Dingy Harry Reid has a problem. His hometown paper, the Las Vegas Review-Journal (LVRJ) is calling him out for his latest criminal caper. Reid has been trying to help his son Emaciated Rory steal from us and his scheme has been exposed by the LVRJ. Rory is a slimy lawyer who is trying to use Harry’s influence to strong-arm the state of Nevada, its main electric power supplier and the federal government to line their pockets with phony “green job” money.
The Reid family business is political corruption. Like any patriarch Harry Reid is trying to use his family business to help one of his sons.
In 2010 when the SEIU was stealing an election to keep Dingy Harry in office, Rory who was “running” for Governor of Nevada was so hopeless (he lost by 12 points) not even the Democrat’s voter fraud specialists could help him. So what could Harry Reid do?
Rory who is so emaciated looking he could pass as Harry’s father, needed a way to steal the “real money” Democrat Party corruption can give him. Harry is using the power of his office as the Senate Majority Leader to harass and maybe even destroy Nevada Energy (NV Energy) the main supplier of power for the state to help a Chinese “green energy” client of Rory’s law firm.
Rory is a spokesman for the company which is trying to gain a foothold in Nevada. That “green energy” is a total fake and nothing more than a way to steal from the federal treasury means nothing to either man.
Because they are treacherous Democrats neither Dingy Harry nor Emaciated Rory Reid feel the slightest hesitation to help a Communist country destroy an American company, even one in their own home state.
Hiding behind phony excuses that NV Energy “could do more with renewable energy…” Reid blows off critics and insults us by insisting he and his emaciated son have never spoken about this issue. The LVRJ says Harry Reid deserves an ethics complaint for his persistent efforts to damage NV Energy, and who could argue otherwise? He is clearly acting in the best interest of his son and himself not the people who “elected” him.
While the disinfectant that is sunlight will keep this scheme from working – partly because Reid has raised the issue of his own ethics by attacking Mitt Romney – when we finally rid ourselves of Reid’s control of our Senate we must remember this and take whatever action is available to us. We must deliver justice to Harry Reid.
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