Saturday, July 14, 2012
Obama not only wants your Heart..but your soul as well..Run Dudes/Dudettes Run!
Yeppers the cat is out of the bag..Obama and his Harvard Progressive CPUSA professors want a few bad men and women to carry their legacy forward...when you play you must pay is the Chicago way...dirty Jungle Fever...Run Dudes & Dudettes Run for your life and soul...cue the song boys:
Oliver North: Un-Believable

GEORGETOWN, S.C. -- Here in the Carolina Lowcountry, there are few things lower in the esteem of American citizens than the United Nations. While filling the tank of my SUV this morning, I noted the following about the pickup truck at the pump ahead of me: a South Carolina license plate, a U.S. Marine Corps decal, a National Rifle Association decal, a gun rack in the rear window, a sticker reading "Armed Infidel" and another that said "Get US Out of the UN" on it. The owner, it turned out, was a medical doctor on his way to visit a patient. Apparently, down here, doctors still make house calls. Our brief conversation went something like this:
Doctor: "You're Col. North, aren't you?
Me: "I'd better be. I'm using his credit card."
Doctor: "That's a pretty Boykin spaniel you have there. Do you hunt her?"
Me: "Every chance I get."
Doctor: "You're on the NRA board, aren't you?"
Me: "Yes. I see you're a member. Were you in the Marines?"
Doctor: "No, my son is. He just got back from Afghanistan. I'm really proud of him, but I want him to get out and finish college before Obama sells us out to the U.N. They're out to take away our Second Amendment rights. This isn't about 'gun rights.'
Guns don't have rights. We do. 'We the People' have rights -- and one of 'em is the right to keep and bear arms. That's why I belong to the NRA and why we ought to get out of the U.N."
We parted so he could get to his patient. In the car, I turned on the radio to hear the mellifluous voice of former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan -- now the U.N.'s "special emissary" -- announcing in Geneva yet another "peace plan" for Syria. He claims to have had "productive discussions" in Damascus with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad on a "transition plan" and says that the U.N. Security Council must now "send a message to all that there will be consequences for noncompliance."
Annan's announcement prompted a scurry of diplomats and "experts" rushing to microphones in New York, Washington, London, Paris and Moscow -- all expounding on this "new initiative." Meanwhile, the killing in Syria continues. Opposition groups and human rights organizations now estimate that more than 17,000 have been killed in the 15-month uprising against the Assad regime.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Mitt Romney become the Gambler..Play poker with Barack Obama
Well Mr. Romney I'm going to give you some advice your Papa obviously forgot to tell you...One cannot fight a Forest Fire with a Squirt all good fire fighters know one must start a back fire to extinguish the flames...One cannot play hop scotch with a player who is a must call the others bluff...put on your poker face and call the Obama administrations bluff..they called you out on not releasing all your tax records...
Fine double down the bet...advise the Obama administration you will see their releasing of each of Obama's hidden records one for one on a open bet...One year of your tax records for the release of Obama's original (not forged) long form birth year of tax records for his release of his Occidental College year of tax records for his release of his Columbia College records...One year of tax records for his release of his Harvard College records...One year of tax records for his release of his Ill Attorney Bar records...One year of tax records for his release of his Ill state Representative voting and bill records...
I'm sure you get my drift by now so put on your poker face and jump into the game..:)
Fine double down the bet...advise the Obama administration you will see their releasing of each of Obama's hidden records one for one on a open bet...One year of your tax records for the release of Obama's original (not forged) long form birth year of tax records for his release of his Occidental College year of tax records for his release of his Columbia College records...One year of tax records for his release of his Harvard College records...One year of tax records for his release of his Ill Attorney Bar records...One year of tax records for his release of his Ill state Representative voting and bill records...
I'm sure you get my drift by now so put on your poker face and jump into the game..:)
Sheriff Joe's would-be assassins indicted
By:Bob Unruh
Law enforcement officers in Arizona say they have broken up an alleged plot to assassinate Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is at odds with the White House over his investigation of Obama’s birth documentation, with the Department of Justice over his crackdown on illegal aliens, and assorted criminals already in jail.
The sheriff’s office said today that three maximum security inmates were arrested for conspiracy to commit murder “stemming from a complex plot” that involved the assassination of the sheriff as well as a plot to murder another inmate.
Authorities report Mark Cons, 33, and Rudolfa Santos, 37, “members of the Mexican Mafia currently housed in the sheriff’s 4th Avenue Jail on felony counts,” were served with arrest warrants for the alleged plots.
Samual Matta, 29, “a member of a documented street gang and who is currently incarcerated in the state prison in Florence,” also was accused of conspiracy to commit murder.
Authorities say the investigation began several months ago when detectives were tipped off by an inmate in jail on multiple homicide charges that Matta allegedly was planning to assassinate Arpaio using a rifle.
“Matta, who was planning to carry out the assassination plot once he was released from jail, believed that the sheriff was personally responsible for the deportation of some of his members of his family to Mexico from their home in El Mirage, Ariz.,” the detectives’ report said.
The investigation into that alleged plot then led to information about another scenario in which the three inmates allegedly conspired to kill an inmate who was a member of a rival gang.
Matta failed to carry out his plot because he was not successful in his bid to be released on $1,800 bond.
“The detectives, however, did capture audio surveillance which unveiled a conspiracy to murder another inmate for the sole reason that he is a member of a rival gang,” detectives said.
“Given our jailhouse clientele, my staff is always monitoring situations which can potentially lead to violent criminal activity both inside and outside of the jail walls,” Arpaio said in a prepared statement. “In this case, their professionalism and perseverance prevented two potential murders.”
A spokesman for the sheriff said it was at least the third plot that has been uncovered targeting Arpaio just this year.
The spokesman said Arpaio’s high profile positions on issues such as the investigation of Obama’s eligibility, and his determination to enforce laws against illegal immigration, have made him a bigger target than some sheriffs.
One of the threats, in fact, specifically cited Arpaio’s work on the Obama case. Authorities in Tennessee reported Adam Eugene Cox, 33, of Knoxville pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Arpaio and his family and was given supervised probation.
Cox was arrested Jan. 27 as a prime suspect in an investigation of threats posted online.
Knox’s postings referenced his support of Obama and authorities believe his anger stemmed from the investigation into the legitimacy of the president’s birth certificate.
Arpaio has been dueling with the Department of Justice over allegations that his officers profile based on race. He denies the claims and says it’s time to go to court for the proof.
Last year he launched an investigation into Obama based on constituents’ stated concerns that Obama was not an eligible candidate and having him on the 2012 ballot in the state would perpetrate a fraud on the residents of Arizona.
The sheriff assembled a Cold Case Posse of law enforcement personnel to handle the case, and they are working largely without taxpayer support in the county.
Earlier this year, the investigators released information that confirmed there is probable cause to believe Obama’s birth documentation, posted last year on the White House website, is a forgery, and presenting it as a real government document could be fraud.
Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse now have scheduled another event to reveal more information about their investigation.
Arpaio told WND a press conference will be held July 17 at 2:30 p.m. local time at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Ariz.
WND has announced it will live-stream the event as it did in March.
The evidence will include information gathered in the posse’s recent investigative trip to Hawaii as well as an update on the ongoing investigation.
At the March 1 conference, as WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause that the document released by the White House in April 2011 purporting to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate is a forgery. The posse said it also found probable cause that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is fraudulent.
Sign up now to get free access to the press conference.
Join with Sheriff Arpaio is his work to uncover the truth by donating to the Cold Case Posse expenses, or contribute to a fund that supports investigations by both WND and the sheriff.
WND reported last month that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has “opened the door” to some “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose.
Among the details leaked early by Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo: There are allegedly several stamps bearing Registrar Alvin Onaka’s name “floating around” inside the Hawaii Department of Health.
“I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference,” Zullo told Tea Party Power Hour host Mark Gillar in a telephone interview from Hawaii.
Three weeks after the March 1 press conference, Arpaio said there was “tons” more potentially shocking information on Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility.
Zullo has said he and his investigators have reservations about a letter stamped with Onaka’s name that was sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as verification of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.
Zullo said the letter fails to list Obama’s birth date, and it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Onaka’s – appears next to the signature.
Sign up here to be emailed instructions on how to view the July 17 live event.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve? Here’s WND’s complete archive of news reports on the issue.
Law enforcement officers in Arizona say they have broken up an alleged plot to assassinate Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is at odds with the White House over his investigation of Obama’s birth documentation, with the Department of Justice over his crackdown on illegal aliens, and assorted criminals already in jail.
The sheriff’s office said today that three maximum security inmates were arrested for conspiracy to commit murder “stemming from a complex plot” that involved the assassination of the sheriff as well as a plot to murder another inmate.
Authorities report Mark Cons, 33, and Rudolfa Santos, 37, “members of the Mexican Mafia currently housed in the sheriff’s 4th Avenue Jail on felony counts,” were served with arrest warrants for the alleged plots.
Samual Matta, 29, “a member of a documented street gang and who is currently incarcerated in the state prison in Florence,” also was accused of conspiracy to commit murder.
Authorities say the investigation began several months ago when detectives were tipped off by an inmate in jail on multiple homicide charges that Matta allegedly was planning to assassinate Arpaio using a rifle.
“Matta, who was planning to carry out the assassination plot once he was released from jail, believed that the sheriff was personally responsible for the deportation of some of his members of his family to Mexico from their home in El Mirage, Ariz.,” the detectives’ report said.
The investigation into that alleged plot then led to information about another scenario in which the three inmates allegedly conspired to kill an inmate who was a member of a rival gang.
Matta failed to carry out his plot because he was not successful in his bid to be released on $1,800 bond.
“The detectives, however, did capture audio surveillance which unveiled a conspiracy to murder another inmate for the sole reason that he is a member of a rival gang,” detectives said.
“Given our jailhouse clientele, my staff is always monitoring situations which can potentially lead to violent criminal activity both inside and outside of the jail walls,” Arpaio said in a prepared statement. “In this case, their professionalism and perseverance prevented two potential murders.”
A spokesman for the sheriff said it was at least the third plot that has been uncovered targeting Arpaio just this year.
The spokesman said Arpaio’s high profile positions on issues such as the investigation of Obama’s eligibility, and his determination to enforce laws against illegal immigration, have made him a bigger target than some sheriffs.
One of the threats, in fact, specifically cited Arpaio’s work on the Obama case. Authorities in Tennessee reported Adam Eugene Cox, 33, of Knoxville pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Arpaio and his family and was given supervised probation.
Cox was arrested Jan. 27 as a prime suspect in an investigation of threats posted online.
Knox’s postings referenced his support of Obama and authorities believe his anger stemmed from the investigation into the legitimacy of the president’s birth certificate.
Arpaio has been dueling with the Department of Justice over allegations that his officers profile based on race. He denies the claims and says it’s time to go to court for the proof.
Last year he launched an investigation into Obama based on constituents’ stated concerns that Obama was not an eligible candidate and having him on the 2012 ballot in the state would perpetrate a fraud on the residents of Arizona.
The sheriff assembled a Cold Case Posse of law enforcement personnel to handle the case, and they are working largely without taxpayer support in the county.
Earlier this year, the investigators released information that confirmed there is probable cause to believe Obama’s birth documentation, posted last year on the White House website, is a forgery, and presenting it as a real government document could be fraud.
Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse now have scheduled another event to reveal more information about their investigation.
Arpaio told WND a press conference will be held July 17 at 2:30 p.m. local time at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Ariz.
WND has announced it will live-stream the event as it did in March.
The evidence will include information gathered in the posse’s recent investigative trip to Hawaii as well as an update on the ongoing investigation.
At the March 1 conference, as WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause that the document released by the White House in April 2011 purporting to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate is a forgery. The posse said it also found probable cause that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is fraudulent.
Sign up now to get free access to the press conference.
Join with Sheriff Arpaio is his work to uncover the truth by donating to the Cold Case Posse expenses, or contribute to a fund that supports investigations by both WND and the sheriff.
WND reported last month that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has “opened the door” to some “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose.
Among the details leaked early by Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo: There are allegedly several stamps bearing Registrar Alvin Onaka’s name “floating around” inside the Hawaii Department of Health.
“I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference,” Zullo told Tea Party Power Hour host Mark Gillar in a telephone interview from Hawaii.
Three weeks after the March 1 press conference, Arpaio said there was “tons” more potentially shocking information on Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility.
Zullo has said he and his investigators have reservations about a letter stamped with Onaka’s name that was sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as verification of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.
Zullo said the letter fails to list Obama’s birth date, and it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Onaka’s – appears next to the signature.
Sign up here to be emailed instructions on how to view the July 17 live event.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve? Here’s WND’s complete archive of news reports on the issue.
Supremes asked: Who is 'natural born citizen?'
by: Bob Unruh
An announcement is expected sometime in the fall on whether the U.S. Supreme Court will decide just exactly who is a “natural born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution for all those who would be president.
Officials with the Liberty Legal Foundation confirmed they have filed an appeal of the ruling from the state Supreme Court in Georgia, and a decision by the nation’s highest court on whether it will accept the case is expected over the coming months.
It raises two questions, including whether states can be forced to
accept any candidate from a political party for presentation on state
ballots even when the candidates do not meet the required
The other is the key, “Are all individuals born on U.S. soil Article II ‘natural born citizens,’ regardless of the citizenship of their parents?”
According to a statement from Van Irion, chief of Liberty Legal, the case that stems from a Georgia dispute “is the first to present the U.S. Supreme Court with a substantive ruling on the definition of natural born citizen under the Constitution.”
“All other cases to reach the Supreme Court on this issue had been dismissed on purely procedural grounds. Liberty Legal Foundation’s case is an appeal from the Georgia courts’ substantive ruling,” he explained. “The Georgia courts refused to dismiss our case based upon procedural grounds. The Georgia courts reached the substantive issue, what is a natural born citizen.
“They ruled incorrectly, but that ruling does allow us to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to address the definition of natural born citizen, instead of simply addressing a procedural issue,” the explanation said.
“Now the U.S. Supreme Court has an opportunity to address the definition of natural born citizen, our substantive issue.”
“The petitioners’ challenge in Georgia state court was based upon an uncontested fact: that the respondent’s father was not a U.S. citizen; and upon the legal conclusion that a person must have two U.S. citizen parents to be a natural born citizen under Article II of the U.S. Constitution,” the brief to the high court explains. “The Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings and Secretary of State ruled that any person born on U.S. soil is a ‘natural born citizen’ as that term is use[d] in Article II of the U.S. Constitution, regardless of the citizenship of the person’s parents.”
But the brief argues that conclusion turns states’ rights on their head, because it would allow a political party to demand anyone be on a state election ballot, regardless of what the election code might require.
In Georgia, the law requires, “Every candidate for federal and state office … shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”
But the state’s ability to require candidates be qualified is separate from the right of political parties to choose their own candidates, the case argues.
“The right to associate easily coexists with the state’s right to determine the manner of choosing its presidential electors,” the brief argues. “Georgia code does not interfere with the autonomy of any political party’s internal decision making because it does not prohibit the parties from submitting any name…
“The political parties are free to submit Saddam Hussein or Mickey Mouse… However, Georgia is not required to accept such submissions and waste taxpayer money on ballots for such candidates.”
Under the state rulings, “the political parties could choose to list former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton as candidates for the presidential primary, despite the fact that both President Bush and President Clinton are disqualified to run for that office gain by the 22nd Amendment. … Upon such listing the state of
Georgia would have no choice but to place these candidates’ names on its ballots.”
The brief also argues the key question about just exactly who is a “natural born citizen,” which not only could impact the Obama campaign but undoubtedly campaigns of future candidates.
The state decision did not follow the U.S. Supreme Court’s “Minor” definition of natural-born citizen, which is “binding precedent because the court’s definition was necessary to reach its holding. … Unless and until this court revisits this issue, the Minor court’s definition is binding.”
That ruling said a “natural born citizen” was the product of two citizen parents, under which Obama would be disqualified because of his father’s status as a foreign national visiting the U.S. as a student.
The high court in Minor said, “It was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.”
The case was brought on behalf of David Welden, Carl Swensson and Kevin Richard Powell. Handling it are Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation and Mark Hatfield of Waycross, Ga.
Officials with the Article 2 SuperPAC, who have been involved the case, said it originated when the plaintiffs challenged Obama’s candidacy on the ballot before Michael Malihi, an administrative judge who decided without evidence from Obama or his lawyer that he was eligible for the office and his name could appear on the Georgia ballot in 2012.
At the hearing level, Malihi simply threw out all of the evidence and ruled in favor of Obama, who, along with his lawyer, snubbed the hearing and refused to appear at all.
An intermediate court followed suit. Then the state Supreme Court dodged the question.
The plaintiffs had argued before Malihi regarding Obama’s alleged failure to qualify as a “natural-born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution for presidents. Obama has admitted in his writings his father never was a U.S. citizen, and attorneys argued that the understanding of the Founders, and a subsequent Supreme Court ruling, defines natural-born citizen as the offspring of two citizens of the country at the time of the birth.
Malihi had been charged with responding to the complaints brought over Obama’s candidacy under a state law that requires “every candidate for federal” office who is certified by the state executive committees of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy “shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”
Of all the eligibility cases to be submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, the justices have refused to consider any.
In fact, one justice admitted the court is “avoiding” the Obama issue. Justice Clarence Thomas appeared before a U.S. House subcommittee when the issue arose.
Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y., raised the issue amid a discussion on racial diversity in the judiciary.
“I’m still waiting for the [court decision] on whether or not a Puerto Rican can run for president of the United States,” said Serrano, who was born in the island territory. “That’s another issue.”
Yet after Serrano questioned him on whether or not the land’s highest court would be well-served by a justice who had never been a judge, Thomas not only answered in the affirmative but also hinted that Serrano would be better off seeking a seat in the Supreme Court than a chair in the Oval Office.
“I’m glad to hear that you don’t think there has to be a judge on the court,” said Serrano, “because I’m not a judge; I’ve never been a judge.”
“And you don’t have to be born in the United States,” said Thomas, referring to the Constitution, which requires the president to be a natural-born citizen but has no such requirement for a Supreme Court justice, “so you never have to answer that question.”
“Oh really?” asked Serrano. “So you haven’t answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?”
“We’re evading that one,” answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber. “We’re giving you another option.”
See Video:
An announcement is expected sometime in the fall on whether the U.S. Supreme Court will decide just exactly who is a “natural born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution for all those who would be president.
Officials with the Liberty Legal Foundation confirmed they have filed an appeal of the ruling from the state Supreme Court in Georgia, and a decision by the nation’s highest court on whether it will accept the case is expected over the coming months.
The other is the key, “Are all individuals born on U.S. soil Article II ‘natural born citizens,’ regardless of the citizenship of their parents?”
According to a statement from Van Irion, chief of Liberty Legal, the case that stems from a Georgia dispute “is the first to present the U.S. Supreme Court with a substantive ruling on the definition of natural born citizen under the Constitution.”
“All other cases to reach the Supreme Court on this issue had been dismissed on purely procedural grounds. Liberty Legal Foundation’s case is an appeal from the Georgia courts’ substantive ruling,” he explained. “The Georgia courts refused to dismiss our case based upon procedural grounds. The Georgia courts reached the substantive issue, what is a natural born citizen.
“They ruled incorrectly, but that ruling does allow us to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to address the definition of natural born citizen, instead of simply addressing a procedural issue,” the explanation said.
“Now the U.S. Supreme Court has an opportunity to address the definition of natural born citizen, our substantive issue.”
“The petitioners’ challenge in Georgia state court was based upon an uncontested fact: that the respondent’s father was not a U.S. citizen; and upon the legal conclusion that a person must have two U.S. citizen parents to be a natural born citizen under Article II of the U.S. Constitution,” the brief to the high court explains. “The Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings and Secretary of State ruled that any person born on U.S. soil is a ‘natural born citizen’ as that term is use[d] in Article II of the U.S. Constitution, regardless of the citizenship of the person’s parents.”
But the brief argues that conclusion turns states’ rights on their head, because it would allow a political party to demand anyone be on a state election ballot, regardless of what the election code might require.
In Georgia, the law requires, “Every candidate for federal and state office … shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”
But the state’s ability to require candidates be qualified is separate from the right of political parties to choose their own candidates, the case argues.
“The right to associate easily coexists with the state’s right to determine the manner of choosing its presidential electors,” the brief argues. “Georgia code does not interfere with the autonomy of any political party’s internal decision making because it does not prohibit the parties from submitting any name…
“The political parties are free to submit Saddam Hussein or Mickey Mouse… However, Georgia is not required to accept such submissions and waste taxpayer money on ballots for such candidates.”
Under the state rulings, “the political parties could choose to list former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton as candidates for the presidential primary, despite the fact that both President Bush and President Clinton are disqualified to run for that office gain by the 22nd Amendment. … Upon such listing the state of
Georgia would have no choice but to place these candidates’ names on its ballots.”
The brief also argues the key question about just exactly who is a “natural born citizen,” which not only could impact the Obama campaign but undoubtedly campaigns of future candidates.
The state decision did not follow the U.S. Supreme Court’s “Minor” definition of natural-born citizen, which is “binding precedent because the court’s definition was necessary to reach its holding. … Unless and until this court revisits this issue, the Minor court’s definition is binding.”
That ruling said a “natural born citizen” was the product of two citizen parents, under which Obama would be disqualified because of his father’s status as a foreign national visiting the U.S. as a student.
The high court in Minor said, “It was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.”
The case was brought on behalf of David Welden, Carl Swensson and Kevin Richard Powell. Handling it are Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation and Mark Hatfield of Waycross, Ga.
Officials with the Article 2 SuperPAC, who have been involved the case, said it originated when the plaintiffs challenged Obama’s candidacy on the ballot before Michael Malihi, an administrative judge who decided without evidence from Obama or his lawyer that he was eligible for the office and his name could appear on the Georgia ballot in 2012.
At the hearing level, Malihi simply threw out all of the evidence and ruled in favor of Obama, who, along with his lawyer, snubbed the hearing and refused to appear at all.
An intermediate court followed suit. Then the state Supreme Court dodged the question.
The plaintiffs had argued before Malihi regarding Obama’s alleged failure to qualify as a “natural-born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution for presidents. Obama has admitted in his writings his father never was a U.S. citizen, and attorneys argued that the understanding of the Founders, and a subsequent Supreme Court ruling, defines natural-born citizen as the offspring of two citizens of the country at the time of the birth.
Malihi had been charged with responding to the complaints brought over Obama’s candidacy under a state law that requires “every candidate for federal” office who is certified by the state executive committees of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy “shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”
Of all the eligibility cases to be submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, the justices have refused to consider any.
In fact, one justice admitted the court is “avoiding” the Obama issue. Justice Clarence Thomas appeared before a U.S. House subcommittee when the issue arose.
Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y., raised the issue amid a discussion on racial diversity in the judiciary.
“I’m still waiting for the [court decision] on whether or not a Puerto Rican can run for president of the United States,” said Serrano, who was born in the island territory. “That’s another issue.”
Yet after Serrano questioned him on whether or not the land’s highest court would be well-served by a justice who had never been a judge, Thomas not only answered in the affirmative but also hinted that Serrano would be better off seeking a seat in the Supreme Court than a chair in the Oval Office.
“I’m glad to hear that you don’t think there has to be a judge on the court,” said Serrano, “because I’m not a judge; I’ve never been a judge.”
“And you don’t have to be born in the United States,” said Thomas, referring to the Constitution, which requires the president to be a natural-born citizen but has no such requirement for a Supreme Court justice, “so you never have to answer that question.”
“Oh really?” asked Serrano. “So you haven’t answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?”
“We’re evading that one,” answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber. “We’re giving you another option.”
See Video:
Helga Harris (Xandria Harris) on FB
Awww she is one of my best buds on FB..wish I could talk her into joining Twitter...she is smart,adorable,cute as hell,funny,spunky and tells it like it is...aging like a fine wine only gets better...:)

Project World Awarness Articles by: @rockingjude Twitter
National Security Agency Whistleblower Warns Domestic Spying Program Is Sign the U.S. is Decaying Into a “Police State”…
Posted on July 13, 2012 by rockingjude
~Everyone has
to remember that the movement towards policy now; started a very long
time ago…With each administration accelerating the program whilst at the
same time brainwashing & making sure the citizens felt all cozy,
warm, and patriotic~jude
Democracy Now | January 4 2006
Former NSA intelligence agent Russell Tice condemns
reports that the Agency has been engaged in eavesdropping on U.S.
citizens without court warrants. Tice has volunteered to testify before
Congress about illegal black ops programs at the NSA. Tice said, “The
freedom of the American people cannot be protected when our
constitutional liberties are ignored and our nation has decayed into a
police state.” [includes rush transcript]
We turn now to the growing controversy over President Bush’s decision
to order the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens
inside the country without the legally required court warrants. Bush’s
decision was first revealed in the New York Times in mid-December. The
Times published the expose after holding the story for more than a year
under pressure from the White House. The paper reportedly first
uncovered the illegal order prior to the 2004 election. When the editors
at the Times decided last month to go ahead with the article, President
Bush personally summoned the paper’s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, and
executive editor, Bill Keller, to the Oval Office in an attempt to talk
them out of running the story. Since the story broke, calls for
Congressional hearings and the possible impeachment of the president
have intensified. Conservative legal experts have even admitted Bush may
have committed an impeachable offense by ordering the NSA to break the
law.On Sunday, the New York Times revealed there was dissent within the upper echelon of the Bush administration over the legality of the president’s order. According to the Times, Attorney General John Ashcroft’s top deputy, James Comey, refused to sign on to the continuation of the secret program in 2004 amid concerns about its legality and oversight. At the time, Comey was serving in place of then Attorney General John Ashcroft while Ashcroft was hospitalized for a medical condition. Comey’s refusal prompted senior Presidential aides Andrew Card and Alberto Gonzales to visit Ashcroft in his hospital room to grant the approval. The Times reports Ashcroft expressed reluctance to sign on to the program. It is unclear if he eventually relented. Both Ashcroft and Comey’s concerns appear to have led to a temporary suspension of parts of the program for several months. But the administration has repeatedly defended its actions.
Read More:
Murdering 1,000 Christians Is Not Terrorism Says U.S.
by: Da Tagliare
In the past three years, over 1,000 Christians in Nigeria have been brutally murdered by an extremist Islamic group known as Boko Haram and the United States has refused to classify the group as being a terrorist organization.
Nigeria’s Christian leaders had asked the United States government to place Boko Haram on the list of terrorist organizations. The radical Islamic group has vowed to eradicate all Christians from Nigerian soil and will continue to murder men, women and children in the process unless something is done to stop them.
Instead of declaring Boko Haram a terrorist organization, the U.S. government only placed three of the group’s leaders on a terrorist blacklist and then said that it was more important to address social inequalities in the country first. Christian leaders in Nigeria said the actions or perhaps lack of action by the United States has only served to make the group bolder and more aggressive in their pursuit to exterminate the remaining Christians.
Appearing before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Christian Association of Nigeria President Ayo Oritsejafor said the decision was:
“The equivalent of designating (Osama) bin Laden a terrorist but failing to designate Al-Qaeda a terrorist organization.”
“By refusing to designate Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, the United States is sending a very clear message, not just to the federal government of Nigeria, but to the world that the murder of innocent Christians and Muslims who reject Islamism — and I make a clear distinction here between Islam and Islamism — are acceptable losses.”
“It is hypocritical for the United States and the international community to say that they believe in freedom and equality when their actions do not support those who are being persecuted.”
However, Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Johnny Carson told the committee that designating Boko Haram a terrorist organization would be counter-productive in trying to improve the governing of Nigeria, especially in the Muslim dominated northern region.
Carson testified,
“Boko Haram thrives because of social and economic problems in the north that the government must find a way of addressing.”
“A coordinated government effort to provide responsible, accountable governance to all Nigerians, while creating opportunities for economic growth, will diminish the political space in which Boko Haram operates.”
From everything I’ve read, Boko Haram is just like so many other Muslim groups that have vowed to cleanse their lands of Christians and Jews. In reality, they are not any different than Hamas or al-Qaeda.
What concerns me about Carson’s comments is that it sounds like he wants the U.S. to start pouring millions of dollars into northern Nigeria to ease their financial strain in hopes that Boko Haram will stop murdering Christians. This is a typical Democratic response to any problem – throw money at it and hope it fixes the problem, which it never does.
If I were Oritsejafor, I would have asked the House committee how many more Christians, men, women and children, have to die before they will consider Boko Haram to be a terrorist group? I would ask them how to explain to his people that many more of them are going to have to die before anyone will do anything to stop the slaughter? Then I would ask them about the United States role in the U.N. intervention in Kosovo back in 1998-99 when Christians were slaughtering Muslims in an ethnic cleansing, similar to what is happening today in Nigeria, only this time the Muslims are performing the ethnic cleansing against Christians. The U.S. helped prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslims but seems unwilling to do anything when roles are reversed.
Time and again, the U.S. State Department sides with Muslims and Muslim nations over Christians and their rights. Carson’s statements before the House committee just reiterates our current government’s lack of concern for anything Christian and quest to preserve anything Muslim.
In the past three years, over 1,000 Christians in Nigeria have been brutally murdered by an extremist Islamic group known as Boko Haram and the United States has refused to classify the group as being a terrorist organization.
Nigeria’s Christian leaders had asked the United States government to place Boko Haram on the list of terrorist organizations. The radical Islamic group has vowed to eradicate all Christians from Nigerian soil and will continue to murder men, women and children in the process unless something is done to stop them.
Instead of declaring Boko Haram a terrorist organization, the U.S. government only placed three of the group’s leaders on a terrorist blacklist and then said that it was more important to address social inequalities in the country first. Christian leaders in Nigeria said the actions or perhaps lack of action by the United States has only served to make the group bolder and more aggressive in their pursuit to exterminate the remaining Christians.
Appearing before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Christian Association of Nigeria President Ayo Oritsejafor said the decision was:
“The equivalent of designating (Osama) bin Laden a terrorist but failing to designate Al-Qaeda a terrorist organization.”
“By refusing to designate Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, the United States is sending a very clear message, not just to the federal government of Nigeria, but to the world that the murder of innocent Christians and Muslims who reject Islamism — and I make a clear distinction here between Islam and Islamism — are acceptable losses.”
“It is hypocritical for the United States and the international community to say that they believe in freedom and equality when their actions do not support those who are being persecuted.”
However, Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Johnny Carson told the committee that designating Boko Haram a terrorist organization would be counter-productive in trying to improve the governing of Nigeria, especially in the Muslim dominated northern region.
Carson testified,
“Boko Haram thrives because of social and economic problems in the north that the government must find a way of addressing.”
“A coordinated government effort to provide responsible, accountable governance to all Nigerians, while creating opportunities for economic growth, will diminish the political space in which Boko Haram operates.”
From everything I’ve read, Boko Haram is just like so many other Muslim groups that have vowed to cleanse their lands of Christians and Jews. In reality, they are not any different than Hamas or al-Qaeda.
What concerns me about Carson’s comments is that it sounds like he wants the U.S. to start pouring millions of dollars into northern Nigeria to ease their financial strain in hopes that Boko Haram will stop murdering Christians. This is a typical Democratic response to any problem – throw money at it and hope it fixes the problem, which it never does.
If I were Oritsejafor, I would have asked the House committee how many more Christians, men, women and children, have to die before they will consider Boko Haram to be a terrorist group? I would ask them how to explain to his people that many more of them are going to have to die before anyone will do anything to stop the slaughter? Then I would ask them about the United States role in the U.N. intervention in Kosovo back in 1998-99 when Christians were slaughtering Muslims in an ethnic cleansing, similar to what is happening today in Nigeria, only this time the Muslims are performing the ethnic cleansing against Christians. The U.S. helped prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslims but seems unwilling to do anything when roles are reversed.
Time and again, the U.S. State Department sides with Muslims and Muslim nations over Christians and their rights. Carson’s statements before the House committee just reiterates our current government’s lack of concern for anything Christian and quest to preserve anything Muslim.
Obama saya his biggest mistake Not telling his story better!
by:Tad Cronn
In an interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose due to air today, King Obama says the biggest mistake of his presidency — the biggest, mind you — has been not telling a better “story” to the country.
I don’t know, I think the one about being born in Hawaii is pretty good. …
And the current whopper from Obama’s campaign about Mitt Romney running Bain Capital two years after he left to run the Olympics is very humorous, too. Especially the part where deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter calls Romney the most secretive presidential candidate since Richard Nixon.
But Obama doesn’t mean either of those stories. He actually means the “story” of how wonderfully he has been looking out for us, for our jobs, our homes, our liberty, our national defense, our foreign policy, our budgets, our Constitution.
It’s hard to decide what’s funnier, that Obama’s serious or that he actually sought to give his campaign a boost by appearing on Charlie Rose’s show. (Don’t feel bad if you have to Google his name — he’s on CBS, after all.)
So here’s what I’m getting from this. After four years of running the economy into the ground and then pounding it flat with Obamacare, throwing open our borders, covering for Eric Holder in the arming of Central American drug cartels, essentially declaring himself king by completely ignoring the Constitution,
In an interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose due to air today, King Obama says the biggest mistake of his presidency — the biggest, mind you — has been not telling a better “story” to the country.
I don’t know, I think the one about being born in Hawaii is pretty good. …
And the current whopper from Obama’s campaign about Mitt Romney running Bain Capital two years after he left to run the Olympics is very humorous, too. Especially the part where deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter calls Romney the most secretive presidential candidate since Richard Nixon.
But Obama doesn’t mean either of those stories. He actually means the “story” of how wonderfully he has been looking out for us, for our jobs, our homes, our liberty, our national defense, our foreign policy, our budgets, our Constitution.
It’s hard to decide what’s funnier, that Obama’s serious or that he actually sought to give his campaign a boost by appearing on Charlie Rose’s show. (Don’t feel bad if you have to Google his name — he’s on CBS, after all.)
So here’s what I’m getting from this. After four years of running the economy into the ground and then pounding it flat with Obamacare, throwing open our borders, covering for Eric Holder in the arming of Central American drug cartels, essentially declaring himself king by completely ignoring the Constitution,
ticking off our enemies and our allies alike, dividing the country along
racial and class lines, uprooting our society’s heritage and stability
by supporting gay “marriage,” and doing his level best to see that
America is doomed to a future of socialist poverty and misery, the best
insight the president can come up with in his most reflective moments
about why his administration hasn’t been successful is that he hasn’t
told his “story” right.
Yeah … cuz ya know, if it only had a dwarf and some flying monkeys in it, everybody would have loved the socialistic not-a-Muslim so-and-so’s “story.”
There are limits to intelligence, but stupidity knows no bounds.
Actually, this is a pattern among liberals. Whenever they fail, it’s never that their ideas are lame or their people incompetent. It’s always that they didn’t get their “message” out clearly enough, didn’t tell their “story” the right way.
They really think they’re addressing a nation full of children who will follow them off the end of the pier if they just repackage their presentation one more time, perhaps with a pretty bow or pictures.
It’s the very definition of insanity, doing the same things over and over, yet expecting a different result.
It’s what compels liberals to keep pushing socialism in all its forms even though it has never worked for the betterment of mankind anywhere in the world.
Michelle Obama will be interviewed about her “story” as well. Maybe she’ll bring slides from her vacations.
Yeah … cuz ya know, if it only had a dwarf and some flying monkeys in it, everybody would have loved the socialistic not-a-Muslim so-and-so’s “story.”
There are limits to intelligence, but stupidity knows no bounds.
Actually, this is a pattern among liberals. Whenever they fail, it’s never that their ideas are lame or their people incompetent. It’s always that they didn’t get their “message” out clearly enough, didn’t tell their “story” the right way.
They really think they’re addressing a nation full of children who will follow them off the end of the pier if they just repackage their presentation one more time, perhaps with a pretty bow or pictures.
It’s the very definition of insanity, doing the same things over and over, yet expecting a different result.
It’s what compels liberals to keep pushing socialism in all its forms even though it has never worked for the betterment of mankind anywhere in the world.
Michelle Obama will be interviewed about her “story” as well. Maybe she’ll bring slides from her vacations.
Barack Obama Claims To Be Pro-Family, But Lives Anti-Family
Throughout Barack Obama’s presidency he has claimed to be pro-family. He talks about taking care of families and sharing American’s wealth to help all those in need.
But does Obama live by his own words?
To begin with, Obama has taken action to destroy and undermine the traditional family unit. His open endorsement of same-sex marriage and refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act are prime examples of his efforts to destabilize the family unit. His economic policies have done a great deal of damage to the structure of American families by placing undue pressures of jobs, foreclosures and bankruptcies on them. In all too many instances, the families buckle to these stresses and end up being split apart.
But let’s take a look at Obama’s own family and see just how well he takes care of them like he promises to do for your family.
To begin with, Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, moved into the White House when the Obama’s did. U.S. taxpayers are supporting her, Obama is not. She has traveled on vacations with Michelle and the family also at taxpayer expense. Guess this is what Obama means by spreading the wealth. He is taken our money to support his mother-in-law.
Last September, Obama’s uncle from Kenya, Onyango Obama (Uncle Omar) was arrested for drunk driving and found to be an illegal alien living in the U.S. Reports state that he was supposed to have been deported back in 1992, but never was. Supposedly, Obama had lost track of his Uncle Omar in the late 1980s, but since his surfacing last year, Obama has done nothing to help his uncle. Next we have Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s aunt from Kenya. She entered the U.S. illegally in 2000 and then applied for asylum in the U.S. in 2002 and again in 2004 but was turned down both times. In 2004 she was supposed to have been deported back to Kenya, but managed to stay in the country. In 2010, she was granted asylum in the U.S., which some say was due to preferential treatment, but there is no evidence to show that she has received any help from her famous nephew.
Then there is George Obama, the president’s half-brother living in Kenya. In 2008, it was reported that he was living in the slums of Haruma, Kenya, in a squalid hut. He now is reported to live in Nairobi, but receives no help from his brother. When interviewed by author Dinesh D’Souza, George said:
“I think he has a family of his own. I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”
“He’s got other issues to deal with. He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”
Lastly, there is the matter of Kogelo, Kenya, who still boasts to being Obama’s birth place. In 2006, Senator and Mrs. Barack Obama visited the African village along with the small 4 room school house named after him. When the senator saw the conditions of the school, which had no running water, no electricity and no sanitation, he promised Yuanita Obiero, the school’s principle,
“I know you are working very hard and struggling to bring up the school, but I have said I will assist the school, and I will do so.”
The last I checked, the school in Kogelo has not received one dime from the Barack Obama as he promised. I suspect that may be due to the fact that only a year later he announced his candidacy for President and knew the birth issue with Kenya would make him ineligible, so he dropped all ties, connections and promises with the village that still has a sign indicating where he was born.
If Obama won’t help or take care of his own family with his own money, then why should we expect him to take care of our families? I’ve learned over the years to judge a person more on their actions than on their words and in the case of Obama, he preaches one thing, but lives another. His actions indicate that the only family he is concerned with is the 5 people living in the White House and no other. And from his actions, I wouldn’t think that anyone with any sense of family value, would be willing to vote for a man who doesn’t live by what he wants us to live by.
Throughout Barack Obama’s presidency he has claimed to be pro-family. He talks about taking care of families and sharing American’s wealth to help all those in need.
But does Obama live by his own words?
To begin with, Obama has taken action to destroy and undermine the traditional family unit. His open endorsement of same-sex marriage and refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act are prime examples of his efforts to destabilize the family unit. His economic policies have done a great deal of damage to the structure of American families by placing undue pressures of jobs, foreclosures and bankruptcies on them. In all too many instances, the families buckle to these stresses and end up being split apart.
But let’s take a look at Obama’s own family and see just how well he takes care of them like he promises to do for your family.
To begin with, Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, moved into the White House when the Obama’s did. U.S. taxpayers are supporting her, Obama is not. She has traveled on vacations with Michelle and the family also at taxpayer expense. Guess this is what Obama means by spreading the wealth. He is taken our money to support his mother-in-law.
Last September, Obama’s uncle from Kenya, Onyango Obama (Uncle Omar) was arrested for drunk driving and found to be an illegal alien living in the U.S. Reports state that he was supposed to have been deported back in 1992, but never was. Supposedly, Obama had lost track of his Uncle Omar in the late 1980s, but since his surfacing last year, Obama has done nothing to help his uncle. Next we have Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s aunt from Kenya. She entered the U.S. illegally in 2000 and then applied for asylum in the U.S. in 2002 and again in 2004 but was turned down both times. In 2004 she was supposed to have been deported back to Kenya, but managed to stay in the country. In 2010, she was granted asylum in the U.S., which some say was due to preferential treatment, but there is no evidence to show that she has received any help from her famous nephew.
Then there is George Obama, the president’s half-brother living in Kenya. In 2008, it was reported that he was living in the slums of Haruma, Kenya, in a squalid hut. He now is reported to live in Nairobi, but receives no help from his brother. When interviewed by author Dinesh D’Souza, George said:
“I think he has a family of his own. I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”
“He’s got other issues to deal with. He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”
Lastly, there is the matter of Kogelo, Kenya, who still boasts to being Obama’s birth place. In 2006, Senator and Mrs. Barack Obama visited the African village along with the small 4 room school house named after him. When the senator saw the conditions of the school, which had no running water, no electricity and no sanitation, he promised Yuanita Obiero, the school’s principle,
“I know you are working very hard and struggling to bring up the school, but I have said I will assist the school, and I will do so.”
The last I checked, the school in Kogelo has not received one dime from the Barack Obama as he promised. I suspect that may be due to the fact that only a year later he announced his candidacy for President and knew the birth issue with Kenya would make him ineligible, so he dropped all ties, connections and promises with the village that still has a sign indicating where he was born.
If Obama won’t help or take care of his own family with his own money, then why should we expect him to take care of our families? I’ve learned over the years to judge a person more on their actions than on their words and in the case of Obama, he preaches one thing, but lives another. His actions indicate that the only family he is concerned with is the 5 people living in the White House and no other. And from his actions, I wouldn’t think that anyone with any sense of family value, would be willing to vote for a man who doesn’t live by what he wants us to live by.
'Saints' become 'Aints' to honor atheism
by: Bob Unruh
The St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team in the Twin Cities, will become the “Mr. Paul Aints” for one night in August in honor of atheism, the team and the Minnesota Atheists have announced.
“The stadium will be adorned with banners promoting both Minnesota Atheists and American Atheists. We will have a table with free swag (stickers, pamphlets) hosted by MN Atheists members at the front entrance gate to greet fans,” the Minnesota Atheists announced on their website.
“To enhance the evening even more, every mention of the word ‘Saints’ will either be covered or changed to ‘Aint,’” the atheists said.
The team confirmed on its schedule for Aug. 10 that the game would be “a night of unbelievable fun plus Friday night fireworks!”
Fridays have seen “unbelievable fun” over the years, the team said.
“Whether it was mimes, the Randy Moss hood ornament, or the Tweeting Wiener boxer shorts giveaway, the edge has been pushed and laughs have followed. Tonight, we hope for more of the same as the Saints become the Mr. Paul Aints for one night only.”
At NBC’s Hardball Talk, Matthew Pouliot noted that the Saints “definitely stepped it up a bit this this one.”
“The night will be sponsored by the Minnesota Atheists, with the president of the American Atheists throwing out the ceremonial first pitch,” he said.
“No word on what else the Aints have planned for the night, but I’ll be disappointed if some fans aren’t invited on to the diamond for infidel practice,” Pouliot wrote.
In a statement to Fox Sports North, team General Manager Derek Sharrer said the team has worked with “hundreds and hundreds” of faith-based groups over the years so “when we were approached by the Minnesota Atheists, we felt like it was within our nature to be inclusive and certainly work with them to provide them the opportunity to provide their message in the same way.”
The Minnesota Atheists said the players “will wear special game jerseys with the new name.”
“The player-worn game jerseys will be auctioned during the game and there will also be an option to order your own custom-made jersey. Proceeds from the jersey sales will benefit Minnesota Atheists.”
The atheists group said the game is being sponsored in conjunction with a day-long conference the next day in St. Paul.
The St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team in the Twin Cities, will become the “Mr. Paul Aints” for one night in August in honor of atheism, the team and the Minnesota Atheists have announced.
“The stadium will be adorned with banners promoting both Minnesota Atheists and American Atheists. We will have a table with free swag (stickers, pamphlets) hosted by MN Atheists members at the front entrance gate to greet fans,” the Minnesota Atheists announced on their website.
“To enhance the evening even more, every mention of the word ‘Saints’ will either be covered or changed to ‘Aint,’” the atheists said.
The team confirmed on its schedule for Aug. 10 that the game would be “a night of unbelievable fun plus Friday night fireworks!”
Fridays have seen “unbelievable fun” over the years, the team said.
“Whether it was mimes, the Randy Moss hood ornament, or the Tweeting Wiener boxer shorts giveaway, the edge has been pushed and laughs have followed. Tonight, we hope for more of the same as the Saints become the Mr. Paul Aints for one night only.”
At NBC’s Hardball Talk, Matthew Pouliot noted that the Saints “definitely stepped it up a bit this this one.”
“The night will be sponsored by the Minnesota Atheists, with the president of the American Atheists throwing out the ceremonial first pitch,” he said.
“No word on what else the Aints have planned for the night, but I’ll be disappointed if some fans aren’t invited on to the diamond for infidel practice,” Pouliot wrote.
In a statement to Fox Sports North, team General Manager Derek Sharrer said the team has worked with “hundreds and hundreds” of faith-based groups over the years so “when we were approached by the Minnesota Atheists, we felt like it was within our nature to be inclusive and certainly work with them to provide them the opportunity to provide their message in the same way.”
The Minnesota Atheists said the players “will wear special game jerseys with the new name.”
“The player-worn game jerseys will be auctioned during the game and there will also be an option to order your own custom-made jersey. Proceeds from the jersey sales will benefit Minnesota Atheists.”
The atheists group said the game is being sponsored in conjunction with a day-long conference the next day in St. Paul.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
U.S. study: Muslim terrorists simply misunderstood
by: Chelsea Schilling
A taxpayer-funded study released this week declares that Muslim terrorists are generally misunderstood, don’t want to force their religion on the world and only kill people to protect themselves from victimization by enemies of Islam.
A 14-page document, titled, “How Islamist Extremists Quote the Quran,” explains the study’s analysis of 2,000 instances of propaganda from al-Qaida and other Islamic extremist groups from 1998 to 2011:
We conclude that verses extremists cite from the Qur’an do not suggest an offensive foe seeking domination and conquest of unbelievers, as is commonly assumed. Instead they deal with themes of victimization, dishonor, and retribution. …
Based on this analysis we recommend that the West abandon claims that Islamist extremists seek world domination, focus on counteracting or addressing claims of victimage, emphasize alternative means of deliverance, and work to undermine “champion” image sought by extremists.
Arizona State University’s Center for Strategic Communication conducted the study, which was funded by a grant from the Department of Defense’s Office of Naval Research.
“The highly regarded academics operate a special center dedicated to studying the role of communication in combating terrorism, promoting national security and successfully engaging in public diplomacy worldwide,” explained Judicial Watch, the public interest organization that investigates government corruption and fights to bring to justice those involved. “To fulfill this mission, the center gets big bucks from the U.S. government.”
According to Judicial Watch, the same group received a $6.1 million grant from the Department of Defense for a neurophysiological study involving narrative comprehension and persuasion. However, this assignment is a six-year, $4.5 million study on Islamist extremists’ use of narrative to influence contested populations in the Middle East, Southwest Asia, North Africa and Europe.
The latest report notes: “The verses frequently utilized by extremists” focus on themes such as “enduring hardships and the importance of fighting against the unjust unbelievers who oppress men, women and children.”
One example of an extremist statement included in the report is the following:
America knows only the language of force as the only way for putting a stop to it and making it take its hands off Muslims and their causes. America does not know the language of dialogue, or that of peaceful coexistence, appeals, or denunciation and condemnation! Only blood deters America. “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. Help you to (victory) over them, heal the breasts of believers.” [9:14]
The authors called the example “a deliverance story form.”
“Extremists do not favor the ‘Verse of the Sword,’ which encourages all-out war against believers,” the authors argued. “Instead they appear to invoke specific verses of the Qur’an that support a promise of deliverance.”
The report further explains:
“[Deliverance story form] is a literary structure in which ‘the community, people, or nation of the protagonist struggles in a precarious existence and must be delivered from those conditions.’ David and Goliath is a deliverance story that is probably familiar to most readers. …
“We find that, rather than encouraging a culture of naked aggression, Islamist extremists utilize direct citations from the Qur’an to provide solace for the suffering and to legitimize certain actions (particularly terrorism) in response to Muslim grievances. As the aforementioned prominence of 9:14 indicates, extremist communication emphasizes the need to rectify a sense of dishonor, shame, and suffering at the hands of threateners (i.e. nonbelievers).”
Finally, the researchers recommend the following actions:
Study co-author Steve Corman told ASU News that America must be realistic about Islamists’ arguments when trying to counter their influence attempts.
“If we try to portray them as evil conquerors when their audience sees them as protectors and champions, it damages our credibility and makes our communication less effective,” he said.
Lead author Jeff Halverson said, “These findings challenge the idea of a clash of civilizations. What extremists are really saying to Muslims is, ‘our communities are under siege and God will defend us if we have faith and courage.’”
A taxpayer-funded study released this week declares that Muslim terrorists are generally misunderstood, don’t want to force their religion on the world and only kill people to protect themselves from victimization by enemies of Islam.
A 14-page document, titled, “How Islamist Extremists Quote the Quran,” explains the study’s analysis of 2,000 instances of propaganda from al-Qaida and other Islamic extremist groups from 1998 to 2011:
We conclude that verses extremists cite from the Qur’an do not suggest an offensive foe seeking domination and conquest of unbelievers, as is commonly assumed. Instead they deal with themes of victimization, dishonor, and retribution. …
Based on this analysis we recommend that the West abandon claims that Islamist extremists seek world domination, focus on counteracting or addressing claims of victimage, emphasize alternative means of deliverance, and work to undermine “champion” image sought by extremists.
Arizona State University’s Center for Strategic Communication conducted the study, which was funded by a grant from the Department of Defense’s Office of Naval Research.
“The highly regarded academics operate a special center dedicated to studying the role of communication in combating terrorism, promoting national security and successfully engaging in public diplomacy worldwide,” explained Judicial Watch, the public interest organization that investigates government corruption and fights to bring to justice those involved. “To fulfill this mission, the center gets big bucks from the U.S. government.”
According to Judicial Watch, the same group received a $6.1 million grant from the Department of Defense for a neurophysiological study involving narrative comprehension and persuasion. However, this assignment is a six-year, $4.5 million study on Islamist extremists’ use of narrative to influence contested populations in the Middle East, Southwest Asia, North Africa and Europe.
The latest report notes: “The verses frequently utilized by extremists” focus on themes such as “enduring hardships and the importance of fighting against the unjust unbelievers who oppress men, women and children.”
One example of an extremist statement included in the report is the following:
America knows only the language of force as the only way for putting a stop to it and making it take its hands off Muslims and their causes. America does not know the language of dialogue, or that of peaceful coexistence, appeals, or denunciation and condemnation! Only blood deters America. “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. Help you to (victory) over them, heal the breasts of believers.” [9:14]
The authors called the example “a deliverance story form.”
“Extremists do not favor the ‘Verse of the Sword,’ which encourages all-out war against believers,” the authors argued. “Instead they appear to invoke specific verses of the Qur’an that support a promise of deliverance.”
The report further explains:
“[Deliverance story form] is a literary structure in which ‘the community, people, or nation of the protagonist struggles in a precarious existence and must be delivered from those conditions.’ David and Goliath is a deliverance story that is probably familiar to most readers. …
“We find that, rather than encouraging a culture of naked aggression, Islamist extremists utilize direct citations from the Qur’an to provide solace for the suffering and to legitimize certain actions (particularly terrorism) in response to Muslim grievances. As the aforementioned prominence of 9:14 indicates, extremist communication emphasizes the need to rectify a sense of dishonor, shame, and suffering at the hands of threateners (i.e. nonbelievers).”
Finally, the researchers recommend the following actions:
- “Abandon claims that Islamist extremists seek world domination. … Continued claims to the contrary, by both official and unofficial sources, only play into a ‘clash of civilizations’ narrative that benefits the extremist cause. These claims also undermine the credibility of the Western voices, because the audience knows that extremist arguments are really about victimage and deliverance.”
- “Focus on counteracting or addressing claims of victimage. [O]ne means of counteracting them is to address claims of victimage. Of course, where these claims are true, they should be acknowledged and addressed. Otherwise, when claims of harm are demonstrably false, they can possibly be disputed factually. However, there are limits to this strategy. Attempted corrections can simply reproduce and strengthen the frame of the original argument.”
- “Emphasize alternative means of deliverance. Another strategy is to direct attention to existing grievances and promote alternative means for resolving them. Even if one accepts that Muslims are in need of deliverance, it does not follow that violence is the preferred means of achieving it. …”
- “Work to undermine the ‘champion’ image sought by extremists. … Extremists use a deliverance narrative to position themselves as the champion that can deliver the community from evil. However … extremists do little that is champion-like. They have not unseated any apostate rulers, and their victims are overwhelmingly likely to be Muslims. … So there is an argument to be made that even if one believes that violent action is required to deliver Muslims, Islamist extremists are not competent to occupy the role of champion.”
Study co-author Steve Corman told ASU News that America must be realistic about Islamists’ arguments when trying to counter their influence attempts.
“If we try to portray them as evil conquerors when their audience sees them as protectors and champions, it damages our credibility and makes our communication less effective,” he said.
Lead author Jeff Halverson said, “These findings challenge the idea of a clash of civilizations. What extremists are really saying to Muslims is, ‘our communities are under siege and God will defend us if we have faith and courage.’”
Ralph Lauren Olympic Uniforms Pictures 2012
Omg how ugly..they are a cross between the 'New Black Panthers' and the 'French Foreign Legion' uniforms...made in China... no doubt will fall apart half way thru the Olympics like all the other junk China makes!

Basically the US Congress found USAG Holder guilty of Obstruction of Justice during the Impeachment hearings...therefore failure by the US Department of Justice to prosecute criminally or take to a Grand Jury places them next in line for Impeachment hearings, working down the line until one US Attorney takes his oath of office seriously and initiates a prosecution...
Also the Impeachment of Eric Holder can go directly to the US Senate for prosecution under the direction of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court..either way Congress under the Speaker of the House John Boehner should take the steps necessary to see Justice prevails and that no official is above the law! The next up for Impeachment ~ Barack Obama et al his administration!

Obstruction of Justice Under Federal Law:
An Abbreviated Sketch
Charles Doyle
Senior Specialist
American Law Division
Although in a given case the same misconduct may be punishable under other
federal statutes — some like 18 U.S.C. 1001 equally broad and others like 18 U.S.C.
1516 more narrowly drawn, this report focuses on selected aspects of the general
obstruction of justice provisions found in 18 U.S.C. 1503, 1505, and 1512. It is
essentially a replica, without footnotes or citations, of CRS Report 98-832, Obstruction
of Justice Under Federal Law: A Review of Some of the Elements.
Section 1503 prohibits obstruction of pending federal judicial proceedings; section
1505 outlaws obstruction of pending administrative and Congressional proceedings; and
section 1512 bans witness tampering with the intent to obstruct federal judicial,
administrative, or Congressional proceedings.
Obstruction of Federal Courts (18 U.S.C. 1503)
Section 1503 condemns obstructing pending judicial proceedings under any of four
kinds of interference. Three explicitly address interfering with federal jurors or court
officials; the fourth, interference with the due administration of justice.
The courts often observe that to convict under this omnibus clause the government
must prove beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) that there was a pending judicial proceeding,
(2) that the defendant knew this proceeding was pending, and (3) that the defendant then
corruptly endeavored to influence, obstruct, or impede the due administration of justice.
There is little dispute over the demands of the first two elements. The Supreme
Court has maintained for over a century that a person is not sufficiently charged with
obstructing or impeding the due administration of justice in a court unless it appears that
he knew or had notice that justice was being administered in such court.
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress
Marking the outer boundaries of “corruptly endeavoring to influence, obstruct or
impede” has proven more challenging. Several circuits have held that to act “corruptly”
within the meaning of the omnibus clause requires that the defendant have acted with the
intent to influence, obstruct, or impede the proceeding in question. The combination of
this somewhat relaxed standard coupled with the fact that an offender need only
“endeavor” to obstruct gives the clause a potential sweep that the courts have sought to
confine by requiring a demonstration of clear nexus between the obstructing conduct and
the target proceedings. The nexus requirement is alternatively and more regularly cast as
a requirement that the misconduct have the natural and probable effect of interfering with
the due administration of justice. There is no requirement, however, that the defendant’s
endeavors succeed or even that they were capable of succeeding (as long as the accused
was unaware of the futility of his efforts to obstruct).
The courts are at odds over whether the due administration of justice in section 1503
may be obstructed by corrupting a witness before a federal judicial proceeding. The
Second Circuit believes that when Congress enacted the more specific witness tampering
and witness retaliation provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1512 and 1513 it intended to remove those
crimes from the omnibus clause’s inventory of proscriptions. The other circuits, to the
extent they have addressed the issue, disagree.
The specific kinds of misconduct which under the appropriate circumstances may
provide the basis for a prosecution under the omnibus clause include:
- creation of false documents to be presented in evidence
- destruction of documentary evidence
- submission of a forged letter during a probation revocation hearing
- instructing a subordinate to conceal evidence
- a civil trial juror’s solicitation of a bribe
- pressuring bar owners to backdate video machine leases to conceal gambling
- encouraging grand jury witnesses to falsify records and commit perjury
- promising to bribe a trial judge (even absent an intent to offer the bribe)
- grand juror’s disclosing matters occurring before the grand jury
- backdating a contract to be submitted to the grand jury
- instructing others to alter records in anticipation of a grand jury subpoena
- informant’s providing defense attorney with a false statement that might be used
to impeach the informant’s contrary testimony at trial.
Obstruction of Congressional and Administrative Proceedings
(18 U.S.C. 1505)
Section 1505 outlaws interfering with Justice Department civil investigative
demands issued in antitrust cases, but deals primarily with obstructing Congressional and
federal administrative proceedings.
Prosecutions under section 1505 are relatively few, and most of these arise as
obstruction of administrative proceedings. The crime of obstruction of such proceedings
has three essential elements. First, there must be a proceeding pending before a department or agency of the United States. Second, the defendant must be aware of the
pending proceeding. Third, the defendant must have intentionally endeavored corruptly
to influence, obstruct or impede the pending proceeding.
Perhaps due to the breadth of judicial construction, the question of what constitutes
a pending proceeding has arisen most often. Taken as a whole, the cases suggest that a
“proceeding” describes virtually any manner in which an administrative agency proceeds
to do its business. The District of Columbia Circuit, for example, has held that an
investigation by the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development may
constitute a “proceeding” for purposes of section 1505. In doing so, it rejected the notion
that section 1505 applies only to adjudicatory or rule-making activities, and does not
apply to wholly investigatory activity. Furthermore, proximity to an agency’s
adjudicatory or rule-making activities, such as auditors working under the direction of an
officer with adjudicatory authority, has been used to support a claim that an obstructed
agency activity constitutes a proceeding. The courts seem to see comparable breadth in
the Congressional equivalent (obstructing the due and proper exercise of the power of
inquiry by Congress and its committees).
In the case of either administrative or Congressional proceedings, section 1505
condemns only that misconduct which is intended to obstruct the administrative
proceedings or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry. In order to overcome
judicially-identified uncertainty as to the intent required, Congress added a definition of
“corruptly” in 1996: “As used in section 1505, the term `corruptly’ means acting with an
improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or
misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or
other information,” 18 U.S.C. 1515(b).
Examples of the type of conduct that has been found obstructive include:
- enlisting others to lie to AID Inspector General’s Office investigators
- using threats to avoid an interview with IRS officials
- making false statements to a Defense Department auditor
- lying to Customs Service officials and inspectors
- endeavoring to use family relationship to obstruct Congressional committee
- submitting false documentation in response to an IRS subpoena
- instructing a subordinate to destroy records sought under a DOE subpoena
- “blatant evasiveness and feigned forgetfulness” of a witness during testimony
before an SEC investigative hearing.
Witness Tampering (18 U.S.C. 1512)
Section 1512 forbids murdering (18 U.S.C. 1512(a)), harassing (18 U.S.C. 1512(c)),
or otherwise tampering (18 U.S.C. 1512(b)) with federal witnesses in order to prevent
them from reporting misconduct to federal authorities, appearing as witnesses in federal
proceedings, or producing evidence at federal proceedings. Although the murder and
harassment subsections are not insignificant, the heart of the section is the omnibus
subsection, subsection 1512(b). It outlaws (1) knowingly, (2) using one of the prohibited
forms of persuasion, (3) with the intent to prevent a witness’s testimony or physical evidence from being presented at official federal proceedings or with the intent to prevent
a witness from reporting evidence of a crime to federal authorities.
Obstruction under section 1503 can only be committed during the pendency of
federal proceedings. Congress expressly disclaimed any intention to impose a similar
requirement for obstruction prosecutions under section 1512. Consequently, conviction
under section 1512 does not require the government to show that the defendant was aware
of any pending or contemplated federal proceedings or investigations. Congress likewise
eliminated any requirement that the government prove that the defendant knew of the
federal character of the proceedings or investigations he intended to obstruct. In a case
charging that the defendant acted with the intent to obstruct the reporting of a federal
crime to federal authorities, the government need not show that the accused knew the
crime was federal or knew that the authorities were federal authorities, but the
government must still prove the existence of the federal nexus in fact. As a practical
matter, evidence that establishes the requisite intent will ordinarily prove guilty
knowledge as well.
Corrupt persuasion seems to be both the most commonly charged and the most
perplexing of the means used in violation of section 1512 to obstruct federal proceedings
and criminal investigations. There is no consensus among the circuits as to its exact
demands. The Second and Eleventh Circuits have held the element requires no more than
that the government prove that the defendant’s attempts to persuade were motivated by
an improper purpose. The Third Circuit appears to have adopted an “improper purpose
plus” standard, having suggested that under the facts of a given case an accused who —
with the improper intent to obstruct — attempted to persuade a witness to testify falsely
would be guilty of a violation of “corruptly persuading” The District of Columbia Circuit
seems to be similarly inclined, for when it addressed a Poindexter-based, vagueness
challenge it found the element satisfied by evidence that the defendant had attempted to
persuade a witness to violate her legal duty to testify truthfully in court.
When the defendant’s misconduct takes the form of deceiving a potential witness
with the intent the witness later repeat the deception either at federal proceedings or to
federal authorities, the government need prove neither that the potential witness was in
fact deceived nor that there was any particular likelihood that the potential witness would
in fact ever be called upon to testify or report.
Conviction under the omnibus provisions of 1512(b) can only follow upon evidence
proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant intended by his prohibited
misconduct to obstruct a proceeding or the reporting of a crime that was in fact federal.
The federal proceedings protected by obstruction under section 1512 are defined broadly
by statute to cover executive, judicial and legislative branch proceedings. Just as the
statute does not insist upon pending proceedings, so it is complete upon the commission
of the prohibited misconduct committed with qualifying intent.
The defendant’s guilty motive need not be exclusive; the demands of subsection
1512(b) are satisfied as long as the misconduct of the accused was motivated at least in
part by a qualifying intent to obstruct.
Also the Impeachment of Eric Holder can go directly to the US Senate for prosecution under the direction of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court..either way Congress under the Speaker of the House John Boehner should take the steps necessary to see Justice prevails and that no official is above the law! The next up for Impeachment ~ Barack Obama et al his administration!
CRS Report for CongressObstruction of Justice Under Federal Law:
An Abbreviated Sketch
Charles Doyle
Senior Specialist
American Law Division
Although in a given case the same misconduct may be punishable under other
federal statutes — some like 18 U.S.C. 1001 equally broad and others like 18 U.S.C.
1516 more narrowly drawn, this report focuses on selected aspects of the general
obstruction of justice provisions found in 18 U.S.C. 1503, 1505, and 1512. It is
essentially a replica, without footnotes or citations, of CRS Report 98-832, Obstruction
of Justice Under Federal Law: A Review of Some of the Elements.
Section 1503 prohibits obstruction of pending federal judicial proceedings; section
1505 outlaws obstruction of pending administrative and Congressional proceedings; and
section 1512 bans witness tampering with the intent to obstruct federal judicial,
administrative, or Congressional proceedings.
Obstruction of Federal Courts (18 U.S.C. 1503)
Section 1503 condemns obstructing pending judicial proceedings under any of four
kinds of interference. Three explicitly address interfering with federal jurors or court
officials; the fourth, interference with the due administration of justice.
The courts often observe that to convict under this omnibus clause the government
must prove beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) that there was a pending judicial proceeding,
(2) that the defendant knew this proceeding was pending, and (3) that the defendant then
corruptly endeavored to influence, obstruct, or impede the due administration of justice.
There is little dispute over the demands of the first two elements. The Supreme
Court has maintained for over a century that a person is not sufficiently charged with
obstructing or impeding the due administration of justice in a court unless it appears that
he knew or had notice that justice was being administered in such court.
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress
Marking the outer boundaries of “corruptly endeavoring to influence, obstruct or
impede” has proven more challenging. Several circuits have held that to act “corruptly”
within the meaning of the omnibus clause requires that the defendant have acted with the
intent to influence, obstruct, or impede the proceeding in question. The combination of
this somewhat relaxed standard coupled with the fact that an offender need only
“endeavor” to obstruct gives the clause a potential sweep that the courts have sought to
confine by requiring a demonstration of clear nexus between the obstructing conduct and
the target proceedings. The nexus requirement is alternatively and more regularly cast as
a requirement that the misconduct have the natural and probable effect of interfering with
the due administration of justice. There is no requirement, however, that the defendant’s
endeavors succeed or even that they were capable of succeeding (as long as the accused
was unaware of the futility of his efforts to obstruct).
The courts are at odds over whether the due administration of justice in section 1503
may be obstructed by corrupting a witness before a federal judicial proceeding. The
Second Circuit believes that when Congress enacted the more specific witness tampering
and witness retaliation provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1512 and 1513 it intended to remove those
crimes from the omnibus clause’s inventory of proscriptions. The other circuits, to the
extent they have addressed the issue, disagree.
The specific kinds of misconduct which under the appropriate circumstances may
provide the basis for a prosecution under the omnibus clause include:
- creation of false documents to be presented in evidence
- destruction of documentary evidence
- submission of a forged letter during a probation revocation hearing
- instructing a subordinate to conceal evidence
- a civil trial juror’s solicitation of a bribe
- pressuring bar owners to backdate video machine leases to conceal gambling
- encouraging grand jury witnesses to falsify records and commit perjury
- promising to bribe a trial judge (even absent an intent to offer the bribe)
- grand juror’s disclosing matters occurring before the grand jury
- backdating a contract to be submitted to the grand jury
- instructing others to alter records in anticipation of a grand jury subpoena
- informant’s providing defense attorney with a false statement that might be used
to impeach the informant’s contrary testimony at trial.
Obstruction of Congressional and Administrative Proceedings
(18 U.S.C. 1505)
Section 1505 outlaws interfering with Justice Department civil investigative
demands issued in antitrust cases, but deals primarily with obstructing Congressional and
federal administrative proceedings.
Prosecutions under section 1505 are relatively few, and most of these arise as
obstruction of administrative proceedings. The crime of obstruction of such proceedings
has three essential elements. First, there must be a proceeding pending before a department or agency of the United States. Second, the defendant must be aware of the
pending proceeding. Third, the defendant must have intentionally endeavored corruptly
to influence, obstruct or impede the pending proceeding.
Perhaps due to the breadth of judicial construction, the question of what constitutes
a pending proceeding has arisen most often. Taken as a whole, the cases suggest that a
“proceeding” describes virtually any manner in which an administrative agency proceeds
to do its business. The District of Columbia Circuit, for example, has held that an
investigation by the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development may
constitute a “proceeding” for purposes of section 1505. In doing so, it rejected the notion
that section 1505 applies only to adjudicatory or rule-making activities, and does not
apply to wholly investigatory activity. Furthermore, proximity to an agency’s
adjudicatory or rule-making activities, such as auditors working under the direction of an
officer with adjudicatory authority, has been used to support a claim that an obstructed
agency activity constitutes a proceeding. The courts seem to see comparable breadth in
the Congressional equivalent (obstructing the due and proper exercise of the power of
inquiry by Congress and its committees).
In the case of either administrative or Congressional proceedings, section 1505
condemns only that misconduct which is intended to obstruct the administrative
proceedings or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry. In order to overcome
judicially-identified uncertainty as to the intent required, Congress added a definition of
“corruptly” in 1996: “As used in section 1505, the term `corruptly’ means acting with an
improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or
misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or
other information,” 18 U.S.C. 1515(b).
Examples of the type of conduct that has been found obstructive include:
- enlisting others to lie to AID Inspector General’s Office investigators
- using threats to avoid an interview with IRS officials
- making false statements to a Defense Department auditor
- lying to Customs Service officials and inspectors
- endeavoring to use family relationship to obstruct Congressional committee
- submitting false documentation in response to an IRS subpoena
- instructing a subordinate to destroy records sought under a DOE subpoena
- “blatant evasiveness and feigned forgetfulness” of a witness during testimony
before an SEC investigative hearing.
Witness Tampering (18 U.S.C. 1512)
Section 1512 forbids murdering (18 U.S.C. 1512(a)), harassing (18 U.S.C. 1512(c)),
or otherwise tampering (18 U.S.C. 1512(b)) with federal witnesses in order to prevent
them from reporting misconduct to federal authorities, appearing as witnesses in federal
proceedings, or producing evidence at federal proceedings. Although the murder and
harassment subsections are not insignificant, the heart of the section is the omnibus
subsection, subsection 1512(b). It outlaws (1) knowingly, (2) using one of the prohibited
forms of persuasion, (3) with the intent to prevent a witness’s testimony or physical evidence from being presented at official federal proceedings or with the intent to prevent
a witness from reporting evidence of a crime to federal authorities.
Obstruction under section 1503 can only be committed during the pendency of
federal proceedings. Congress expressly disclaimed any intention to impose a similar
requirement for obstruction prosecutions under section 1512. Consequently, conviction
under section 1512 does not require the government to show that the defendant was aware
of any pending or contemplated federal proceedings or investigations. Congress likewise
eliminated any requirement that the government prove that the defendant knew of the
federal character of the proceedings or investigations he intended to obstruct. In a case
charging that the defendant acted with the intent to obstruct the reporting of a federal
crime to federal authorities, the government need not show that the accused knew the
crime was federal or knew that the authorities were federal authorities, but the
government must still prove the existence of the federal nexus in fact. As a practical
matter, evidence that establishes the requisite intent will ordinarily prove guilty
knowledge as well.
Corrupt persuasion seems to be both the most commonly charged and the most
perplexing of the means used in violation of section 1512 to obstruct federal proceedings
and criminal investigations. There is no consensus among the circuits as to its exact
demands. The Second and Eleventh Circuits have held the element requires no more than
that the government prove that the defendant’s attempts to persuade were motivated by
an improper purpose. The Third Circuit appears to have adopted an “improper purpose
plus” standard, having suggested that under the facts of a given case an accused who —
with the improper intent to obstruct — attempted to persuade a witness to testify falsely
would be guilty of a violation of “corruptly persuading” The District of Columbia Circuit
seems to be similarly inclined, for when it addressed a Poindexter-based, vagueness
challenge it found the element satisfied by evidence that the defendant had attempted to
persuade a witness to violate her legal duty to testify truthfully in court.
When the defendant’s misconduct takes the form of deceiving a potential witness
with the intent the witness later repeat the deception either at federal proceedings or to
federal authorities, the government need prove neither that the potential witness was in
fact deceived nor that there was any particular likelihood that the potential witness would
in fact ever be called upon to testify or report.
Conviction under the omnibus provisions of 1512(b) can only follow upon evidence
proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant intended by his prohibited
misconduct to obstruct a proceeding or the reporting of a crime that was in fact federal.
The federal proceedings protected by obstruction under section 1512 are defined broadly
by statute to cover executive, judicial and legislative branch proceedings. Just as the
statute does not insist upon pending proceedings, so it is complete upon the commission
of the prohibited misconduct committed with qualifying intent.
The defendant’s guilty motive need not be exclusive; the demands of subsection
1512(b) are satisfied as long as the misconduct of the accused was motivated at least in
part by a qualifying intent to obstruct.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
A House Resolution Condemning Socialism as Anti-American
Below is a proposed House Resolution condemning Socialism as
anti-American. Please take action and tweet, email, FB Share, etc. this with
your Representative (or a staunch anti-socialist Representative such as Allen
West, et al).
There is a movement underway, started by an article in the New York Times, to whitewash and sanitize Socialism as a harmless boogeyman. This
cannot stand.
We must find sponsors for this Resolution or one like it. Let
those who dare oppose it for all to see and hear stand and be counted. If you
see the reason in this, please help get this out. If you think it can’t be
done, read no further and put your head back in the sand.
Condemning Socialism as anti-American.
Whereas The Declaration of Independence (the “Declaration”) embodies
the essence of “Americanism”;
Whereas the tenets of Socialism, in the works of Karl Marx, et al, are the antithesis of the ideals
set forth in the Declaration;
Whereas The Declaration recognizes the sanctity of the
individual and individual rights, stating: “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness”;
Whereas Socialism mandates the sacrifice of the individual’s
life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to the State, to the collective;
Whereas under the Socialist ideal, the State Collective is the
despotic arbiter of the needs of each individual, seized and redistributed from
each individual according to the State determined ability of the individuals in
its collective;
Whereas the Declaration states that “to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed”;
Whereas Socialism runs anathema to the Declaration, holding
that men’s rights are dictated at and by the whim of the Government collective;
Whereas the Declaration precludes Socialism, which would create
a “Form of Government [which would become] destructive of [the] ends” set forth
in the Declaration, triggering the “Right of the People to alter or to abolish”
such a Socialist regime;
Whereas in the history of Socialist governments is “a history
of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny”;
Whereas Socialists programs, such as “Agenda 21” and the” Law
of the Sea Treaty,” would require our sovereign Nation to combine “with others
to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged
by our laws; giving [] Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation”;
Whereas the Socialist initiatives would take “away our
Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and alter[] fundamentally the
Form[] of our Government”;
Whereas Socialism is anathema to the American ideal of
Federalism, that the States “are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent
States”: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That Socialism in any form is condemned
as being anti-American, running counter to the American ideals set forth in Our
Declaration of Independence.
Posted 1 week ago by RedInNewYork
Lucie at Lunch UVT #Somewhere on
hmmm...that could be a fullfilling el lunche' ..thats fer sure~ nom~nom mighty tasty...:)
Romney Camp: Let's Face It, Obama's a Shameless Liar
by: Guy Benson
The Obama campaign's dishonest attack ads portraying Mitt Romney as a "corporate raider" and a "pioneer" of shipping American jobs overseas have been debunked by multiple independent fact checkers. WaPo called the first such spot "misleading, unfair and untrue," and found "no evidence" to support Obama's allegations. Undeterred by facts and unconstrained by truth, Chicago has produced a second ad on the very same subject, repeating the very same discredited claims. An NBC News affiliate in Florida examined the new spot and reached the same conclusion as the other truth-seeking entities: The ad is "false."
How do you respond when your opponent demonstrates no compunction about lying to the public repeatedly, even after being presented with compelling evidence by impartial third parties? You call him a liar, amplify the truth, and punch back. That's what Republicans are doing today. BuzzFeed reports that the Romney campaign, livid over Obama's serial prevarications, is planning to let loose its surrogates to employ the L-word against the president in a series of media interviews:
On the truth amplification front, expect to see more ads like the "shame on you!" spot we highlighted last week (which, incidentally, also accused Obama of "lies"). I'd also like to see more forceful and high-profile clarifications of Romney's actual record, correcting mischaracterizations of both his Massachusetts governorship and his "superb" (Steve Rattner) and "sterling" (Bill Clinton) stewardship of Bain Capital. But ultimately, the old political adage applies: If you're explaining, you're losing -- which is why the counter-assault is critical. Today the RNC is rolling out, a website that tracks the billions in taxpayer money that Obama's failed stimulus has channeled to foreign companies and interests, both directly and indirectly. A brief appetite whetter:
read more:
The Obama campaign's dishonest attack ads portraying Mitt Romney as a "corporate raider" and a "pioneer" of shipping American jobs overseas have been debunked by multiple independent fact checkers. WaPo called the first such spot "misleading, unfair and untrue," and found "no evidence" to support Obama's allegations. Undeterred by facts and unconstrained by truth, Chicago has produced a second ad on the very same subject, repeating the very same discredited claims. An NBC News affiliate in Florida examined the new spot and reached the same conclusion as the other truth-seeking entities: The ad is "false."
How do you respond when your opponent demonstrates no compunction about lying to the public repeatedly, even after being presented with compelling evidence by impartial third parties? You call him a liar, amplify the truth, and punch back. That's what Republicans are doing today. BuzzFeed reports that the Romney campaign, livid over Obama's serial prevarications, is planning to let loose its surrogates to employ the L-word against the president in a series of media interviews:
On the truth amplification front, expect to see more ads like the "shame on you!" spot we highlighted last week (which, incidentally, also accused Obama of "lies"). I'd also like to see more forceful and high-profile clarifications of Romney's actual record, correcting mischaracterizations of both his Massachusetts governorship and his "superb" (Steve Rattner) and "sterling" (Bill Clinton) stewardship of Bain Capital. But ultimately, the old political adage applies: If you're explaining, you're losing -- which is why the counter-assault is critical. Today the RNC is rolling out, a website that tracks the billions in taxpayer money that Obama's failed stimulus has channeled to foreign companies and interests, both directly and indirectly. A brief appetite whetter:
read more:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Army of Iran sadists poised for U.S. invasion
by Reza Kahlili
Iran has expanded its terror network and now has tens of thousands of agents in Latin America, according to a former Iranian official who has witnessed the regime’s crimes against humanity inside Iran and has knowledge of its terror network targeting the West.
In interviews with the opposition outside Iran, the official revealed that more than 40,000 of the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces successfully have been placed over time in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela.
These forces consist mostly of former interrogators, torturers and security forces along with the members of the Quds Forces.
Many of them, according to the source, are other nationalities, such as Afghans, Lebanese, Iraqis and Somalis.
Hassan Rahim Pour Azghodi, a member of The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in Iran and a noted ideologist and theorist of the Islamic regime who visited Ecuador, Venezuela and several other Latin American countries last year, is a former interrogator and a torturer who is now a close adviser of Ghassem Soliemani, the chief commander of the Quds Forces, the source said.
Azghodi, in a lecture last September aired on Iranian state-owned television, stated, “We must get ready for global operation. … Our fellow fighters are present in all five continents of the world. … An international jihad must be provoked; we must fear no one.”
According to the source, many of these forces have flown directly from Tehran to Caracas, Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chavez, is an ally of Tehran. Many also have been placed in Bolivia. Their duties are to expand the regime’s ideology, gather intelligence and be ready for operations against the West.
Read the warning about what Iran wants, and who in the United States is helping, in “Atomic Iran.”
“We have Imam Ali Mosques in Bolivia, in Venezuela Imam Ali centers, as well as in Brazil and other countries of the region,” the source said. “Many of the forces are a front involved in projects to help the host country such as building homes, roads and others. These forces always get together and share information in the mosques.”
As reported in May through a source who served in Iranian intelligence and had recently defected to a country in Europe, the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence division runs operations out of mosques.
Those operations include recruitment, reconnaissance and transfer of arms and cash.
This source also verified then that all Imam Ali Mosques are controlled by regime intelligence operatives and that the cells are well placed in Europe and America for terrorist acts.
“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela. Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America,” the former official said. “They have forces in Guatemala but mostly for training on torture methods – though not modern but very effective – as Guatemala is one of the best in the world and training for torture is one of its resources for income.”
Many of the forces are also trained in Iran for suicide bombings. They are brainwashed and go through a ritual in which they are naked but for their shorts and are washed on a stone where verses of the Quran are read to them. Then they are taken to the supreme leader for final approval.
According to the source, members also include Palestinians and Iraqis, and many were behind suicide bombings against American forces in Iraq. Should war break out, these forces are to conduct terrorist acts in Europe and America.
The source warned that the regime is active in recruiting and training for terrorist activities and assassinations of the opposition in Canada and America. Recently, Hamid Mohammadi, the Iranian cultural affairs counselor at the Islamic regime’s embassy in Ottawa, in an interview with an Iran-based website, urged those loyal to the regime to be ready to advance the Islamic regime’s interests.
The source, also revealing atrocities inside Iran, said that as a reward, the Islamic regime’s judicial officials offered virgin girls to the torturers to rape, calling it permissible in the Quran. Virgins will end up in heaven even if they have sinned, according to the Quran, so they wanted to deny them this entry.
Thousands of girls, some as young as 13, were rounded up and taken to prisons, at times in secret locations, and raped before execution. The interrogators and torturers were even rewarded for cruelty and the number of executions conducted, the source said.
The former Guards’ intelligence officer also verified that rape of girls and women in prisons across Iran is routine and mass executions and burials still occur for those who dare to challenge the regime. At times the families never know what happened to their loved ones.
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award-winning book, A Time to Betray. He is a senior Fellow with EMPact America, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).
Iran has expanded its terror network and now has tens of thousands of agents in Latin America, according to a former Iranian official who has witnessed the regime’s crimes against humanity inside Iran and has knowledge of its terror network targeting the West.
In interviews with the opposition outside Iran, the official revealed that more than 40,000 of the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces successfully have been placed over time in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela.
These forces consist mostly of former interrogators, torturers and security forces along with the members of the Quds Forces.
Many of them, according to the source, are other nationalities, such as Afghans, Lebanese, Iraqis and Somalis.
Hassan Rahim Pour Azghodi, a member of The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in Iran and a noted ideologist and theorist of the Islamic regime who visited Ecuador, Venezuela and several other Latin American countries last year, is a former interrogator and a torturer who is now a close adviser of Ghassem Soliemani, the chief commander of the Quds Forces, the source said.
Azghodi, in a lecture last September aired on Iranian state-owned television, stated, “We must get ready for global operation. … Our fellow fighters are present in all five continents of the world. … An international jihad must be provoked; we must fear no one.”
According to the source, many of these forces have flown directly from Tehran to Caracas, Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chavez, is an ally of Tehran. Many also have been placed in Bolivia. Their duties are to expand the regime’s ideology, gather intelligence and be ready for operations against the West.
Read the warning about what Iran wants, and who in the United States is helping, in “Atomic Iran.”
“We have Imam Ali Mosques in Bolivia, in Venezuela Imam Ali centers, as well as in Brazil and other countries of the region,” the source said. “Many of the forces are a front involved in projects to help the host country such as building homes, roads and others. These forces always get together and share information in the mosques.”
As reported in May through a source who served in Iranian intelligence and had recently defected to a country in Europe, the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence division runs operations out of mosques.
Those operations include recruitment, reconnaissance and transfer of arms and cash.
This source also verified then that all Imam Ali Mosques are controlled by regime intelligence operatives and that the cells are well placed in Europe and America for terrorist acts.
“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela. Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America,” the former official said. “They have forces in Guatemala but mostly for training on torture methods – though not modern but very effective – as Guatemala is one of the best in the world and training for torture is one of its resources for income.”
Many of the forces are also trained in Iran for suicide bombings. They are brainwashed and go through a ritual in which they are naked but for their shorts and are washed on a stone where verses of the Quran are read to them. Then they are taken to the supreme leader for final approval.
According to the source, members also include Palestinians and Iraqis, and many were behind suicide bombings against American forces in Iraq. Should war break out, these forces are to conduct terrorist acts in Europe and America.
The source warned that the regime is active in recruiting and training for terrorist activities and assassinations of the opposition in Canada and America. Recently, Hamid Mohammadi, the Iranian cultural affairs counselor at the Islamic regime’s embassy in Ottawa, in an interview with an Iran-based website, urged those loyal to the regime to be ready to advance the Islamic regime’s interests.
The source, also revealing atrocities inside Iran, said that as a reward, the Islamic regime’s judicial officials offered virgin girls to the torturers to rape, calling it permissible in the Quran. Virgins will end up in heaven even if they have sinned, according to the Quran, so they wanted to deny them this entry.
Thousands of girls, some as young as 13, were rounded up and taken to prisons, at times in secret locations, and raped before execution. The interrogators and torturers were even rewarded for cruelty and the number of executions conducted, the source said.
The former Guards’ intelligence officer also verified that rape of girls and women in prisons across Iran is routine and mass executions and burials still occur for those who dare to challenge the regime. At times the families never know what happened to their loved ones.
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award-winning book, A Time to Betray. He is a senior Fellow with EMPact America, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).
Muslim Brotherhood Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin
According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not"
This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin
al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa
641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities
were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics
argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of
Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting
the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.
However, while book-burning was an easy activity in the 7th century,
destroying the mountain-like pyramids and their guardian Sphinx was
not—even if Egypt’s Medieval Mamluk rulers “de-nosed” the latter during target practice (though popular legend still attributes it to a Westerner, Napoleon). More
'Firmly Committed' ~> Obama Reportedly Invites Egypt's Islamist President to the United States
'Firmly Committed' ~> Obama Reportedly Invites Egypt's Islamist President to the United States
muslim brotherhood,
Obama’s Brother To Make Debut In Anti-Obama Documentary
By Breaking News
Barack Obama’s half-brother, George Obama,
is about to make his film debut, and in a feature-length documentary
that is critical of the president, no less.
In the movie, 2016: Obama’s America, based
on Dinesh D’Souza’s best-selling book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, D’Souza
refers to a news report four years ago about George Obama living in a
hut in Nairobi, Kenya, “like something out of Slumdog Millionaire.” He’s
intrigued, so he tracks him down.
In the film clip embedded above, D’Souza
and George Obama are seen chatting on what appears to be a park bench,
and D’Souza seems most curious to know why the half-brother of the most
powerful man on the planet lives in poverty and without any financial
help from President Obama.
“I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”
D’Souza presses him by using the Biblical admonition – one that the president has also cited — that Americans ought to be “our brother’s keeper,” and George Obama shrugs off that insinuation, as well.
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