
Friday, May 27, 2016

Obama declares War on Normal...GOP surrenders again!


Fellow Conservative,
Obama’s eight-year War on Normal is nothing new, but last night the Congress hit an all-time low.

Last night the House actually voted to forbid Jewish and Christian companies from doing business with the federal government because of their moral beliefs in matters of human sexuality!   

And they did it with the Vichy votes of dozens of limp-wristed, turncoat RINOs, Republicans In Name Only.  Another sickening, immoral surrender by a Congress supposedly controlled by REPUBLICANS.

So now the enormous, trillion-dollar federal contract pie is officially limited to only those companies willing to put their Christian beliefs aside and grant special rights to homosexuals and transgenderrhoids.   If your company does not have the politically correct toilet setup for men who wear panties, you are now forbidden from seeking or being awarded any contracts with YOUR federal government.

Let me tell you where I stand.

The Holy Bible tells us that homosexuality is moral perversion.  God said it, and I believe it. 
Homosexuals have a right to live and believe differently.  They have the right for their businesses to contract with the federal government. What they DO NOT have is the right to demand that I give up my Christian beliefs and accept theirs in order to do business with my own federal government.

You won’t find “gender fluidity” in the Bible.   It tells us that God created mankind male and female.  I believe that, too.  Silly me.  New York City recognizes 31 genders (I kid you not), and Facebook gives you 58 to choose from.  Cis- this, and pan- that, and on and on.  That’s fluidity stupidity. 

Folks, there are three kinds of people: male, female, and the mentally ill.  You cannot choose your gender.  You cannot change your gender by changing your panties, or popping pills.  Carrying a purse and wearing garish makeup will not change your DNA or flip your chromosomes.  

Yes, some few people are tragically confused about this.  I do not hate these people.  I love them, I pray for them, and I have great sympathy for them.  But medical science tells us very plainly that failing to confront mental illness is to accede to the patient’s delusions.   

ESPN rushed to the front of the politically correct mob to give Bruce Jenner something it called “The Courage Award.”  Bruce Jenner is not courageous.  Bruce Jenner is mentally ill, and the best thing we can do for him is NOT to let him or countless deviants shower naked with my daughter in public facilities.  It is to get him the help he needs.

And the first pervert who follows my daughter into the toilet won’t need surgery. 

We have a Congress full of political eunuchs, led by eunuchs.  I’m doing my part to change that, but time is short.  Do your part to help.  Help fund the effort.
Folks, I’m the real deal.  I’ve been endorsed by everybody who matters.  Sean Hannity.  Mark Levin.  Dr. James Dobson.  Gun Owners of America.  Operation Rescue.  Tea Party Forward.  Citizens United.  Citizens for the Republic.  Numerous anti-amnesty groups, and on and on. 

You think they’re just all stupid and I have them fooled?  I’m solid.  Help send me to Congress so I can poke a stick in the eye of the liberals every single day for two glorious years.

Or just let our values slip away quietly into that long, dark night.

In Liberty,

Kay Daly 

P.S.  I hate to be blunt, but NOBODY gets a pass.  If you’re not running for Congress, you gotta step up and help those who are.  It’s that simple.  If you don’t, I will lose, but at least one of us will have done his part.

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