
Saturday, July 12, 2014

DHS,CPD,NYPD Irish Cop Syndrome...?

irish cop 3.17.14
[Irish Cop Bruisers]
Francis O'Neill: The Police Chief Who Saved Irish Music
[Francis O'Neill: The Police Chief Who Saved Irish Music?] 

When the GW Bush administration started the DHS I spoke out against was a bad idea then and now even worse under the lawless Obama Administration...had the DHS stayed as it was intended/sold by the GW Bush Administration all would be fine...a clearing house for all Law Enforcement agencies to share information. However as we all know from history when the government initiates a program it always expands way beyond it's intentional mandate and morphs into a nightmare!
What congress needs to do at this point is defund,disband and abolish the DHS or at least severely reduce their budget and mandate them to a hub for Law Enforcement sharing of information as intended! Not a mega law enforcement agency...when this happens all checks and balances disappear and corruption/ abuse sets in...Just a fact Jack! all began when NYC and Chicago PD started hiring The 'Irish Cop Syndrome' at the turn of the 20th century when the two cities were under control of organized Crime syndicates [still appear to be]..they hired big bruisers to be able to beat up all opposition [This is not saying all Irish Cops were corrupt some good ones slipped thru the cracks]......then it morphed over the years... this movie summed it up 1970's fwd  Just food for thought:

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