
Tuesday, August 6, 2013


by Robert Anderson
Analyst's note:  Absolutely must hear and carefully consider in light of what is now coming out regarding the murder of SEAL Team VI and now Benghazi.  The mainstream-media has released yet another bombshell in the ongoing Benghazi scandal, and it is sure to shock those who haven’t been paying attention. Prepare for a window into the “transparent” Obama administration. Under Obama we learn of a stunning "transparent" phrase and the ultimate warning to our Special Operations Forces to keep quiet regarding what they are forced to participate in or otherwise see --  "You don't just jeopardize yourself, you also jeopardize your family as well."
Note that CNN thinks they are a source of original news regarding the threats of murder from the Obama administration.  See why CNN is NOT the first to let the American public know about this.  It is clear from all that I am seeing and hearing that our American military in the know about such things have had enough.  In fact, some are suggesting clearly that the Commander-in-Chief seems to loath his troops.

Others have come to understand that Valerie Jarrett, is actually Commander in Chief.
And such a report is entirely believable, given that Jarrett nixed the raid on Bin Laden three separate times.
[....] The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President's Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

And this is a “phony” scandal?
This report would certainly explain the serial lies, cover-ups, and obfuscation by this administration.

Could someone find out what bar John Boehner is in and buy him shots of Glenfiddich until he agrees to name a Select Investigative Committee on Benghazi?
Commander-in-Chief Seems to Loathe His Troops

If you talk, we will not only kill you, we will also kill your family!  Do you understand? 

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