oped: Play on Harry Reid's own words : Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ... combat the recent “Hobby Lobby” ruling from the Supreme Court. ... are not determine by virtue of five white men,” Reid ... [uuuh Harry that would be 4 white men and one black man]
Anywhoo let's turn this around on oh so witty Harry...'Re-writing the Constitution~Bill of Rights...are not determined by one skinny old white Mormon Elder in the Senate and one skinny Gay black President named Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name and country of origin is'
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that Democrats will take up legislation in the “coming weeks” to address last month’s Supreme Court decision that allowed some employers with religious objections to opt out of Obamacare’s contraception mandate.
Democrats on Capitol Hill have overwhelmingly criticized the high court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case and are working to craft a response that would restore the coverage, though no specifics have yet been outlined.
“We’re going to do something about the Hobby Lobby legislation,” Reid said on the Senate floor Monday as he ticked off the Senate’s to-do list over the next several weeks.
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