[George is one ugly Dude...inside and out ! ]
As Christmas approaches, Christians across the U.S. are again reminded of how far the secular left will go in order to erase any of the holiday’s true meaning from the public square. Nevertheless, many of these same activists still contend the faith has some stranglehold on the nation’s policymakers.
For many, it seems Christianity represents the only remaining special interest group that can be castigated on a national scale with abandon. A recent panel discussion sponsored by the far-left Center for American Progress certainly bolstered that position.
Among the invited speakers was Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, who heads the Interfaith Alliance, a group funded by billionaire Democrat operative George Soros. Despite his self-identification as a man of the cloth, Gaddy has some unorthodox views about his own purported faith.
“See, I grew up in a part of the country where we really believed in religious liberty,” he said, “but we really enforced bondage on everyone else, and it was because we were Christians and we had the Bible.”
His comments coincide with the prevailing leftist assertion that Christians are intolerant bigots; however, he unsurprisingly did not mention adherents to the Muslim doctrine of imposing their faith through intimidation and violence.
Unbelievably, Gaddy compared business owners who make the conscientious decision to oppose gay marriage to segregationists. Furthermore, he seconded an attendee’s allegation that Christians enjoy some enigmatic “privilege” in American society.
Eunice Rho represented the American Civil Liberties Union during the discussion, indicating she feels Christians inherently discriminate merely by daring to live their lives in accordance to their faith. She called legislative proposals designed to increase religious liberty “dangerous because they can allow religion to be used to harm others.”
The conversation naturally returned to sexual perversion, as leftists find it difficult to complete a sentence without castigating Christians as homophobes.
Sally Steenland of the Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative cited what she calls “a false equation” between religious liberty and gay marriage, “as if those two are inherently opposed and you’ve got to choose one or the other.”
Finally, the panel blasted Christians for their belief in the sanctity of life. NARAL Deputy Policy Council Lissy Moskowitz engaged in the absurd “slippery slope” argument that if an employer does not want to pay for his staff to murder their children, “what’s not to stop another boss from saying, ‘Well, I don’t want to cover vaccines, mental health, blood transfusions….’”
Despite engaging in the same ad hominem attacks for which the left is defined, this panel was correct on one front: Christians are indeed privileged.
Though despised by the world, Jesus promised his followers they would experience love and favor beyond measure from the only source that truly matters – the God of the universe.
Photo Credit: (Creative Commons)
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