I thought liberals were supposed to be the tolerant and loving ones?
Here’s the man that tried attacking Donald Trump at an appearance that
he made in Dayton, Ohio.
Hours after Donald Trump canceled a Friday night rally in
Chicago, citing safety concerns as hundreds of vocal protestors filled
the crowd, he appeared before a crowd in Dayton, Ohio, to condemn the
“planned attack” in Illinois, Reuters reports – even as a man at the
Dayton event allegedly moved toward the stage, sending Secret Service
agents to surround Trump.
Identified as Thomas Dimassimo, he was charged with
disorderly conduct and inducing panic, Dayton Airport Police Chief Mike
Etter told NBC News. Dayton Airport Police did not immediately respond
to PEOPLE’s request for a comment.
Read more: Free Republic
A student of Wright University in Dayton Ohio, Tom
Dimassimo is a progressive leftist thug who has participated in various
protests including flag burning
By his own admissions DiMassimo is self-identified as an activist with Black Lives Matter, and various left-wing social justice groups. In addition he’s a Bernie Sanders supporter.
However, shocking new video has now surfaced of Tommy DiMassimo also
participating in ISIS propaganda videos, and possibly being a part of
their anti-U.S. agenda. This videowas
uploaded in May 2015. You can see DiMassimo is the principal subject
within the video which begins with him dragging a flag and talking to
the camera operator:
22-year-old activist Tommy DiMassimo goes under “@younglionking7”
for a twitter handle. His appearance changes quite dramatically with
the beard grown out, or less notable. Scrolling through his social
media feed it appears he was planning on something like this for more
than a few weeks.
When was the last time that you saw this happen to Hillary or Bernie at
one of their rallies? If it was the other way around, there would be
endless news coverage from the mainstream media.
Donald Trump addressed crowds in Ohio
Saturday to condemn last night’s bloody scenes as ‘disgusting’, saying
it would have been a ‘tremendous rally’ but descended into violence
because of what he called a ‘planned attack’ by ‘professional wiseguys’.
But his speech was disturbed after one
crowd member tried to rush the stage and threw an object -it is unclear
what – causing four Secret Service personnel to quickly leap to the
stage in his aid.
The Republican candidate looked visibly rattled as the offending person was escorted out.
Trump did not explain what had happened,
but said: ‘Thank you for the warning. I was ready for ’em, but it’s much
better if the cops do it, don’t we agree?’
The man, who has been named as Thomas
Dimassimo, 32, of Fairborn, is now being held at the Montgomery County
Jail and is due to face assault charges.
In his first official address since last
night’s Chicago rally, which what into melt down after bloody brawls and
loud demonstrations broke out amid racial tensions, he went on to
defend his ‘nice’ supporters and blamed Obama for ‘dividing the
As the dust settled in Chicago, hundreds
gathered in Wright Brothers Aero Hangar near Dayton, many of whom had
queued since midnight last night and packed out the venue to full
the land known as Bears Ears — named for twin buttes that jut out over
the horizon — has become something else altogether: a battleground in
the fight over how much power Washington exerts over federally
controlled Western landscapes.
But this is Utah, where
lawmakers are so angry with federal land policies that in 2012 they
passed a law demanding that Washington hand over 31 million acres
managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service to the
And St Patricks Day Parade Personally I do the beer...and festivities...but know way do I do da balls..it's a guy thingee *yikes*! However after being prepared they do look tasty: Ha I will still take a pass...!
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[A 12-year-old girl in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq.]
Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic
State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was
not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than
Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned
and encouraged it, he insisted.
He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.
When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.
Iraq — Locked inside a room where the only furniture was a bed, the
16-year-old learned to fear the sunset, because nightfall started the
countdown to her next rape.
During the year she was held by the Islamic State, she spent her days dreading the smell of the ISIS
fighter’s breath, the disgusting sounds he made and the pain he
inflicted on her body. More than anything, she was tormented by the
thought she might become pregnant with her rapist’s child.
It was the one thing she needn’t have worried about.
after buying her, the fighter brought the teenage girl a round box
containing four strips of pills, one of them colored red.
day, I had to swallow one in front of him. He gave me one box per
month. When I ran out, he replaced it. When I was sold from one man to
another, the box of pills came with me,” explained the girl, who learned
only months later that she was being given birth control.
is a particularly modern solution to a medieval injunction: According
to an obscure ruling in Islamic law cited by the Islamic State, a man
must ensure that the woman he enslaves is free of child before having
intercourse with her.
Islamic State leaders have made sexual slavery as they believe it was practiced during the Prophet Muhammad’s time integral to the group’s operations, preying on the women and girls
the group captured from the Yazidi religious minority almost two years
ago. To keep the sex trade running, the fighters have aggressively
pushed birth control on their victims so they can continue the abuse
unabated while the women are passed among them.
than three dozen Yazidi women who recently escaped the Islamic State
and who agreed to be interviewed for this article described the numerous
methods the fighters used to avoid pregnancy, including oral and
injectable contraception, and sometimes both. In at least one case, a
woman was forced to have an abortion in order to make her available for
sex, and others were pressured to do so.
described how they knew they were about to be sold when they were
driven to a hospital to give a urine sample to be tested for the hCG
hormone, whose presence indicates pregnancy. They awaited their results
with apprehension: A positive test would mean they were carrying their
abuser’s child; a negative result would allow Islamic State fighters to
continue raping them.
rules have not been universally followed, with many women describing
being assaulted by men who were either ignorant of the injunction or
defiant of it. But over all, the methodical use of birth control during
at least some of the women’s captivity explains what doctors caring for
recent escapees observed: Of the more than 700 rape victims from the
Yazidi ethnic group who have sought treatment so far at a United
Nations-backed clinic in northern Iraq,
just 5 percent became pregnant during their enslavement, according to
Dr. Nagham Nawzat, the gynecologist carrying out the examinations.
is a stunningly low figure given that the normal fertility rate for a
young woman is between 20 percent and 25 percent in any given month,
four to five times the rate that has been recorded so far, said Dr.
Nezar Ismet Taib, who heads the Ministry of Health Directorate in Dohuk,
which oversees the clinic where the victims are being treated.
“We were expecting something much higher,” he said.
captured teenage girl, who agreed to be identified by her first
initial, M., has the demeanor of a child and wears her hair in a bouncy
ponytail. She was sold a total of seven times. When prospective buyers
came to inquire about her, she overheard them asking for assurances that
she was not pregnant, and her owner provided the box of birth control
as proof.
was not enough for the third man who bought her, she said. He quizzed
her on the date of her last menstrual cycle and, unnerved by what he
perceived as a delay, gave her a version of the so-called morning-after
pill, causing her to start bleeding.
Even then, he seemed unsatisfied.
he came into her room, closed the door and ordered her to lower her
pants. The teenager feared she was about to be raped. Instead he pulled
out a syringe and gave her a shot on her upper thigh. It was a
150-milligram dose of Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive, a box
of which she showed to a reporter.
“To make sure you don’t get pregnant,” she recalled him saying.
When he had finished, he pushed her back onto the bed and raped her for the first time.
Ensuring Availability
of women and girls from the Yazidi minority remain captives of the
Islamic State, after the jihadists overran their ancestral homeland on
Mount Sinjar on Aug. 3, 2014. In the months since then, hundreds have
managed to escape, returning to a community now living in tents in the
plains of the yellow massif, hours from their former homes.
Many of the women interviewed for this article were initially reached
through Yazidi community leaders, and gave their consent. All the
underage rape victims who agreed to speak were interviewed alongside
members of their family.
its official publications, the Islamic State has stated that it is
legal for a man to rape the women he enslaves under just about any
circumstance. Even sex with a child is permissible, according to a pamphlet published by the group. The injunction against raping a pregnant slave is functionally the only protection for the captured women.
Islamic State cites centuries-old rulings stating that the owner of a
female slave can have sex with her only after she has undergone istibra’
— “the process of ensuring that the womb is empty,” according to the
Princeton University professor Bernard Haykel, one of several experts on
Islamic law consulted on the topic. The purpose of this is to guarantee
there is no confusion over a child’s paternity.
of the Sunni scholars who ruled on the issue argued that the
requirement could be met by respecting a period of sexual abstinence
whenever the captive changes hands, proposing a duration of at least one
menstrual cycle, according to Brill’s Encyclopedia of Islam.
its own manual, the Islamic State outlines the abstinence method as one
option. But it also quotes the minority opinion of a Tunisian cleric
who in the 1100s argued that it was enough to fulfill merely the spirit
of the law. That opens the way for other means, including modern
medicine, to circumvent the waiting period.
M. said goodbye to her few
remaining relatives not killed or captured by the Islamic State, as she
and her brother prepared to leave for Germany.Credit
Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
total of 37 women abducted by the Islamic State who agreed to be
interviewed over three trips to northern Iraq described an uneven
system: Some fighters insisted on double and even triple forms of
contraception, while others violated the guidelines entirely. Although
it remains unclear why some hewed closely to the regulations while
others flouted them, one emerging pattern was that women held by senior
commanders were more likely to be given contraception, in contrast to
those held by junior fighters, who perhaps were less versed on the
an 18-year-old, said she had been sold to the Islamic State’s governor
of Tal Afar, a city in northern Iraq. “Each month, he made me get a
shot. It was his assistant who took me to the hospital,” said J., who
was interviewed alongside her mother, after escaping this year.
“On top of that he also gave me birth control pills. He told me, ‘We don’t want you to get pregnant,’” she said.
she was sold to a more junior fighter in the Syrian city of Tal Barak,
it was the man’s mother who escorted her to the hospital.
told me, ‘If you are pregnant, we are going to send you back,’” J.
said. “They took me into the lab. There were machines that looked like
centrifuges and other contraptions. They drew three vials of my blood.
About 30 or 40 minutes later, they came back to say I wasn’t pregnant.”
fighter’s mother triumphantly told her son that the 18-year-old was not
pregnant, validating his right to rape her, which he did repeatedly.
that fighter tired of her, he gave her as a gift to his brother. Yet
the brother did not take her back to have another blood test, forcing
her to have sex without ascertaining whether she was carrying another
man’s child. Several other women reported a similar set of
circumstances, including being given birth control by some of their
owners but not by others.
A group of Yazidis gathering to leave for Germany as part of the resettlement program.Credit
Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
the low pregnancy rate, say medical professionals, is evidence that the
rules intended to avoid pregnancy were more likely to have been applied
than not.
his office in Dohuk’s Ministry of Health Directorate, Dr. Taib, the
physician tasked with overseeing the treatment of the hundreds of
victims, was initially puzzled by the low pregnancy rate.
other conflicts where rape has been used as a weapon of war, it has led
to waves of unwanted pregnancies — either because the attackers did not
use birth control or, as was the case in the former Yugoslavia, because
they purposefully tried to impregnate their victims. One medical study of 68 Croatian and Bosnian rape victims found that 29 had become pregnant.
more than 700 cases of rape recorded so far, Dr. Taib’s center has
treated only 35 pregnancies. He expected to see at least 140. “Even
higher than that, if you consider that these women had multiple partners
and were raped every day over many months,” Dr. Taib said.
concluded that either they did an abortion before they came back or
they used contraception. And if there were abortions, then there would
have been physical signs,” which would have been noted by the
gynecologist treating the returnees, he said. “There were no signs.”
prohibition surrounding pregnancy is perhaps the only instance when the
codes that the jihadists were applying lined up with the concerns of
their victims, who dreaded carrying their rapists’ children.
a middle-aged woman who was kidnapped with her six children, said she
had been not raped because she had been deemed unattractive. Because she
spoke Arabic, the Islamic State used her as an interpreter.
J. said she had been sold to
the Islamic State’s governor of Tal Afar, in northern Iraq. “Each month,
he made me get a shot,” she said.Credit
Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
day, she was asked to chaperone a group of young Yazidi women to the
hospital in Tal Afar, where each woman was given 150 milligrams of
the months that followed, she said, she escorted in all around 30
victims to get the injection both in Tal Afar and later in the Iraqi
city of Mosul. Twice she was asked to escort her own teenage daughter,
who was raped by multiple fighters.
explained the conflicted feelings she had at the time. “ISIS took our
girls as slaves, only for sex,” Ahlam said, but the insistence on birth
control brought some relief. “No one wants to carry the child of their
Others described how the fighters so opposed pregnancy that some tried to force young women to abort.
Ali said his sister, 20, was in her second trimester at the time of her
capture in 2014. Still, one commander so urgently wanted her as his
slave that he tried to end the pregnancy by giving her pills that would
cause her to miscarry.
hid them under her tongue, and then when they weren’t looking, she spit
them out,” said Mr. Ali, who related the story on behalf of his sister
because she is undergoing medical treatment abroad for the injuries she
suffered. “They wanted to get rid of the child so that they could use
the woman.”
20-year-old who asked to be identified only as H. began to feel
nauseated soon after her abduction. “The smell of rice made me gag,” she
H., who was pregnant at the
time of her capture by the Islamic State, was initially spared abuse,
but only for a time. Eventually she was smuggled out of Islamic State
territory, and gave birth to a boy. Credit
Tara Todras-Whitehill for The New York Times
pregnant at the time of her capture, she considered herself one of the
fortunate ones. For almost two months, H. was moved from location to
location and held in locked rooms, but she was spared the abuse that was
by then befalling most of the young women held alongside her.
Despite being repeatedly forced to give a urine sample and always testing positive, she, too, was eventually picked.
owner took her to a house, shared by another couple. When the couple
was present, he did not approach her, suggesting he knew it was illegal.
Only when the couple left did he forcibly have sex with her, and when
he did he appeared drugged.
was telling him: ‘I’m pregnant. In your book it says that you can’t do
this.’ He had bloodshot eyes. He acted like he was high,” she said.
he drove her to a hospital with the aim of making her have an abortion,
and flew into a rage when she refused the surgery, repeatedly punching
her in the stomach. Even so, his behavior suggested he was ashamed: He
never told the doctors that he wanted H. to abort, instead imploring her
to ask for the procedure herself.
he drove her home, she waited until he left and then threw herself over
the property’s wall. “My knees were bleeding. I was dizzy. I almost
couldn’t walk,” she said.
later, with the help of smugglers hired by her family, she was spirited
out of Islamic State territory. Her belly was sticking so far out that
she could no longer see her toes when she finally crossed to safety.
Her first child, a healthy baby boy, was born two months later.
Once a corporate fixture in
California, where the company began, Carl's Jr. moved its headquarters
to Nashville, Tenn. some say to avoid California's onerous taxes and
regulations. (Casey Christie/Zuma Press/Newscom)
States: To hear Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders,
you’d think that taxes can go up to 60% or even 80%, and businesses and
investors will just … pay up. But the growing number of businesses
stampeding out of high tax areas suggest that they’re very wrong.
We got more evidence of that this week when CKE Restaurants, the
corporate parent of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. restaurants, announced that
they are relocating to Nashville, Tennessee.
Hardee’s will move its headquarters from St. Louis, Missouri, to Nashville, Tennessee, one of America’s fastest growing states.
Oh, and did we mention that the state has no personal income tax?
Meanwhile, the Carl’s Jr. move puts more egg on the face of
California and the political class in Sacramento. Hamburger fast food
chain Carl’s Jr. was founded in California and for years has been
headquartered in Carpinteria, California. The highest income tax rate in
California is 13%, so moving to Tennessee, where the tax rate is zero,
will save the company millions of dollars on taxes a year.
Yes, we know that CKE’s official line is that the firm is relocating
because it has less need for office space as it consolidates
operations. But the company executives say this with a wink. Tax savings
are a big factor, as is the stifling regulatory environment on the left
coast, where businesses are treated like villains and rich people as
cash dispensers for big government programs. It’s not a coincidence
that CKE’s CEO Andy Puzder has been one of the leading critics of high
taxes and onerous rules in Washington D.C. and Sacramento.
The state legislative group ALEC finds in its latest “Rich States,
Poor States” rating of the states on business climate that California
ranks 44th of
all the states in business competitiveness. California has lost
roughly 9,000 companies over the last decade, with most of them moving
to Texas, Florida, and Tennessee. Last year, in a major loss, Toyota
moved its North American headquarters from the Golden State to North
Thanks to its high taxes and burdensome regulations, California’s hemorrhage of jobs and businesses won’t end soon.
Burger King recently relocated its headquarters out of the U.S.
completely in favor of Canada, where the business tax rate is only about
half what it is in America. Dozens of others have left through
“inversions” to cut their tax burden.
So, thanks to the federal and state tax codes, American businesses
are departing for friendlier shores — taking thousands of high-paying
jobs with them.
Given all this, why do Clinton and Sanders keep saying that they are
going to get more taxes out of the rich with higher tax rates?
California is now going to get 13% of zero from Carl’s Jr., just as the
state gets 13% of zero from Toyota. And Washington, D.C., will now get
35% of zero income from Burger King.
Hillary and Bernie say that they stand for the “working folks,” but
the victims of their plundering the rich with high tax policies are
middle-class families who are losing their jobs in California. To make
America great again, one goal should be to make our national policies
look more like those of Tennessee and less like those of California.
by Rob Knowles
The prophesy has been fulfilled. It was confirmed last night by
Donald Trump himself that former Republican candidate Ben Carson will
endorse him today. And with that, the last vestige of respect I had for
Ben Carson vanished into the air.
Ben Carson came on the political scene in 2013 when he delivered a
powerful speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. I saw Carson as
someone of integrity and courage, and I know many others did as well.
When he threw his hat in the presidential ring, I was encouraged by his
civility and Christian behavior.
I never believed Carson would be the Republican nominee, specifically
because as a political neophyte, he lacked the polish necessary to
avoid significant gaffes–and his gaffes were indeed notable.
One of his more laughable blunders came during an interview with Bloomberg when he said
a Palestinian state should be created in Egypt so there would be no
“temptation for Hamas to continue firing missiles at relatively close
range to Israel.” Another came when he told Chris Cuomo that prison can turn straight people gay.
Ultimately, another neophyte took command of the race, but he
benefitted from a cult of personality Ben Carson could never have hoped
to achieve. With his brash “anti-PC” persona, and his ability to spin a
web of lies that would make even Hillary Clinton blush, Donald Trump has
captured the hearts (if not the minds) of the American voter.
Apparently, Trump’s charm effect has worked on Ben Carson, who’s decided
to throw his weight behind the business mogul.
For a man who made faith
a central part of his campaign, it’s odd that Ben Carson would touch
Donald Trump with a ten-foot poll, let alone endorse the man.
I’ve done this before, but indulge me as I list the numerous things
Trump has said and done that don’t quite line up with Christianity:
I’ll spare you any more, as I would have jumped ship after the first
one. Oh wait, I’ll give you two more, as they pertain directly to
Carson. He compared Carson to a pedophile, and called the voters of Iowa “stupid” for believing the surgeon’s life story.
Trump is a man who lies like he breathes, who has lowered the level
of political rhetoric to base, disgusting levels, and who has tarnished
the Republican brand almost beyond repair. And this merits an
I began to lose respect for Ben Carson when he repeatedly blamed Ted
Cruz for what happened in Iowa, even though Cruz had absolutely nothing
to do with it (as I detail in great depth here).
It truly unnerved me to see someone for whom I once had great respect
use a story like that for his political advantage. It was at that moment
that I began to suspect Carson was just another egomaniac out to get
his fifteen minutes.
Then, when Carson refused to drop out
before Super Tuesday, despite the polls showing that he had absolutely
no shot at winning a single state, my respect for him diminished
further. After losing every state by massive margins, and gaining a
whopping three delegates, he decided to drop out. At this point, it was
clear to me that Carson had no intention of winning, that the good
doctor simply wanted to act as a spoiler, or continue to boost his
public profile.
Now, with the future of the nation at stake in what’s possibly the
most significant election of our generation, Carson, the alleged
Christian, endorses Donald “POWs are losers” Trump. To say that I’m
sickened by Carson’s endorsement of Trump is an understatement that
words cannot adequately describe. The good doctor’s behavior in the political arena has shown that not one of us is above corruption.
Sometimes the most powerful learning experiences are the ones you
wish never happened. On this short flight, two experienced pilots nearly
ended up becoming a statistic.
It was only by chance that the cameras were running and caught it all
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that almost—but didn't—happen. https://youtu.be/78R72vjIMS4?list=PLGdOsvUpXmUeuT0qWaS0zCQsotDb8Y838
This video is taken from the PilotWorkshops "Real World VFR" training
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oped: If Loretta Lynch et al the entire Justice Department under the Obama Administration fails to act on a FBI recommendation to indict... then Congress has no option but to Impeach Loretta Lynch et al for obstruction of Justice..Sedition and Treason against 'We The People' #Period!
Are you curious about how the Hillary e-mail scandal will end? Attorney
General Loretta Lynch all but confirmed the ending yesterday when she
avoided answering a direct question on the matter.
They (the Justice Department) are not required by law to
pursue criminal charges against Mrs. Clinton – even if charges
are recommended by the FBI. It might be interesting to hear the creative excuses for why they won’t pursue; but you can almost bet that they won’t.
The Washington Examiner
– Attorney General Loretta Lynch indicated Wednesday that the law
doesn’t require the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges
against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email system, even if
the FBI recommends criminal charges.
Lynch was asked in a hearing by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, what her
department would do if the FBI were to recommend that step. “If the FBI
were to make a referral to the Department of Justice to pursue a case by
way of indictment and to convene a grand jury for that purpose, the
Department of Justice is not required by law to do so, are they — are
you?” Cornyn asked.
Lynch didn’t answer directly, but seemed to indicate the department
has some wiggle room, and can consult with officials before deciding
what to do.
Read More: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/
The deadly January police shooting of the spokesman for an armed
militia that had occupied an Oregon wildlife refuge was justified,
officials said Tuesday; however, the actions of FBI agents during the
incident remain under review.
Oregon State Police fired six of eight total shots
during a Jan. 26 traffic stop that resulted in the death of rancher
Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, authorities said. The first three shots were
fired at the truck Finicum was driving as it approached an FBI
roadblock, and none of those shots struck Finicum or the other occupants
of the truck. The final three shots fired by police were the fatal
ones, all of which struck Finicum in the torso after he had left the
truck and appeared to be reaching into his jacket near the area of a
OPED: (It appears more like Finicum was responding to a hit from a tazer...and by the way the posted still shot grab above appears to be altered...view the whole vid to see what really happened..the OSP Officer charging upper left appears to have fired the three fatal shots to the back! The Officer lower right appears to be the one with the tazer)
(Also wrong again...numerous shots fired at the persons remaining in the vehicle after Finicum went down..no shots fired coming from the vehicle)
“Of the eight shots fired, the six shots fired by the Oregon State
Police were justified, and, in fact, necessary,” Malheur County District
Attorney Dan Norris said.
Two other shots – neither of which hit Finicum – were
fired by FBI Hostage Rescue Team agents. Those agents, however,
allegedly did not disclose their role in the incident during the
subsequent investigation. They are currently the subject of an ongoing
investigation by the inspector general of the U.S. Department of Justice
and Deschutes County.
Officials at Tuesday’s news conference played synched
videos of the encounter, one taken by an occupant of Finicum’s truck
and the other recorded by an official aerial vehicle, which showed the
final, anxious moments of Finicum’s life.
Finicum and other members of the militia had been on
their way to a public meeting Jan. 26 when Oregon State Police pulled
the group’s two trucks over, intent on arresting several members for the
illegal occupation. The occupants of one of the vehicles, including the
militia’s leader, Ammon Bundy, complied. Finicum and two other people
in his truck did not.
At one point, Finicum can be seen and heard leaning out the driver
side window yelling, “You can go ahead and shoot me” and “Okay boys,
this is gonna get real. You want blood on your hands?”
Eventually, Finicum takes off from the traffic stop,
driving at a reported 70 mph as he approaches a roadblock set up a
little more than a mile from the initial stop. Finicum yells “hold on”
as he tries to veer into the snow and steer around the roadblock, nearly
hitting a police officer in the process. But Finicum ultimately crashes
into a 3-foot high snowbank and the truck comes to a stop.
“Under Oregon law, Mr. Finicum was using his truck as a dangerous weapon,” Norris said.
OPED: (Wrong the roadblock used by OSP and FBI is old school dangerous 1970's era not used anymore by majority of LE...set up on a curve and blocking 100% of the road...Finicum did not have time to slow down and stop...swerved to avoid a accident and incoming fire from FBI/OSP agents...also no LE Academy teaches shooting at a fleeing suspect...no threat..not since the 1970's has shooting a fleeing felon been taught/authorized...unless the felon is brandishing a weapon and or has shot at LE first #Period )
Finicum then exited the vehicle, ignoring three
commands by police to lie down on the ground. Though Finicum has his
hands out for most of the brief encounter, he reached with his right
hand toward his left jacket pocket three times. Police later found a
9-mm. handgun in that pocket. Officers had also been told to expect that
Finicum would be armed with a pistol.
oped: Just for the record Finicum was known to carry a revolver in a holster *OpenCarry*...well documented...was a OSP statement that a 9mm auto found in his pocket his or a plant? Fingerprints on weapon ? At any rate if the alleged weapon was not pulled from concealment and brandished it is not a justified shooting...no threat present...under the DA's' rationalization' anyone known to have a CCW permit can be shot by police because ...they *maybe* could pose a threat! #BustedLogic
The first two times Finicum reached near his jacket officers held
their fire. But the third time, two officers fired the shots that killed
him. At the time, an Oregon trooper was attempting to get near enough
to Finicum to use a Taser to apprehend him by non-lethal means.
“[The cops] believed he was reaching for a handgun
and believed he was about to use deadly force against them of the
trooper armed with a Taser,” Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson said.
oped: I prefer #Cruz...however even #Trump would be better than a Establishment pick via a fixed Brokered Convention...I say let the people decide Let the Battle begin David vs Goliath:
“It is enough that the people know there was an
election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who
count the votes decide everything.”
Sadly, in America, this is the case with ongoing widespread voter
fraud taking place in nearly every state that’s held a primary election.
And a former computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and
ExxonMobil, designed the program to hack voting machines in 2000.
Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis told the world in open testimony that
voting machines are not only hackable to determine an election, but that
he’s done it.
Curtis’ testified before US House Judiciary Committee Members in Ohio
in 2006. He testified that Tom Feeney hired him to build software that
would rig an election using electronic voter machines. According to
Curtis, he could rig the machines in such a way to determine a 51/49
split in favor of a desired candidate.
So, why do voters continue to allow these crimes to take place?
Do Americans just expect fraud to be part of the process, and are
they fine with voter fraud as long as their political idol wins.
Take for instance the recent Democrat primary in which Hillary
Clinton was declared the winner, but that’s not what this video shows. https://youtu.be/tR4KLoLTEis
Part of voter fraud is curbed by identifying who is actually voting.
It would do Americans well to demand that their vote be determined by
paper ballot and counted while being recorded on video with
witnesses. Every vote tally should be done by hand, not electronically,
and should be captured on video in each precinct, to minimize fraud.
This would tend to keep people honest rather than allow a system
already ripe with lawless to enable people who will do anything to win
to be given the opportunity to commit the crime of voter fraud.
In the end, most people wonder why the GOP will not address the
rampant voter fraud that continually takes place in our country. Perhaps
this explains why: “GOP Legally Barred from Fighting Voter Fraud.”
In other words, like everything else the GOP does, it leads the
opposition only to demonstrate that it does not have the political will
or spine to do what is right… and eventually caves. The best bet for every American is to begin dismantling the beast we
have allowed to grow in our midst at the local level. It will take time,
but that seems to be a more clear path towards recovering state
sovereignty and freedom than a presidential election ever will.
oped: after viewing this new video...and having spent over 15 years in combined Federal as well as local LE..this imo was a bad shooting...the FBI as well as the State Police were the aggressors/ initiated unjustified deadly force...the stop was bad as well as the roadblock of which very few LE agencies of today use, outdated (1970's) type of deadly road block tactic, not giving the suspects enough time to respond ie: on a curve! There was no threat to the officers involved...as a matter of fact LaVoy at the first stop told the Oregon State police to follow him to his meeting with the Sheriff...they could talk there! View the video for yourselves...it is quite clear the Officers involved wanted to shoot someone.As it shows shooting at the truck after LaVoy was already down and no fire was coming from the occupants in the truck!
Shauna Cox and Victoria Sharp both were eyewitnesses who were riding in the truck that LaVoy Finicum was driving when he was shot and killed. I reported the Cox said that the FBI had her video recording of what took place and now that recording has been synced with the aerial footage that was released by the DOJ.
There is audio and the video is quite disturbing. This has come out as
one FBI agent is being investigated for not reporting two shots taken at
Finicum as he exited the vehicle and four other agents are under
investigation pertaining to that shooting. WARNING: The video and audio are even more disturbing than what was released previously by the DOJ. https://youtu.be/Nw9sfuFGghY
The story the eyewitnesses told seems to add up as there are at least
two shots that can be heard as Finicum exits the vehicle and several
other shots that can be heard prior to them leaving the road and plowing
into the snow bank, as well as several as they leave the stop.
Officers can be heard telling Finicum to get on the ground and he
continually yells, "You're gonna have to shoot me." The video also
clearly shows that his hands were up when the first shots were fired as
he exited the vehicle and when the fatal shots were taken. Additionally,
you can hear several shots hit the truck following the shooting of
From all that can be seen and heard, it does not appear to me that
any officer's life was in danger at any time. While Finicum does seem
ornery, it does not appear that he made any threats and not getting on
the ground is not a reason to kill a man in cold blood, who is not
brandishing a weapon. There just is no justification for that, and if
someone wants to do that, then they would need to do it for every
citizen who carries concealed who shot someone without a weapon.
Additionally, Oregon Live is reporting that FBI agents are under investigation for possible misconduct in the shooting of Finicum. An FBI agent is suspected of lying about firing twice
at Robert "LaVoy" Finicum and may have gotten help from four other FBI
agents in covering up afterward, authorities revealed Tuesday.
The bullets didn't hit Finicum and didn't contribute to his
death, but now all five unnamed agents, part of an elite national unit,
are under criminal investigation by the U.S. Justice Department.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz is leading the independent inquiry.
The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators
released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in
the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One
bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.
Did you get that? An FBI agent is the one who fired those first two
shots as Finicum exited the vehicle? Why? Finicum was not a threat. The
fact that shots were fired as Finicum exited the vehicle with his hands
up is evidence that the ones who were hostile were those who were
The FBI agent didn't report those two shots he fired and the FBI
didn't indicate why four other agents were under investigation. Greg
Bretzing, special agent in charge of the FBI in Portland said, "The
question of who fired these shots has not been resolved."
How has it not be resolved? It's been over a month! All you have to
do is account for whose weapon is short on ammunition. This is pretty
simple math. Yet, we are to believe Mr. Bretzing is telling us the
truth? I'm not buying it!
Additionally, note that Finicum was shot three times in the back!
Friends, that is murder. There was no physical threat to any of the
officers and that seems blatantly obvious on the video feed.
Yet, according to the Oregon Live, a prosecutor has ruled the
shooting was legally justified and claims that state law allows the use
of deadly force when officers believe a person is about to seriously
injure or kill someone. However, the video shows no evidence of that.
The claim now is that the officer in front of Finicum, who had a taser,
was thought to be in danger and that's why officers behind him shot him.
That simply does not fly in the face of the fact that Finicum had his hands up.
I'm not so sure that we will get an honest report from the FBI or
that any agents will be disciplined or brought to justice for what took
place. After all, when you are investigating yourself, it does seem that
there is a conflict of interest, doesn't it?
It is no secret that Hillary Clinton is the dirtiest in the business,
but she learned from the absolute best there is, her husband Bill
Clinton. Bill has had a lifelong existence filled with scandal, criminal
activity, dirty deals and of course, sex related incidents both legal
and illegal.
It’s surprising that Hillary has the time to devote to her campaign
for President with having to constantly cover up illicit actions by both
her and her husband.
More recently, Bill has broken the law for giving speeches in support of
Hillary at polling places. In relation to this, a petition was started
calling for the arrest of Bill for election violations. Nearly 100.000 people have signed this petition
Bill's overactive sexual urges have kept the heat on him almost
constantly during his political life. The only reason we do not hear
more about this and see more women come forward with sexual accusations against him is the Bill and Hillary threats to destroy anyone who goes public with their claims.
One thing we can be sure of, is the law of averages more than doubles the number of women Bill has actually sexually assaulted over the number we know about.
The Monica Lewinsky encounters during the Bill Clinton Administration
was one of the biggest White House scandals in decades, which led to
impeachment proceedings against him. According to Lewinsky, she had
sexual encounters with Bill on nine occasions from 1995 to 1997.
Along with the threats and cover up of the Bill Clinton sexual escapades, we have the body count of actual women he sexually assaulted and those associated who knew too much, dying under suspicious circumstances.
Then we have Larry Nichols who was a long time associate of the
Clinton's who went on the Pete Santilli radio show, 9/24/2013 claiming
to be a hit man for the Clinton's, silencing those who either knew too much
or threatened to go public with damning information as well as being a
paid gorilla to beat up certain people who the Clinton's considered a
The alleged suicide of DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 5/8/2008 was very suspicious and has a Clinton trail.
Thus, essentially what we have is one of the most corrupt families in
the world in Hillary and Bill Clinton who would have both been in jail
years ago, if they were anyone else but the Clinton's.
oped: What the hell were you thinking...being the self professed 'Branding King'? Well Donald as the old saying goes the first impression is the lasting impression...and you sure branded yourself negatively on this one! It goes to show those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it! If it was meant as a joke it fell flat and left a bad taste in voters mouths! See response: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2016/03/truly-scary-fascist-message-trump.html
By Sandy Fitzgerald
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump Tuesday dismissed complaints
that he made followers at a recent rally raise their hands in a
resemblance of a Nazi salute as "ridiculous," saying that he'd just
asked for a show of hands to see who would be voting for him.
"Boy, is that a stretch," Trump told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program.
"That's amazing that that would even be brought up. Of course not.
That's ridiculous. This is the first I've heard of it this morning. I
was on the "Today" show and they mentioned it and I said, 'What is going
on here?' I think it's ridiculous."
He explained that at his "massive" rallies, which attract 25,000 people
or more, "we're having actually a great time considering the subject
matter is not so good, meaning the country is not doing well."
And as part of that, Trump said he says, "jokingly, raise your hand if
you want to, if you swear to endorse me and swear to go vote for me. And
the entire place practically laughing and having a good time raises
their hands. They're raising their hand in the form of a vote, not in
the form of a salute. That is crazy. I can't believe that's even being
Show host Joe Scarborough agreed on the program that the topic is
"ridiculous," and called it an "overreach" to think that the show of
hands was a salute, as the video of the event shows what had happened
better than still photos have been released.
Trump also told "Today" that his supporters call on him to make a gesture as if he's being sworn in for the presidency.
The complaints about the photo come after Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on
Monday compared Trump's language to that of dictators Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini, and said his campaign has hurt relations between the
United States and Mexico.
Trump's "strident expressions that seek to propose very simple
solutions," Nieto told the Excelsior newspaper in Mexico, and language
such as Trump uses led to "very fateful scenes in the history of
Former Anti-Defamation League director Abe Foxman also said this week
that he found the hand-raising disturbing, and that he thinks Trump is
fully aware of the gesture's implications.
"It is a fascist gesture," Foxman told The Times of Israel.
"He is smart enough — he always tells us how smart he is — to know the
images that this evokes. Instead of asking his audience to pledge
allegiance to the United States of America, which in itself would be a
little bizarre, he's asking them to swear allegiance to him."
Further, Foxman said the gesture reminded him of salutes from Nazi rallies from the 1930s and 40s.
"As a Jew who survived the Holocaust, to see an audience of thousands of
people raising their hands in what looks like the 'Heil Hitler' salute
is about as offensive, obnoxious and disgusting as anything I thought I
would ever witness in the United States of America," he told The Times.
New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio had a certifiable “duh” moment recently when he essentially admitted that his strict gun control laws are utterly useless to protect innocent people from violent criminals.
According to Fox5NY,
the Democrat mayor was attempting to spin the sharp spike in slashings,
stabbings and stabbing deaths in the city as a good thing, as it was
evidence that gun control had removed guns from the street.
“I’m not a criminologist,” de Blasio said, stating the obvious, “but I
can safely say that guns are being taken off the street in an
unprecedented way.”
“Some people, unfortunately, are turning to a different weapon,” he
added, seemingly oblivious to the the ample warnings of exactly this
thing occurring provided by gun rights advocates and history.
The mayor is facing questions and criticism from a citizenry on edge,
having dealt with a significant increase in knife attacks over the past
several months.
In fact, during the first six weeks of the year, New York City averaged more than 10 knife attacks per day.
However, the mayor now claims that the city’s law enforcement
officers will begin going after the criminals brandishing knives and
razors, since they apparently don’t need to be concerned about guns
Sadly, what the socialist mayor will continue to refuse to admit is
that his gun control laws have done little to stop violent thugs from
hurting, maiming and killing innocent people. Rather, the strict gun
control favored by de Blasio and his fellow progressives have left the
good people of NYC disarmed and at the mercy of blade-bearing thugs who
are unafraid to slice and dice and stab at their innocent victims.
We have always maintained that guns are not the problem. The problem is bad people with evil intentions. An armed citizenry is the best defense against that.
Please share this on
Facebook and Twitter to help spread NYC Mayor de Blasio’s “duh” moment
when he admitted that his strict gun control laws have led to a sharp
spike in bloody knife violence. What do you think of NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's "duh" moment?
If you were one of those people vacillating between thinking Glenn
Beck was a great, incisive patriot or that he might be a few unlawful
executive orders short of an Obama administration, the 2016 GOP
nomination process probably hasn’t done your opinion of his sanity any
From the moment the radio host and pundit endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, things began to get a bit strange.
First there was his bizarre, circuitous logic that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died because God doesn’t want Donald Trump to be president. Then came his call for a nationwide fast
to help Cruz win Nevada (a process which, as Cruz’s dismal third-place
showing in the caucuses proved, affected little but blood sugar levels).
And now we have a visit from the Secret Service to Glenn’s studios at
TheBlaze after reports in the media that Beck called for the stabbing
of Donald Trump on the air.
It isn’t quite as clear-cut as one would make you believe. In the clip in question, Beck was talking about the Republican debate and Trump’s answers when his producer began playing music over Beck.
“If I was close enough and I had enough, really, the stabbing wouldn’t stop,” Beck said.
While it sounded like Beck was talking about Trump, the clip could be
interpreted as being about the producer. You can listen to it here and
decide for yourself whether you think this was worth a Secret Service
visit (the actual comment is made just after the 1:05 mark): https://youtu.be/EfdcNbggM-k
Dana Loesch, also with TheBlaze, reported on the visit.
While I understand Loesch’s point, let’s face some facts here: The
takeaway from this story is that Beck’s reputation is such that one
could conceivably believe he was calling for Trump’s stabbing.
No one doubts that Beck is a dedicated patriot and conservative.
However, his demeanor — often lachrymose and frantic — frequently gives
the impression of someone who isn’t entirely stable.
Was the visit a bit much? Yes. It’s clear from the audio clip that
Beck was joking, either way he was saying it. I also don’t think he’d be
so stupid as to utter something like that on national radio, but I
could be wrong.
However, it’s just another strange chapter in what’s already been a strange campaign for Glenn Beck and his people.
H/T The Gateway Pundit