by Ben Crystal
Mr. David Krone
Chief of Staff
To Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Mr. Krone,
Listen, buddy, we need to talk about your boss. I know he pays your salary, and I know he exempted you from Obamacare; but this is getting out of hand. I’m not sure if Senator Reid is off his meds or if twilight is falling on the old man a little faster than anticipated, but you need to start thinking about life post-Harry.
- He accused then-Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney of cheating on his taxes, but he never produced more substantial evidence than hearsay; and even the hearsay itself was denied by the reputed source, John Huntsman Sr., who has denied making the accusation.
- He detonated the so-called Senatorial “nuclear option,” thereby terminating decades of Senate filibuster tradition, not to mention making a liar out of himself.
- He called the victims of Obamacare’s fraudulent machinations liars and paid stooges of the “Koch Brothers,” even as Obamacare revealed itself to be the largest financial fraud in human history. When his mendacity was exposed, he actually claimed he hadn’t made the statements — even though the comments are still readily available for viewing even now.
- He funneled up to $31,000 from his campaign to his granddaughter, despite clear Federal prohibitions on such activity.
- He intervened on behalf of Chinese-owned business interests on multiple occasions since at least 2010, when he and other Democrats finagled Federal stimulus dollars for a Chicom wind farm.
- He personally forced the Department of Homeland Security to allow travel visas for sketchy Chinese investors in his son Rory’s Las Vegas hotel property. According to immigration authorities, the Chicoms in question were denied visas on account of “suspicious financial activity.”
I know the future looks dark for you. Your party’s decision to place their own political zeal over the best interests of the Nation has left many of your friends in other Democrat Congressional offices updating their resumes for the inevitable loss of seats approaching this fall. Some of you will likely be out of work when the good Senator has to vacate the Majority Leader’s office. You might even have to go back to your former gig as a corporate stooge for Comcast. But for the love of all that is good and true, get Harry under control. He’s making us look bad.
Oh, so very sincerely yours,
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