August 4-13
Kick off Virginia City Nevada August 4-5....see event schedule for the entire event :
Teaser last years event VC,Nevada
“John was angry and hurt by what he saw and the way (Comey) was treated,” one of the sources said.Are these red flags? We’ll wait to reserve judgement. Trump doesn’t necessarily benefit by surrounding himself with yes-men, so it doesn’t concern us that Kelly differs from the president on this policy or that one. It merely raises the question of whether or not Kelly is truly “Team Trump.” The president MUST have loyal supporters in the White House if he is to overcome the astonishing opposition to his agenda. If Kelly can be a voice of reason to counteract Trump’s tendency towards pure, instinctual reaction, that’s a good thing. If, on the other hand, he is there to stifle the president with tiresome echoes of stagnant deep-state thought, the administration is in no better shape than it was last week.
Comey learned of his dismissal on May 9 from televisions tuned to the news as he was addressing the workforce at the FBI office in Los Angeles, law enforcement sources said at the time. Comey made a joke about it to lighten the mood and called his office to get confirmation.
Comey, who took Kelly’s call while traveling back from Los Angeles to Washington, responded to Kelly by telling him not to resign, one of the sources said.
The sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other.
[Adoptive guardians] Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel’s reasoning was that children with ‘gender identity disorder’ forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide… That’s bull – they flat out adopted for the express purpose of castration and we all know it. Let’s call this what it is: Disfiguring, mutilating, chemically castrating a boy – and hoping to get a girl out of it. It gets worse, trust me – keep reading..
The ‘parents’ claim it was settled science because of something the child said when he was only three-years-old! … Well, here he / she? is now:
Dear Fellow Patriot, President Obama refused to pardon an innocent U.S. soldier before he left office. Now I'm asking you to sign this PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION FOR ARMY 1LT CLINT LORANCE urging President Trump to do what Obama refused to: send this innocent soldier home where he belongs! In July, 2012, 1LT Clint Lorance was sent to Afghanistan to replace a platoon leader who was seriously wounded in a Taliban attack. On his third day on the job, Clint and his men were on patrol when a U.S. helicopter radioed that a motorcycle was sitting outside of the village near a road only used by the Taliban. When the motorcycle started gunning toward the platoon, 1LT Lorance ordered his marksman to fire. Two of the riders were killed. The other was captured in the village, where days earlier a U.S. soldier was shot in the neck. Those of us who have been stationed in Afghanistan know the tactics and actions of the enemy. Without a doubt, these men posed a threat to Clint's platoon. And as the commanding officer, Clint knew he was responsible for getting every single one of his soldiers back to base alive. Yet our own government didn't agree. 1LT Lorance was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth. And even though the government withheld critical evidence during the trial that could have proven Clint's innocence, the three judges on the Army Court of Criminal Appeals recently ruled that Clint will stay in prison. Now you know why I'm asking you to follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION right away. You see, it is customary for U.S. Presidents to grant high-profile pardons just before leaving office. However, when Obama's term came to an end on January 20, 2017, he refused to commute Clint's sentence.
Will you follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION to Donald Trump right now? My friend, Clint Lorance signed up to serve his country and risked his life on the battlefield to protect your freedom. When his men were threatened, he did exactly what our military trained him to do. As a combat veteran with 22 years of service, I can't turn my back on this young soldier. And I hope you won't either. That's why I'm writing you this letter on behalf of the United American Patriots (UAP), an organization founded by another combat veteran who knows just like I do that you can't second-guess our young men for their split-second actions behind enemy lines. UAP provides legal defenses for soldiers like Clint who have been unfairly accused of crimes for their actions in deadly combat zones. In fact, they're assisting 6 other wrongly accused soldiers who are sitting behind bars at Fort Leavenworth, in addition to funding 2 separate efforts to free Clint – a new appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and of course this Presidential Pardon campaign. But as a non-profit organization, UAP doesn't receive a dime of federal funding. Instead, they depend on the big hearts of American patriots like you who support them and their mission. UAP has calculated the cost of filing all the paperwork for Clint's official pardon request, this Petition campaign and the new appeal to be more than $875,000. But I don't think you can put a price tag on this young man's freedom! I'm not asking you to write a check for $875,000. But I am asking you to make a tax-deductible gift of $31 after you sign the Petition. Every penny raised will support UAP's efforts to collect millions of Petitions on Clint's behalf – and cover the legal fees for other innocent soldiers – so if you are in the position to send a larger tax-deductible gift in the amount of $50, $100, $500 or more, I pray you will. 1LT Clint Lorance served our country honorably and courageously for 10 years. He does not deserve to be treated as a cold-blooded murderer for doing his job. Will you take just 30 seconds right now to fight for Clint's freedom by signing the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY 1LT CLINT LORANCE and make your best tax-deductible contribution of $31 or more. On behalf of 1LT Lorance and his family, his legal team and UAP, thank you in advance for your support. Steadfast and loyal, ![]() LTC(R) Allen West Congressman (2011-2013) P.S. If you agree that it's time for President Trump to do what Barack Obama refused to – and send this innocent American soldier home to his family! – then please sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY 1LT CLINT LORANCE right away and make your best tax-deductible donation of $31 or more to United American Patriots. |
Last month, the family said Mrs. Newby killed a five-foot-six-inch western diamondback rattlesnake.
Copperhead snakes are nothing to mess around with. While their bites are not typically fatal to humans, they should be avoided because they are quite painful and can result in temporary tissue damage in the bite area, according to Live Science. However, anyone who gets bit by a copperhead should always seek medical attention. Copperhead snakes, which get their name from their color, don’t generally give any type of warning before they strike, which makes them even more dangerous. Western diamondback rattlesnakes are a different story. This species causes more fatalities than any other snake in the United States, according to Animal Diversity Web. As summer is in full swing, let this story serve as a reminder to watch your step while taking part in outdoor activities. Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what how you go about this grandmother who isn’t afraid to kill snakes.
How do you go about killing snakes? Scroll down to comment below!