by Bob Livingston
Politicians lie. It’s their stock in trade. They have to if they are to be elected.
If they told you that once elected they would vote to continue stealing your money and stealing your liberty, that they would openly and unashamedly take political graft, that their primary aim would be to enrich themselves and their sugar daddies, that they would support laws that select societal winners and losers — and the people would always be the losers — they would never be elected.
So it is certainly no surprise that the undocumented White House usurper whose very life is a fraud would unapologetically tell you for three years that “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period,” and then turn around and brazenly say that he never said that. And not only say it, but say it with all the aplomb that comes from believing that video and audio recorders don’t exist.
President Barack Obama is a gifted politician. His gift is his psychopathy, which runs so deep and is so entrenched that even the most sensitive polygraph machine would be unable to detect an autonomic reaction during one of his Obamacare lie-fests.
He counts on the ignorance of the people. He counts on their short memories. He counts on a sycophantic, fawning media that functions as his propaganda machine.
But Obamacare is finally hitting Americans in the pocketbook. Free healthcare is being revealed as anything but free. That lie has been unmasked.
You can keep your healthcare plan only if Obama deems it adequate. Whether it is adequate for you is not something you can determine. Obama and his Marxist/fascist co-conspirators don’t believe you are smart enough for that. It is adequate under Obamacare only if it falls into a one-size-fits-all parameter established by a cabal of leftist control freak nanny-staters and do-gooders. That’s life in the collective.
It’s good for you because the state says so. And because it’s so good for you, you have to be coerced to participate under threat of penalty and at gunpoint.
Obamacare is a lie, and it is stealing your healthcare choices. You shouldn’t be surprised. I have been telling you the truth about it since it first saw the light of day. It’s only the psychopathic elected class, led by the liar in thief, that has been telling you different.
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