Alert: Demand Harry Reid and the Senate to bring S. 202 to a vote and pass the Federal Reserve Transparency Act! They must hand this ever-important bill to the President before the conclusion of the Lame-Duck session! Send Faxes Here.
Dear Conservative,
The 'fiscal cliff' debate is in swing, and the U.S. Congress is clamoring to find so-called solutions through coming to a bi-partisan "compromise" on financial matters. So far they are off to a terrible start: already we have seen the GOP establishment boot out fiscal conservatives from key committees, and we have also seen that the "no tax" Republicans want to raise taxes by the billions!
Sen. Rand Paul comments, stating: "One party proposes 800 billion in tax increases. In an effort to counter them and continue to be the "low tax, small government" party, the other party's leadership proposes....wait for it...800 billion in tax increases." He adds, "As my good friend Jim DeMint says, if you are speeding toward a cliff at 80mph, putting on the cruise control is not really a viable solution."
Senators Paul and DeMint are exactly right - such so-called "solutions" will not solve anything; they will only prolong the government's current, unsustainable path. What America needs to avoid long-term fiscal catastrophe is not more taxes and more spending - we need to strike the root of our economic troubles and quit "hacking at the branches," as the saying goes. In order to get our economy healthy, and at the same time reduce the over-grown central government, we must reign in the Federal Reserve Bank by a Federal Audit!
Take Action with Conservative Action Alerts and sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in the Lame-Duck Session! Demand the Upper House to END the Fed's total secrecy!
On June 25, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed Rep. Ron Paul's HR 459 to Audit the Federal Reserve 327 to 98! Now it's time for the U.S. Senate to act!
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would force our Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, to undergo a full audit and have the findings reported to Congress - the branch of government that is constitutionally responsible "to coin Money [and] regulate the Value thereof." (US Constitution, Art. I, Sec. VIII, Cl. IV).
But ... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has so far refused to bring the Federal Reserve Transparency Act up for a vote - he is the block to its progress! The strange thing is this: Reid had historically been in favor of auditing the Federal Reserve!
On January 23, 1995, Senator Reid stated on the Senate floor:
"For years, I have sponsored legislation that would call for an audit of the Federal Reserve System ... I offer [it] every year; every year the legislation gets nowhere." He continued, "I think it would be interesting to know about the Federal Reserve; I think we should audit the Federal Reserve. It's taxpayers' money that's being used there, but we don't do that. ... We don't talk about the Federal Reserve enough and the impact it has on our lives."
If that isn't evidence enough, Reid went as far as saying he is sorry that efforts by his fellow congressmen to audit the Central Bank go largely unnoticed!
Why the stark change, Mr. Reid?
Has Senator Reid got something to hide? Is he afraid that an Audit would reveal his name on the Fed's balance sheet? We don't know. But what we do know is that Mr. Reid needs to heed the voice of the American People and Support S. 202 - right now in the lame-duck session! Mr. Reid needs to stand with his former convictions, stick to his word, and bring the legislation up for a vote! (If he did, there is a very high chance it would pass, considering the overwhelming bipartisan support of its companion bill in the House.)
Now is the time to push for Federal Reserve transparency - support for an audit has never been higher!
Take Action with Conservative Action Alerts and sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in the Lame-Duck Session! Demand the Upper House to END the Fed's total secrecy!
The Federal Reserve Bank is a Money Monopoly:
The Congress created the Fed, America's third central bank, in December of 1913 - upon the passage of the Federal Reserve Act the Congress had formally delegated their constitutional monetary responsibilities to an institution that is not a part of government at all - the Federal Reserve operates independently of the US Government, yet it enjoys full government protection: Protection enough to establish the Federal Reserve Note - the dollar - as the only legal tender in this country.
The Federal Reserve was created, so it was said, to end depressions (or "panics") and secure the value of the dollar, yet we all know that the exact opposite has been the reality ever since the institution was born. Under the Federal Reserve System the following have transpired: the 1920-21 panic; the Great Depression (which lasted, according to the stock market's performance, until 1948); the Stagflation and Depression in the late 1970s through the mid-eighties; the dot-com boom and bust; the housing-bubble and bust; and the current economic "recession".
This is to say that the 20th Century, the Century of the Fed, has had more economic trouble than the century that preceded it ... and this was after the Fed was formed. Panics have been a fact of our history, but since the creation of the Federal Reserve they have been more frequent and more prolonged. What's worse is that even though we have nearly one-hundred years of evidence that the Central Bank has failed to achieve the very goals it was built upon, the American people have yet to demand that the Fed be challenged -- forcing the Federal Government to investigate and confront the institution.
As the Fed's economic troubles still persist in these early stages of the 21st century, it is time for a government to investigation of the Federal Reserve! Right now we must demand Majority Leader Harry Reid and the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act!
The House passed HR 459 to Audit the Fed 327 to 98 on June 25, 2012 - the Senate must follow suit and PASS this extremely important bill - one bill that must pass in the Lame-Duck!
Take Action with Conservative Action Alerts and sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in the Lame-Duck Session! Demand the Upper House to END the Fed's total secrecy!
What the Fed has done to the Dollar and the Economy:
Under the Federal Reserve our dollar has lost 98% of its original value through inflationism, which has most recently euphemized as the "monetary tool" called Quantitative Easing. Through the destruction of the value of the only legal tender - the Federal Reserve Note - we are seeing the distortion and destruction of the economy. The middle class is shrinking in proportion to both the rich and, most notably, the poor class' growth. A strong medium of exchange, or money, is a requirement for a healthy economy. The Federal Reserve's destruction of the currency and economic meddling is the root of our troubles - easing, interest rates by fiat, bailout facilitation, etc.
What's as devastating as the Federal Reserve's calculated recklessness is that they are never challenged in any significant way by the U.S. Government; they have the privilege of operating in total secrecy, protected from the public. The Central Bank has never to this day had an audit; and, save the members of the Fed themselves, no one knows the Bank's workings.
In his 1994 book The Case Against the Fed, the late free-market economist and historian Murray Rothbard writes:
"It is little known that there is a federal agency that tops the others in secrecy by a country mile. The Federal Reserve System is accountable to no one; it has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations. The Federal Reserve, virtually in total control of the nation's vital monetary system, is accountable to nobody - and this strange situation, if acknowledged at all, in invariably trumpeted as a virtue."
What an outrage! It's time we find out what the Fed has been doing behind their closed doors; It's time we find out what the government has been doing to and with our money; It's time for the Senate to pass S. 202 to audit the Federal Reserve Bank!
Take Action with Conservative Action Alerts and sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in the Lame-Duck Session! Demand the Upper House to END the Fed's total secrecy!
As a final note, let's consider the words of the Texas Congressman, who brought the topic of the Federal Reserve to the Table of National Politics - Ron Paul states,
"Among all the arguments that can be used to reject the Federal Reserve, the moral argument alone should suffice. It's cheating. It's a tax. It's counterfeiting. It benefits the few at the expense of the many. It breaks the rule of contracts. It causes suffering and punishes the innocent. It enables world wars and vast payoffs to the powerful. That should be enough for all Americans to call for the end of this ninety-[nine]-year-old failed scheme." (End the Fed, Grand Central Publishing: 2008)
Before the Fed turns one-hundred, let's make sure it gets audited by government! America's future depends on it.
Sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in the Lame-Duck Session!
For America,
Conservative Action Alerts
Take Action with Conservative Action Alerts and sign and send your Faxes to Harry Reid and the Senate - demand the U.S. Senate to pass S. 202 to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK before the next Congress! The Upper House must push to END the Fed's total secrecy!
Please share this effort on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.; forward it to your friends; and, print it to share publicly.
*Also, please send your petition to your U.S. Representative and Senators on this effort. Demand we END all foreign aid to non-allies, RE-EVALUATE foreign aid to allies, and PROHIBIT Egypt-Libya foreign aid, until they cooperate with the United States.
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