
Friday, April 19, 2013

“Common Core” The Marxist Brainwashing Of America’s Schoolchildren

Karl Marx SC “Common Core” the Marxist brainwashing of America’s schoolchildren

Vlad the Impaler must be dancing in his grave as the beast known as the Federal Education Department makes the United States into Transylvania West by turning our public school system into its own, blood-sucking, Communist training camp! Orwellian standards, end runs around local school boards, and ruination of states’ rights are all part of the Obama administration’s dangerous Common Core initiative to strip our land of freedom.  Dr. Alison Rampersad, a Co-Chair of Eye on U.S. Education, gave a Florida workshop a frightening heads up on what really is in Common Core, slated to be a done deal within this year.  And what is most frightening is that teachers, parents, educators, and legislators themselves don’t know what they are getting our children into.
Three huge stoppers Common Core is throwing up in front of our school children in this K-12 disaster include: 1. Dumbing down of all levels of America’s public school system;  2.  Taking away the rights of states to individually design, administer, and control their own schools;  3. Setting up a 400 point “Data Mining” paradigm that will encode for the federal government a tracking system for each child.  Such data will include parental income, babysitters, bus stops, and even political affiliations of Democrat or Republican/family voting patterns!

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