The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution
and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and
Written by Lawrence Sellin
The thoroughly irresponsible rate of government spending projected
over the next twenty-five years will drive federal debt to unsustainable
levels. The country is heading for a financial meltdown and economic
The Republican Party is inept and impotent and cannot provide the
necessary political opposition to the crimes and unconstitutional
policies of the Obama regime or stand against the rampant voter fraud
which is now polluting the electoral process. There is a report claiming
that the Republican Party signed a legal agreement with the Democrat
Party in 1982 not to pursue suspected vote fraud. If there is no
guarantee of election integrity, then elections become only window
dressing for tyranny.
Barack Obama is an illegal President and unindicted felon. Congress,
the American media and the courts are engaged in a criminal conspiracy
to conceal their complicity in perpetrating the Obama fraud on the
American people. Law enforcement and our elected officials have chosen
to risk the survival of the country rather than risk the truth.
According to recent reports, Obama continues to use a Social Security
Number (SSN) not issued to him, in the process, committing numerous
counts of social security fraud. The SSN Obama uses, issued in
Connecticut, a state where he never lived, does not pass a check with
E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations
Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to
verify whether or not prospective employees have the required
authorization to work legally in the United States. It appears that the
SSN Obama uses, was actually issued to a Harrison J. Bounel, born in
1890. Once issued, a SSN is never reissued to another individual. Why
isn’t any of that evidence investigated? It is because Barack Obama is
protected by a dishonest media and criminally complicit federal
officials and, unlike ordinary Americans, he is above the law.
The US no longer has representative government. Members of Congress
seek election not to uphold the Constitution and serve the American
people, but to obtain power and to use that power to accrue professional
and financial benefits for themselves and their major supporters. All
the traditional means for the American people to seek the redress of
grievances have now been blocked by a corrupt government composed of a
self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the American
The status quo is no longer defensible. Unless there is a significant
reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be
upon us, which will inevitably lead to national collapse and
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