
Monday, July 7, 2014

Attn: FB,Twitter,Google,Yahoo,Micro Soft,MSM et al...

As Fotos que Vazaram, do Mark Zuckerberg do FB...

Do you really think you have control of the internet...that you can control the outcome? News flash VP Al Gore claimed this also...look where the lard ass is now...getting his get it on in massage parlors/fat and sassy without a clue of what is about to come...hoping no one will notice his fraud akin to Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name is!
Y'all have made it a career of making millions/billions by lying,cheating stealing others ideas, even pushing your friends (?) under the bus after raping them of their just rewards...yes Mark Zuckerberg/GOOGLE/Yahoo/MSM/MicroSoft et al this was directed right at you.and son are a fraud and so full of yourself that you have no idea of what is coming down the are nothing but a worm who sold his soul for fame and fortune as has MSM /Politicians et al...News Flash Obama will not be able to save your sorry asses when judgement day comes...!

We the people have had it with you and your LGBTQA  Nazi Islamist movement...enjoy your 15  minutes of fame and fortune...worms have always been a problemo dating back to the beginning of by no means are exempt... 

Get the picture morons? put another proverbial shrimp on the BBQ...thats all ya gots a commercial that is about to expire!

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