oped: Well now let's turn this around...I am a Veteran US Army Cav 1964-1968 was not drafted I dropped out of college to serve...never used drugs never lost control, during nor after my service...as a matter of fact I went on to a career in Law Enforcement after my military service... both Local as well as Federal...never killed anyone...never abused anyone...as for PTSD nope never had that...the only problemo I had after ETS was jumping out of bed at like 5:00am thinking I missed formation and breakfast...was a bummer on the week-ends when I really wanted to sleep in...however this only lasted for about 6 months then was back to normal...lol
Now that I have clarified that issue let's move on to Rep Jim Moran (D-Va) and his nut case HR 1874 bill...I for one am really getting tired of these draft dodging cowards who serve in Congress and who never served in the military nor law enforcement...or ever got their proverbial hands dirty...but claim to know everything about veterans and how we think and act...just for the record there is a very small percentage of veterans who go on to do really bad things most go on to normal and productive lives..I would venture to say way below those who never served...need I really bring up the school shootings etc etc of late?
Rep Jim Bob wants veterans to register with Homeland Security and periodically check in... also run around the neighborhood warning everyone they are a time bomb etc etc... ready to explode.!
Ok Jim Bob let's put this into perspective and turn it around on you...IMHO all politicians of the Liberal/Progressive bent are suffering from a mental disease...they who take on the "Progressive" title are admitting to be "Comrades" after all the CPUSA dropped "Comrade" and substituted "Progressive" to make them sound more acceptable to the public...they have taken over the Democratic party and are working to take over the Republican party.
I think Conservative Reps should write a bill requiring all "Progressives" to register with the FEC as a member of the CPUSA not the Democratic Party and follow all of the other thingees they wrote in the rediculous HR 1874 bill below...Hows that?
by: Paul/DuffelBlog
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following a second mass shooting at Fort Hood, at least one lawmaker thinks a bill currently under consideration will ensure the safety of American communities by requiring the estimated 2.6 million unstable veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan to tell their neighbors of their combat service.
The Fortify & Unite Communities to Keep Veterans’ External Threats Secure Act (H.R. 1874) which was introduced on Tuesday, would require military veterans to register with the Department of Homeland Security and periodically “check-in” with a case officer, in addition to going door-to-door in their neighborhood to notify people nearby that they are a powder keg of post traumatic stress, alcoholism, murder, and hate just waiting to blow.
“We really feel that we can drastically minimize the damage to some communities, especially those in troubled ‘PTSD hotspots‘ that have become a haven for these psychopathic troops,” said Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), who sponsored the legislation. “We are so thankful for their service, and now they can continue to serve on veterans probation.”
For the safety of communities, the FCC would also direct cable providers to block access to violent war content popular among veterans, to include The Military Channel and Lifetime. Further, a preliminary letter details instructions sent to providers to censor movies such as “Black Hawk Down” and “Saving Private Ryan” so as “not to place a veteran into a potentially violent mental state and protect the community by not ‘poking the bear.’”
The bill is up for vote in the House Veterans Affairs Committee next Thursday where watchers say it’s likely to pass before going to the floor for a full vote. However, there’s been some controversy surrounding one part of the bill barring veterans from living within 1,000 feet of bars, gun ranges, or liquor stores, as critics claim this would be unfair to local businesses.
Lawmakers are still debating a requirement that veterans need approval before moving to a new community they would eventually terrorize. An amendment requiring case officers to place crazed veterans in a locked safe room for the 24 hours of Independence Day and New Years Eve had already passed.
Duffel Blog investigative reporter Wolfman contributed to this report.
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