Though he has held the position for only a few short months, there are some already calling for an ouster of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
In fact, at least one person is calling for Ryan to be removed from Congress completely, that person being Paul Nehlen, who is challenging Ryan for his seat representing Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District, according to a news release from the aspiring congressman.
Nehlen is promoting his candidacy by going directly after Ryan in the district, touring the area with a large dump truck painted with the message, “Dump Paul Ryan.”
The dump truck also encourages people to “get the dirt on Ryan” by going to, where they can also track the dump truck with a detailed map showing where it’s been and where it’s headed.
You're going to love seeing what will be painted in the #DumpRyan truck bed :-)

Taking a
massive mountain of our money and spending it wildly doesn't make you a
budget guru. It makes you a part of the problem.
“Wisconsin’s 1st District has deep roots in manufacturing and industry, in design and engineering. We’ve been a powerhouse in these respects,” Nehlen said in the news release.
“But Paul Ryan is now undermining us at every turn — on spending, on trade, on immigration, and more. He’s broken every single promise he’s made to us,” Nehlen continued. “A lot of us, me included, have had to ask ourselves why his votes no longer line up with our interests. We’ve had to ask ourselves who exactly Ryan is representing, because it’s clearly not us any longer.”
a massive mountain of our money and spending it wildly doesn't make you
a budget guru. It makes you a part of the problem.
Nehlen proceeded to point out that, based on Ryan’s own campaign finance reports, the bulk of Ryan’s campaign funding is coming from sources outside the home district, with much of that coming in the form of large donations from lobbyists in and around the D.C. area.
“Paul Ryan isn’t representing us anymore — he’s representing his special-interest buddies in D.C.,” Nehlen declared. “The #DumpRyan tour is a powerful way to shed light on that fact.
“We encourage people not only to follow the travels of the #DumpRyan truck, we look forward to seeing them at various stops around the district,” he added. “We’re going to provide a lot of information, and we’re going to have fun doing it. This campaign will continue to bring the fight to Paul Ryan all the way to Election Day.”
While this man’s courage and boldness in taking on a still generally popular and well-entrenched sitting congressman who was recently promoted to be the speakership is commendable, he is most likely fighting a losing battle.
That said, we certainly have no qualms about his primary challenge to Ryan, as it should at the very least serve as a warning to Ryan and make him a bit more honest toward his constituents and the American people.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is being challenged for his congressional seat.
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