A California State Assembly is gearing up to vote on new bill that
could ban the sale of books and punish churches that encourage children
to stick to traditional gender norms.
Yes, you read that right — they want to ban books that say things
like, “Girls wear dresses” and shutter churches that encourage boys to
wear slacks.
Assembly Bill 2943 would make it “unlawful business practice” to
engage in “a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale
or lease of good of services to any consumer” that engages in “sexual
orientation change efforts with an individual.”
The bill explains “sexual orientations change efforts” as “any practices
that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes
efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or
reduce sexual romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the
same sex.”
In other words, if a California churches Sunday School teacher
mentions that boys shouldn’t wear dresses, the entire congregation could
be shut down. This California law would prevent Christians from
practicing their own beliefs.
Christian orthodoxy is simple — whether a human has desires of gender
expression, they must not act on those desires. Men are men. Women are
women. It’s that simple, right?
Not if this California bill passes. It says that your gender and
orientation are your identity — it doesn’t matter if Christians believe
they find their identity through Christ.
The National Review
explains, “The state is creating a new religion of sexual libertinism,
declaring that religions opposing it aren’t just false but harmful, and
then prohibiting contrary religious exercise.”
Whether people agree with Christians’ beliefs or not, no state should be allowed to ban their practices.
“No state legislature should be permitted to ban a ‘good’ (such as a
book) or a ‘service’ (like counseling) that makes these arguments and
provides them to willing, consenting consumers,” reported the
National Review.
As reported by
The Daily Wire, “By suggesting that any
attempt to change behavior or gender expression amounts to illegal
activity, the state of California essentially bars all transactions
involving parenting and religious instruction not in line with the
socially leftist worldview.”
This new bill is not just unconstitutional, it is complete tyranny.
If a four-year-old boy told his parents that he felt like a girl,
this new bill would make it unlawful for the parents to take the boy to
counseling or buy him a book on how to grow out of that awkward stage in
his life.
California continues to move towards becoming an insane, out-of-control nanny state..
The bill has already made it past two separate committees, and it
would come as no shock if it makes it to the halls of the U.S. Supreme
–The Horn editorial team