
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Betrayal Most Foul

US President Barack Obama (R) and Republ
In 2010, We the People elected a majority of who we thought were conservative Republicans to Congress and state offices all over the country. The state folks have done a pretty good job, standing up to the unconstitutional acts of the increasingly totalitarian, tyrannical federal behemoth, putting the interests of the people of their various states first. Not so with Congress. In fact, not even close.
Nearly all of the ostensibly conservative Republicans elected to the House ran on the promise that they would – not would try, but would – repeal the un-American and nation-destroying Obamacare. However, not only did they not make any serious efforts to repeal it; they refused to even defund it. Instead, they allowed their “leadership” to sabotage the few who did try. Boehner, McConnell, and their lackey underlings rolled over and acceded to every Democrat demand, accepted blame for every Democrat accusation, gave zero support to those who tried to actually do what We the People elected them to do, and allowed the Party of Marx to score a huge PR victory along with their political one.
Then, amidst all sorts of mealy-mouthed platitudes, excuses, and rationalizations, these turncoats joined with the Establishment RINOS and voted en mass for a budget “deal” that appears to be to the economy what Obama’s “deal” with the Iranian radical Islamists is to foreign policy and national security. This link is to the list of traitors who voted for what may be a fatal increase in our debt and taxes. If your representative is not among the 60 Americans who voted against it, your district has a major problem that can only be fixed by getting rid of the fraud who currently occupies the office.

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