Thankfully, enough people were watching that the White House was caught in their little scheme to strike the comments from the record, and the folks at MRC TV were able to capture proof of what Hollande really said.
Read his comments below, the part in parentheses and bolded is missing from the video but does appear in the official White House transcript.
“We are also making sure that between Europe and the United States there can be a very high level coordination.
“But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, (Islamist terrorism is in Syria and in Iraq. We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition.) And we note that Daesh is losing ground thanks to the strikes we’ve been able to launch with the coalition.”
Now watch as the translator simply seems to take a break from translating while President Hollande opines about the evils of Islamic terrorism.
See Video: http://eaglerising.com/32063/politically-correct-obama-white-house-censors-french-president-after-he-says-this-about-islam/
This is just another example of the Obama administration’s weak-kneed response to Muslim terrorism and it speaks to their inability to deal with the problems that we face. They can’t even say “radical Islam” — in fact, they can’t allow other world leaders to say “radical Islam” — so how can they successfully fight radical Islam?
Here’s a screenshot of the transcript from MRC TV.