
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Why vote at all if elections are already rigged?

The establishment tirade...Romney,Bush,KasichImage Caption

oped: I prefer #Cruz...however even #Trump would be better than a Establishment pick via a fixed Brokered Convention...I say let the people decide Let the Battle begin David vs Goliath: 

by Tim Brown
Joseph Stalin allegedly said:
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Sadly, in America, this is the case with ongoing widespread voter fraud taking place in nearly every state that’s held a primary election. And a former computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, designed the program to hack voting machines in 2000.
Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis told the world in open testimony that voting machines are not only hackable to determine an election, but that he’s done it.
Curtis’ testified before US House Judiciary Committee Members in Ohio in 2006. He testified that Tom Feeney hired him to build software that would rig an election using electronic voter machines. According to Curtis, he could rig the machines in such a way to determine a 51/49 split in favor of a desired candidate. 

Already, in this primary cycle there have been accusations
In many cases, these elections did not matter because the GOP Establishment was working behind the scenes to secure delegate votes.
Just as in 2012, and most likely in every election, there have been attempts to commit voter fraud. Even had Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah all but claimed it was a civil right to engage in voter fraud. And a Texas representative accused the Obama administration for aiding and abetting voter fraud.

So, why do voters continue to allow these crimes to take place?
Do Americans just expect fraud to be part of the process, and are they fine with voter fraud as long as their political idol wins.
Take for instance the recent Democrat primary in which Hillary Clinton was declared the winner, but that’s not what this video shows. 

Part of voter fraud is curbed by identifying who is actually voting.
It would do Americans well to demand that their vote be determined by paper ballot and counted while being recorded on video with witnesses. Every vote tally should be done by hand, not electronically, and should be captured on video in each precinct, to minimize fraud.
This would tend to keep people honest rather than allow a system already ripe with lawless to enable people who will do anything to win to be given the opportunity to commit the crime of voter fraud.
In the end, most people wonder why the GOP will not address the rampant voter fraud that continually takes place in our country. Perhaps this explains why: “GOP Legally Barred from Fighting Voter Fraud.”

In other words, like everything else the GOP does, it leads the opposition only to demonstrate that it does not have the political will or spine to do what is right… and eventually caves.
The best bet for every American is to begin dismantling the beast we have allowed to grow in our midst at the local level. It will take time, but that seems to be a more clear path towards recovering state sovereignty and freedom than a presidential election ever will.

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