[Tijuana-based smuggling group $5,000 to get him across the border ...]
There has been a lot of talk about Central American kids in regard to our current border crisis. Though the children are certainly part of story, they are far from being the entire story.
There have been lots of talking heads recently spouting fears of terror attacks on U.S. soil. In fact, Dick Cheney recently predicted that future attacks may be worse than 9/11. Kim Paxton reports:

[Muslim Terrorists are Paying $50,000 to Sneak Across U.S. Southern ...]
Now, the terribly unsavory former Vice President and convicted war criminal DICK Cheney has added his voice to the chorus of impending doom."I think there will be another attack. And the next time, I think it's going to be far deadlier than the last one. Imagine what would happen if somebody could smuggle a nuclear device, put it in a shipping container, and drive it down the beltway outside Washington, D.C."
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday predicted there would be an attack on the United States within the next decade that is "far deadlier" than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
"I doubt it," Cheney told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, when asked if he thinks the U.S. would "get through this decade" without another "massive attack on the homeland."
[Muslim Terrorists are Paying $50,000 to Sneak Across U.S. Southern ...]
Ironically, there are now two stories floating around of stolen nuclear devices or materials in the news. One theft was in Mexico and the other has just been reported in Iraq.
Do you ever get the impression that the news, whether true or not, follows a certain pre-set script?
Now to add fuel to the fire, Greg Corombos is reporting that people are paying as much as $50,000 to cross the southern border and that they are typically from the Middle East or China:

[... Criminal Gangs and Al Qaeda are also merging along the Mexican Border]
Do you ever get the impression that the news, whether true or not, follows a certain pre-set script?
Now to add fuel to the fire, Greg Corombos is reporting that people are paying as much as $50,000 to cross the southern border and that they are typically from the Middle East or China:
[... Criminal Gangs and Al Qaeda are also merging along the Mexican Border]
A filmmaker with extensive
knowledge of the current border crisis says this chaos is exactly what
President Obama wants and planned for, and he says the current media
fixation on abandoned children means criminals, drug smugglers and
terrorists are coming to the United States without even being noticed.
Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced "They Come to America" and "They Come to America II" and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of the U.S.-Mexico border. He said there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch said while the media focus on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country.
"I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China," said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed Sept. 11.
Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced "They Come to America" and "They Come to America II" and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of the U.S.-Mexico border. He said there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch said while the media focus on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country.
"I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China," said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed Sept. 11.
"You will absolutely see terror attacks.
They may not come in the form of airplanes crashing into buildings, but
they're going to come in different ways: water treatment plants,
electrical grids. You name it, it is there for the possibility of
taking," he said.
There is no guarantee that these
"Middle Eastern" people are terrorists or that they are even Islamic,
but when you keep other recent reports in mind you might certainly begin
to wonder. $50,000 is a lot of cash to simply sneak into a country that
the Arab world generally despises.
My opinion is that some of these people have to be entering with bad
intent. There are a lot of more peaceful places to land that won't cost
you $50,000. And the fact that they are paying seems to project a sense
of urgency. If you didn't have to get across right away you might try
your luck at catching the train a few times and see if you could get in
for free.
Think back to that 2010 report when savvy journalists were able to shed light on the lesser talked about problems at the southern border. Terrorist tied individuals have now been pouring into the U.S. for years and our government has done little or nothing to stop it.
Think back to that 2010 report when savvy journalists were able to shed light on the lesser talked about problems at the southern border. Terrorist tied individuals have now been pouring into the U.S. for years and our government has done little or nothing to stop it.
Muslim Terrorists Crossing US/Mexican Border
See Video:
It is unclear when this follow up piece was published, but the YouTube version we are using was released in February of this year.
What do you think?
I may be crazy, but when you look at certain pieces, and how easily they seem to fit together, it would seem that we are being set up for something very horrible that will happen on U.S. soil.
Would it surprise you in the least?
After all we do have a Muslim-loving, terrorist-tied President named Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/07/muslim-terrorists-are-paying-50000-to-sneak-across-us-southern-border/#s8dPSLHdTuXsCdpZ.99
I may be crazy, but when you look at certain pieces, and how easily they seem to fit together, it would seem that we are being set up for something very horrible that will happen on U.S. soil.
Would it surprise you in the least?
After all we do have a Muslim-loving, terrorist-tied President named Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/07/muslim-terrorists-are-paying-50000-to-sneak-across-us-southern-border/#s8dPSLHdTuXsCdpZ.99
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