
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The time has come for conservative states to start secession proceedings

Declaration of Independense
It is time for the Red States of America to pull out of this immoral union with the Blue States of America...Time to form a New Union of States who adhere to the founders Constitution and Bill of Rights as written, which is under constant attack by the Marxist Progressive Party of the Obama administration... and the failure of our elected officials and The U.S. Supreme Court to uphold our Constitution and Bill of Rights of which they swore a oath to do so!

Texas should lead the way and bond with all Red States to form a moral union and withdraw with prejudice...allowing those Blue States to continue down their sinful and destructive path on their own! It is up to a moral people to choose the path they want to take... we  as a people  are under no obligation whatsoever to stay within a immoral and destructive union of perverted is written within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for states to stay within the union or the right to secede from such union.

What people do not understand is that President Lincoln suspended the US Constitution when he declared war on the Southern States in secession proceedings from the Union, which was within their rights to do so.. Regardless of  how you may feel about the reasons leading up to and the cause of the US Civil War, the fact remains that states do have the right to withdraw from the union, if the citizens of those states choose to do so  

Enough is Enough folks time to act and take our country back as envisioned by our founders!

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