
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"AUGUST 5, 2013: Obama's callus rape and slaughter of our great United States Constitution continues undaunted--

Freedom Barbie

via: Freedom Barbie Freedom Barbie
Imagine this: a Diary is dug up in the ruins of a Southern woman's root cellar in 2023... it has scorched edges, a tattered and torn cross-stitch binding, and half the pages are missing. The text is hand-written--in hideous Bic-pen-blue--and the font predates the ObamaFutura XBlkCnBT National Standard Font adopted worldwide in 2020...

"AUGUST 5, 2013: Obama's callus rape and slaughter of our great United States Constitution continues undaunted-- unreported by mainstream media, uninterrupted by a bought-and-paid-for Congress. The bastard's offenses are now occurring daily. And WHO will step forward with backbone to demand, after all he has done to destroy this country, that there IS just cause for Impeachment proceedings to begin?

"I shared this REPOST FROM Herman Cain on Facebook today: 'Obama has basically declared himself above the law. Read this! The MSM won't call him out on this so we have to.'

"'Yes, Obama really is giving Congress an ObamaCare exemption,' says Dan Calabrese, 'and it's another case of abusing executive authority to deal with a horrible law.' 
"And here's a REPOST FROM Repeal It Now: 'Lawless double-standard: The President has stepped in to give Members of Congress and their staffs a sweetheart deal on ObamaCare. Thanks to Senator Grassley's amendment, Congress (except leadership) must live under ObamaCare like the rest of us. But Democrats and some Republicans, too, complained about the cost. Obama stepped in last week to produce an entirely illegal arrangement for politicians and their staffs. 75% of the cost will now be provided to Congress in either illegal subsidies or higher pay. No citizen with a $175,000 salary will get such subsidies but they will. First unions, then Big Businesses and now Congress all get special treatment. Our waiver? Defund the whole thing.'

"I post something every day to try and get people's attention but, it's like everyone's too busy or Obama's lawlessness doesn't effect THEM (YET!), or they reply, 'You are just one of those 'We the People' Tea Party types with too much time on your hands.'

"I'll go to King tomorrow for the NATIONWIDE 'OVERPASSES FOR OBAMA'S IMPEACHMENT' rally and just pray SOMEONE in Congress will finally notice and act upon it! IF it's not already to late..." 

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