The Obama-manufactured "fiscal cliff" disaster was a ploy to feed the Left's unquenchable thirst for more of your hard-earned money. As American are receiving their first 2013 pay stubs, they're seeing how bad this "fiscal cliff" deal is hurting their bottom line.
INVOICE JOHN BOEHNER TODAY! Using Grassfire Nation's exclusive platform, grassroots citizens by the tens of thousands can now schedule a personalized INVOICE for the amount the compromise is costing you, and Grassfire will hand-deliver it to the House Speaker, at no cost to you!
But don't stop there! Boehner had more than 120 accomplices in the House and Senate who helped pave the way for President Obama to rob the middle class. For a small contribution, Grassfire will hand-deliver your INVOICE to your two Senators, Representative and others who supported the "fiscal cliff" deal.
To ensure your personal INVOICE is included in this historic delivery, simply follow the steps below (Remember, your INVOICE will be hand-delivered to John Boehner at no cost to you). First, choose one of the four impact options. Second, select your income range from the pull-down menu, and Grassfire will auto-fill your INVOICE with your estimated tax increase amount. OR, after calculating two percent of your gross income, you can enter the amount of your tax increase in the box provided. Next, consider customizing the message on your personal INVOICE. Finally, complete your personal information, if needed, and then click the "SUBMIT" button. Grassfire will hold your invoice until our massive INVOICE delivery to John Boehner and other members of Congress the first week of February.
See INVOICE targets and contact information.
To ensure your personal INVOICE is included in this historic delivery, simply follow the steps below (Remember, your INVOICE will be hand-delivered to John Boehner at no cost to you). First, choose one of the four impact options. Second, select your income range from the pull-down menu, and Grassfire will auto-fill your INVOICE with your estimated tax increase amount. OR, after calculating two percent of your gross income, you can enter the amount of your tax increase in the box provided. Next, consider customizing the message on your personal INVOICE. Finally, complete your personal information, if needed, and then click the "SUBMIT" button. Grassfire will hold your invoice until our massive INVOICE delivery to John Boehner and other members of Congress the first week of February.
Grassfire will not use or store the personal income information you provide on this form.
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