Congressman Trent Franks from Arizona, the Co-Chair of the Israel Allies Caucus, issued a stinging one minute speech Friday on the House floor, powerfully rebuking Obama’s feckless response to rocket attacks launched against Israel by “evil” terrorist group Hamas.
“Last month Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas openly united with the evil terrorist group Hamas. And at this very moment, they are raining down rockets upon the innocent citizens of Israel,” said Rep. Franks, a Republican said in a passionate and forceful tone.
“Half of all Israelis have sought cover in bomb shelters across their tiny country,” the Republican congressman said. And the Obama administration has had the reprehensible gall to praise Abbas as someone who is, quote, ‘committed to non-violence and cooperation with Israel,’” Franks angrily explained, while quoting Obama as saying, “Finally peace is possible.”
Rep. Franks went on to accuse Obama of conducting a “flushed and breathless rush to embrace terrorists,” and an “unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal” towards Israel, the only democracy and strongest American ally in the Middle East.
“I thought that nothing this president could ever say or do would surprise me anymore. But this president is flushed and breathless rush to embrace terrorists launching rockets at Israeli children is an unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal.”
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