by John Myers
President Barack Obama’s Communist, Kenyan father was a product of hundreds of tribal generations. Loyalty to the senior Obama was demonstrated by a comprehensive knowledge that personal allegiances went to:
- Self.
- Family.
- Tribe.
- Nation.
It is this perversion of the political system that has shaded the difference between Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. It is so drastically different from the mores of most of the worlds’ people. It’s similar to Josef Stalin, in that Obama could either crush the fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or he could nurture their effort.
In the June 30 edition of TIME, Michael Crowley wrote:
"President Obama has kept a wary distance from Syria’s civil war and the turmoil of postwar Iraq. But now that the two have become one rapidly metastasizing cancer, that may no longer be possible.As long as the global economy still runs on Middle Eastern oil, Sunni radicals plot terrorist attacks against the West and Iran’s leaders pursue nuclear technology, the U.S. cannot turn its back."What sickens me about Obama is that the crux of this crisis in the Mideast is tribalism, the most basic element of which is prejudice.
With Obama it is always the case on how he will instruct Americans to act or even think when it comes to prejudice. But when it comes to the world, he will exploit human prejudices in any way he can, which should not as of yet rule out future political power for himself.
In that same issue of TIME, the magazine addressed the greatest racism in the world, which thrives on Islamic lands.
"The Westerners who have sought to control the Middle East for more than a century have always struggled to understand the religion that defines the region. But how could the secular West hope to understand cultures in which religion is government, scripture is law and the past defines the future? Islam has been divided between Sunni and Shiite since the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 and a bitter dispute that followed over who should lead Islam. (Sunnis called for an elected Caliph. Shiites followed Muhammad’s descendants.) Over the centuries, the two sects have developed distinct cultural, geographic and political identities that go well beyond the theological origins of that schism. Today Sunnis make up about 90 percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. But Shiites have disproportionate power, with their control of Iran and their concentration around oil-rich areas."
Iraq was the exception for Sunnis and oil power, at least before President George W. Bush’s invasion more than a decade ago. With Shiites holding most of Iraq’s oil wells, Obama was safe to withdraw U.S. power from Iraq. Obama’s vision of “Mission Accomplished” and Bush’s image were vastly different. This is highlighted by the Pentagon’s belief that the United States could easily lock down the peace in Iraq by keeping 20,000 U.S. ground troops in secured areas. Eventually, Obama settled on just more than 3,000 U.S. troops deployed in Iraq.
The cost of the war in Iraq did not matter to Obama, which is shocking in that the U.S. spent $1 trillion prosecuting it at the cost of 4,500 U.S. troops killed and more than 32,000 wounded. Obama welcomed home the troops at Fort Bragg and outright lied to them, speaking in the poetic language of a pro-imperialist like Rudyard Kipling.
Obama’s lies were all the more deafening because the people who know him are convinced that he is an anti-imperialist. Yet Obama said, “[W]e’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people.”
Obama’s words had barely been uttered when a series of suicide attacks occurred, which have escalated into Iraq’s bloody civil war. But all that matters to Obama is that the Shiites control the enormous oil wealth and much of the Mideast.
That hydrocarbons are dirty in the first place applies to only non-Arabic oil.
Those who find fault with Bush do so based on what they consider his naiveté or his outright stupidity regarding Iraq. The man who proclaimed himself the peace President, Obama, has done more to jeopardize foreign security than any President in the union’s history — to a large degree because of Iraq.
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