obama administration has argued in court parents essentially have no right to determine how and what their children are taught, leaving the authority with the government.
See a report on the Romeikes

Government custody
The German government already has confronted the Wunderlich family several times over homeschooling. Less than a year ago, a German court granted custody of the children to state youth officials.
However, government authorities at that time decided to leave the children in the family home because they were well-cared for.
WND reported the government told the family it had failed to meet the government’s demands for “integration.” The decision came from Judge Markus Malkmus, who ordered the children into the custody of the states’ “child protective agency,” called the Jugendamt.
The family earlier was subjected to an ordeal in France when police snatched the children from their home there, accusing them of “being alone.”
At the time, two French social workers and two police officers appeared without notice at the home of Dominique Chanal in St. Leonard, France, where Dirk and Angela Wunderlich and their children were living.
The family had fled Germany because of a series of fines imposed for homeschooling. The children were released a short time later. But Dirk Wunderlich was forced last year to return his family to Germany because he could not find work elsewhere.
Wunderlich told Mike Donnelly, HSLDA director for international affairs, that he and his wife were devastated.

“These are broken people. They said they felt like they were being ground into dust. They were shaken to their core and shocked by the event. But they also told me that they had followed their conscience and the dictates of their faith,” Donnelly said. “Although they don’t have much faith in the German state – they have a lot of faith in God. They are an inspiring and courageous family.
Donnelly said his question to the political leadership of Germany is: “How long will you permit these kinds of brutal acts to be perpetrated against German families?”
“Why is it so important to you to force people into your state schools? The echo of this act rings from a darker time in German history. When will leaders stand up and make changes so that brutality to children like the Wunderlichs no longer happens because of homeschooling? Isn’t there any German statesman willing to stand up for what is right anywhere in Germany?”
Dirk Wunderlich told HSLDA his 14-year-old daughter was forcibly taken out of the home.
“When I went outside, our neighbor was crying as she watched. I turned around to see my daughter being escorted as if she were a criminal by two big policemen. They weren’t being nice at all. When my wife tried to give my daughter a kiss and a hug goodbye, one of the special agents roughly elbowed her out of the way and said – ‘it’s too late for that.’”
After the children were taken, authorities “invited” the parents to a meeting with social workers. They were told they were not even being allowed an immediate court hearing on the status of the children.

Germany has a long history of persecuting homeschooling families.
It was in 1937 when Adolf Hitler said: “The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.”

Just a few years ago, a German government spokesman, Wolfgang Drautz, emphasized the importance of socializing children through public schools.
His statement followed a response from the German government to another family that objected to police picking up their child and delivering him to a public school.
“The minister of education does not share your attitudes toward so-called homeschooling,” said a government letter. “You complain about the forced school escort of primary school children by the responsible local police officers. … In order to avoid this in future, the education authority is in conversation with the affected family in order to look for possibilities to bring the religious convictions of the family into line with the unalterable school attendance requirement.”
HSLDA previously has documented in the Konrad and Plett cases how the German government considers homeschooling to be child abuse, even though it is recognized as a right by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
HSLDA has warned that the behavior of German authorities is a foreshadowing of what American parents should expect if the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child ever is ratified in the U.S. Its concerns are detailed at the website Parental Rights.

In nearby Sweden, WND also reported a case in which authorities snatched a 7-year-old child from an airplane as the parents were moving to India so they could homeschool.
Swedish courts have ordered Dominic Johansson to be permanently separated from his parents, Christer and Annie Johansson.

Mystery grows: Journalist died prepping Obama exposé

by: Jerome R. Corsi 

NEW YORK – Before his death in a fiery car crash, Michael Hastings was preparing to publish a major investigative piece tied to the undercover agent who is suspected of sanitizing President Obama’s passport records prior to the 2008 presidential election.
The mystery has only deepened since the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office ruled that drugs in his system at the time of the June 18 crash, including amphetamines and marijuana, likely did not contribute to the crash.
Hastings, 33 years old at the time of his death, wrote for Gentleman’s Quarterly, Rolling Stone and Buzzfeed, reporting on national security issues.
His June 2010 article in Rolling Stone featuring remarks highly critical of the Obama administration made by Gen. Stanley McChrystal — then the commander of allied forces in Afghanistan — led to President Obama relieving McChrystal of command.

Reported drug use
The autopsy two months after Hastings’ death found small amounts of amphetamine in his blood, suggesting he may have taken methamphetamine several hours before his death. Traces of marijuana also suggested Hastings had smoked the drug hours before he had taken the methamphetamine.
Hastings died when his Mercedes, traveling at a high rate of speed, crossed into the median on a deserted Highland Avenue at 4:20 a.m. and struck a tree. The automobile burst into flames, charring Hastings’ body so badly that it took several days to make a positive identification.
Los Angeles newspapers have suggested Hastings had become obsessed with Edward Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency’s massive domestic surveillance capabilities and with disclosures the Department of Justice had obtained of the phone records of Associated Press reporters.
His fiancée, Jordanna Thigpen, told the LA Weekly that just before his death, Hastings’ behavior had become erratic because of his increasing concerned that helicopters commonly seen in the Hollywood Hills were spying on him and that his Mercedes had been tampered with.

“He was scared, and he wanted to leave town,” Thigpen told the newspaper.
She recalled that the night before his death, Hastings asked Thigpen if he could borrow her Volvo because he was afraid to drive his own car.
Fox News reported family members told investigators that Hastings, who supposedly had been “sober” for 14 years, had begun using drugs the month before his death. The drugs included the hallucinogenic DMT, although it was not detected in a blood report conducted after the crash.
Fox News further reported a family member told investigators Hastings was seen passed out at home about three hours before the crash and that he had been smoking marijuana the night of the crash.
Investigators told Fox News that Hastings was found after the crash with a medicinal marijuana identity card in his wallet and that he apparently was using the drug to ease post-traumatic stress disorder experienced after his assignments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A security video that captured Hastings’ car crash showed a flash of light before the car hit the tree, raising suspicions Hastings’ death may have been caused by an explosion.
San Diego 6 News has reported that a witness in a nearby business is claiming the explosion occurred before Hastings’ car hit the tree. An explosion before impact, which would slow down the vehicle, would explain the minimal damage observed on the palm tree. Other physical evidence at the crash site also is not consistent with a high-speed, out-of-control impact.

Brennan and the CIA
On Aug. 12, Kimberly Dvorak reported for San Diego 6 News that Hastings at the time of his death was working on an exposé on CIA director John Brennan.
In July, a source provided the station with an email hacked from “super secret CIA contractor” Stratfor’s President Fred Burton and subsequently posted on WikiLeaks that suggested Brennan was in charge of the Obama administration’s surveillance of investigative journalists.

Michael Hastings and Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett at President Obama's election-night victory party in 2012 (Photo: John V. Santore)
Though rumors persist that Hastings was near completion of a new exposè on Brennan to be published shortly in Rolling Stone, the magazine so far has not published any such piece.
Obama’s passport records sanitized
WND has previously reported that Brennan played a controversial role in what many suspect was an effort to sanitize Obama’s passport records prior to the 2008 presidential election.

On March 21, 2008, during the 2008 presidential campaign, two unnamed contract employees for the State Department were fired and a third unnamed State Department contract employee was disciplined for breaching the passport file of Democratic presidential candidate and then-senator Barack Obama.
The Washington Times on March 20, 2008, noted that all three had used their authorized computer network access to look up and read Obama’s records within the State Department’s consular affairs section that “possesses and stores passport information.”
Contacted by the newspaper, State Department spokesman Sean McCormick attributed the violations to non-political motivations, stressing that the three individuals involved “did not appear to be seeking information on behalf of any political candidate or party.”
“As far as we can tell, in each of the three cases, it was imprudent curiosity,” McCormick told the Washington Times.
Exactly how the State Department came to that conclusion, McCormick did not disclose.
By the next day, the story had changed.
The New York Times reported March 21, 2008, that the security breach had involved unauthorized searches of the passport records not just of Obama, but also of then-presidential contenders Sens. John McCain and Hillary Clinton.

Again, the New York Times attributed the breaches to “garden-variety snooping by idle employees” that was “not politically motivated.”
Like the Washington Times, the New York Times gave no explanation to back up its assertion that the breaches were attributable to non-political malfeasance.
Still, the New York Times report said then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had spent Friday morning calling all three presidential candidates. Rice had told Obama that she was sorry for the violation. She said she “told him that I myself would be very disturbed if I learned that somebody had looked into my passport file.”
The newspaper quoted Obama saying he appreciated the apology but that he expected the passport situation “to be investigated diligently and openly.”
According to the New York Times report, Obama’s tone of concern was obvious.
“One of the things that the American people count on in their interactions with any level of government is that if they have to disclose personal information, that is going to stay personal and stay private,” Obama told reporters. “And when you have not just one, but a series of attempts to tap into people’s personal records, that’s a problem, not just for me, but for how our government is functioning.”

The New York Times noted that the files examined were likely to contain sensitive personal information, including Social Security numbers, addresses and dates of birth as well as passport applications and other biographical information that would pertain to U.S. citizenship. Only at the end of the article did the paper note that State Department spokesman McCormick had emphasized the most egregious violation appeared to have been made against Obama.
Obama was the only one of the three presidential candidates involved who had his passport file breached on three separate occasions. The first occurred Jan. 9, 2008, followed by separate violations Feb. 21 and March 14. Moreover, all three of the offending employees had breached Obama’s files, while the passport files of McCain and Clinton had been breached each only once.
The Brennan connection
The New York Times noted the two offending State Department contract employees who were fired had worked for Stanley Inc., a company based in Arlington, Va., while the reprimanded worker continued to be employed by the Analysis Corporation of McLean, Va.
The newspaper gave no background on either corporation other than to note that Stanley Inc. did “computer work for the government.”

John Brennan was sworn in as CIA director in March
At that time, Stanley Inc. was a 3,500-person technology firm that had just won a $570 million contract to provide computer-related passport services to the State Department, headed by Brennan, who then serving as an adviser on intelligence and foreign policy to Obama’s presidential campaign.
By Saturday, March 22, 2008, the Washington Times reported that the State Department investigation had focused on the contract worker for the Analysis Corporation, because he was the only one of the three involved in breaching the passport records of both Sens. Obama and McCain, the two presidential candidates whose eligibility as “natural born” citizens under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution were in question.

Consistent with the claim that the motive for the passport breach merely was mischief, the three State Department contract employees received relatively light penalties. Two were fired and one was reprimanded.
Although at the time the State Department promised a full-scale investigation, the public was kept in the dark.
In July 2008, the State Department’s Office of Inspector General issued a 104-page investigative report on the passport breach incidents, stamped “Sensitive But Unclassified.” The document was so heavily redacted, it was nearly worthless to the public. Scores of passages were blacked out entirely, including one sequence of 29 consecutive pages that were each obliterated by a solid black box that made impossible the determination even of paragraph structures.
One investigative reporter, Kenneth Timmerman, said a well-placed but unnamed source told him that the real point of the passport breaches was to cauterize the Obama file, removing from it any information that could prove damaging to his presidential eligibility.
According to this theory, the breaches of McCain’s and Clinton’s files were done for misdirection purposes, to create confusion and to suggest the motives of the perpetrators were attributable entirely to innocent curiosity.

Brennan tilts toward Islam
WND has reported that in a speech delivered Aug. 9, 2009, to the Center for Strategic and International Studies that is archived on the White House website, Brennan commented that using “a legitimate term, ‘jihad,’ meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal” to describe terrorists “risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself.”
Brennan advised that U.S. foreign policy should encourage greater assimilation of the Hezbollah terrorist organization into the Lebanese government.
WND further reported that in a July 2008 article in The Annals, a publication of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Brennan argued it “would not be foolhardy, however, for the United States to tolerate, and even to encourage, greater assimilation of Hezbollah into Lebanon’s political system, a process that is subject to Iranian influence.”
Continued Brennan: “Hezbollah is already represented in the Lebanese parliament and its members have previously served in the Lebanese cabinet, reflections of Hezbollah’s interest in shaping Lebanon’s political future from within government institutions. This involvement is a far cry from Hezbollah’s genesis as solely a terrorist organization dedicated to murder, kidnapping and violence.”
At the August 2009 press conference for the CSIS, Brennan declared: “Hezbollah started out as purely a terrorist organization back in the early ‘80s and has evolved significantly over time. And now it has members of parliament, in the cabinet; there are lawyers, doctors, others who are part of the Hezbollah organization.”

Middle Eastern terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah frequently maintain civilian units of doctors and lawyers to emphasize their outreach with local politicians and to increase their political acceptance in the international arena.
Conceivably, the Istanbul-based Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, better known by the Turkish acronym IHH, would fit into Brennan’s definition of the charitable side of organizations such as Hezbollah, despite IHH’s ties to al-Qaida. The links to the terror organization have been amply documented by experts such as former investigating judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere, who led the French judiciary’s counter-terrorism unit for nearly two decades before retiring in 1977.
Despite this history, IHH is not included on the State Department’s current list of 45 groups designated as foreign terrorist organizations, which names both Hezbollah and Hamas.
In his speech to the New York University law school students posted on YouTube by the White House, Brennan included a lengthy statement in Arabic that he did not translate for his English-speaking audience.
Noting that he was as an undergraduate with the American University in Cairo in the 1970s, Brennan proceeded to use only the Arabic name, “Al Quds,” when referring to Jerusalem. He said that during his 25 years in government, he spent considerable time in the Middle East, as a political officer with the State Department and as a CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia.

“In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina,” he said. “I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims of making that pilgrimage.”
WND previously reported Brennan participated in a meeting with Muslim law students facilitated by the Islamic Society of North America, a group that was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the prosecution of the founders of the Holy Land Foundation of Texas. The founders were given life sentences “for funneling $12 million” to Hamas, the group currently in political control of the Gaza.
WND further reported that at the meeting with Muslim law students, Brennan declared himself a “citizen of the world” who believed the U.S. government should never engage in “profiling” in pursuit of national security.