[ Bundy Ranch Patriots]
By Live Free or Die - Cross posted from Before It's News
Heavily armed security now surrounds Bundy Ranch in Nevada as militia continues to flood in from across the country in preparation for a federal raid after a threat of terror from soon to be ex-US Senator Harry Reid that this is not over. Cliven Bundy is now surrounded by a crew of armed guards 24-hours a day and militia groups across the country are preparing to fend off a federal government attack upon the property, warning that they want no violence but will be prepared to protect Americans in need who are being targeted by government terrorism. Up to date video reports also below.
Side Note...: It has been reported the agents were not FBI but ATF...that makes sense now being the ATF was in USAG Holder's back pocket via Fast and Furious!
Earlier we published news about a Sheriff claiming a massive federal raid on the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is imminent. The Sheriff even says the raid could possibly include violence as the fed was not likely to initiate a scenario it is not prepared to win. Especially not after the humiliating defeat suffered by the BLM as it was forced to retreat last Saturday.
The Bundy Ranch will not be caught off guard, though, as news reports make it clear the property is now prepared with heavily armed security.
Read the rest and watch the two very important videos HERE.

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