By what authority did President Obama decide to exempt members of Congress and their staffs from a provision of Obamacare that would deny them their federal subsidy and and make them buy insurance on the exchanges like everyone else?
Obama, as has been widely reported, promised Congress the other day that he would personally see to it that the federal benefit, which pays 75 percent of premiums, would be preserved even after Congress is forced onto the exchanges.
Lawmakers were complaining of a potential “brain drain” as high quality staffers left Capitol Hill instead of ponying up thousands more for health insurance.
Let’s be clear. Other brains would certainly have replaced the parting brains on Capitol Hill. It’s a cool job – makin’ laws for the rest of us – that others would have done before cashing in their padded resumes and scoring tons of dough in the private sector. The problem wasn’t a brain drain. The problem was a money drain.
And so, lo and behold, the administration’s Office of Personnel Management has dutifully determined that Congress will keep its taxpayer-funded health care gift.
Read More: http://www.whitehousedossier.com/
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