I can't do it alone. I'm reaching out to raise capital to help launch our Phase 1 brewing facility and tap room. I cannot ignore the amount of emails I get from friends leaving active duty, looking for work. If I launch this brewery to production now, then by this time next year I can have over 100 veterans employed. Behold the power of beer!

We now own a phase 1 pilot brewing system that will get us to roughly to 500 barrels of production in the first year. More importantly it will help us craft our recipes in small batches. However, in order to start brewing we need a bigger building and staff. Without the Phase 1 system up and running we can't apply for our brewers licenses.
That's why we are here and need you. We have enough capital to get the space we need and start production. After that we are in limbo and we would hate to see the 15-20 vets that initially come to work for us go back to the unemployment lines.
The capital we raise here will cover the gap between start up taking our first beer, HONOR, to kegs and store shelves, giving us a lifeline to keep production and jobs going as the beer takes off.
Our perks for this project are designed around a unique and one-of-a-kind beer club called the WARFIGHTERS CLUB. The club is broken down into 6 levels. Each level is achieved by accumulating AMMO points. Points are equivilant to $1=1 Point of AMMO, though each week we will release new challenges to acomplish that will generate FREE AMMO or monthly trivia nights at our Tap Room where you can earn AMMO without spending money, as well as special events like our XBOX 360 Black Ops 2 tournament days, and "longest drive" challenge at our indoor golf simulator at the Tap Rooom when it opens next year.
It all boils down to reaching the COVETED TIER 1, where you will be presented a handmade challenge coin at our annual charity gala where we give back a percentage of beer sales to vetersn charities. From that night forward, your name will be lit up when you come to the tap room and the tap manager will call "attention on deck" as he pours you your free pint!

I'm not stopping at just one tap room. My goal is to create a WARFIGHTER BREW CO franchise that can be placed in every city or town that wants one. I want any veteran to be able to come into our front door at any location and get a job working alongside fellow vets, to be able to share his or her stories with the great Americans that come there to have great American craft beer.
My name is Jon Barton, former US MARINE combat infantryman. For the last 7 years I've worked in HOLLYWOOD as a combat consultant and weapons trainer for celebrities and action movies, but before that, I was unemployed and miserable after leaving the corps. In 2011 I realized veteran unemployment wasn't going to fix itself, and the company I had started was only able to employ vets in Hollywood, so I devised a unique business model to help fight it: WARFIGHTER BREWING COMPANYI can't do it alone. I'm reaching out to raise capital to help launch our Phase 1 brewing facility and tap room. I cannot ignore the amount of emails I get from friends leaving active duty, looking for work. If I launch this brewery to production now, then by this time next year I can have over 100 veterans employed. Behold the power of beer!

Every dollar contributed here will
directly go to creating jobs for vets. PERIOD. My goal is to show
America that with a little creative thinking, every company in America
could do what I'm doing.
One way or another I'm moving this business forward with every dollar I have to my name. I'm only one guy, but I'm willing to risk everything to help my brothers and sisters because as a vet, WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND! Stand with me and I bet we can change the world.
One way or another I'm moving this business forward with every dollar I have to my name. I'm only one guy, but I'm willing to risk everything to help my brothers and sisters because as a vet, WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND! Stand with me and I bet we can change the world.
What We Need & What You Get
Needless to say, I'm not an expert brewer, and am jumping into a brand new business. Banks don't want to loan us the full amount of money we need to complete our phase one goals. We need to reach $250,000 in year one to open successfully. Over the last year and a half we've been working on logos, trademarks, Facebook outreach, creating videos, crafting alliances, and getting legal. Now it's time to put up or shut up and make beer.
We now own a phase 1 pilot brewing system that will get us to roughly to 500 barrels of production in the first year. More importantly it will help us craft our recipes in small batches. However, in order to start brewing we need a bigger building and staff. Without the Phase 1 system up and running we can't apply for our brewers licenses.
That's why we are here and need you. We have enough capital to get the space we need and start production. After that we are in limbo and we would hate to see the 15-20 vets that initially come to work for us go back to the unemployment lines.
The capital we raise here will cover the gap between start up taking our first beer, HONOR, to kegs and store shelves, giving us a lifeline to keep production and jobs going as the beer takes off.
Our perks for this project are designed around a unique and one-of-a-kind beer club called the WARFIGHTERS CLUB. The club is broken down into 6 levels. Each level is achieved by accumulating AMMO points. Points are equivilant to $1=1 Point of AMMO, though each week we will release new challenges to acomplish that will generate FREE AMMO or monthly trivia nights at our Tap Room where you can earn AMMO without spending money, as well as special events like our XBOX 360 Black Ops 2 tournament days, and "longest drive" challenge at our indoor golf simulator at the Tap Rooom when it opens next year.
It all boils down to reaching the COVETED TIER 1, where you will be presented a handmade challenge coin at our annual charity gala where we give back a percentage of beer sales to vetersn charities. From that night forward, your name will be lit up when you come to the tap room and the tap manager will call "attention on deck" as he pours you your free pint!

The Future of WARFIGHTER
Veteran unemployement is at an all time high and there will be no end to the contiunued climb unless we change our way of thinking. I am a veteran. I realized I could do more. Though I have already created hundreds of jobs for veterans through my work in film, televsion, video games, and commercials I knew there was more that could be done, so I created a business from that ground up that directly takes unemployment to war.I'm not stopping at just one tap room. My goal is to create a WARFIGHTER BREW CO franchise that can be placed in every city or town that wants one. I want any veteran to be able to come into our front door at any location and get a job working alongside fellow vets, to be able to share his or her stories with the great Americans that come there to have great American craft beer.
OK, So You Don't Drink Beer, or are not Financially Able to Help
There are a TON of things you can do!- Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER
- Watch our videos on YOUTUBE and tell us they are awesome
- Come to the Tap Room in San Bruno, home of my old unit, ECHO 2/23 and meet some cool vets.
- Tell all your friends about us
- Shake a vets hand on Veterans day
- Visit the federal cemetary on memorial day and lay a flower on the grave of a hero
- Send a care package to our brothers and sisters overseas
- Above all, be proud to be living in a free country and of the vets that defended it. So when you see a vet shake their hand, or better yet buy them a beer!
- Read More:
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