[Hello FBI uuuh sorry ya don't work for the 'Umbrella Corporation' known as the 'Obama Hive' you work for 'we the people'...albeit it 'Resident Evil' was a entertaining movie series...get a clue already]
oped: What the hell is wrong with y'all FBI agents?..Hello the only racists in this country now are the reverse racists #Obama and #Holder! ...Did y'all even do a background investigation on these two poser clowns ? I am sure ya did but have been pushed into a corner by the DOJ under Eric the terrorist Obama pimp Holder...his background is as shady as Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama...or whatever the hell his real name is...and I know you know who and what he really is...my suggestion grow a pair of cajones' and investigate the real destruction of the US Constitution/Bill of Rights....if'n ya don't y'all are complicite with the Obama administration re: Sedition/Treason #PERIOD
Feds Investigate “Racist” Depiction Of Obama As A Zombie

Following complaints by the NAACP, the Department of Justice is investigating a parade float, labeled “racist” by the Nebraska Democratic Party, which featured President Obama depicted as a zombie.
The float, which featured in last week’s July 4th annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk, Nebraska, depicted a zombie stood outside a hut adorned with the words “Obama Presidential Library.”
The Nebraska Democratic Party responded by describing the float as among the “worst shows of racism and disrespect for the office of the presidency that Nebraska has ever seen.”
What makes the controversy even more ludicrous is that the creator of the float, a local farmer, said the zombie wasn’t even supposed to represent Obama, but instead was a depiction of a victim of the recent VA health care scandal.
After the NAACP complained about the float to the Department of Justice, the DOJ demanded a meeting with Mayor Fuchtman and city administrators before the two parties met with NAACP representatives and parade organizers, who “plan to reevaluate the policies for what is allowed in the parade,” according to KTVI.
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